It seems like I just finished my "On the Road" update and boom, here we are! Another week has flown by...

ON THE ROAD definitely describes our lives!  Since 1965, Larry and I  have been on the road for over 300 days a year, living in a motor coach with our three children. We can say like that old song goes….the highway is our home!

*you can place the mouse over the pictures to see the captions....

Wednesday, April 13, 2005


Kara Glover, Dr. Tharpe's assistant, helps me every day during my laser therapy.It seems like I just finished my "On the Road" update and boom, here we are!  Another week has flown by.  For someone like me who cannot walk, it has definitely been an action-packed week getting back and forth to the Tharpe Wellness Center for laser treatments and several forms of therapy to help with the pain.  When I was in the hospital six weeks ago, the doctor said, "a few days or weeks down the road, injuries from the fall that you didn't realize you incurred will likely surface."  Sad to say, he was right.  My entire right side took more of a blow from the impact of the accident than I'd first thought.  I'm still struggling with extreme pain in my right arm and hand, where Larry landed on me.  I guess it goes without saying that 250 pounds would definitely leave a dent-ha!  I do know that day by day, week by week, especially with all the prayers that are going up, I will get better.


I'm encouraged by the healing progress that is taking place in the wounded area.  I feel confident that the laser therapy is helping to bring blood to the surface and prayerfully that it will help grow the skin and fill in the "lack of flesh" left by the injury.  So far, thank the Lord, it looks like I am free from infection! 


Each day, I'm instructed to take off the "monster boot" and remove the soft cast.  I then bandage and redress the wound.  I do that, of course, when no one else is around.  My daughter LaDawn asked, "Mom, how does it look?"  To which I replied, "To someone else, it would look extremely gross, but to me, I see healing taking place and I see my toes wiggle--and I'm thrilled."  The pain in that leg is getting somewhat better, thank God! 


Larry is also taking some therapy and adjustments for his "aftermath Larry is getting some adjustments and therapy at the Tharpe Wellness Center.owies" that have showed up.  Truly, he needs all the adjustments he can get, after "huffing" me out of my bed, into the wheelchair, into the car, into the doctor's office, back into the car, back into the wheelchair, up to the house, through the house, and back into my bed.  The good thing is that Larry doesn't have to go to a gym to work out--he gets the entire workout by helping me!!  For him it's free, and it is an all-inclusive exercise program.  Bless his heart, he has been so sweet.

 I've been blessed and encouraged by the stacks of letters and cards you have sent to me!

This past week, I have been reading and re-reading the piles of notes, letters, and cards I've received.  I can't express to you how encouraging that has been.  When I get a bit discouraged in my head, I re-read the letters and scriptures, and it is truly a "blood transfusion" to my heart, soul, and body.  Probably four out of five letters from our precious friends have shared some of the traumas, accidents, health problems, and losses they've encountered.  Almost every letter said, "Gloria, God saw us through-and we know He will see you through, too.  It's going to take a long time, but be patient."  These bits and pieces of encouragement have been so precious to me-thank you, thank you, thank you!  As I've read the letters, I've cried, prayed for those who are hurting, rejoiced with those who had answers to prayer, and even laughed.  Yes, I laughed at some of the emails and stories our friends and partners have sent in!  I've just got to share this "Believe-it-or-not" letter I got yesterday from our partners Julee and Mel Adams: "Sorry to hear about your accident.  I now work on a rehab unit at our hospital, so I hear of all kinds of accidents.  One lady drove into the doctor's building and broke both legs.  Another fell off the treadmill and broke both shoulders!  My mother-in-law fell on black ice and broke her upper arm.  My Mom didn't fall, but was in rehab to get stronger after her pneumonia."  Isn't it great to be able to laugh, even in the midst the trials in our lives?  At the end of this update, you will be able to read portions of a few of the letters I have received. 


Larry is getting ready to leave tomorrow, for a rally that will take place in Memphis, Tennessee.  I was hoping by this time that I would be able to go with him and at least sit in the front row to "cheer him on," but the vibration of traveling just to the doctor's office and back sets off extreme pain.  Unfortunately, this 200 mile trip just isn't feasible for me--I will stay home and pray for him instead.  I sure will miss my buddy and my bodyguard.  I did, however, ask Larry to watch for any Elvis sightings while in Memphis-ha! 


