Greetings from the road!  With Independence day approaching, there is much talk of freedom - but there is truly nothing that compares to the Freedom that we find in Christ. What a privilege and honor it is to live in America and enjoy liberty because of the sacrifice of many. Even so, to us, there is nothing like the privilege to partner with God to bring His freedom and the truth of His sacrifice to others. While our bodies may tire from the miles, our hearts and spirits are continually renewed from seeing people's eyes opened, lives changed and destinies set free!...


May you enjoy your holiday weekend with family and friends - celebrating the freedom that is found in our nation, as well as in our God!


Lest we forget...Let us be reminded


One of my favorite things about America is its rich history…the bravery, the courage, the trust in God, the wisdom, the risk, the values. When you read or hear about the birthing of our great nation, you cannot deny the Christian principles upon which it was founded. The evidence is all around us. America was intended to be a Nation that, while offering freedom to worship how one pleases, glorifies God, the Maker of Heaven and Earth. Here are just a few of the inscriptions that are etched into the history of our nation:

The Capitol Building:

In the House chamber resides the following inscription: "In God We Trust."

In the Senate chamber are the words Annuit Coeptis, Latin for, "He has favored our undertakings." In the entrance to this chamber is the declaration, "In God We Trust." In the Rotunda, there are various paintings. One of the paintings shows the open Bible with the words, "the New Testament according to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ," and "God with us" is inscribed in the painting as well.

In the Capitol Chapel is a stain glassed window with these powerful words etched, "This Nation Under God" and "Preserve me, God, for in Thee do I put my trust." (Psalm 16:1)

The Washington Monument:

Engraved on the aluminum capstone is Laus Deo, "Praise be to God."

Lining the walls of the stairwell are blocks carved with phrases like "Holiness to the Lord,"

"Search the Scriptures," and "Train up a child in the way he should go."

The Jefferson Memorial:

A quote around the interior dome says, "I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the minds of man."

One panel reads, "God who gave us life gave us liberty. Can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed a conviction that these liberties are the gift of God? Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just, that His justice cannot sleep forever."

The Lincoln Memorial:

To the right of the magnificent statue of Abraham Lincoln is his second inaugural address, which mentions God 14 times and quotes the Bible twice.

On President Lincoln's left is the Gettysburg Address which states, "We here highly resolved that these dead shall not have died in vain, that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom."


These inscriptions to me are like the altars of our time.

The Israelites were very familiar with altars. Altars were built as a monument to remember or commemorate a divine experience as well to symbolize communion with the Lord. They were places to call upon the name of Lord and to remember His glorious promises. As generations would grow up, the altars would still stand, as reminders of what God had done so the goodness of God could be passed down from generation to generation that not one generation would forget what He has done.


As we revisit these monuments, memorials, buildings, documents, may they stir within us a passion to remember what God has done…to remember not only the sacrifice of His Son so we may live but to remember the sacrifices of those who have given (and continue to give) so much so we could experience liberty…to remember the principals the Nation was founded on and the values upon which each stone was laid…to remember to pray for those in authority and positions of influence that they would make decisions that are congruent with the Godly heritage of our Nation…to remember because of our God, there is always hope no matter how dark it appears.


And lastly, God please help us to remember You in all things and let us not lose our declaration of You!

God bless America!






Greetings from home!  We pray that you have had a marvelous Father's Day!  We, of course, greatly miss being with our kids on these heartwarming holidays but we are so thankful that we are able to stay in contact often and cherish our phone chats!

We wanted to take a few moments and share some thoughts with you on Father's Day....enjoy!

Father's Day---

This is my 47th year to celebrate being a father.

I recall the birth of our firstborn, LaShawn, when they brought her into the room and placed her in my arms.  It was so awesome.  I truly saw God's miracle of a new birth. 

October 27, 1967---that momentous moment---I will never forget!  I stood awestruck trying to grasp that this was really real.  I carefully unwrapped her little pink blanket, reached out for her little tiny hands.  They were so perfect and still wrinkled from being stuffed in her mommy's tummy for nine months.  Next, I giggled as I saw those perfect little pink feet.  Yes, I counted the toes to be sure there were ten---no less and no more.  I gingerly picked her up and placed her beautiful little face up to my warm cheek.  She squirmed a bit and nestled right into my neck, and of course, I melted. 



Three days later, the nurse brought our new little bundle, LaShawn, all wrapped up again in a pink little blanket, places her in my arms announcing, "Here she is….she's yours!"  The nurse smiled and wheeled us out to the car.  Those parting words on our new journey to parenthood "She's yours!" hit me like cement.  It was as if someone has placed a fragile little egg in my hand.  The responsibility of this new baby, our child, my daughter, and an eternal being literally overwhelmed me.  To be honest, I was scared and a nervous wreck!


I was fearful I would drop her.  I didn't know what to do if she cried.  Was she hurting, hungry, needing a clean diaper, too hot, too cold…what was I to do?  I did the right thing…I panicked, "Honey, take her!" (Easy way out…HA!)


Now, fast forward  and here we are 47 years later, I still carry concern about our children {LaShawn, LaDawn, Donovan} even though they are adults as well as our grandchildren {Dante' and Myanna}.  Are they safe?  Are they making right decisions?  Are they physically and emotionally healthy?  Will they be financially secure?


I don't think I am the only one who thinks that way.  I put that in the category of being a loving father!  The ultimate Father's love is the love of the Heavenly Father.  Can you imagine how He feels when He looks at all of His children?  What is He thinking as He watches us father our children?  No matter how old we get, we are never far from His care. 


"The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." Deuteronomy 31:8.


Clarence Kelland said, "My father didn't tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it."  I often wonder what the characteristics are that my children learn from me.  Life and legacy will tell that story.  I know I am not the perfect father; I have failed, but I pray that my family will always have a relationship with the Heavenly Father who will always lead them and guide them in truth, never leaving them nor forsaking them.  My prayer continues to be that we will be family for all eternity.



