Hi! Can you believe it's almost September already? The older I get, the more quickly the weeks seem to just fly by.

August 31, 2005


Hi!  Can you believe it's almost September already?  The older I get, the more quickly the weeks seem to just fly by. 


Three precious children attending the Gettysburg, SD, rallyWe've had a great month of rallies.  Last Thursday night, we held a rally in a city park in Gettysburg, South Dakota.  It was a perfect summer evening!  The lawn was covered with people who brought their own chairs.  The bleachers were also full, and children plopped themselves down on the grass just a few feet from where we sang.  The sun shone on Larry and me like a golden spotlight.
We had a wonderful response at the altar call.  Just before the end of the altar call, Larry said "I'm going to close this altar call in 60 seconds.  If you want to come and pray, come now."  To our shock and amusement, a beautiful, big golden lab that had been snuggled quietly through the whole concert next to its owner, got up, walked forward and stood at attention with all those waiting to pray the sinner's prayer.  Larry prayed, people went to the counseling area, and then Larry chuckled, "Folks, this is the first time in 40 years I've had a dog come forward to get saved!"  Of course, the crowd exploded with laughter!  There is truly never a dull moment on the road.

 Pastor & Mrs. Gossen of Grace Bible Church

Here's a photo of Pastor Carey Gossen (with wife Nettie) of Grace Bible Church in Gettysburg, South Dakota.  Pastor Gossen is wearing a neck brace because he is recovering from surgery.  He commented, "This event [the rally in the city park] was so good for our community.  The Gospel message was so simple and clear!  We loved Larry and Gloria's humor and their down-to-earth message.  We want to do an event like this again!" 


After that rally, we traveled across the state through a blinding thunderstorm.  We pulled into Sisseton with our coach at about 2:30 am.  We spent about eight hours unpacking, repacking, doing office work, and then headed out again.  By that time, our body odometers were feeling the road miles!  We trekked our way into central Iowa. 


On Saturday, we set up our equipment in Harlan, Iowa, at the First Baptist Church.  We then raced back 35 miles to Manning, Iowa, where we had the rare opportunity to be able to attend an anniversary celebration.  Harold and A friends reunion!Rita Sporrer, who have been partners with our ministry for over 30 years, celebrated their big 50th anniversary!  Several of our other ministry friends were there, so it was like a "friends' reunion."  These three couples (left to right: Lewellyn and Wanda Larson, Marvin and Mary Arehart, and Harold and Rita Sporrer) attended our Sunday morning service in Harlan and are all celebrating milestone anniversaries.   The Larsons and Sporrers are celebrating 50 years, while the Areharts are celebrating 60 years!


Sunday, August 28, we had an 8:00 and 10:30 service back in Harlan, Iowa at First Baptist.  It was a joy to be back with Pastor Gundar Lamberts and Associate Pastor Jim Warren.  They have a great desire to see the lost come to Christ!  We had two precious altar calls. 


After the service, Tony and Kathi Beach, along with The Beach Familytheir three little children (including a set of twins!) anxiously waited to visit with us.  Tony and Kathi are both teachers in Harlan.  Tony said he saw us in about 1978 when he was only five years old, and still remembers how much he loved the music and all of the "little" Lundstroms.  He was so thrilled to be able to reconnect with us! 


As I was packing up and getting ready to leave the church in Harlan, another young family came up to visit with us.  They said they had just moved to Harlan and had called a church to check on the service times.  Somehow, they ended up at the wrong church, but when they walked in and saw our poster, they knew it was God who had brought them there.  The father of this family said that he came to a Lundstrom rally when he was a young boy, and that his parents had come to Christ through the Lundstrom ministry.  They shared how excited they were to see us again, and to know that we were still out soul-winning after all these years! 


Also, at the Gettysburg, South Dakota city park rally, a lady in her late 30s came up and said, "My folks used to take us to see you, wherever you were, when we were kids.  We loved it.  Now I'm bringing my children to hear you."  I love hearing those testimonies, even though it makes me feel old!  The Bible talks about God's faithfulness from generation to generation.  Weekly, we see this unfold in front of our very eyes.  Many people who came to the Lord in Lundstrom Crusades during the 70s and 80s are now bringing their children and grandchildren to our rallies.  It's thrilling to see the second and third generation coming to Christ under our ministry.  Oftentimes when Larry and I are weary, a scripture comes back to us: "Be not weary in well doing…"  When we see these decisions for Christ and hear such generational testimonies, it gives us the energy to keep pushing on.  These experiences make ministry on the road exciting and interesting!


After the Sunday services in Harlan, Roger and Beverly Sorrenson invited us (along with about 30 others) over to their home for a huge delicious potluck dinner.  Talk about a wonderful feast!  The fun and fellowship were great.  Roger and Beverly hosted us for two nights in their home, also.  It was a true haven of rest for us! 


Medical Update:  Gloria is keeping up with her physical therapy!  The doctors say it will be necessary for at least the next year.

Praise the Lord!  Larry's test results turned out okay.  The doctors put him on Nexium, that "little purple pill," to take care of the erosions in his stomach lining.  He is starting to feel better!  On August 28, I crossed over the six-month recovery line with my foot.  I am so grateful those six months are behind me now.  Last Sunday, I was able to stand up with Larry and sing four songs…then I retreated to my "nest" on the chair by the soundboard.  I could tell Larry was happy to have me back up by his side.  When he grinned, his dimples danced with delight! 


As you know by now, Hurricane Katrina has ripped through Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Florida.  Our hearts are grieved and saddened for all those who have lost so much.  We have many friends and partners who live in those hurricane-stricken areas.  We are unable to contact them as of yet, but we are praying for them.  We have ministered at many churches in those areas, and we know that those congregations are suffering.  Please join us in prayer, that God will sustain them and help them.  They desperately need our prayers!  It's amazing how life can change in a blink of an eye.  We should never take for granted what we have at this very moment. 


Have a great Labor Day weekend!  We will talk again next week.





 Thought for the Week

Kids' View of the Bible:  exactly as written by real kids!

Adam and Eve were created from an apple tree.

Samson slayed the Philistines with the axe of the Apostles.

The seventh commandment is that thou shat not admit adultery.

The greatest miracle in the Bible is when Joshua told his son to stand still and he obeyed him.

Solomon, one of David's sons, had 300 wives and 700 porcupines.

Household Tip

Outwit Chewing Gum
Put the garment (even a shoe) in a plastic bag and pop it in the freezer.  The plastic bag keeps the moisture away from the gum, and when it's frozen, the gum will come right off with a flick of your fingernail.

Greetings from the prairie lands of South Dakota! We were in Newell, South Dakota, which is in the northwestern part of the state...

August 24, 2005


Greetings from the prairie lands of South Dakota!  We were in Newell, South Dakota, which is in the northwestern part of the state, for Sunday morning and evening services on August 21.  Coming into the town of Newell, a huge sign proudly boasts, "Sheep Capital of the Nation!"  There's definitely enough prairie land around here for them to graze on.  If you ever want to "get away from it all," this is the place.  Pastor Nathan Keller of the Newell Assembly of God invited us to come do an outreach in their small community.  Every few months, we like to minister in some of these smallest places that have a hard time getting anyone to come.  They are always so appreciative!  We set up in the City Hall Auditorium.  There were small crowds with ranchers, farmers, and other locals who have big hearts of gold.  Sunday morning, people attended from about seven different area churches.  It's great to see people remove their denominational tags and come together to worship God.  Now that's what I call practicing heaven on earth! 