Well, it was nice chatting with you again.  I will connect with you again next Thursday, after I meet with Dr. Motz, my orthopedic doctor.  I am, again, believing for a great report!  Thank you again for all your prayers and love. 


Until next time,We want to say a special thanks for Todd and Rachelle Sorenson and sweet family for supplying us with a wheelchair while we are in Nashville.





"Sorry to hear about your accident-we hope you're recovering real fast.  We know Larry really loves you, but he really fell for you this time-ha!"

-B & L Hanson, Newfolden MN


"I cried when I read the letter of your accident.  You are in my prayers daily.  I love you guys so much.  I'm sure this seems like a major "bump in the road," but praise the Lord; we know God has it all under control." 

--Kristy Bassett, Exeter CA


"I'm so sorry to hear about your accident.  You and Larry seem almost like family.  We are praying for you.  Please come back to Viroqua, WI!" 

--Verna Olson, Viroqua WI


"Sorry to hear of your accident.  I feel so badly for you and Larry that this happened.  You both are so special to me.  I love getting your newsletters, and I'll always remember hearing your wonderful messages, Gloria, at Billings, Montana a few years ago." 

--Lila Green, Circle MT


"I'm sorry this happened to you.  I know you and Larry trust the Good Lord in all things.  It can't be long now--we'll all be going home and we will get an "extreme makeover," a new body.  Won't that be great?" 

--Rita Smith, Bridgeport NE


"Sorry to hear about your tragic accident, especially at the hands of that big bruiser husband of yours--ha!  I know it's going to be a long, painful recovery, but there is some good-your husband will have to do all the cooking and cleaning.  We always remember you in our thoughts and prayers." 

--Russ & Bernice Kearns, Stevensville MT


"I'm so sorry to hear of your accident.  We pray that your leg will heal properly and that it will be as good as new.  At least you won't have to do dishes, clean, or cook-just smile!"

--Marian Mulder, Slayton MN


"Sorry about your accident.  I read the whole book-Satan loses!" 

--Ralph & Susie Bullock, Lawrence KS


"We've been praying for you, and our church is also praying for you.  Hope you are getting better!  The devil is just trying to stop your ministry, but he can't because our God is bigger.  God bless you." 

--Thelma Stanley, Worthington MN

"While we were praying for you, the Holy Spirit spoke to my spirit, that this is the way to a higher plateau and you will minister with greater power than you ever did.  God is always turning the evil satan does into something good!"
--Alma Bender, Aberdeen SD

"I am sure it is hard to see now, but quite often satan seems to overplay his hand and God uses it for His good!"
--Ray Ritthaler, Minneapolis MN

"It is a privilege to be lifting both of you and the ministry up in our prayers.  We first met all of you in the 1960's at a crusade in Hibbing, MN.  Some of our first beginnings go way back to the days at Sisseton over Labor Day when our children were small and we camped by a gas station one time.  How times have changed! 

We are so thankful and praise the Lord for your faithfulness.  Our prayers are with you!"
--Mel & Norma Haugen, Aurora MN

"You are a trooper!  Both you and Larry are in our prayers.  God's love does not keep us from trials but see us through them.  Also, to face life's changes, look to the unchanging God.  We love you and get well soon.  Thank you for your newsletters and I love your recipes!"
--Inez & John Turek, Phoenix AZ

Greetings from Nashville, Tennessee, better known as Music City, USA. I'd love to tell you I'm out enjoying the music or attending the infamous Grand 'Ol Opry...

April 6, 2005


Greetings from Nashville, Tennessee, better known as Music City, USA. 

 I'd love to tell you I'm out enjoying the music or attending the infamous Grand 'Ol Opry, but rather-I'm flat on my back, working on mail and office business.  In the background, Fox News is on the TV.  A lot has happened since last week; the war, the loss of our precious military men & women, earthquakes, Terri Shiavo's death, the death of Pope Paul II--and now they've just announced that Peter Jennings (the news commentator) has lung cancer.  Life is full of changes, and not all of them are good.  Pain, loss, sickness, and destruction are no respecters of persons.  I'm sure you've all experienced that.


I know our lives have been temporarily changed.  Little things have become big and important things.  Our active lifestyle of running here and there, doing this and that, and taking daily walks to help keep us strong, has come to a halt.  It's important that a person keep moving with fibromyalgia, so that the body doesn't lock up and cripple them.  Needless to say, to go from a very active ministry life to an extremely limited lifestyle is hard.  About the only place I go now is to the Wellness Center for laser therapy, muscle stimulation, ice packs for pain, and prayerfully, a quicker recovery. 


