Greetings! We are just leaving the great state of North Dakota after an awesome time of ministry in Minot last weekend. We have been coming to Minot, ND since the early 70's and over the years have made many friends...of which many still remain, but we have so enjoyed making new friends as well. Minot First Assembly of God is currently in a pastoral transition so Pastor Jack Glass and his wife, Coletta, dear friends of ours, are interning there for the next three months. We have ministered with Pastor Glass in several places so it was like coming back home. Pastor Glass had this to say regarding our ministry in Minot,
"What a joyful experience is was having you with us again, Larry and Gloria. Praise God for the fifteen people who came forward. Keep trucking!"
We were welcomed by an enthusiastic congregation who were excited and anticipating God to do great things...and He did! In both morning services, several responded to the altar call for the first time, and many prodigals came home! How thrilling!
One lady in her 50's who made a first time decision for Christ told me, "I first heard you in 1973 here in Minot. I felt God then, but never responded to give Him my life, but today, I wept through the whole service and when Larry gave the altar call, I stepped forward to make Jesus Lord of my life." WOW! Her testimony confirmed that once you feel the presence of God, you never forget that feeling.
Les Mau, First Assembly of God's business administrator shared the following about the services,
"It was such a blessing to have Larry and Gloria with us for our Sunday morning services. We had a large number of new people attend, many who have been ministered to in the past by the Lundstroms. They came again to be touched by God through these two wonderful servants of the Lord. The music was awesome, the laughter was contagious, the message was relevant and the Holy Spirit was moving! Many people responded to receive Christ for the first time or to recommit their lives to Him. To God be the Glory! Thanks, Larry and Gloria."
Les was a real blessing to us. What a gift of hospitality and servanthood he has! The church is blessed to have him on staff along with the others, one of them being their bookkeeper, Lynne Heizelman.
"It was great to see Larry and Gloria Lundstrom again. Our families go all the way back to the 1970's in South Dakota. The Sunday morning service was wonderful here. I still remember the words to the medley of Lundstrom songs. Undoubtedly, the best part of the service was the altar call. A classmate of mine from high school was one of the many that responded. Thank you, Larry and Gloria, for your dedication to reaching the Lost."
From Minot, we drove to Rugby, a small community that is best known for the "Stone Cairn" that marks the geographical center of North America. The location was established in 1931 by a US Geological Survey. Quite a feeling overwhelmed me as I stood by the Stone Cairn with the gusty fall wind swirling around me and realized I was literally standing in the center of North America. I am sure it was a challenge for the survey team to determine the exact location amidst the changing seasons and extreme weather North Dakota experiences. I know I wouldn't want to be standing there between November and April due to the effects of the Midwest winter- inches of blowing snow, blizzard winds, subzero temps-you get the idea.
From Rugby, we drove over to Rolette, which is nestled next to the Canadian border. We set up in the high school gym for an evening soulwinning rally hosted by Pastor Gene and Jeanine Wilson and Pastor Joel and Emily Davis. We had a wonderful altar call where many responded. The Wilson's and the Davis's are young couples who carry a burden for the rural areas and they love people.
This testimony from Melissa was shared with us and touched our hearts:
"Dear Larry & Gloria,
It was a great pleasure to hear and see you both again. It had been a very long time. My friend and I had a really good time and we both needed to be there that evening. Everything that you both said was "WOW"
After the great event, I had the pleasure of visiting with Gloria and it was so nice. I really needed that, and I was so happy to know that you were there to listen to me.
I am looking forward to reading the books and listening to the many cassette tapes and also the cd's. I will forever remember this special night. Please visit us again."
Last Sunday morning, I had a rather humorous event take place. We had finished the 8:30 AM service and I was visiting with people, counseling and making my way to the front of the church to make sure everything was in order for our second service. A young, spirited woman in her early 30's walked right up to me, leaned in to me, looked at the left side of my head and then the right side and finally exclaimed as if she had found a pot of gold, "It's you!" I chuckled, "I hope so! I know it was me when I got up this morning! HA!" She giggled, "No, no, no! You see, I found this earring lying on the bathroom floor and I had sifted through nearly 300 people checking every woman to see who was missing an earring." She dangled it in front of me and proclaimed, "It's yours. You are missing one." Once again, she held up my $3.00 earring special as if it was a great treasure and joyfully presented it to me. Had she not found it, I would have gone through the entire second service with only one earring in which would have been quite noticeable. I was so appreciative for her gift of persistence to find the owner of the earring.
This episode reminded me of the lost coin story in Luke 15:8-10. "Or suppose a woman has ten silver coins
and loses one. Does she not light a lamp, sweep the house and search carefully until she finds it? And when she finds it, she calls her friends and neighbors together and says, 'Rejoice with me; I have found my lost coin.' In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents."
Think of the persistence this woman exhibited to find that lost coin. Or the persistence my friend had to find the owner of the lost earring. It is that same persistence that we all need in order to go and find lost ones without Christ so we can witness and love them into the Kingdom. God has allowed lost coins-to be within our sight and reach----not just to see them but to lead them to Christ. God help all of us to be faithful in the Great Commission.
"When your religion gets into the past tense, it becomes a pretense." - Church Mouse
Old age is when you lean over to pick something up off the floor and ask yourself if there is anything else you need to do while you are down there.
You are over the hill...when one hair on your head is worth two in the brush.
For a wonderful addition to a hot chocolate drink, try cinnamon sticks. Even better, dip your cinnamon sticks in melted chocolate and let them dry before using them to stir your drink. You can also wrap up a few to go with a drink mix you'd like to give as a gift.