The atlar call at the Newell City AuditoriumSunday morning, a young family of four (father, mother, and two children) came to attend the morning service.  It was their first time attending church in their entire lives.  It is hard to believe that, living in the United States, isn't it?  When the altar call was given, this young mother came forward to receive Christ.  Her face simply glowed after she prayed the sinner's prayer.  With tears, she said, "I'm comin' to church next Sunday."  Hearing that was like a blood transfusion for me!  It definitely gave me energy for the rest of the day.  There were several rededications as well.  It is always thrilling to us to see prodigals coming back home. 


It was a joy to work with Pastor Nathan and his wife Amanda.  We also enjoyed Pastor Nathan Keller and his wonderful family!loving on their two beautiful little children.  Pastor Keller and his wife, a young couple in their twenties, are doing a great job in this rural community.  He commented, "It was so great to see an evangelistic team like Larry and Gloria take the time to care about our small community.  We really appreciated their ministry.  There aren't many people like them that are out there anymore."


Chuck & Betty Bruner were great counselors!Chuck and Betty Bruner were two of our altar call counselors in Newell.  They said, "It was great to have the opportunity to help counsel while the Lundstroms ministered in Newell.  Their services revived the two of us.  Larry and Gloria share their love and joy with everyone they meet.  They are both so real in their love for God.  We have been inspired to serve Jesus more and more.  Thanks!"


Last week, after driving from Wyoming to Rapid City, South Dakota, Larry snatched me away for an afternoon, and we drove up through the Black Hills National Park.  Of course, we couldn't bypass driving around Mt. Rushmore.  It's always intriguing to see those four presidents' faces come out of the mountain.  Larry always tells people that Mt. Rushmore is South Dakota's most famous "rock group!"  OK…you can groan on that one.  Ha!  From Mt. Rushmore, we drove up to the Sylvan Lake Lodge, which overlooks the beautiful Black Hills.  We had a delicacy for lunch: Buffalo Stew.  No kidding, we did-and it was delicious!  But I wouldn't drive that far again for it-ha!  From the Black Hills, we drove down to the prairie lands.  It's really fun getting out of the hustle and bustle of the big cities and their traffic, and enjoying the peace and quiet, as well as the sight of hundreds of antelopes.  If you've ever watched Little House on the Prairie, this country in western South Dakota is just like that!


Last Wednesday evening, while Larry and I were eating, our cell phone rang.  We were informed that another partner and friend of ours went home to be with the Lord.  Mack Thomas, former steel guitarist with the Lundstroms during the 70s, lost his five-and-a-half year battle with kidney cancer.  Mack and his wife Connie, and their daughter Kim, lived in the bus with us while they were part of our ministry.  In his early years, Mack taught Barbara Mandrell how to play the guitar.  I thought that was interesting! 


In the past five-and-a-half years, Mack allowed his pain to become his pulpit.  He didn't want to waste his pain, so he used it as a means to testify to doctors, nurses, and everyone else he met.  During the past year, we would talk to Mack almost weekly, and he'd say, "Hey Larry and Gloria, how are your services going?"  We'd tell him about the altar calls, and he would be so excited and say, "That's wonderful!  I want you to know I was praying for you both and praying for souls.  I also want you to know that I listen to your CDs around the clock."  About six weeks ago, we met Mack and Connie for lunch before we left on the past month's tour.  Just before we parted ways, he motioned for us to come to his car, and he said, "Hey, I want you to hear something."  He turned on his car's CD system and announced, "This is the CD I made for my funeral!  Gloria, you are going to be singing 'I Wouldn't Take Nothing for my Journey Now.'  I just love that song!"  Six weeks later, it was his funeral. 


I'm daily reminded of how fragile life is.  We cannot take a single second of life We got a chuckle out of this!for granted.  Someone has said, "Yesterday is history.  Tomorrow is a mystery.  Today is a gift-that's why we call it the present."  We need to live every day to the fullest.  We need to love one another, make amends if needed, and take the time to listen, laugh, and hug, as the clock of life is quickly ticking away.  We never know when the hands will stop.  The Bible says "It is appointed unto man once to die, and then the judgment."  Let's all be ready to meet the Lord!


Well, have another great week in Christ, and always remember that He loves you.




PS:  This is our "Chuckle of the Week."  Last night, in Faith, SD,  a huge thunderstorm marched through the Dakota prairie.  It poured down a wall of rain.  We had parked our coach by a motel that friends had gotten for us.  We decided we'd sit in the coach and wait until the rain stopped.  It was a good thought, but after at least three inches came down, it looked like we were parked in a lake.  We couldn't even see the pavement!  We finally decided we'd better brave the lightning and rain, and just run for it.  We had no umbrellas in the coach, as they were in our car.  What a sight to behold!  Larry took off his shoes and socks and rolled up his pant legs.  I rolled up my pant legs too, and we both put plastic WalMart bags over our heads and tromped through the water.  Just before we exited the coach, I said, "Remember, I can't run!  I can barely walk.  Your "old gimp" has only one speed, and that is slow."  Larry sheepishly grinned, took my arm, and we gimped our way through the "lake" of water.  I kept praying, "Oh God, don't let the lightning hit us now."  I found out this morning on the news that there were around 5,000 lightning strikes in the storm area.  If I had known that, I'd still be sitting in the coach-ha!  Praise God, we made it safely.  We were absolutely soaked!  Really, it was kind of fun.  It added some excitement to our day. 


 Thought for the Week

A father was at the beach with his children when the four-year-old son ran up to him grabbed his hand, and led him to the shore where a seagull lay dead in the sand. 

"Daddy, what happened to him?" the son asked. 

"He died and went to heaven," the Dad replied. 

The boy thought a moment and then said, "Did God throw him back down?"

Household Tip

"Beat Batter Spatter"
To prevent spattering when mixing liquids or batter, punch two holes in the center of a paper plate and push the beaters through to form a "lid" over the bowl.

Hi! It's a beautiful August day. Right now, we are in Longmont, Colorado. We drove here early this morning from Cheyenne, Wyoming...

August 17, 2005


Monday, August 15:

Hi!  It's a beautiful August day.  Right now, we are in Longmont, Colorado.  We drove here early this morning from Cheyenne, Wyoming to the Longmont United Hospital where Larry was scheduled for an upper endoscopy in the same-day surgery clinic.  I'm sitting next to his bed in the recovery room, and he's resting quietly.  He came out of the procedure about 10 minutes ago.  I patted him on the cheek and told him I was here next to him.  He just blinked and went back to sleep!  About an hour ago, he was all but bouncing off the walls, kidding with the doctor and nurses.  They were all being entertained by his wacky jokes.  As I was walking to the waiting room, I could hear a roar of laughter coming from the procedure room.  What a guy!  Larry's been experiencing some stomach pain and it has seemingly gotten worse lately, so we decided we'd just better get it all checked out, just to be sure that there's nothing seriously wrong.  Nowadays, you just never know what's exactly going on!  My own diagnosis is that it is a stress ulcer.  Larry's always so upbeat, positive and happy, but I do know that these past five and a half months of worrying about me have taken a toll on him.  Anyway, the doctor will be in soon, and I will be able to give you the real diagnosis shortly.