The good news is, my injured leg is experiencing a bit less pain, for which I am grateful.  Then-another setback!  My fibromyalgia blasted out in full force, attacking my good leg with excruciating pain and swelling, and also with extreme pain in both of my arms, shoulders, and hands.  It has taken away my ability to walk with my walker or crutches due to extreme pain and weakness.  So-I'm back to bed, flat on my back, and Larry has to lift me up to a wheelchair to go to therapy and anywhere else I need to go.  I've never had so many in-house "bed meals"-ha!  Through it all, Larry has been a gem.  I'm no light flower to lift!  He was lifting me from the wheelchair to the bed yesterday, and he said, "Do you have the locks on this chair?"  I said, "No, it's the not the chair, it's my Norwegian fat self!"  He chuckled, "Boy, you weigh more than when we got married."  I responded, "Keep quiet-don't say another word.  You'll just get yourself in trouble"--to which he just chuckled and then hushed.  Ha!  He is a very smart man indeed!


I've become accustomed to being stopped often and asked, "What The answer to the often asked question...happened?  Oh, you poor soul!"  I proceeded to tell them the story, but after five weeks of that, I decided that when they ask me, I direct them to my big blue cast on which I had Kara Glover (my Wellness Center assistant) write, "ASK LARRY…HE DID IT!"  Wow, have I had fun with that.  Larry stammers his side of the story, and I love the comments he receives like, "How could you?"  "Kick him!"  "I wouldn't take that hit for him again!"  "Boy, he really owes you!"  "He's your slave for life!"  Really, it's fun to watch Larry try to defend himself.  All kidding aside, he always says first, "I did it", and still feels badly about it.


We're only our way to Hendersonville, Tennessee, to a new doctor in a new city.  Traffic is crazy, and we've gotten caught in two traffic accident delays.  I'll let you know in about two hours how my doctor appointment turns out.  I'm believing for a good report! 


3:30 pm

Hi!  Just walked out of the clinic, or should I say Larry walked out, and he wheeled me out in a wheelchair in the pouring Tennessee rain.  It sure didn't take him long to load me up!  Ha!  I have a new doctor, Gregg Motz.  I really feel comfortable with him, and feel he is the right doctor for my follow-up.  He also has a great staff.  First of all, they sawed off the cast, and the nurse's assistant asked if I wanted to keep it as a souvenir.  I didn't hesitate--I said, "No thank you! I have a big enough reminder-my stitched-up foot." 

Dr. Greg Motz, my new orthopedic surgeon from Hendersonville, TN, and my new boot 

Dr. Motz has studied the previous reports, injury photos, and x-rays, and really didn't know what to expect to find under the big blue cast.  I know he was hesitant, but he was pleasantly surprised to see how much it had healed in the past two weeks.  There is still some draining, but he thinks it will heal up and the skin is still looking okay.  Thank God for that!  My foot definitely does not look pretty yet-but I'm encouraged that I can move my toes, which I couldn't do until a week ago.  That means the circulation is getting better.  I think the laser therapy sessions are also helping the injury.  Dr. Motz showed us the new x-rays he took today, and he said it looks like the foot and leg are starting to heal.  With that note of encouragement, I pressed, "Tell me, what about the time frame for me being back to normal-up and running?"  He burst my bubble by saying, "It's going to be a long time-it could very well be up to a full year."  I held my emotions in check, as I wanted to cry.  Again I was reminded that there is no shortcut in this painful journey.  I'm instructed to keep off that foot for another month or so, and if all looks well then, I will start some kind of therapy for several weeks.  The good news, Dr. Motz said, is that I don't have to have another cast.  He put on a hard-side walking boot so it can be taken off for a bit each day to redress the wound.  He then brought over a big, black boot-it looks like a snow boot for Paul Bunyan!  I really don't have anything dressy to match it-ha!  That is, unless I wear a full-length black snowmobile suit.


I will go back to Dr. Motz the last week in April, and in the meantime, I will concentrate on my intense therapy at the Wellness Center.  I just got back home, and our son Donovan surprised me with a huge strawberry-banana shake.  It was so delicious, it made me temporarily forget my pain!  Bring on those shakes!!!!  Ha!  I must go now-thanks again for your prayers, and keep in touch.  I'll talk to you next week on Thursday, April 14th. 


