Tuesday, May 3, 2005
Hi! I can hardly believe it's May already! So much has happened in the past week, so let me catch my breath, gather my thoughts--and we'll proceed.
After perching in Nashville for a month of physical therapy treatments, we began our 1000-mile trip back to Minnesota. Our first stop was Marion, Illinois, where we were guests on TCT Christian television. Even though I was in a wheelchair, it was great to be back ministering! On Wednesday, April 27, we headed off from Illinois, taking two days to complete the journey to the Twin Cities as my broken leg deeply protests traveling! It just doesn't like the road vibrations-but it will gradually get better.
We got into Minneapolis on Thursday afternoon and were greeted by our daughter LaDawn and grandchildren Dante and Myanna. What a reunion! We had not seen them since early January. The kids appeared to have grown about six inches each! They were a bit mesmerized by all of my "convalescent gear"-they had never seen Grandma Gloria "out of commission." They got a bit tickled watching me do my "toddler antics" to get out of the bus and into the wheelchair. Once I made it, I didn't have any problem finding someone to help push me, as volunteers were readily available! Dante and Myanna came over to our motel and took advantage of the swimming pool, which they really enjoyed.
On Saturday, April 30, I spoke at the Mothers & Others Luncheon at Celebration Church in Lakeville, Minnesota. The event was hosted by two of my sister-in-laws', Connie Lundstrom and Ronda Lundstrom. About 250 women attended the luncheon. I was hoping to be comfortably up on crutches by that time, but it just didn't happen-so Larry and LaDawn wheeled me out on the stage in the wheelchair. I know I shocked a lot of the women, as they had not all heard the news of my accident. At any rate, it was my first "wheelchair speaking engagement." Once I addressed the broken leg issue and we had a few laughs, I continued on and had a wonderful time of ministry. Eight to ten women raised their hands to make a commitment for Christ. It was worth the long trip just to see women young and old come into a relationship with Christ!
It was fun seeing lots of friends and family that I hadn't seen for a long time. On Sunday, May 1, we woke up to 28-degree temperature and light snow. We felt like turning the coach around and heading south again! That morning, we attended Celebration Church, where Larry's brother, Lowell, pastors. It was a treat to sit and "drink it in" spiritually. Their church is growing, and their staff and worship team are doing a great job! We'll be back at Celebration on November 12-13 to celebrate our 40th anniversary of both marriage and ministry. We hope you will plan now to join us for this fun-filled event! We'll have more details in our newsletter as November nears. If you are not already receiving our monthly newsletter, please write to request it at:
On Monday we moved out of our motel and into our daughter LaDawn's house for two days. Then we had another special treat-our daughter LaShawn from Nashville came to Minneapolis on business. Wow, what a treat to have both of our daughters and our grandkids around for two whole days! We love every minute we can spend with our family. Last night we ordered in pizza, and LaShawn played games with the kids. It was a special evening! Tomorrow we'll pack up and head off for home-oh, just to say the word is comforting. It will be great to be back in our own house after being gone these long, action-filled four months. I'm sure you agree that when you're hurting or sick-there's just no place like home!
Well, it's been fun talking to you again, and we'll reconnect next week. Thanks for all the letters and notes of encouragement. If you enjoy "traveling" on the road with us through this weekly update, please take a minute and email us at to let us know. God bless you, and have a wonderful Mother's Day!
Below you will find something fun for mothers and others to enjoy, in the spirit of Mother's Day!
"Profile of a Mother" by Rex R. Burns
Her ability to love is exceeded only by God's love itself. Her love grows with her children, and it is impossible to tell the success or failure of her children by her love.
There are no depths to which a child can fall that will diminish her love and no heights of success a child can achieve that will increase it. Her love is protective, tender, consistent, understanding, forgiving, unchanging, unselfish, giving, contagious, comfortable, and everlasting. The nearest thing we can see in this world to God's love is a mother's love.
A mother appears to be a normal human being. She has all the physical features that all people have-two eyes, two hands, two arms, tw
With strong, fast legs, she can move about the house like a speeding bullet. She patrols the streets, stops a fight in the backyard, catches a tennis ball before it is flushed down the toilet, prevents a child from falling out of a tree, and moves all of the toys out of the driveway before Dad comes home-all at the same time.
Her endless supply of energy can only be a God-given attribute. She is first to rise in the morning, has breakfast ready for the "brood" as they get up, gets each child ready for school, is both a barber and a beautician, fashion consultant, chairman, budget director, purchasing agent, paramedic, mechanic, veterinarian, interpreter, travel agent, interior decorator-and is the last to bed at night.
With a tender kiss, she can heal everything from a cut finger to a broken heart. With her kiss, she can convince a balding fifty-year-old man that he is just as handsome as he ever was!o feet-all connected to one body. That is what you see if you just look at the exterior of a mother.
If you were ever a child, you will know that she has at least three sets of eyes-two in front, two in back, so that she can see all those things she must see but that are hidden from her, and one on each side of her head so she can protect the cookie jar, no matter where she stands in the kitchen. All are capable of seeing through wood and plaster so she can tell what is going on behind closed doors.
She has bionic ears. She can hear a dirty word whispered a block away. She can hear a complaint that is only a thought when unpleasant tasks are assigned to her kids. With her many arms and hands she can prepare a meal, find Dad's shirt, change a diaper, run the vacuum and spank two kids, all at the same time!
P.S. Below are some bits and pieces of letters that our dear friends and partners have sent. We hope you enjoy them. Also, throughout this trial, we have found that humor is a huge key to continuing to walk this journey with joy. We have some free chuckles for you by clicking here.
Dear Gloria,
I was just at the women's luncheon this morning and heard you speak. Thank you so very much for your truthful words of encouragement. They couldn't have come at a better time. I have a prodigal daughter and I needed to hear what you had to say today. It was as if you planned your talk for me personally. Once again, thank you so very much.
S Schmoe
Dear Gloria,
When I spoke with you over the telephone after you got out of the hospital, you sounded great. Instead of me encouraging you, it was you who encouraged me. We are praying for you and Larry. We love you guys! You are very special to us!
Pastor Bob & Kathy Stalcup
Ewa Beach, HI
Dear Gloria,
Our prayers are with you and I am interested to see what kind of ministry the Lord has in store for you because He never wastes anything. We serve an awesome God and you are in His hands.
Earl & Alice Undem
Rogers, ND
We were saddened to hear of your injury. You are precious to us, and you are a blessing to so many. Our continued prayers are with you. Your courage is an inspiration to us.
Quinton Ziemann
Hazen, ND
Dear Gloria,
The moral of the story is, "STAY OUT FROM UNDER LARGE FALLING OBJECTS". Since I am almost your age, I give you the advice… get some kid up on that bus. Love you guys!
Rev. Harley & Linda Holden
Mandan, ND
Dear Gloria,
I am so very, very sorry about the accident. What a blow! The fall itself would be hard, but 240 pounds tumbling on you! WOW! Larry, you know how to find good landing!
Esther Holtzman
Dear Larry & Gloria,
We were sad to read your letter and went to prayer immediately. You are two very special people to us! Thanks for all the lives you have touched in Montana! What a blessing you are and will continue to be!
Paul & Floral Goodman
District Superintendent of Assemblies of God of Montana
Just for you two…a special recipe to speed your healing!
A pinch of patience
A teaspoon of trust
One heaping tablespoon of faith
Two cups of humor
More love than you can measure
Stir together gently and serve with warm smiles!
When life closes a door, a window opens---jump!
Mike & Lora Ivankovich
Hamilton, MT