1 hour later:

The nurses just came in to wake Larry and ask if he wanted some juice or something.  He quickly replied, "Steak!"  The nurse just laughed-she says he went down joking with the anesthetic and then woke up hungry.  The doctor just came in and told us there are no stomach ulcers-so much for my diagnosis!  Ha!  But, there is some erosion in the stomach lining, so they took two biopsies to make sure there is nothing else wrong.  The test results will be returned to us in seven to ten days.  We are believing that, by that time, he will feel better.  The doctor put Larry on "the little purple pill," otherwise known as Nexium, to help heal the erosion in the stomach lining.  The devil is sure out to try and destroy those on the front lines of ministry, isn't he?  But we win, because God always remains faithful.


It has been another action-packed week, as you can tell.  We were in Longmont, Colorado until last Thursday, and then we drove to Wheatland, Wyoming and met with our longtime partners Bob and Joyce Noyce and their son Lenny.  Then we drove back to Cheyenne, Wyoming, where we held two Altar call in Cheyenne WY First Assembly of Godservices on Sunday with Pastor Dan and Joan McGraw.  They have pastored First Assembly of God in Cheyenne for 30 years, and just recently resigned to go into part-time evangelism.  Pastor Dan's wife Joan and I grew up together in Sisseton, attended the same youth group, and then went to the same Bible College in the early 60s.  It was great to renew our friendship!  I was reminded just how quickly the seasons of life pass by.  It seems like just a few days ago, I was the maid of honor in their wedding, but it has actually been 43 years now!  They first headed off in evangelism, and then into the pastorate, and now they are "retiring and re-firing!"  My, how the time flies! 

                                     Larry & Gloria with Pastor Dan and Joan McGraw

"We were so delighted to have Larry and Gloria with us last Sunday.  Not only are they special friends, but they have a unique ministry that touches people of all ages.  Their music is uplifting and a blessing to all.  Their main focus is reaching the lost, and by mixing their humor with music and preaching, it definitely keeps everyone's attention.  They are a great couple!" 
-Pastor Dan McGraw, Senior Pastor of First Assembly of God, Cheyenne WY

Grandmother (red hair) w/ 2 children:  Pat Cates and her two granddaughters, Courtney (R) and Sierra (L)There were some precious decisions for Christ made on Sunday during the services.  We love to see children come to Christ at an early age.  Pat Cates brought her two beautiful granddaughters to the Sunday evening service, and when Larry gave the altar call, up came this young grandmother with Courtney, 12, and Sierra, age nine, to make first-time decisions for Christ.  Pat said, "Gloria, my daughter gave her heart to Christ many years ago at a Lowell Lundstrom Crusade when you all were still together."  With a tear in her voice, she cuddled Courtney and Sierra close to her and smiled, "Now, her two daughters have come to Christ.  I am so happy…God is good all the time!" 


Oftentimes, people comment, "Well, they are just children.  I don't know if they really understand what they are doing when they go forward to make decisions."  I can tell you from experience that children are tender and they respond to Christ!  I was only eight years old when I gave my heart to Christ.  It was real then, and it's even more real now.  That's why I'm in the ministry!  After Pat and her granddaughters left, Lyrick O'Bryan, a bouncing blonde four-Larry holding Lyrick O'Bryan:  Larry with his year-old, came bopping down the hallway as if she was desperately looking for something.  Finally she spun around, looked up at me and asked, "Where's Larry?"  I said, "My Larry?"  "Yes, Gloria, your Larry.  I want to see him."  We hunted Larry down so he could come and talk with his little "groupie"-ha!  She was so sweet.  Larry loves kids, and they flock to him when we're on the road.  He always spends time with them, tells them jokes, and they follow him like he's the Pied Piper.  Those are the joys of the road! 

Here is another testimony that we thought you might enjoy!

Rose & George Martine from Cheyenee, WY
"We have crossed paths with Larry and Gloria many times in the past 40 years.  We appreciate their loving ministry.  Gloria has such a sweet spirit and touches many women's lives.  We appreciate Larry and Gloria's straight and simple message.  They truly show God's faithfulness in their lives." 


Good news-I have a praise report!  My wound finally healed up about five days ago.  I am so happy that now I can do my water therapy and take my "Take me away, Calgon" bubble baths again!  I have anxiously waited for this for nearly six months! 


Isn't God good?  As always, Larry and I have so much to praise the Lord for.  Lamentations 3 says, "His compassions fail not; His mercies are new every day.  Great is His faithfulness!"  My Bible automatically flips open to that passage, because that scripture is my daily encouragement.  Again this coming week, I pray that you will sense God's sweet presence as you read His Word and put your trust in Him.  God bless you!




 Thought for the Week


 Cute Prayers from Kids


Dear God,

Thank you for the baby brother, but what I asked for was a puppy.  I never asked for anything before.  You can look it up.


Dear God,

I bet it's very hard for You to love all of everybody in the whole world.  There are only four people in our family and I can never do it.

Dear God,
My Grandpa says You were around when he was a little boy.  How far back do You go?
Love, Dennis

Dear God,

Maybe Cain and Abel would not kill each other so much if they each had their own rooms.  It works out OK with me and my brother.


Dear God,

If You watch in church on Sunday, I will show you my new shoes.

Household Tip

"Salty Solution"
Here is a trick learned by "accident."  When items like oil or eggs get spilled on the floor, just sprinkle to cover with salt and in just a few minutes, you can sweep up without leaving a stain on the floor.

It's a beautiful August morning! The temperature is only about 83 degrees, but it will "perk" back up into the 90s by afternoon. As I sit here in our coach in Longmont, Colorado...

August 10, 2005


It's a beautiful August morning!  The temperature is only about 83 degrees, but it will "perk" back up into the 90s by afternoon.  As I sit here in our coach in Longmont, Colorado, I can see the snow-capped Rocky Mountains. What a breathtaking sight!  There is just something about mountains that I love. 

 Donna Jorgenson, Roger's wife.  They were so kind to let us park our coach by their home in Longmont, Colorado during the General Council meetings.  A millions thanks go out to them!

Roger "Doc" JorgensonWe've been parked at a friend's home for the past week and a half: Roger "Doc" and Donna Jorgenson have kindly allowed us to "camp out" here!  It is so quiet and serene…just what the doctor ordered!  Ha!  Roger was our ophthalmologist for over 20 years, but is now retired and "re-fired," and is busier than ever.  They have spoiled us this past week with delicious home-cooked meals!  What a treat.  The Jorgensons' home is nestled next to a small man-made lake.  Flocks of geese fly over and land about 200 feet from our coach.  When Larry hears all the geese honking, I almost have to tie him down!  He gets that "hunting fever."  Isn't it fun and interesting when the geese know they're in "protected" territory?  We walked out towards the flock of geese, and they just sat there.  It was as if they mocked us by saying, "Aha!  You can't touch us!"  One of the geese had a green tracking device around his neck.  It would have been fun to know where it had started from and how far it had flown.  Roger Jorgenson tells me that when goose hunting season opens, that if the tracked goose is shot down, they will remove the tag, and that will tell them the starting point and end destination of that bird. 


I kind of chuckled.  When we come to Christ, He puts a new "tracker" on our hearts, and we are heading off in a new direction for a new destination.  Prayerfully, if we stay true to God, we will someday wake up in heaven.  Christ will say, "Welcome home!"  That will be a glorious day!  I'm glad I'm "tagged" for heaven, aren't you? 


General Council of the Assemblies of God in Denver, Colorado.It's been a busy week for both Larry and me.  Larry attended the 51st General Council of the Assemblies of God in the mile-high city of Denver, Colorado.  This Council is held every two years, and Larry hasn't missed one since he started attending back in 1961.  Therefore, this was Larry's twenty-second time attending Council!  He really enjoys seeing pastors and
other friends he has known over the years.  A lot of those people are now "silver saints," if you know what I mean!  Time Larry visits with Bruce Schoeman at the Council meetings.  Bruce is one of our ministry board members.marches on only too quickly, doesn't it?  It's very helpful that everyone wears name tags at these events!