"Behold, children are a gift of the LORD, The fruit of the womb is a reward." Psalm 127:3



Whew! We've been coming and going…going and coming…so I hardly know if I'm coming or going - ha!


We had an awesome time of ministry on Sunday, May 31st in Robbinsdale, Minnesota at the Olivet United Methodist Church with Pastor Randy Taber. He has such a heart to reach the lost and hurting.  We had a sweet group of friends and guests join us for that morning, and the most precious part of the service was the altar call, of course. There was no hesitation as people flowed up to the altar to pray the salvation prayer. Tears of joy and freedom truly made it a memorable day.


Altar call in Robbinsdale, MN


"I was so blessed to attend your service at Mt.Olivet United Methodist Church in Robbinsdale,MN on Sunday May 31. Larry and Gloria your music always inspires me. The presence of the Holy Spirit is evident when you sing.

Gloria & Bonnie Rance


Larry, you always present God's Word in a way that wants everyone to become a follower of Jesus.
Jesus's commission before He left the earth, calling us to preach the Gospel and make disciples of all nations and as you obeyed the moving of the Holy Spirit, you called anyone desiring to become a follower of Christ or rededicate their life to Christ, to come forward to the altar. I watched as 27 people stepped out and met you there.

I could not help but rejoice with the angels in heaven to see so many names added to the Lambs Book of Life. The parable of The Ninety and Nine reminds me of the Lord's priority and I know that this has always been the priority of the Lundstrom Ministries. May the Lord continue to bless your ministry as you serve the Lord, ministering to the lost and dying."

Your Friend in Christ,

Bonnie Rance



Rev. Randy and Kris Taber



"We thoroughly enjoyed having Larry and Gloria back at Olivet. Many decisions were made to rededicate lives to Crhist. We are blessed in having a chance to win souls for Christ."


Rev. Randy and Kris Taber




After Robbinsdale we raced back to Sisseton for a couple days in the office and last weekend we ministered and sang at the Faith, Fun, Food and Fellowship Sunday service at the Wilmot Lutheran Church in Wilmot, SD to be with Pastor Sheila Pohl. Again, we rejoiced at all those who prayed a prayer to come to Christ or to reconfirm their faith. (Oh, and did I say that it was a delicious potluck dinner that the church made…oh yes!)


Pastor Sheila brought us into Larry's hometown of Peever, SD last September, and now she brought us in to this parish in Wilmot - exciting and fun!


Jerry Niles



Jerry is a classmate of Larry's from High School - wow, way back!


Here's what he shared, "Larry, I just want to let you know that in high school your Christian life and walk made a huge impression on my life. I am so glad to see that you are still doing what you're doing."






Larry and Gloria with Pastor Sheila Pohl








"It was wonderful having Larry and Gloria at Wilmot Lutheran on June 7th. Their positive and upbeat message of the Gospel through music and message is needed and desired in today's world. I am rejoicing over all of those who prayed the Salvation prayer. That's what it's all about! Thank you Larry and Gloria for your faithfulness to your calling."

Pastor Sheila Pohl





On the lighter side - when we came home a few weeks ago, I definitely wanted to have something living, besides mold (ha!), so I quickly threw in a few flowers in my narrow flower box that is about 20 feet long and 2 feet wide. We left for rallies, came back, left for rallies, came back, and I saw this green plant coming up that I didn't plant. I was so excited thinking, "wow, with the prices of flowers, a bird must have dropped a seed, it's green and it's growing. I can't wait to see what blossoms." Well for the following three weeks, each time we've come back, it's grown taller. Two days ago when we came home, this green thing is bushy and over four foot high with no blossoms.


By now you know I am totally illiterate when it comes to plants and flowers. With that, I grabbed a lifeline and texted my sister-in-law, Janice, who knows every tree, flower, weed, etc. I sent over a photo and said, "I have some trivia for you - what is this? Is it a flower plant?" She texted back, "Looks like a weed!"  My heart sank and she continued, "I'd get rid of it."  Very disappointed I went out last night and looked at this big bushy green plant (so I thought) and figured I'd jerk it out of the dirt. But it is so big and is rooted underneath some decorative blocks, so I can't pull it out. I guess I know what I will be doing tonight. I will have to cut it down and use weed killer.


Thinking about that this morning, I saw the parallel in how some temptations look innocent, enticing, pretty and intriguing. We often allow these little sins of hate, jealousy, bitterness and anger grow up and bush out in our lives, until they eat up the good space in our hearts. If not tended to, it keeps growing and snuffs out the seeds of love, joy, peace, gentleness, goodness and kindness, etc. in our lives.  But…the good news is…we can always start over. 1 John 1:9 says, "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." If we ask God to prune us, and forgive us, we can allow the blossoms and fragrance of Jesus Christ to pour forth out of our lives. I pray that the green weed will consistently remind me to keep my life clean and not let sins take root.


Well, when it cools off tonight, I will have to talk Larry into coming out to help me dig out that big weed so the other flowers can blossom as they were intended to. Have a great week!








"Don't water your weeds."

- Ancient Proverb





The Best Sermons Are Lived Not Preached


- Today, I interviewed my grandmother for part of a research paper I'm working on for my Psychology class.  When I asked her to define success in her own words, she said, "Success is when you look back at your life and the memories make you smile."

- Today, I asked my mentor - a very successful business man in his 70s-what his top 3 tips are for success.  He smiled and said, "Read something no one else is reading, think something no one else is thinking, and do something no one else is doing."




Apricot Gelatin


2 small pkgs. Apricot gelatin

1 (12 oz.) can apricot nectar

1 (8 oz.) pkg. cream cheese (soft)

1 small can crushed pineapple, well drained

1 cup chopped nuts

1 (9 oz.) Cool Whip


Heat nectar to boiling.  Pour over gelatin and dissolve. Chill to thickened stage. Add cream cheese, pineapple, and nuts. Fold in Cool Whip.



