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It seems like I just finished my "On the Road" update and boom, here we are! Another week has flown by. For someone like me who cannot walk, it has definitely been an action-packed week getting back and forth to the
I'm encouraged by the healing progress that is taking place in the wounded area. I feel confident that the laser therapy is helping to bring blood to the surface and prayerfully that it will help grow the skin and fill in the "lack of flesh" left by the injury. So far, thank the Lord, it looks like I am free from infection!
Each day, I'm instructed to take off the "monster boot" and remove the soft cast. I then bandage and redress the wound. I do that, of course, when no one else is around. My daughter LaDawn asked, "Mom, how does it look?" To which I replied, "To someone else, it would look extremely gross, but to me, I see healing taking place and I see my toes wiggle--and I'm thrilled." The pain in that leg is getting somewhat better, thank God!
Larry is also taking some therapy and adjustments for his "aftermath owies" that have showed up. Truly, he needs all the adjustments he can get, after "huffing" me out of my bed, into the wheelchair, into the car, into the doctor's office, back into the car, back into the wheelchair, up to the house, through the house, and back into my bed. The good thing is that Larry doesn't have to go to a gym to work out--he gets the entire workout by helping me!! For him it's free, and it is an all-inclusive exercise program. Bless his heart, he has been so sweet.
This past week, I have been reading and re-reading the piles of notes, letters, and cards I've received. I can't express to you how encouraging that has been. When I get a bit discouraged in my head, I re-read the letters and scriptures, and it is truly a "blood transfusion" to my heart, soul, and body. Probably four out of five letters from our precious friends have shared some of the traumas, accidents, health problems, and losses they've encountered. Almost every letter said, "Gloria, God saw us through-and we know He will see you through, too. It's going to take a long time, but be patient." These bits and pieces of encouragement have been so precious to me-thank you, thank you, thank you! As I've read the letters, I've cried, prayed for those who are hurting, rejoiced with those who had answers to prayer, and even laughed. Yes, I laughed at some of the emails and stories our friends and partners have sent in! I've just got to share this "Believe-it-or-not" letter I got yesterday from our partners Julee and Mel Adams: "Sorry to hear about your accident. I now work on a rehab unit at our hospital, so I hear of all kinds of accidents. One lady drove into the doctor's building and broke both legs. Another fell off the treadmill and broke both shoulders! My mother-in-law fell on black ice and broke her upper arm. My Mom didn't fall, but was in rehab to get stronger after her pneumonia." Isn't it great to be able to laugh, even in the midst the trials in our lives? At the end of this update, you will be able to read portions of a few of the letters I have received.
Larry is getting ready to leave tomorrow, for a rally that will take place in
Well, it was nice chatting with you again. I will connect with you again next Thursday, after I meet with Dr. Motz, my orthopedic doctor. I am, again, believing for a great report! Thank you again for all your prayers and love.
Until next time,
"Sorry to hear about your accident-we hope you're recovering real fast. We know Larry really loves you, but he really fell for you this time-ha!"
-B & L Hanson,
"I cried when I read the letter of your accident. You are in my prayers daily. I love you guys so much. I'm sure this seems like a major "bump in the road," but praise the Lord; we know God has it all under control."
--Kristy Bassett,
"I'm so sorry to hear about your accident. You and Larry seem almost like family. We are praying for you. Please come back to
--Verna Olson,
"Sorry to hear of your accident. I feel so badly for you and Larry that this happened. You both are so special to me. I love getting your newsletters, and I'll always remember hearing your wonderful messages, Gloria, at
--Lila Green,
"I'm sorry this happened to you. I know you and Larry trust the Good Lord in all things. It can't be long now--we'll all be going home and we will get an "extreme makeover," a new body. Won't that be great?"
--Rita Smith,
"Sorry to hear about your tragic accident, especially at the hands of that big bruiser husband of yours--ha! I know it's going to be a long, painful recovery, but there is some good-your husband will have to do all the cooking and cleaning. We always remember you in our thoughts and prayers."
--Russ & Bernice Kearns,
"I'm so sorry to hear of your accident. We pray that your leg will heal properly and that it will be as good as new. At least you won't have to do dishes, clean, or cook-just smile!"
--Marian Mulder,
"Sorry about your accident. I read the whole book-Satan loses!"
--Ralph & Susie Bullock,
"We've been praying for you, and our church is also praying for you. Hope you are getting better! The devil is just trying to stop your ministry, but he can't because our God is bigger. God bless you."
--Thelma Stanley,
"While we were praying for you, the Holy Spirit spoke to my spirit, that this is the way to a higher plateau and you will minister with greater power than you ever did. God is always turning the evil satan does into something good!"
--Alma Bender, Aberdeen SD
"I am sure it is hard to see now, but quite often satan seems to overplay his hand and God uses it for His good!"
--Ray Ritthaler, Minneapolis MN
"It is a privilege to be lifting both of you and the ministry up in our prayers. We first met all of you in the 1960's at a crusade in Hibbing, MN. Some of our first beginnings go way back to the days at Sisseton over Labor Day when our children were small and we camped by a gas station one time. How times have changed!
We are so thankful and praise the Lord for your faithfulness. Our prayers are with you!"
--Mel & Norma Haugen, Aurora MN
"You are a trooper! Both you and Larry are in our prayers. God's love does not keep us from trials but see us through them. Also, to face life's changes, look to the unchanging God. We love you and get well soon. Thank you for your newsletters and I love your recipes!"
--Inez & John Turek, Phoenix AZ