While Larry attended the Council, I stayed back in the coach and worked on ministry business and mail.  I didn't feel up to bucking the 15,000 person crowd.  I certainly didn't want another broken leg-ha! 


Last Friday, we had the unexpected pleasure of meeting with my brother, Jerry Gloria and her brother, Pastor Jerry Brooks, and his wife Sherry.  Jerry and Sherry are from Oak Creek, Wisconsin. Brooks, and his wife Sherry, who pastor a church in Oak Creek, Wisconsin.  They had also attended the General Council meetings in Denver.  He is my second-youngest brother, and is a great pastor.  His church's attendance typically runs over 2,000 people.  It is a great, nicely balanced church.  If you're ever in the Milwaukee, Wisconsin area, I would recommend you visit the Oak Creek Assembly of God Church.  And if you do, I hope you get to meet my brother!


Larry really enjoyed the whole conference and the speakers there.  It's always a treat to be able to "drink in" spiritually-what a refreshing break from "giving out" spiritually!  He came back with a statistic that really pricked our heart-it really challenged us.  Please allow me to share it with you:  Researcher George Barna said that, "While the US population has increased by 15% in the past 15 years, the number of adults who don't attend church has practically doubled to 75 million from 39 million.  This is a whopping 92% increase!  During that time span, the ratio of un-churched Americans has risen to one in three, instead of one in five."  Isn't that sad?  Does that prick your heart, too?  We are building more and larger churches, but only one in five adults are attending, and I wonder how many of those are actually saved.  That's our challenge…to keep on keeping on, share the Gospel, and to do our small part in changing that statistic. 


We'll be leaving tomorrow for Cheyenne, Wyoming, and will then head on to Wheatland, Wyoming.  After that, we'll go back to Cheyenne for services this coming Sunday, August 14. 


We hope that you've had a great week, and again, we pray God's blessings upon you and your loved ones in the coming days!





 Thought for the Week


A "Kept" Woman


You see, there were a few times when I thought I would lose my mind, but God kept me sane (Isaiah 26:3).


There were times when I thought I could go no longer, but the Lord kept me moving (Genesis 28:15).


At times, I've wanted to lash out at those whom I felt had done me wrong, but the Lord kept my mouth shut (Psalm 13).


Sometimes, I think the money just isn't enough, but God has helped me to keep the lights on, the water running, the car paid, and the house paid (Matthew 6:25-34).


When I thought I would fall, He kept me up.  When I thought I was weak, He kept me strong (I Peter 5:7, Matthew 11:28-30)!


Praise the Lord!  I'm so blessed to be "kept."

Household Tip

For stuck-together glasses: Separate the two by filling the inside one with cold water, and setting the other glass in hot water.

We're on the road again! It sure is quiet in the coach without our two grandchildren, Dante and Myanna...

August 3, 2005


We're on the road again!  It sure is quiet in the coach without our two grandchildren, Dante and Myanna.   Now it's just us two again.  I almost forgot what it was like to be alone!  We sure miss those grandkids, and all the giggles and action.  But…I didn't realize how tired we were until they left!  They drew more energy out of us in those two months than I'd realized. 


Last week was intense with getting caught up on office work, as well as getting prepared for this month's tour.  We left Sisseton last Saturday.  Whew-was it ever hot!  We are definitely in the "dog days of summer."  The temperatures have been sweltering up into the high 90s, along with nearly equal humidity.  The high temps have been a real challenge for the bus air conditioners.  Our main front air conditioner quit in the heat of the day.  Ugh!  We had just had it fixed two days earlier.  We'll have to have it looked at again.  Oh well…that's life on the road sometimes!

 We were so blessed by the awesome response to the Gospel!

We had two wonderful services at the Mitchell Wesleyan Church in Mitchell, South Dakota.  The altars were lined with people of all ages making decisions for Christ, and many of them were first-time decisions.  It was a joy to be back in Mitchell with Pastor and Mrs.  Keith Nash!  They are so sweet-spirited and have such Pastor & Mrs. Keith Nasha love for God and for their congregation.  Pastor Nash shared with us following the rally, "You truly have an evangelistic heart.  Again on your third visit to our church, you so winsomely invited people to Christ.  We saw many respond to the invitation to trust Christ with their lives.  You are true professionals in the best sense.  I thank God for your ministry to our congregation and community." 


Mary Ann McDonald, a single parent of a five-year-old daughter, got up and GLoria and Mary Ann---her testimony blessed and encouraged us!testified about how she came to Christ four years ago at a Sunday morning service at that same church.  She bubbled, "I had just gone through a divorce.  I had a small toddler, I was hurting, and that Sunday, when Larry gave the invitation, I gave my heart totally to Christ.  My whole life is changed-it's great!"  Mary Ann is now active in the church.  Testimonies like that are what keep us going and feed our energy levels!  Praise the Lord!


Sunday after the church services, we headed down that long road toward Denver, Colorado.  On the way, we drove through the prairies of South Dakota and Nebraska. It was literally breathtaking!  We took in the sights of rolling hills, rivers, lakes, and the hillsides speckled with an abundance of cattle, sheep, and horses running freely.  The fields proudly displayed crops of wheat, corn and soybeans.  How blessed we are in America!  Near Kimball, Nebraska, there were fields of huge sunflowers swaying in the wind with their faces turned up toward the majestic blue sky.  I wish we could have pulled over to take pictures, but there was too much traffic on the two-lane road.  I just thank the Lord for the special gift of beautiful scenery He gave us that day. 


Monday, August 1:

Uh-oh!  Right now as I'm writing and we are traveling along, the "check-engine" light came on, and the coach shut down.  Larry just went out to find out what is wrong.  The prognosis is that the coach is overheating due to the 100 degree temperature.  It has an automatic shutoff when the engine gets too hot.  So here we are, sitting near Cheyenne, Wyoming, waiting for the engine temperature to go down to a safe level.  We'll have to inch our way to a truck stop in Cheyenne to see what to do next.


Four hours later:

Wow!  God is good.  Just as we wondered what we were going to do, a big thunderstorm raced through and dumped a quick rain on us.  It cooled the temperature down about 10 degrees.  It was just enough to keep the engine cool, so we are now continuing on to Longmont, Colorado. 


Tuesday morning, August 2: 

We safely made it to Longmont, Colorado.  We will park here while Larry drives to the General Council Annual Conference of the Assemblies of God, being held in Denver.  I will stay here in the coach, as at this time, I am not up to walking through a crowd of at least 15,000 people with my leg still healing. 


Medical Update:

On Monday, I had the best day so far since my injury!  I had less pain than I had previously been experiencing.  What a joy to me, my body, and my brain!  Ha!  Unfortunately, by nighttime I am more uncomfortable, so I was rubbing my leg and foot to console the injury site.  I told Larry that I could literally feel the steel plate they put in the right side of my leg.  He felt it and then was a little squeamish about it being so "touchable."  I chuckled, "Hey, Larry-now I know how to camouflage that scar on the right side of my leg.  I'll take my refrigerator magnets and stick them on.  They should adhere nicely to the steel right inside my leg.  That will draw attention, won't it?  Ha!"  Larry laughed, "Only you would think of that."