{Household Hint}

Remove Food Odors: When plastic storage containers start to smell like the food that was in them, wash them with hot water and two tablespoons of baking soda.







So far this is the 5 M's month.  It has been full so I will try and keep my words short and let the pictures tell the stories.


#1   MAY

We arrived home after a four month tour through several states from Florida all the way to South Dakota.  We are praising God for a safe journey home with only one flat tire on the car trailer.  God is good!





We were delighted to return to Fairbank, IA, during our journey home to be with Pastor Scott and Nancy Jans.  I was thrilled to be able to minister at a Mother's Day Luncheon where I shared about mothers encouraging mothers and others.  We then had the privilege of ministering at Lord of the Harvest Lutheran Church where we were so blessed to see people come to Christ as well as had the joy to see friends and partners of the ministry.




"It was great having Larry and Gloria here at Lord of the Harvest to share with new and old friends (some over 35years) that news of Jesus and His saving love for us.  Many thanks and blessings to you!"

Pastor Scott Jans

Lord of the Harvest Lutheran Church

Fairbank, IA



"Thank you for showing God's love and honor to the mothers and grandmothers in the Fairbank community.  Your words of encouragement and sharing the joy of walking in the love of Jesus has brought hope and spiritual refreshment to all.  May God continue to bless you in your calling."

Nancy Jans







"We both enjoyed the weekend.  We've known you since the early 80's.  We are so happy to know that you are still out there winning souls."

Dwayne & Laura Ott, Fairbank, IA

P.S.  I loved Gloria's warmth, sincerity and joy at the Spring Luncheon.  I know it touched a lot of people.  Of course, we ALWAYS love the ministry.






"We loved having you back.  We reconfirmed our faith in Christ when you were here a year ago.  We were so blessed to be able to attend your service again this May.  We so enjoyed the women's spring fling Luncheon.  We appreciated the message."

Obed & Dyette Molstre, Fairbank, IA











"It was so great to see you come to Lord of the Harvest Church again.  You blessed me by your wonderful message and music at the Women's Luncheon and the Sunday service."

Vicki Sharp, Fairbank, IA












#3           MOTHER'S DAY

Larry and I were so blessed to once again return to Twin Lakes Christian in Elk River, MN, and be with Pastor Percy and Debbie Kallevig.  It was such an amazing time of ministry to "moms and others" and encouraging "moms and others".  I miss being away from my family on special holidays but we talk and text every day.  That helps this lonely mama! 











"I've been ministering here at Twin Lakes Christian for 17 years and this is the best Mother's Day service we have ever had!  You wouldn't know it but your message was tailor-made for so many in our church.  I received so many wonderful comments on the message!  Thanks!"

Pastor Percy Kallevig

Twin Lakes Christian Center













"I had the privilege of working with Larry and Gloria this past Mothers' Day at our church, and really one word comes to mind when I think of the ministry they do. That word is, committed. They are committed not only to each other but to the mission our Lord gave us, to reach lost souls. They have been committed to that work for 50 years and its truly something special!"

Youth Pastor Dillon Patterson

Twin Lakes Christian







This precious mama was ministered to as she dealt with a loss of a family member.













This beautiful mama was ministered unto 

as she felt the recent loss of a family member.


#4           MY 71st BIRTHDAY           

This past Sunday I celebrated another year of life as well as our daughter, LaDawn, who was born on my birthday in 1971.  I missed not being together with the family to celebrate but the next best was ministering in Owatonna, MN, at Elevation North with Pastor Doug and Debbie Jones and seeing people give their hearts to Christ.  For me, having those that responded to the altar call which included four first time public commitments, a first time commitment  and four rededications truly was an awesome birthday gift to me and time of celebration!




"How we praise the Lord for the ongoing ministry of Larry and Gloria Lundstrom!  Their service yesterday at Elevation North was proof that the anointing of the Holy Spirit rests upon their music and ministry - and the result is that lives are touched and transformed for the glory of God!  There is no greater thrill than seeing people come to Christ for the first time and witnessing first-time public commitments and re-dedication of lives!  We love how they relate so personally to the body of Christ and to those who are lost and searching.  We encourage pastors to make a call and schedule Larry and Gloria to come to your church!  Their ministry of evangelism with altar calls is needed now more than ever in these days tat we are living in!  


The time is NOW for doing all we can to make an eternal difference in the lives of people still needing to be reached for Christ!  We are living in exciting times!!!"


Pastor Doug and Debbie Jones

Elevation North

Owatonna, MN




#5           MEMORIAL DAY--which we will celebrate in remembrance of those that have fought for our country and sacrificed their lives as well as remembering our precious loved ones who have left this earth.  All in all, May has been and is a busy month.


Amidst the busyness and activity, it is always good to see friends here and there at our various services. 



We were excited to see Fern Bolin and her daughter Sandy.  Fern took care of our children at different times when we hosted Holy Land tours in the 70's and 80's.  We so appreciated it! 









It was also a delight to see our dear friend, Lois Stephen.  Lois sewed dresses for Connie and me for many years when we traveled together as Lowell Lundstrom Ministries.  It was such a true blessing!  Thanks for your prayers always, Lois.








Mike & Colene Ninneman, Watford City, ND

"What an honor it was to have the opportunity to see Larry and Gloria in Owatonna.  It is hard to believe that it has been nearly 30 years since they allowed me to join their soulwinning ministry.  The 3 ½ years I spent on the road laid a forever foundation for ministry.  I was blessed to see that they have stayed true to their calling and that God continues to anoint their ministry and to see people's lives for eternity."

Colene Ninneman

*Please remember Mike in prayer as he is going through radiation treatments for prostate cancer.    We are believing God for an extraordinary healing and recovery as a testimony.


