Greetings from Minneapolis! We just drove in from a wonderful and exciting Father's Day service and weekend in Glenwood, MN. Of course, Minnesota is known as the land of 10,000 truly is beautiful! With the unusually cooler weather and abundance of rain---the grass is plush and green.
With the onset of summer, the holiday and vacations, we were not sure how the attendance would be, but we were pleased to see so many of our partners and friends who drove in from the surrounding areas. A special surprise was a couple left their home at 4:30 AM Sunday morning and drove in from Orange City, IA. It was over 400 miles sweet! There were also several friends who attended who have joined us for Fun and Fellowship tours as well as a couple who attended one of the Lundstrom Television tapings in Nashville, TN, way back in 1972. Aren't friends great! It was like a family reunion.
When the invitation was given to receive Christ, a lady who was 80 years old responded. It was the first time she has ever made a spiritual commitment. How precious to see her daughter standing by her holding her hand as they prayed.
As always, it was good to be back with Pastor Mark and Kathy Geselle who have pastored the Minnewaska Assembly of God church for several years now. It is always special to see their children as we have taken great joy in watching them as little children grow into teens and now as young adults attending college.
It is always a joy to see families like Duane and Wendy Jergenson's come to our rallies. They shared this with us,
"One year ago when we went to Branson with you, you really impacted our lives. It was truly a great experience!"
The weekend prior, we had a service in Wahpeton, ND, at Harvest Outreach Church. We were overjoyed to be with Pastor Sam McKay and his wife, Jenny. They were new to this pastorate and we had not met them before but it took just minutes to become fast friends. Larry and I are so honored to have the privilege to work with such wonderful pastors through the years. We also had many friends drive in for the service in Wahpeton.
The most important guest, of course...was our Savior, Jesus Christ. He ministered to the hearts of the hurting, discouraged and the lost without Christ. There were several young adults along with many others that responded to the invitation. After the service was over, one parent came up to us shedding tears of joy and said, "I have prayed so long for this moment for our son in college that he would make a decision to follow Christ, on his own, not because we wanted him to." When I looked up and saw he and his girlfriend respond, needless to say it was a time to rejoice!"
Let me repeat this statement, "Larry and I never grow tired of seeing people's lives change."
Last week, Larry, I and his family finally undertook the task that we have been putting off for several years! We have endeavored to get Larry's parents four story farm house cleaned out, but with all of the Lundstrom brothers' schedules, we had not yet gotten it tackled. His father has been gone for 15 years and his mother has been gone for 10 years. Much of the house's contents had been shoved up into the attic so it was filled to the brim with----well, you name it, we saw it and we carried it down three flights of stairs. There were treasures, stuff and junk from way back to the 1940's: old dressers, antique chairs, tables, bed frames, mattresses, lamps, trunks, classic radios, guitars, banjos, precious dishes, records, and books that appeared like they came over on the Mayflower. There was fishing gear, hunting gear, mammoth framed pictures, photos, an antique Singer sewing machine, camping equipment, kitchen gadgets and truly vintage clothing amongst the overwhelming mounds of stuff. Guess what? I even found a couple of our wedding gifts that we put up in the attic three days after we were married since we were going on the road and inadvertently never did see them again....there they were! All I can say is "Uff da...what an experience!"
We also went through a half of a straight truck that was loaded with boxes and boxes and more boxes that had been stored for years. We rented a hall and had a massive garage sale. I can't even tell you how relieved we all felt when we got it all cleaned out. We could all breathe easy knowing we had a big burden lifted off our shoulders.
I like to equate that whole episode to forgiveness. Often in our lives we are hurt, misunderstood, mistrusted, used and abused. We allow these things to pile up in our lives like in that old attic. Rather than asking God to help us clean out or forgive those who have offended us, we let it fester until it begins to nag on us, irritate us and we are ready to explode. Like the attic, we are filled to the brim with unforgiveness and haunting memories that can and will eventually destroy us stealing our joy, peace, love, family relationships, marriages, name it!
Prayerfully we come to the day that we know we have to clean out the stuff in order to be set free from all of this.
"Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you." Ephesians 4:32 (NASB)
"So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." John 8:36 (NIV)
Now the choice is ours. If we choose to forgive, we live. We will feel better, be happier and God can give us a new lease on life like we never had. But like I said, the choice is yours and the choice is mine. How do I know? I've been there! I've been imprisoned by hurt and unforgiveness. I have also cleaned out and been set free by choosing to let go of the past hurts, forgiving others, forgiving myself and making things right. Wow...the joy and peace He gave me as a result! It really works.
Today...choose to forgive...choose to live!