The Bible says, "A merry hearth doeth good like a medicine."  Larry and I tend to laugh a lot.  We choose to find the light side of life, as it de-stresses us, improves our attitude, and gives us a better outlook on life.  God wants us to be happy.  That's not always possible with certain situations, but we work hard at finding the good in whatever happens to us.  It helps to carry us through the rough times in life. 


Well, it is time again to close.  It's my prayer you'll find joy and laughter today and every day in this coming week!




 Thought for the Week:


I had been teaching my three-year-old daughter, Caitlin, the Lord's Prayer for several evenings at bedtime.  She would repeat after me the lines from the prayer.  Finally, she decided to go solo. 


I listened with pride as she carefully enunciated each word right up to the end of the prayer:


"Lead us not into temptation," she prayed, "but deliver us some E-mail."

Praise the Lord! What a beautiful, refreshing day!

July 27, 2005


Praise the Lord!  What a beautiful, refreshing day!  Three days ago it was 97 degrees, along with equal humidity.  I felt like we were living in the bayous of Louisiana!  Then a storm blew through, and the temperature went all the way down to 47 degrees overnight.  What a change!  But it was a pleasant change, allowing us to cool off again before the big heat surge returns.  There's a saying in South Dakota: "If you don't like the weather, stick around a few hours, and it will change."  How very true!  It seems the weather patterns are changing-sounds a bit like scripture's references to the last days, doesn't it?


Yesterday, I went to my last therapy treatment here in Sisseton.  My therapist, Kelli, said, "Gloria, you have really advanced this past month.  I'm amazed at how well you are doing, for what you went through."  Of course, we know it's due to the prayers of family and friends.  I'm also rejoicing that my wound is finally beginning to heal!  There's just a small spot left, which I believe will heal in the next couple weeks.  Then I can start my water therapy in a pool, whenever and wherever possible.  The pool therapy will help aid in increasing the mobility of my right foot.  From the next month on, I will be doing "Gloria's home-spun therapy sessions," as we will be on the road.  My cane is still coming in very handy, but I'm using it less and less all the time.


We enjoyed a nightly game of Sorry!  The kids were tickled whenever they beat Grandpa and Grandma!Monday, Larry and I took Dante and Myanna to Alexandria, Minnesota, to be reunited with their mom.  They have been with us for two months, and needless to say, there wasn't a dull moment!  They definitely didn't give us time to rest-ha!  Children have a way of keeping everything and everybody jumping.  Larry and I would be busy inWe went through a lot of rootbeer for those floats!!! our home office all day, but when 7 or 8 pm hit, they'd chant: "Ok, it's game time!"  Out came the "Sorry" game and the card games, as well as the infamous root beer floats for refreshment.  After the treats, it was wrestling time with Grandpa.  I'd snuggle in my "safe" chair to watch and hear the squeals, grunts, groans, and giggles.  Thank God I had a broken leg so I didn't have to get in the middle of that-or I would have had two broken legs!  Once they'd survived the wrestling, they would come up to my bedroom for quiet time and backrubs from Grandma before they finally went to sleep.  I chuckled every night to see Larry drag himself up the steps to bed.  He was so worn out from wrestling that he would collapse and be snoring in five minutes.


We miss the grandkids already!When we got up this morning, it was kind of emotional.  There were no morning hugs from the grandkids, with a breakfast chat and devotions together.  There was no one asking every hour on the hour, for something to eat or snack on.  No more dolls, playing house, and doll paraphernalia all over the place.  There were no more Lego ships or planes that Dante puts together-just the dust left over.  What a great privilege we as grandparents have to be a part of our grandkids lives!  We pray that we can make an impact on their lives for all eternity.


Speaking of dust…if you looked up the definition of dust in the dictionary, it would show a picture of my house.  It has been totally neglected for months during my convalescent time.  I sure could use a good spring, summer, and fall housecleaning all at one time!  Oh well.  When I get anxious or frustrated about my messy, disorderly house, my mom says, "Missy, don't worry about it.  The messes are not going to go away-they will still be there waiting for you!"  I chuckled, "Thanks, Mom.  Just the encouragement I wanted to hear!"

 We were so thankful for all that came to Christ during our Brookings rally!

Last weekend, we ministered in Brookings, South Dakota, which is only about 85 miles from our home.  We had a wonderful service at the Assembly of God church, and a precious altar call.  It's always exciting to see what God does if we are willing to be an open vessel, used of God. 


We are busy getting ready for a month-long tour to Colorado and Wyoming.  Today, Larry was frantically working on getting Freon in the coach.  There was a crack in the hose fitting, so we had to get that fixed first.  There is no way we could survive in the coach without good air conditioning when the temperatures are in the 90s.  I really rejoiced when he came in and hollered, "Honey, the air conditioning is fixed!"  Those were sweet, cool words to my ears!


I've been keeping busy with partner mail, lots of ministry business, and writing-all jobs that I can do from my "easy" chair.  My head works-but I'm still struggling with my strength and energy level.  I continue to feel as though somebody has "knocked the wind out of me."  Four months ago my doctors said, "Some morning you'll wake up and say 'Wow, I feel great'."  Well, so far, that morning hasn't arrived-but I trust that with God, it will arrive soon. 


I'm sure you have some of those days also, when your body, mind and emotions are under attack.  We all face that from time to time.  It's at those times that I go to Psalms and begin reading through David's "journals."  I'm encouraged to know that even David, God's anointed, had lots of those days, but he always went back to praising God despite the circumstances!  That is what I try to concentrate on.  David said in the Psalms, "I will praise Him at all times.  His praise will continually be in my mouth."  When I pray and praise Him, God lifts me up and I feel His added strength and joy.  Let me encourage you, if you have one of those days, to go to Psalms and begin to just praise the Lord. 


Well, friend, I have got to get back to work.  Please have a great week!  Know that God loves you and Larry and I do, too. 




 Thought for the Week:

A mother was preparing pancakes for her sons, Kevin 5 and Ryan 3.  The boys began to argue over who would get the first pancake. 

Their mother saw the opportunity for a moral lesson and said, "If Jesus were sitting here, He would say, 'Let my brother have the first pancake, I can wait."

Kevin turned to his younger brother and said, "Ryan, you be Jesus!"


What a beautiful day! We had a cool front moving through South Dakota earlier this week...

July 20, 2005


What a beautiful day!  We had a cool front moving through South Dakota earlier this week.  It had been in the mid-90s, but cooled down for a day or two with mid-day temperatures in the lower 80s.  In fact, it was down to the low 60s the other night, and was it ever refreshing to open the windows and let the cool breeze flow through!  It was so good to let the air-conditioner get a much-needed break.  The temperature is supposed to hit the high 90s again today, so I'd better brace myself for it.

Myanna is making brownies at Grandma's house! 

It has been another busy week of office work.  Larry and I work out of our home office while we're in Sisseton, and the three phone lines have been ringing nonstop!  It's a good thing we have Dante and Myanna to serve as our "personal secretaries" by answering that third phone line.  Larry is busy scheduling out the rest of 2006.  This morning as we were going over the schedule, I said, "Hold it!  Slow down…I can't think 12 to 14 months ahead right now-I'm just trying to make it through today."  Larry just chuckled!