May the Lord bless you, keep you and make His face shine upon you!



Sunday, May 31 at 9:45 AM

Olivet United Methodist Church

3620 43rd Ave N

Robbinsdale, MN  55422

For more information, please call the church at: 763-537-8351 



"The blessings of the Lord rest and remain upon all His people in every land, of every tongue;

the Lord meet in mercy all that seek Him;

the Lord comfort all who suffer and mourn;

the Lord hasten His coming, and give us, His people, the blessing of peace."

- Bishop Handley Moule





~ Only in America, do drugstores make the sick walk all the way to the back of hte store to get their prescriptions while healthy people buy candy in the front.

~ Only in America, do people order double cheeseburgers, large fries and a diet coke. 

~ Only in America, do we buy hot dogs in packages of ten and buns in packages of eight.

~ Only in America, do banks leave vault doors open and then chain the pens to the counters.

~ Only in America, do they have drive up ATM machines with Braille lettering. 

~ Only in America, do we leave cars worth thousands of dollars in the driveway and put our useless junk in the garage.




Chocolate Delight Cake


2 cups water

2 eggs

1 white cake mix

1 3 oz. box chocolate instant pudding

1 carton Cool Whip

Heath Bar pieces


Mix together the water, eggs, cake, mix and pour into pudding.  Pour into a greased 9x13 pan.  Bake at 350 degrees for 30-35 minutes.  Cool and refrigerate.  Before serving, spread Cool Whip topping over cake.  Sprinkle with Heath pieces.



{Household Hint}

Place a dryer sheet under the front seat of your car to freshen the air and keep out mice.

This precious holiday is soon upon us.  Larry and I are looking forward to ministering in Elk River, MN, with Pastor Percy Kallevig.  I will be sharing a message that morning that God has laid on my heart for our time together.  If you are in the area, please feel free to come and join us.  We would love to see you!

Sunday at 10:00 AM - Gloria speaking

Twin Lakes Christian

18912 Twin Lakes Rd NW

Elk River, MN 55330

For more information, please call the church at: 763-241-1111


In preparation for Mother's Day, I just wanted to share an article I wrote for the newsletter that I feel is so timely.  It is my heart's prayer that you will be ministered unto and be filled with hope for what lies before you!  He is enough, Mom!  Come to the Living Well!





"Please tell me more.  I hear you talking about Jesus, and you all are so happy.  You have totally made me feel happy."  
We were recently sitting at Applebees sharing and exchanging spiritual nuggets when our hostess who had seated us kept coming back to "check" on us. (Actually she came back to ask Larry for another joke!) This time, she heard us talking about God, world events, etc. Out of the corner of our eye, we saw her slip silently into a chair sitting about two feet from us. She glued herself into the conversation and just intently listened.
We began to engage her in conversation. She shared she was a single mom with two children, ages 9 and 4. We commented on how being a single parent is such a challenging job. After we shared to encourage her, her eyes welled with tears and we asked if we could pray with her and for her. In almost desperation, she jumped up and pleaded, "Oh yes, please, please! Please pray for me and my children. I want them to have a good life. I'm taking them to a Community Bible Study. What else can I do with them and for them?"
After we ministered to her and directed her to a church that would be there for her as a single parent, this beautiful petite single mom thanked us for bringing hope and joy into her life. Her last words were, "You've made my day. Please come back!"
Our hearts are tender towards single parents. We, too, have a single parent daughter. She is an inspiration to us as we watch her jump through the hoops and traverse her way through the journey of single parenthood. I have learned that often life isn't fair, but God is faithful!  
I am reminded of the account of Hagar in Genesis 21.  A story of a young Egyptian handmaiden of Abraham and Sarah. The Bible tells us that Sarah had been barren all of her life and was desperate for a child. She was well past child-bearing age when God sent two angels to Abraham and Sarah who announced they were going to have a child.  Ten years passed and still there was no child. In Sarah's desperation, she decided to help God out. She took it upon herself.  (Rule #1…don't do this.) She asked Abraham to take Hagar to become his wife with the intent of building her family through her children to become the inheritance God promised to them. The account continues on and to make a long story short, Hagar gives birth to a son named Ishmael.  Instead of Sarah rejoicing for what she wanted, Sarah is now upset to see the attention that Hagar is receiving. In jealousy and retaliation, she mistreats Hagar.
However, years later, as God promised, Sarah at 90 years of age and Abraham 100 years old received their promise of a little one named Isaac.  Time rolls on and the two boys play together and then like siblings, they begin to spat. Sarah runs to Abraham and demands, "Get that slave and her son out of here. I don't want Hagar to think Ishmael will receive an inheritance because he was born of you, the Father of Nations."
Under the pressure of Sarah, Abraham chooses to do the unthinkable-order Hagar and her son to leave. How hard that had to be as it was his son. Regretfully, Abraham prepared a package of food and water and sent them on their way. What turmoil he must have felt!  Hagar is now a single parent mother. There is no one to care after her and her son. It is just the two of them sent out in the wilderness to survive. Soon and only too soon, the food was gone, the water was gone and Hagar realizes the tragic reality that they are both going to die. Hagar places her crying son under a bush to catch any bit of shade. She removes herself a distance, lies down and cries out as she does not want to see her son die. She grasps for breath in the deadly desert heat and then Genesis 21:17 says, "And God heard the voice of the lad. Then the angel of God called to Hagar out of heaven and said to her, 'What ails you Hagar?  Fear not for God has heard the lad where he is alone. Lift up the lad and hold him with your hand…' (v19) then God opened her eyes and she saw a well of water and she went and filled the skin with water and gave the lad a drink."
God gave her a life-giving miracle and that desert became known as the Desert of the God Who Sees Me. I am speaking specifically to you single moms who feel like you have been sent away to seemingly die: rejected by a mate, family, society or even maybe a group of so-called friends.  You feel alone. You feel that you don't fit. You feel that you have been abused and probably truly have. You worry about what the future holds for you and your children. You carry the spiritual load alone. You feel you are in a desert.
Please let me encourage you…if you cry out to God, He will hear you. If you know Him as your personal Savior, and if you totally surrender yourself to Him and His care, He will be your watering well. His Word will be your Bread of Life. Your prayer time/communion with Him will be your wellspring of joy!
God has never promised that life would be easy but He promised He would never leave us nor forsake us. I always told our daughter LaDawn, "If you love God with all of your heart, soul and mind and serve Him, He will always take care of you…I guarantee it." And…He has.  Call upon God. He will open your eyes, heart and spirit to a life-giving well. Never forget…He loves you and cares for you!