The boys, Donovan and Liam, have been spoiling me


Greetings from Nashville, Tennessee! It has been a whirlwind week!

March 30, 2004

Greetings from Nashville, Tennessee!  It has been a whirlwind week!  Last Thursday, March 24, Larry took me back to Slidell, LA for another checkup.  Dr. Gosey took the cast off, re-evaluated the injury, looked up at me and said, "It still looks mean!"  He put me on an antibiotic again to help fight infection.  It's always an ongoing mystery as to what's happening underneath that turquoise blue cast.  Once the cast was off, it took me a breath or two to get the nerve to look down at the injury.  Again Dr. Gosey said, "It still doesn't look pretty!"  I looked down at my swollen, black-and-blue foot with all the stitches, and readily agreed, "You're right, I don't have a pretty foot-but thank God I have a foot!"  After seeing the jagged stitches, I asked the doctor, "How will I go about disguising all these scars?"  He didn't answer, so I suggested, "Maybe I could design a special ankle scarf and tie a fancy bow to distract from the scars.  I could start a business, sell the scarves, and get rich!"  He just chuckled.  After cleaning and treating the wound, he put yet another blue leg cast on.  For some reason, it seems each cast gets heavier!  Needless to say, I'm really weary of trying to carry my own weight around-ugh.  Dr. Gosey released me to travel to Nashville, where we will pursue another orthopedic surgeon and do follow up for a little over three weeks. 


From Dr. Gosey's office, we drove the hour back to our coach.  I hadn't been there since the ladder incident.  I must admit when we pulled up to the coach, I quickly relived February 28, the fall, and the ambulance arrival.  Thank God the heavy rains had washed away the trail of blood!  Larry helped me from the car to my walker.  I looked at the coach and pondered the question I had in my mind the past month:  "How do I get up into that coach with a cast on my leg?"  We came to the decision that the best way was for me to "butt" my way up.  So I plopped my feet on the bottom step, and used my good foot to push me up to the next step, until I reached the top.  I was so proud of myself--ha!  Larry fixed the couch in the front of the coach into a bed for me, and I traveled the next 500 miles to Nashville lying on the couch with my leg propped up.


We got into Nashville on Good Friday and went over to our daughter LaShawn's home in Brentwood.  She has so graciously opened her home to us for the next month.  We are able to use her large bedroom and private bath on the main floor. 

 Easter with the kids in Nashville

On Easter Sunday, it was a special joy to be with our daughter LaShawn, her friend Liam, and our son Donovan.  LaShawn fixed a big ham dinner with all the trimmings.  It was the first holiday in my entire life that I wasn't doing the cooking in the kitchen.  I was waited on hand and foot (pun intended!).  Easter would have been perfect if LaDawn, Dante and Myanna could've been there, but they were way back in Minneapolis, MN, at my brother Glen's home with the cousins.  They had a fun time, and we were later able to chat by phone.


Bright and early on Monday, March 28, we pursued our first Gloria with Dr. Jason Tharpe of Tharpe Wellness Centerlaser therapy treatment with Dr. Jason Tharpe.  He feels that the laser therapy will help get the blood circulating and promote quicker healing and Lord willing, help with the intense pain I'm experiencing.  For the next month, I will be taking therapy both morning and afternoon.  Please pray for me that it will go well.  I'm standing on God's Word and healing scriptures.  One of my faith scriptures is Jeremiah 30:17, "I will restore health to you and heal you of your wounds."  I really take that to heart!  I physically lay the word on my broken leg, accepting and believing that verse. 


Well, I must go-but I want to thank all of you for taking this journey with me.  Thank you for all the cards, letters, and scriptures you have sent me.  You will never know how much I have been encouraged because of you!

Thanks again,


                My new bed!

*The next update will be April 7th 

Good morning! What a beautiful day in Louisiana...

March 24, 2005


Good morning! What a beautiful day in Louisiana. 