Last Saturday, we had the opportunity and pleasure to take in a family reunion on my father's side.  There were 13 children in his family, and because of that there are relatives spread out from coast to coast like the sands of the seas.  Out of the 13 children, I have two living aunts, Dorothy Burleson and Bonnie Hacker.  They are in their mid-80s and are so full of life and spunk!  In fact, they are talking about going on a cruise!  Isn't it great to see such a zest for life at that age?  My aunt Dorothy and her family used to live only 12 miles from us when I was a pre-teen.  Their family spiritually encouraged our family.  I've never forgotten their kindness and the impact they made on our lives.  The people who lead us to the Lord, or who mentor us, will always have a special place in our hearts, won't they? 

                                                                                                     My two aunts, Dorothy Burleson and Bonnie Hacker.  These ladies have a true zest for life!

In the course of the day during the reunion, we reminisced about all the family members who have gone on before us.  I was reminded of what my pastor, Rev. B. C. Heinze, told me when I was about eight years old.  I was in his office, and was mesmerized by the picture on the wall depicting heaven.  I was full of questions, and wanted to know all about this place: who goes there, what all if it is like, and so on.  I told him I wanted to go there, too.  He looked at me with that twinkle in his eye and said, "Gloria, the longer you live, the more loved ones you have on the other side."  As a child, I didn't know what that statement meant, because everyone that I knew and loved was right here on earth.  But as the past 50 years have evaporated, I realized the profound truth in that statement, because Larry and I have countless loved ones who have gone on to heaven.  And speaking of family reunions, heaven will be the ultimate family reunion!  It is there that we will be reunited with our loved ones.  Can you imagine the excitement of running from loved one to loved one? I would think there would be so many hugs and embraces!  I can hardly wait to see my grandmas, grandpas, dad, brother, and of course and especially, my sister that I never met.  She died when she was just a week old and would have been about four years older than me.  I often joke by saying that when I see her, I'm going to ask her why she left me to fend for myself amongst those 10 brothers!  Ha!  Then I'll brag about how I survived them all.  Anyway, the reunion was great fun, and Dante and Myanna enjoyed meeting lots more of their relatives. 

                                                                                                       Russ Spink of Hill City, SD, was so kind to build me these therapy boards so I could take them on the road to continue my progress.

Medical Update: 

Today I went for physical therapy again.  It's definitely getting more intense with each session, but it is a necessary intensity--and it's helping.  My balance is getting better, though my pain is still out of control.  Thank God that He is my strength and my tower.  When the pain gets really intense, I call on Jesus and ask Him for strength and endurance.  Myanna saw me wobbling around last night, and she said, "Grandma, I wish you didn't break your leg!"  I chuckled, "Me too!"  She and Dante miss having this Grandma taking walks, skipping, jumping and running with them.  I told her that next year, I will be able to walk fast.  Her big brown eyes sparkled.  She gave me a big hug and said, "Good."

Russ Spink of Hill City, SD, was so kind to build me these therapy boards so I could take them on the road to continue my progress. 

Our dear friend, Russ Frink of Hill City SD, built me a couple of therapy boards so I can take them on the road to keep my exercises going.  Thank you, Russ!  You'll never know what a blessing you have been to me. 


This summer on tour, we have had the privilege of seeing friends we haven't had the chance to see in many years.  In Baraboo, Wisconsin, we were reunited with Dave and Roxanne Biffert.  What a precious family!  They invited us over for a delicious steak grill-out.  We had a great time of fellowship with them and their family.  After the evening service on Sunday, Roxanne handed me a note, and I'd like to share it with you.  It is notes like this that keeps our sights set on what we are called to do, which is to win the lost, and encourage the hurting, struggling families.  Here's the note: 


Dear Gloria,

Almost two decades ago, you and Larry literally rolled into Baraboo at a time when we needed God's wisdom and healing for our family.  As your bus turned in at the stoplight, just seeing the Lundstrom lettering on the side brought a sense of calm to my troubled soul.  You so ministered to our family.  Now, many years later, your ministry has rekindled personal family commitments to Christ and first-time decisions for the special friends in our lives. 

"Yesterday, today and forever," your ministry has not wavered.  May the Lord continue to bless your family with wisdom and compassion as you continue your journey to reach the lost for the next decade. 

David and Roxanne Biffert

Baraboo WI

                                                                                                      Here is the precious David and Roxanne Biffert family of Baraboo, WI 

We are so thrilled with what God did in that family! 


Well, again, it has been fun sharing another week of our life on the road with you.  Thanks for being a part of our ministry family!  You are all such a blessing to us.  Have a great week!



 Thought for the Week:

Six-year-old Angie and her four-year-old brother Joel were sitting together in church.  Joel giggled, sang, and talked out loud.  Finally, his big sister had had enough, so she said, "You're not supposed to talk out loud in church."

"Why not?  Who's going to stop me?" Joel asked.

Angie pointed to the back of the church and said, "See those two men standing by the door?  They're hushers."


Here it is, mid-July…and it's hotter than it was last week! We just arrived back in Sisseton after a nearly one-thousand-mile trek out to Baraboo, Wisconsin and back...

July 13, 2005


Here it is, mid-July…and it's hotter than it was last week!  We just arrived back in Sisseton after a nearly one-thousand-mile trek out to Baraboo, Wisconsin and back, for weekend services.  Halfway there, we stopped in Minneapolis and dropped off Dante and Myanna at their house for four days.  The kids and their mom were all so anxious to see each other!  LaDawn is the manager over four Verizon Wireless kiosks in four different Circuit City locations in the Dante and Myanna love their scooters!Minneapolis area.  Needless to say, she is a very busy single parent and always seems to be on the run.  She deeply appreciates having Grandma and Grandpa take the kids on the road with us so she doesn't have to worry about them.  After their hugs and hellos, the kids ran to the garage and away they went on their scooters.  I was thinking, that's exactly what I need: a scooter!  I could rest the broken foot on the scooter and propel myself with my left good foot.  But then again, it could all go wrong, and I'd just break my other foot!  Ha!  I think I'll be content just to limp along instead.


I can't tell you how good it feels to wear tennis shoes after being in either a cast or boot for over three-and-a-half months.  It is a real experience when I try to stand up-I have to pause and take a big breath as I put pressure on the broken foot.  My foot is in indecision as to what it should do or wants to do.  As I put pressure on it, it feels like it's a drawbridge going through all the gears!  It finally finds a groove to rest in, and then comes the challenge of making the foot work together with the plate and eight screws that are in it.  The hardware and I are in total agreement: we don't like each other invading the "territory" in my foot.  It feels like the hardware needs some WD-40 to get it moving.  But, praise God, it is slowly coming along!  After being on the foot a bit, it swells out of the shoe, so I then have to elevate it again to get that swelling down.  The long trip to Wisconsin in a vehicle was a real test for this foot-and it didn't pass!  Ha!  I was more than overjoyed to get home once again.

                                                                                                     The altar call in Baraboo WI included 18 rededications and six first-time decisions

The trip was long, but oh so worth it, when we saw the altar filled both Sunday morning and evening at the Baraboo Assembly of God Church.  The church is pastored by Mike Dotson.  18 people rededicated their lives to the Lord, and six made first time decisions.  On Sunday morning, there were two young couples with their newborn babies that came forward to accept Christ.  That thrills our hearts!  There were L-R: Brittany Biffert, Jesse Vanderbilt, Shane McMahon.  young people, college students, seniors, and all other ages that responded to the Lord at the altar calls.  Many came up to us after the service and said, "Oh, we prayed so long for our loved one to find Christ, and today was the day it finally happened."  Those tears of joy are recorded in heaven!  That's truly what keeps us going.