Greetings from Iowa! "Great is thy faithfulness"…that scripture keeps running through my mind. 


Larry and I are so thankful for God's protection as we traveled all last week from New Orleans in treacherous spring storms for close to 1300 miles. 


We kept pushing ahead and behind and around the storm fronts and God protected us from the high winds, some up to 80 miles per hour, baseball size hail and walls of blinding rain.  I had no problem trying to pray, it came naturally - ha! I also love the verse, "…and He shall give His angles charge over thee."

We thank God for nearly 50 years of His protection over us.




We had an awesome last Sunday of ministry in Louisiana at first A/G of Greater New Orleans in Metairie, LA.  As always, it was wonderful to be back with a pastor, friend and mentor Rev. Dan Flanagan and his wonderful staff. The altar was filled with those rededicating their lives to Christ, and those making a first time commitment.  Altar calls like this, especially for our last service in Louisiana, sent us down the road rejoicing about what God did (not us…we just deliver the message and got to enjoy seeing the results)!


Pastor Dan Flanagan and Larry Pastor Flanagan and his daughter Lena and family

Metairie, LA altar call



On the road again!From there we packed up and headed down the long, long road, over 1300 miles to beautiful Kalona, Iowa.  It's a little Mennonite, Amish community nestled among the rolling green hills.  It poured a wall of rain all the way until we pulled into the Kalona Mennonite church parking lot.  The pouring rain dropped down to a drizzle for about an hour. We quickly unloaded the car off of the car trailer, parked the motorhome, plugged in electricity, water, etc. and Larry had literally just stepped up into the motorhome and the skies broke loose again for several hours.  I rejoiced, "God, you are so good to even stop the rain for a few needed moments to get done what we need to." 



We are also rejoicing over the much needed rain through all the states that we traveled through.  We woke up on Sunday morning to beautiful sunshine, multi-colored tulips bursting with pride, birds chirping, and little bunnies and squirrels playing in the plush green grass surrounding the church. How refreshing and entertaining!



The real refreshing came when we were so honored to sing and minister at the Kalona Mennonite church to a nearly packed sanctuary.  We sang, and Larry preached, followed by a sweet altar call with many responding to receive Christ for the first time as well as many rededications.  What a precious pastor, Pastor Scott Swartzendruber and his lovely wife. Talk about sweet-spirited and a heart of love for God and to see souls saved and changed!  And that's exactly what happened at the altar.

Pastor Scott said, "Thank you!  We so appreciate your ministry.  God answered so many prayers.  The fruits of this weekend will be experienced for years, and into eternity as well! You've blessed us! Again, many thanks and prayers as you continue to help many people come to a new birth experience in Christ!"


Altar call in Kalona, IA


We are now heading to Fairbank, IA where I will speak at a women's spring luncheon on Thursday and we will minister on Sunday morning at the Fairbank Lutheran church with Pastor Scott and Nancy Jans.  We are excited to see them again; they are wonderful friends and partners. Speaking of being excited…we will pull into our home in Sisseton, Monday May 4th after a long four month tour.  We are excited to be home, even though we will turn around and be leaving for 4 days again. The feeling of pulling into our driveway is one we cherish!


We were honored to see so many wonderful friends and part for this tour, whether it was just for a few moments or a few hours. Those partners and friends, with their prayers and support have kept us on the road to reach the lost.


Mike & Lachel Dreyer and family, Kansas City

Michael & Lachel Dreyer with their adventurous boys!  (Paola, KS)


Gary & Carolyn Rowden, Longview, TX

Gary & Carolyn Rowden  (Longview, TX)


Dave & Georgia Slyter, Paola, KS

Dave & Georgiea  (Paola, KS)


David & Larry


"I met the Lundstroms 36 years ago in April of 1979.  They were in my hometown of Hannibal, MO for a week-long crusade.  As a result I became a Christian.  I was privileged to travel with the Lundstroms for a few years as Road Manager in the 1990s.  It was great seeing you all again and attending your service in Kalona, IA.  The music and preaching brought back a lot of fantastic memories."

David Day

Hannibal, MO






There are so many others, and we wish we could have gotten all their photos.  We just got too busy visiting that we forgot to take pictures - but you all know who you are.


Here's our schedule for the next month in case you are in the area, or know someone in the area!


April 30th: Spring Fling Fairbank, IA

Thursday at 1:00 PM

Women's Spring Fling at the Assisted Living Community Room in Fairbank, IA.

For more information, please call: 319-635-2325.


May 3rd: Fairbank, IA

Sunday at 9:00 AM

Lord of the Harvest Lutheran Church, 120 E. Main, Fairbank, IA 50629.

For more information, please call: 319-635-2325.


May 10th: Elk River, MN

Sunday at 10:00 AM - Gloria speaking

Twin Lakes Christian

18912 Twin Lakes Rd NW

Elk River, MN 55330

For more information, please call the church at: 763-241-1111



Have a wonderful week and we'll chat again soon!








"Friendship improves happiness and abates misery, by the doubling of our joy and the dividing of our grief."

