Who doesn't love some coffee (or favorite beverage) and some authentic conversation on topics close to our hearts?!  Larry and Gloria share in these times together stories, lessons, challenges and joys in a way that feels like they are sitting right across the table from you with coffee cups in hand.  These are being done LIVE on Facebook but we are able to make them available to you here as well.  The most recent video is near the top of this page.  Enjoy!

Coffee & Connect LIVE May 10, 2023

By Larry & Gloria Lundstrom • Wednesday, May 10, 2023

This is PART 2 of a challenging but beautiful time with special guest, Sherry McPherson. She shares about the difficulties and joys with son, Justin, and eventually his death and the deep grief that followed. Knowing she was in despair, she cried out to God. She shares candidly what the journey has been like and continues to be like, but also leaves such great hope as her testing and trials are being turned into a testimony and even through Justin's death, people are coming to the Savior!

Coffee & Connect LIVE May 3, 2023

By Larry & Gloria Lundstrom • Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Larry & Gloria hosted special guest and friend, Sherri McPherson, on CCLIVE. They met many years ago at a rally and have forged a wonderful friendship centered around prayer and the lost! Sherri is gifted in numerous areas seeing the blessing of the Lord, but she and her husband have also known devastating loss. In PART 1 of this testimony, she shares the success of the SALVATION POEM & then the challenge of caring for a son with challenging needs & eventually the loss of that son to cancer.

Coffee & Connect LIVE April 26, 2023

By Larry & Gloria Lundstrom • Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Sometimes in our efforts to reach the lost, we can actually lose the simplicity of the Gospel. Sin entered the world as a decision was made to go against what the Lord had spoken---man's "receiver" broke. And Jesus made the WAY for mankind to come close again as the TRUTH and gives LIFE ETERNAL AND ABUNDANT to those who will accept. When man finds the TRUTH OF THE GOSPEL, they will find TRUE LIFE!

Coffee & Connect LIVE April 19, 2023

By Larry & Gloria Lundstrom • Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Have you ever heard the phrase or something similar to "You have your mom's laugh!" or "You have grandpa's nose," or "I couldn't tell who I was talking to on the phone...your parent or you." These speak of traits and characteristics that we have inherited and have been passed down in the DNA of our family line. However, there is something sinister that has also been passed down...SIN. If not dealt with properly, it will bring destruction. Thankfully, there is a cure...the BLOOD OF CHRIST!

Coffee & Connect LIVE April 12, 2023

By Larry & Gloria Lundstrom • Wednesday, April 12, 2023

"How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation..." Those words are written in the book of Hebrews and speak of the FREEDOM that we can each have BUT ONLY IF we accept God's plan of salvation...Jesus Christ! Larry and Gloria share the "3 C's to Freedom" in this time together and really challenge us to not make Christianity all about us but rather to use the testimony of our freedom and salvation to share with others who need the CURE for their SPIRITUAL CANCER of SIN. Jesus made a way!

Coffee & Connect LIVE April 5, 2023

By Larry & Gloria Lundstrom • Wednesday, April 5, 2023

With great intention, Holy Week is all about Jesus as it should be. However, as a mother, Gloria Lundstrom joins a conversation with Marne as they recount another that was present in the week...the mother of Jesus, Mary. Together, they share some of their Easter memories and the importance they feel that their children know and experience the Savior for themselves. They also reflect on what Mary must have felt as she watched her Son be crucified and then to realize He had risen to life again!

Coffee & Connect LIVE March 29, 2023

By Larry & Gloria Lundstrom • Wednesday, March 29, 2023

As Easter approaches, we hear many opinions aired and thoughts about what really happened over 2,000 years ago. In this time together, Larry and Gloria share about the myths (things people believe wrongly about Christ), some of the miracles that took place and the meaning of Easter as a result. Remembering how they saw the Lundstrom family go from spiritual death to spiritual life was one of those miracles! This ends with an opportunity to BELIEVE in Christ, the cross and the resurrection!

Coffee & Connect LIVE March 22, 2023

By Larry & Gloria Lundstrom • Wednesday, March 22, 2023

It was our delight to have special guests and dear friends, Pastor Doug and Debbie Jones, join us for a time of sharing and gleaning wisdom. From reminiscing about memories together and then hearing how God has taught and moved Doug and Deb through the years to discovering the Lord's leading in their lives right now. They reveal a special insight into the Lent season and "feasting" on the Word of God and allowing it to change us from the inside out! This is an excellent episode!

Coffee & Connect LIVE March 8, 2023

By Larry & Gloria Lundstrom • Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Power-packed with truth, this time together highlighted the war on our families that began in the Garden of Eden and continues on today....but....the Good News is the curse has been broken through Jesus Christ! We all have the opportunity in our families to break the curse of dysfunction, addiction, hurts by authentically following Jesus and allowing Him to change us and provide a new legacy for our family! Be encouraged to move forward and see your life and family transformed!

Coffee & Connect LIVE March 1, 2023

By Larry & Gloria Lundstrom • Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Recently, you may have heard the word "revival" more than in the past as various places have been experiencing some unique God stirrings. In today's CCLIVE, Larry and Gloria talk about revival, what it means, what it produces and recount times in their own lives where they have been a part of extraordinary moments when there was no doubt God was doing His work. The result....God saves us to tell and show others who He is! As you view this video, may your heart be revived to the Gospel!

Coffee & Connect LIVE February 22, 2023

By Larry & Gloria Lundstrom • Wednesday, February 22, 2023

In today's CCLIVE, Gloria shares some incredible stories in her life of "spring cleaning" and then using Psalm 51 highlights steps to spiritual recovery. In all of our lives, we can get clogged up and weighed down with the dirt and scum of life. When we haven't been intentional to keep clean, we find our spiritual lives are not as vibrant as they once were. Doing some spiritual cleaning restores the joy of our salvation and a pure heart sustains us! Be encouraged to do some spring cleaning!

Coffee & Connect LIVE February 15, 2023

By Larry & Gloria Lundstrom • Wednesday, February 15, 2023

When you hear the word "irrevocable", there is a finality to it. It cannot be changed. Decisions were made that were irrevocable that would forever change the course of humanity, but aren't we thankful that although irrevocable, God provided an irrevocable way for us through the precious blood of Jesus Christ. His sacrifice became an unchanging way for us to once again be in fellowship with the Lord! In today's CCLIVE, Larry and Gloria explore these irrevocable decisions and what they mean.

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