                                                                                                     Pastor & Mrs. Mike Dotson of Baraboo, WI Assembly of God

On our way back to Minneapolis to pick up Dante and Myanna, we got caught in a traffic jam for over an hour, due to an accident on the road.  When we see something like that happening, we are so grateful for God's hand of mercy, protection, and safety.   Thinking of how we have traveled for 40 years coast-to-coast, as well as overseas, reinforces to us that God has answered our prayers for protection.  I'm always reminded about my mother's favorite picture.  It is the one of the little girl crossing a bridge, and an angel is watching over her to protect her from falling.  The caption reads, "And God will give His angels charge over thee."  When we travel continuously, we pray before each trip that God will give His angels charge over us, to protect us from any impending accidents.  And He has done it!  He is so faithful.  I also try to remind myself to pray daily and thank God for all the things that could have happened to us that we will never know about, due to His hand of protection.  Isn't God good?


We also thank all of you, our friends, family, and partners, who write and tell us that they faithfully pray for us each day.  What a comfort that is to us!  It is our prayer this week that you will sense God's presence with you every moment of every day.  May you be blessed, have a great week, and keep cool!



Here, Gloria is singing and running sound from her "high chair."  The chair was given to her by the Assembly of God church in Metairie, LA right after the accident.  They said they wanted to be sure to keep her on the road ministering, and they hoped that the chair would help.  And it DOES!


 Thought for the Week:

Slow Me Down, Lord

Slow me down, Lord.
Ease the pounding of my heart by the quieting of my mind.
Steady my hurried pace with a vision of the eternal reach of time.
Give me, amid the confusion of the day, the calmness of the everlasting hills.
Break the tensions of my nerves and muscles with the soothing music of the singing streams that live in my memory.
Teach me the art of taking minute vacations--of slowing down to look at a flower, to chat with a friend, to pat a dog, to smile at a child, to read a few lines from a good book.
Slow me down, Lord, and inspire me to send my roots deep into the soil of life's enduring values, that I may grow toward my greater destiny.
Remind me each day that the race is not always to the swift, that there is more to life than increasing its speed.
Let me look upward to the towering oak and know that is grew great and strong because it grew slowly and well. 


- by Orin L. Crain, from Gloria's Heartprints book 


Woo-hoo…I just came back from my physical therapy! I call it my "huff and puff" class. I do one hour of intense therapy, which seems to be what it's going to take to get me up and moving again...

July 6, 2005


Woo-hoo…I just came back from my physical therapy!  I call it my "huff and puff" class.  I do one hour of intense therapy, which seems to be what it's going to take to get me up and moving again.  When I finished, I wanted to put in my request for ice-cold lemonade, fresh-baked brownies, and a hammock in which to take a leisure nap.  Well, so much for dreamin'!  Our office work is piled up from the long holiday weekend, and Larry is busy booking services for the summer of 2006.  That seems a long way off, but we live our lives booked one to two years ahead.  It simply has to be done that way in evangelism.


Altar call in Freeport, MNLast Saturday, we drove to Freeport, Minnesota, which is a small community nestled among the lakes and trees.  We held a Sunday morning service.  Of course, because was the 4th of July weekend, we should have had a pontoon service on the lake, as that's where most people flock to for the holiday weekend.  Despite the mass exodus, we had 15 people give their hearts to Christ.  Five of them made first-time decisions!  One couple had recently moved from Idaho to Minnesota.  They invited their mother to come with them to the service, and they all three received Christ for the first time.  The joy on their faces was worth the journey over there!  We drove back to Sisseton on Sunday night. 

On Monday, the 4th of July, we took our grandchildren Dante and Myanna with us out to my brother's camper at a nearby lake.  About 25 members of my family, including my mother, were there.  It was so much fun!  Due to being on the road about ten months out of the year, we miss so many holidays with the family, so this truly was a treat.  My brother had jet-skis, a pontoon, a four-wheeler, and of course, lots of fireworks, so no one was bored!  Dante and Myanna had been waiting for that moment to light off their fireworks!  Thank God they still have all their fingers.  This Gramma gets nervous about fireworks, you know.  I get nervous because their mother is nervous, and I am responsible for them right now. 


Larry turned 62 last week, but he was gone on his special day, so the grandkids The kids celebrating with Grandpa!and I gave Larry our own party when he returned.  For years, Dante has always made a big birthday poster for his Grandpa, but this year, Myanna did it.  She also made her Grandpa her own card all by herself, and when he opened it, I almost cried!  When she was born almost seven years ago, Grandpa Larry had brought red roses for her.  Her mommy had shown her those photos time and time again, and we never realized what an impact that had on her, until we saw what she had printed on his birthday card.  I just have to share it with you-check out the photo.

                                   The special card for Grandpa from Myanna. 

We never know the impact we have on lives.  That's why it is so important to touch lives daily, and let people see God through us.  Yesterday we received an email from a single parent that our daughter, LaDawn, had encouraged and ministered to nearly seven years ago.  After sharing Christ with this friend for months, LaDawn asked her Dad when we were visiting there to show her friend his simple, three-point Gospel message.  After Larry presented it, he asked this friend if she would like to receive Christ, and she responded, "Yes."  I'll never forget us joining hands and praying.  LaDawn then later moved, and the two lost contact with each other.  Now, nearly seven years later, this friend has located us again--evidently through the internet-and she thanked us for leading her to Christ.  She shared how different her life has been since that moment she prayed.  Those are what we call impact moments that can last for all eternity.  There's someone lost who lives next-door to you, or maybe is by your side at your job, that is waiting for someone to share the Good News with them.  The Bible says, "Go ye into all the world, and spread the Gospel to every creature."  The word ye indicates each one of us, not just those that are in formal ministry.  Our every day world has people who are lost and are longing to find Christ.  Take the challenge-and leave an eternal impact.

 Praise the Lord...almost there!

Well, now for a medical update and praise report.  On Tuesday, July 5th, we drove to Fargo, North Dakota to see Dr. Johnson, my orthopedic doctor.  We were more than anxious to see how the bones were healing, as there hadn't been any significant changes since surgery.  Yesterday, he showed us the x-ray: the bones are 90 percent healed, and look good!  That made me shout!  Thanks so much for your prayers.  After my "outburst" of joy, the doctor added, "Due to the traumatic break, it looks like you have a streak of bad arthritis in that foot that is going to cause you lots of pain.  You won't be able to run, jump or jog."  Well, at my age, I'll be very happy just to be able to walk.  I don't have much desire to jump and jog anyway-that's just too much huff and puff.  Ha!  I do believe that God will give me more healing than the doctors think possible. 


I am still dealing with that little open wound.  The doctors don't understand why it doesn't heal, so they are putting me back on antibiotics.  Please pray that this wound will heal once and for all.  Thanks! 

 Visiting our dear friends, Mack and Connie

After our doctor appointment, we stopped to visit our dear friends Mack and Connie Thomas in Fargo, ND.  Mack has been a real trouper, and he and his wife have been such a testimony to so many people through his battle with cancer.  Mack used to play steel guitar for the Lundstroms.  His pain has definitely been his pulpit, and he continues to touch many lives.


Well, again it has been fun talking to you.  Thanks for joining me each week.  It is fun to stay connected like this!  May you have a great week, and may you feel Christ ever so real in your life.  God bless you!



We are home once again in Sisseton, SD. Whew…it is a sweltering hot day today...

June 29, 2005


We are home once again in Sisseton, SD.  Whew…it is a sweltering hot day today.  The temperature has nearly reached 90 degrees and the humidity is high.  The combination of the two wears me out.  As Larry would say, "It's so hot, the birds have to use potholders to take the worms out of the ground".  Ok, so it's a groaner.  That's why I said it was Larry's joke.  I am just the messenger!  HA! 