- Marcus Tullius Cicero





~ Don't let your worries get the best of you; Remember, Moses started out as a basket case. 

~ Some people are kind, polite, and sweet-spirited until you try to sit in their pews.   

~ Many folks want to serve God,  but only as advisers.  

~ It is easier to preach ten sermons than it is to live one. 

~ The good Lord didn't create anything without a purpose, but mosquitoes come close.   

~ When you get to your wit's end, You'll find God lives there. 





Banana Nut Cake


1 box yellow cake mix

2 bananas, mashed

½ cup pecans


Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  In large bowl, prepare cake mix according to box instructions. Add bananas and pecans.  Bake according to box instructions.  Remove from oven and let cake cool.  Spread with your favorite frosting.



{Household Hint}

Dishwasher tips: Once a week, shake baking soda on a damp sponge and wipe around the machine's edges to remove stuck-on food or stains. To clean the inside, run an empty cycle with Dishwasher Magic, a product designed to kill bacteria like E.coli.  During cold and flu season, add a quarter-cup of bleach to the regular dish cycle to kill bacteria. The dishes will be safe and sanitized after the rinse cycle is finished.



Greetings from Mississippi!  We are definitely experiencing "April showers"….along with spring storms.  In fact, my storm weather alert on my phone continually beeps.  I grab it in hopes and praying that it isn't alerting about a tornado.  We are surrounded by dozens of campers, RV's and motorhomes in this RV Park filled with towering pines.  So---I wouldn't know where to run!  HA! 

Literally, an alert just beeped again and I was relieved to see it was flash flooding rather than a tornado.  It seems like we were always caught in the middle of the transitions of seasons but God is good and has "kept" us.






We have had three awesome weeks of services in Louisiana and Mississippi thus far.  Easter Sunday we ministered in Bayou Vista, LA, where the altar was packed with people of all ages responding to the Easter message of hope to all who will receive! Pastor Randy & Diane Plessala joyfully announced, "We have been praying for a spiritual breakthrough and God gave it to us!"

Bayou Vista altar call



Rev. Randy & Diane Plessala



The Carter's


One young couple, Cameron and Jordan Carter, who attended the Easter service and are expecting their first baby at any moment…they are so precious.  After they prayed and were given follow up materials, I asked them if they had ever made a commitment to Jesus.  She responded, "This is my first time."  When I asked him he shook his head no in response.  

His eyes then filled with tears and said, "I really needed this.  I really needed to come back to God…and this was the right time."






Pastor Darrell & Sharon WorleyFrom there, we drove to Picayune, MS.  It was so great being back with Pastor Darrell and Sharon Worley at Christian Life Assembly of God where we ministered Sunday through Tuesday.  We have been coming to this church every two years since the mid-80's and they have been faithfully supporting the Larry Lundstrom Ministries on a monthly basis.  Pastor Darrell shared with his congregation on Sunday, "We support the Lundstroms because you offer our church ministry to family and to the hurting….a ministry which we seldom get.  We just want to continue to send you to reach the lost and hurting families." 



Thanks Christian Life Assembly for sending us for over 20 years!



Pastor Dale and June Clabaugh



In the three days of ministry here in Picayune, we "stuffed it" full of every ministry opportunity we could. 


 Sunday morning at 8:30, we ministered at Sun Roamers Campground at their beautiful Chapel in the Pines pastored by Dale and June Clabaugh. 


They are both in their 80's but you would think they were in their 50's with their energy, motivation and gift of evangelism. 







Chapel in the Pines altar call


Then we rushed five miles to Christian Life Assembly in Picayune and ministered at the Sunday morning and evening services. 

Picayune, MS altar call

It was fun to see 3 generations that came to church (Anneice Burke, Debbie Ulmer, Nicki Ulmer)!

3 generations that came to church (Anneice Burke, Debbie Ulmer, Nicki Ulmer)


Monday we were able to minister at the chapel service for Teen Challenge---that was not a "challenge" for us----it was a delight! 

Teen Challenge group


Following we did a hospital visit to a pastor friend who recently experienced a stroke.  Tuesday we enjoyed the opportunity to sing and speak at a prayer breakfast where we encouraged believers to step up and get involved in outreaches to reach the lost.  On Tuesday evening, I (Gloria) had the privilege to minister at a Single Mom's Night out where I shared hope and encouragement to single moms.  Being a parent is such an important job - and single moms definitely need all the hope and help they can get.  It was a joy to be with them.

Gloria speaking with the Single Mom's group

Single Mom's group



We leave tomorrow for New Orleans where we will be ministering this coming Sunday at First Assembly of God in Greater New Orleans (located in Metairie, LA) with Pastor Dan Flanagan.  If you are in the area, we would love for you to come and join us!

First Assembly of God of Greater New Orleans

2001 Transcontinental Drive

Metairie, LA  70001

Service Time 10:00 AM


Here's our schedule for the next month in case you are in the area, or know someone in the area!


April 26th: Kalona, IA

Sunday at 9:30 AM

Kalona Mennonite Church, 902 6th Street, Kalona, IA 52247.

For more information, please call the church at: 319-656-2736.


April 30th: Spring Fling Fairbank, IA

Thursday at 1:00 PM

Women's Spring Fling at the Assisted Living in Fairbank, IA.


May 3rd: Fairbank, IA

Sunday at 9:00 AM

Lord of the Harvest Lutheran Church, 120 E. Main, Fairbank, IA 50629.

For more information, please call the church at: 319-635-2879.


May 10th: Elk River, MN

Sunday at 10:00 AM - Gloria speaking

Twin Lakes Christian

18912 Twin Lakes Rd NW

Elk River, MN 55330

For more information, please call the church at: 763-241-1111




We will chat in a couple of weeks!








"God sends the dawn
that we might see
the might-have-beens
that still might be."