We just left the Dr.'s office in Slidell.  Dr. Gosey took the cast off and again surveyed the damage.  In words as only a Louisiana southern could describe, he said, "It still looks, MEAN!"  Meaning it's not pretty yet.  He said "It's going to be a long road ahead."  My foot is still really swollen which he said is to be expected and could last for weeks.  I'll just have to keep it elevated high.  I asked doctor Gosey, "You mean I won't  be back on my skateboard by May 1st?"  He hesitated and looked over his glasses, shook his head and said "Not this May 1st."  Then we both chuckled.  He then recast my leg.  He said, "You have to remember you have a worse than normal injury."  He's hoping, and I'm praying, that the skin will continue to heal and fill in the gap on my leg and ankle.  He's putting me on an antibiotic to prevent inside infection and more pain medicine to help control the badgering pain.  All in all I'm doing as well as can be expected at this three-week mark.  Please continue to pray for the swelling to go down, the pain to decrease, the skin to heal and that there will be no infection.


You'll never know how much it means to have all you praying for me.  When the pain gets out of control I'm comforted to know that God is still in control and you are praying.  Well I must go.  Please have a wonderful Easter and rejoice in our living Christ.  Because He lives…so do we! 


Happy Easter!

Gloria and Larry


The next update will be on Thursday, March 31.   


Gloria's new mode of transportation...we haven't figured out how to get her in the coach yet!









Altar Call:

Larry ministered last Sunday at First Assembly of God of Greater New Orleans.  The altar was filled with many making first-time decisions and rededications for Christ.  After the morning service, an usher came up to Larry in tears and said, "Larry, there was a man here this morning in the service under house arrest, and he had to leave exactly at noon while you were finishing the altar call.  He said to tell you he prayed the sinner's prayer and to thank you for the message and invitation to come to Christ."


Larry with laundry:

I snapped this photo of Larry today while he was carrying in the laundry.  It was the first time he has done laundry in 39 ½ years of marriage.  He did a great job! 


Greetings from Slidell, LA...

Larry, Gloria & Dr. GoseyMarch 16, 2005

Greetings from Slidell, LA!  This week has really flown by.  Someone once said, "Pain is your friend."  Well, sorry, but pain and I are not best friends!  This leg cast seems to be getting heavier by the day.  I told my mom, "Remember that diet I went on ten years ago, I wish I would have stuck with it…it sure would help when I have to lug around my body weight.  HA!"  I am now using the walker most of the time as I fell while on my crutches last week and wasn't able to get back up.  It's a good thing that Larry was in the next room!  I felt like a beached whale, and I am sure he thought I was one when he tried to get me up off the floor.  After we finally got up, we both chuckled at the situation.  Such is life!


For the past two weeks, we have been blessed to have stayed at Pastor Ken and Fay Worley's home in Picayune, MS.  They were so good to us.  Their church, along with their son, Darrel and Sharon Worley's church in Picayune, brought in the most delicious array of Southern cooked meals you could ever imagine including seafood gumbo and jambalaya.  Larry's eyes twinkle every time the doorbell rings for he knows "treats" are coming.


Larry drove by himself to Thibodaux, LA, last weekend and held two services.  He had a great day of ministry and many recommitted their lives to Christ.  It was hard for him to go without me as I have only missed about three rallies in the past ten years.  I sure missed him those two days he was gone.  I was happy to see his smiling face on Monday afternoon.  I felt so secure again.  He's my sweetheart!


Gloria with her new cast3:30 PM

Larry and I just walked out of Northshore Regional Medical Center in Slidell, LA.  I wasn't looking forward to seeing the injury again.  When they took the cast off and I saw it...I knew why I didn't want to see it.  As they say down South, "You (referring to the injury) sure don't look pretty.  You looks pretty ugly."  I readily agreed!  My foot is pretty swollen yet because of the severe trauma it experienced.  After Doctor Gosey, my orthopedic surgeon, looked at it, he looked at Larry and I and said, "You're not out of the woods yet."  He proceeded to show us the x-ray, which showed the break and the fractures.  There is a plate and six screws on the right side of my right leg, and two loooooong vertical screws that are attaching the foot to the leg.  Dr. Gosey's real concern for the next 2-3 weeks is the probability of infection which often happens with open injuries such as mine.  The more critical concern right now is that the skin will live and not die!  Otherwise, that will be another road of complications and skin grafts.  He reapplied a cast to my leg...this time a bright blue!  

Please pray with us for the pain to cease, for the swelling to go down, there will be no invasion of infection, and that the skin will stay alive, grow and heal.  I know I can count on you---because you are my prayer family.  

I will update you once again next Thursday, March24.  Keep believing for miracles!


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