It has been another busy week.  Larry worked much of the last week in the Black Hills on our coach.  It seems like there is always something falling apart.  Last week, he worked on the jake brake, speedometer, an air leak, and the horn.  I probably missed something.  As with anything, there is always something to fix.  Oh yes, remember the leaky vent on top of the coach that Larry was working on when he fell on me?  Well, we got someone else to go up there and try to seal it.  Hopefully, it is fixed now!  The coach is 16 years old.  It could be compared to a human who is 50.   After you turn 50, they say it's patch, patch, patch.  Am I ever living proof of that!


Dante' & Myanna with our dear friend, LauraWe had wonderful services out in the Black Hills area.  Dante' and Myanna loved it out there.  They made many new friends.  Our friends, Duane and Laura Pankratz, invited us to park at their Miner's RV Park next to their Miner's Motel.  They provided us a motel room for over three weeks in which we set up our office.  How we appreciated that!  The motel room was only about 50 feet from our coach.  With all my convalescent paraphernalia and all my office work, it was easier for me to stay self-contained in the coach.  Of course, the grandkids spent a lot of time with me in the coach as well as the motel.  Dante' and Myanna, loved Duane and Laura's three Dante' & Myanna loved the giant cinnamon roll made by their friend, Paulette!little pet dogs.  They also enjoyed being a half a block away from the Miner's Restaurant which is known as "Home of the Giant Cinnamon Roll".  Dante' and Myanna went over every morning to split a roll that was as large as a dinner plate.  They would then visit with the manager and friend, Paulette Schaefer.  Everyone was so kind to us and we deeply appreciated it.


Dante' was able to go to Bible Camp while we were in the Black Hills, and he had a great time.  He met several kids from many of the churches we had ministered in during the past month.  Myanna sure missed her brother though.  Those kids are such a blessing to us.  They add life and zest to the road life, and they keep Larry and I from molding.  In the evenings, Dante' insists on his Dante' heading off to camp!wrestling match with his grandpa. Myanna has several games along that she likes to play before we go to bed.  Needless to say, there is never a dull moment.


Last Wednesday, I went back to the Wound Care Clinic in Rapid City.  The wound looked a little bit better.  They cleaned out the wound once again, bandaged me from my toe to my knee, and predicted the wound should be better in the next month or so.  I whimpered, "Another month, or so!"  To which they replied, "Yes.  It was a deep wound but we think we can help it."  I sure hope and pray so as I am getting tired of this ongoing drama.  The clinic had me contact my orthopedic doctor in Fargo, ND, to schedule an appointment to get in to see him as soon as possible.  I am scheduled there July 6th.


Gloria in the clinic getting the wound checked.Last Thursday, I completed my physical therapy in Rapid City.  I will continue with therapy here in Sisseton.  I am slowly taking some steps and walking, but I look like a duck because of the way I wobble.  That's okay because I will continue to be working diligently in order to walk again.


Just before I left the Regional Therapy Department in Rapid City, I asked my therapist, David, "Okay, David, what is my prognosis?"  He questioned me, "What is your goal?"  I responded, "I want to walk as good as I am able again."  He patted me on the shoulder, smiled and said, "Again, you need to understand how severe your injury was.  Be thankful, first of all, that you have your foot.  Secondly, be pleased with any ground gained."  Well, I am thrilled to have my foot, but I believe with God's help and several months of hard work in therapy, I will gain more ground than they think I am able to.  I stand on the scripture in John 14:14 that proclaims, "You may ask me for anything in my name and I will do it."  I have prayed that verse over and over and I continue to count on your prayers as well.


Last Saturday, we drove back to Sisseton.  Larry unloaded Myanna and me, along with all my gear into the house.  Larry turned on all the switches for the water, A/C, phone, water heater, etc. He and Dante' then packed the sound equipment into the suburban and the two of them traveled to Eagle Bend, MN, for a Sunday service.  He wanted to save strain on me so the two of them went alone this Sunday.  Myanna and I had just nestled into the house, which was blistering ho, as it had been closed up for a month.  We kept waiting for the A/C to cool the house off.  About two hours later, I realized that just the blower fan was running and the A/C was not working.  I tried (to no avail) to get repair technicians to look at it but everyone was gone for the weekend.  That's the joy of living in a small rural community.  HA!  Myanna and I were absolutely overheated.  I looked out the back door and could see that the A/C fan was not rotating.  I prayed in desperation, "God, I can't handle this sweltering heat and I can't survive the swarms of mosquitos outside.  I need a miracle."  I prayed in faith, but after five hours of sweat rolling off our bodies, my faith was beginning to waiver a bit.  Out of nowhere, I heard a "VROOOOM!"  It sounded just like an airplane.  I looked out the back door and the big A/C fan was spinning and rotating.  Myanna and I rejoiced heartily.  In about five hours the house was cooled off.  When the fan started, I shouted, "Praise the Lord!"  Myanna said, "Grandma, why do you always say 'Praise the Lord'?"  I simply told her, "We should always give God the praise every time something good happens."  She looked up at me with her big brown eyes and shouted, "Okay…Praise the Lord!"


Tuesday was Larry's 62nd birthday.  He and Dante' are currently gone so we will celebrate when they get back.  The grandkids made posters and cards for him, and they want to give Grandpa his favorite ice cream cake.  That will be fun!  Kids always make birthdays special.


I can hardly believe this coming weekend is the Fourth of July.  This year has flown by.  Every year we have freedom of speech and freedom of worship we need to thank God for it.  We need to be reminded not to take these freedoms lightly.  They are costly gifts indeed bought with the lives of brave men who unswervingly believed that future generations (meaning ours and those to come) would cherish freedom purchased by their selfless martyrdom. 


I pray that you will have a wonderful Fourth of July.  If you have the opportunity, enjoy your family and loved ones.  I also pray that you will be a blessing to them spiritually. 


God Bless You!





 Thought for the Week:

You Remember the Real America if You Can Remember…


When riots were unthinkable.

When you left front doors open.

When socialism was a dirty word.

When ghettos were neighborhoods.

When criminals actually went to jail.

When you weren't afraid to go out at night.

When taxes were only a necessary nuisance.

When a boy was a boy and dressed like one.

When a girl was a girl and dressed like one.

When the poor were too proud to take charity.

When the clergy actually talked about religion.

When clerks and repairmen tried to please you.

When college kids swallowed goldfish, not acid.

When songs held a tune, and the words made sense.

When the United States flag was a sacred symbol.

When young fellows tried to join the Army or Navy.

When people knew what the Fourth of July stood for.

When you never dreamed our country could ever lose.

When a Sunday drive was a pleasant trip, not an ordeal.

When you bragged about your hometown and home state.

When everybody didn't feel entitled to a college education.

When people expected less and valued what they had more.

When politicians proclaimed their patriotism, and meant it.

When everybody knew the difference between right and wrong.

When things weren't perfect-but you never expected them to be.

When you weren't made to feel guilty for enjoying dialect comedy.

When our government stood up for Americans anywhere in the world.

When you knew that the law would be enforced and your safety protected.

When you considered yourself lucky to have a good job and proud to have it.

When the law meant justice, and you felt a shiver of awe at the sight of a policeman.

When you weren't embarrassed to say that this is the best county in the world.

When America was a land filled with brave, proud, confident, hardworking people!




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