- Robert Brault



























Sparkling Pink Punch


3 T. red hot cinnamon candies

¼ cup sugar

1 qt. ginger ale, chilled

1 (46 oz.) can pineapple juice, chilled

½ cup warm water


Cook candies, sugar and water together over low heat, stirring constantly until candies are dissolved.  Strain and cool.  Then combine with other chilled ingredients. Makes 2 ½ quarts.



{Household Hint}

Turn your hydrogen peroxide into a spray bottle! Just replace the bottle cap with a spray bottle head. This stuff is good for cleaning all sorts of things like windows, tubs, and toilets!




It's Holy Week and we are excited for God to touch lives this weekend as many remember the importance of Good Friday and Easter. God is alive! Here is Larry's Easter message from the newsletter:


This time of year, I can't help but recall one of the many tours Gloria and I hosted to the Holy Land. We had visited the Garden Tomb, walked through the streets of the Old City and a group of 80 plus guests were now ready to view the site of a Muslim mosque. As part of the customary tour, a guide met us and shared with us what she wanted us to hear about Allah, her god. Finishing her short informative lecture, she opened up the tour to questions. Our group was stunned and quiet yet without hesitancy, Gloria raised her hand. "Yes?" the guide asked as she pointed to Gloria who then proceeded to ask, "When you are sick and hurting or you are going through troubles and trials…when you pray does your god hear and answer your prayers?"


Like a bolt of lightning she jumped up from her place sitting on the ground and in a panicked voice she exploded, "Oh no! We serve a very busy, busy god. We just hope that someday he will hear us."


To that Gloria gleefully and joyfully responded, "Our God hears us when we pray and He does and has answered many of our prayers."


To which she quickly announced, "It's time for me to go," and off she went. This Easter, as I remember this interchange and experience, I am just so grateful that I KNOW that "My God is alive!"


A few moments ago, I was reading an account of President Abraham Lincoln. In 1887, 22 years after his assassination, his coffin was exhumed and opened because there were constant rumors that his body was not in the grave. To quench the rumors and to prove without a shadow of doubt that the body was there, they took these drastic steps and found…indeed it was. However, the rumors continued so fourteen years later, they exhumed the coffin once again. Both times, witnesses were present to testify that President Lincoln was still in the grave.


Likewise, three days after the death of Jesus Christ, some rumors began to spread throughout the land of Israel. Only this time, there were not witnesses present who could say they had seen his body still in the grave… To the contrary, many witnesses claimed to see Him "out of the grave" and had mentioned even talking to Him after His resurrection.


As great of a President as Abraham Lincoln was, there were witnesses to prove that he did not transcend over death and the grave but he was surely still in the grave. If one of our presidents or leaders in government were to call out to President Lincoln for help, there would be no response. If a scientist were to call out to Einstein for help today, there would be empty silence. If someone were to call out to Mohammed or Buddha or Ghandi today, there would be no help. Here is the GEM of this story, if you and I call out to Jesus, there is instant access to the very King of Kings and Lord of Lords. His Kingdom power is made available to us…power to change lives for an eternity. Why? Because HE LIVES!


"I am the Living One. I died, but look-I am alive forever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and the grave." Revelation 1:18


May you enjoy the observance of Good Friday and Easter Sunday this weekend with your loved ones.


Here's our schedule for the next month in case you are in the area, or know someone in the area!


April 5th - Bayou Vista, LA at Promise Land Fellowship

April 12th - Picayune, MS at Christian Life A/G

April 14th - Picayune, MS/ ministering at Prayer Breakfast & Single Mom's Support Group

April 19th - Metairie, LA at First A/G of Greater New Orleans

April 26th - Kalona, IA at Kalona Mennonite Church


For more information on the services, view our Calendar/Events page here:



We will chat in a couple of weeks!








"Let every man and woman count himself immortal.  Let him catch the revelation of Jesus in his resurrection.  Let him say not merely, "Christ is risen," but "I shall rise." 

-Phillips Brooks




Christ might have called the angels down

To bear Him safe above,

To shield His brow from sorrow's crown,

From death's cold blight, and bitter frown,

Had it not been for love.


Our glorious King, our Prince of Peace,

Has left His throne above

To give our souls from sin release,

To make our pain and anguish cease,

And all because of love.


By faith in Him, we all may see

In realms of light above,

Through streams of blood on Calvary,

A joyful immortality;

The purchase price was love.


- Nannie R. Glass




Lemon Chiffon Salad


1 pkg. Lemon Jell-O pudding

1 (3 oz.) pkg. lemon Jell-O

1 pkg. whipped cream

1 can crushed pineapple

2 cups marshmallows

1 or 2 bananas sliced, optional


Mix pudding as directed.  Set aside. Mix Jell-O as directed and let set until jelly-like.  Mix whipped cream.  Mix all together, then add: pineapple (drained) and marshmallows.  Let set for about 2 hours. Optional: add bananas.



{Household Hint}

Use a mixture of 1/4 cup vinegar and 3/4 cup olive oil to "magically" get rid of the scratches in wood furniture! Just take a kitchen rag and dip it in the solution and rub it over the scratches. Keep going until the entire surface is covered and see the transformation!



Greetings from Florida! We are in our last few days of enjoying this nice and warm climate.  Next week at this time we will be in Louisiana.  We are anxious to get back into full-time services and believing God for great decisions for Christ. 


Today, I am very grateful for the scripture verse that says, "Oh give thanks unto the Lord for He is good!", and also the scripture, "He will give his angels charge over thee." Yesterday, during our devotions it came to prayer time, and as usual we were praying over the family, friends and partners. We specifically prayed for protection and guidance. Little did I know that just a few moments later we would be faced with an opportunity to believe what we had prayed. 





I had decided to make a quick run to a grocery store about a block away.  To get there I would have to cross four lanes of traffic.  As I stood on the sidewalk, I could see that the stop lights were red, so there were no cars either way for about a block.  I started across the road and was in the second lane going into the third lane when, it seemed like out of nowhere, cars came rushing.  Concerned at their speed and that I was caught between the second and third lanes with no median; I decided to make a quick dash across to the other side.  Unexpectedly, I tripped on a little reflector that they have on the road to designate the 

yellow lines. It only sticks up about a half an inch but my shoe caught it and I thought, "Oh no, I'm going to fall…" but I kept charging forward…but with the momentum, my head was out way ahead of my feet. I fell onto the road face-down, my glasses went flying, but I could see the cars were about a half a block away, then 40 feet, and I couldn't get up.  The thought hit me, "It's like they say, if you can read the license plates, your too close - ha!" When I saw those cars coming toward me I knew that at any second I was going to be hit and ran over because I couldn't get up.  I saw a miracle in how God stopped those two lanes of traffic at 8-10 feet away from me. I knew with the speed that they were going that "His angels were watching over me".  Drivers stopped and came out of their cars to see if I was okay. They helped me get up and, thank the Lord, all I had was a cut up knee, hands and a sore body. Again, I just realized how fragile life is and how when we pray and we believe, truly His angels watch over us.  It was a reminder of the importance of prayer over our families and ourselves each day. 

Please rest assured that I am okay, just a little "dinged up".  When I think of all the close calls we've had over nearly 50 years on the road, I'm sure the angels are ready for a vacation - ha!


Easter is coming quickly, and many are honoring a season of Lent. It's our prayer that not only during this season, but always, we would be cultivating a lifestyle of godliness. I told Larry the other day, "For Lent we should give up our complacency about seeing people without Christ dying and going to Hell." We need to ask God to open our eyes and care for those that we meet every day and see the necessity of leading people to Christ.  


We will be in Louisiana for Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday - here's our schedule for the next month in case you are in the area, or know someone in the area!


March 29th - Gulfport, MS at Extended Hands A/G

April 5th - Bayou Vista, LA at Promise Land Fellowship

April 12th - Picayune, MS at Christian Life A/G

April 14th - Picayune, MS/ ministering at Prayer Breakfast & Single Mom's Support Group

April 19th - Metairie, LA at First A/G of Greater New Orleans

April 26th - Kalona, IA at Kalona Mennonite Church


For more information on the services, view our Calendar/Events page here:









"You're safe not because of the absence of danger, but because of the presence of God."

- Author Unknown




He hideth my soul in the cleft of the rock

That shadows a dry, thirsty land;

He hideth my life with the depths of His love,

And covers me there with His hand,

And covers my there with His hand.


- Fanny Crosby





Irish Dreams Cake


1 box Pillsbury Fudge Cake mix

1 jar Hershey or Mrs. Richardson fudge topping

1 - 16 oz. container Cool Whip

1/2 c. Virginia Darre mint topping


Prepare cake mix according to directions on package.  Let cool. Microwave open jar of fudge until just getting soft.  Spread entire jar over cake.  Mix mint topping thoroughly with Cool Whip.  Spread mint over top of fudge.  Refrigerate cake after finishing and get ready to eat. *Virginia Darre mint makes for the best flavor but other brands can be substituted. Feel free to use more than 1/2 cup mint to bring out the flavor.



{Household Hint}

Clean small toys in a laundry bag: I've never thought to wash anything in my washing machine other than clothes, but a laundry bag can make it possible to clean so much more, including small lego pieces!




Greetings from Florida! Wow, when we look at the weather map and channel with all its' storms and blizzards from coast to coast, we are more than thrilled to be here in Florida. According to the unbelievable, nonstop, bumper to bumper traffic, with license plates from everywhere in the US, I think everybody had the same idea - get out of the snow and cold. I don't blame them!


Yes, these past few months have flown by - guess what - only 10 months until Christmas, ha! (Just had to throw that in). 


Speaking of flying, a couple weeks ago Gloria and I flew to Nashville to record our upcoming 50th Anniversary album.  We flew into Charolotte NC to catch a connecting flight and got stranded there for 32 hours due to an ice storm.  Finally, we arrived in Nashville just before they encountered a major ice storm, literally shutting Nashville down for 2 days…including our two scheduled days for recording.  We nestled in our daughter LaDawn's home…so that wasn't all bad - ha! The recording studio graciously rescheduled our recording dates, so we were able to wrap it all up before we needed to leave!




Needless to say, we've been kept busy and Larry has almost all of 2015 scheduled for rallies.  The more he schedules, the more vitamins and energy drinks I buy just to keep up with his enthusiasm.  We have a great year of services ahead and expect hundreds to make decisions for Christ. We are excited!


We pray you'll have a wonderful week!









"When the storms of life come, if they come to me personally, to my family or to the world, I want to be strong enough to stand and be a strength to somebody else, be shelter for somebody else."

- Anne Graham Lotz





Ole called the airlines information desk and inquired, "How long does it take ta fly from Minneapolis to Fargo?


"Just a minute," said the busy clerk.


"Vell, said Ole, "if it has to go dat fast, I tink I'll yust take da bus."





Quick 'N Easy Chicken


1 (2-3 lb.) chicken, cut up

1 cup western dressing

1 pkg. dry onion soup mix


Arrange chicken pieces in 9x13 pan.  Mix dressing with onion soup; mix thoroughly. Pour over chicken.  Bake at 325 degrees for 2 ½ -3 hours or until chicken is tender.  Put foil over top when baking.




{Household Hint}

Sponges are great, but they are also perfect for harboring millions of germs. I do like the sponges with the rough side for scrubbing out hard-to-clean pots and pans, but end up throwing them out before their life cycle is over. What a waste! Instead, put them in the microwave for a couple of minutes and watch as the microbes sizzle away.


© 2004 - 2025 Larry Lundstrom Ministries - All Rights Reserved.