Greetings from down under! We left South Dakota last week. We flew with my mom to Arizona...


January 11, 2006

Getting ready to go!
Greetings from down under!  We left South Dakota last week.  We flew with my mom to Arizona.  She stays there for a few months in the winter so we were glad we could accompany her on the plane.  We arrived safely in Australia and are enjoying ourselves very much.  
Our children planned a trip for our 40 year wedding anniversary.  They gave us money to go!  This trip is coming at just the right time-we are both exhausted.  The doctors told Larry and me that we need to back down our schedule and take a break, due to Larry's minor stroke.  Only God knew in advance that we really need this break!  Our two daughters, LaShawn and LaDawn, are accompanying us, so we are enjoying that.

We will start our ministry tour on January 26 in Hawaii.  I can just hear you laugh as you are thinking, "Yeah, you'll just have to suffer for Jesus in Hawaii, won't you?"  Larry and I respond, "Someone has to minister over there…it may as well be us!"  Ha!  After the recent South Dakota weather winter weather we've experienced, it will be so nice to go back to the tropical Hawaiian climate.  God has greatly blessed our ministry in Hawaii.  

 Packing for the big trip!

Due to distance and schedule, we pondered how to update this weekly page in our absence.  I truly love keeping connected with all of you, my website family.  You are so great!  Anyway, our office staff and children both encouraged us to take a real vacation, leave all the work behind, and just relax.  They said, "Your friends will understand, and be willing to pick up again when you are back from vacation at the end of January."  So that's probably what we'll do!  Thank you for being so faithful to connect with us each week.  On January 26, we will try to share some photos of our trip to Australia.  If you have missed a week or so, you can return to the Article Archives to see family Christmas photos and read older posts. 


God bless you!  Talk to you soon!



Thought for the Week

Here are a few cute little letters to God.  These always make me chuckle!

Dear God,
Thank you for the baby brother but what I asked for was a puppy.  I never asked for anyting before.  You can look it up.

Dear God,
I bet it's very hard for you to love all of everybody in the whole world.  There are only 4 people in our family and I can never do it.

Dear God,
My Grandpa says you were around when he was  a little boy.  How far back do you go?

Dear God,
Maybe Cain and Abel would not kill each other so much if they each had their own rooms.  It works out okay with me and my brother.

Dear God,
If you watch in church on Sunday, I will show you my new shoes.


Household Tip

If you accidently over-salt a dish while it is still cooking, drop in a peeled potato.  It absorbs the excess salt for an instant "fix me up"!

Happy New Year! It almost seems like just yesterday that I said that. A few years ago, my mother told me, "Missy, the older you get, the more quickly it will seem that life flies by." I didn't really grasp that until I turned 60. Whew…it seems like I had to put on a seatbelt for the fast lane since then!


January 4, 2006


Happy New Year!  It almost seems like just yesterday that I said that.  A few Taking care of business while at home...Gloria renews her driver's license.years ago, my mother told me, "Missy, the older you get, the more quickly it will seem that life flies by."  I didn't really grasp that until I turned 60.  Whew…it seems like I had to put on a seatbelt for the fast lane since then!


There is something about embarking on a new year-sometimes I want to give a big sigh of relief that I made it through the previous year!  I thank God for His faithfulness in seeing us through 2005, with all the detours in our health and so on.  God is always so good!  Last night, I was reminiscing over the unexpected events that we faced in the past several months.  I was reminded of the words of a song written years ago that said, "Through it all, I've learned to trust in Jesus.  I've learned to trust His word, and to depend upon Him."  I can truly say that through it all, God has been so wonderful. 


We are praying that in 2006, we will set our goals according to God's word and His will.  I realize that if I didn't attain my goals last year, I won't get discouraged, because I have the future to try again, or even start over!


A new year…yes, a new start!  Maybe it's time to try to lose the weight that we gained over Christmas.  I told Larry that we need to "back 'er down."  For some reason, Larry didn't get too excited when I brought that up!  He loves his candy.  He has a sweet tooth like his father did.  I have found that I can't leave candy dishes out, or he will wear out the carpet trekking from dish to dish!  He just grabs the candy without thinking.  But guess what…I'm here to remind him and police him!  Ha!  Today he came up from his office desk to where I was working, and I noticed he was chewing something.  I said, "Hey, what are you eating?"  He gave me that mischievous "I've-been-caught" grin and said, "Maybe nothing!"  I replied, "Let me smell your breath."  I grabbed him as he laughed, and the aroma of chocolate floated out.  I said, "Hey, you were in the candy again!"  After a little talk, with both of us in agreement (well, more me than him!), we decided to give away a bunch of our Christmas goodies and candies.  Before you think I'm mean and controlling, remember this: I know him well enough to know he still has a "stash" hidden somewhere!! 

Getting ready to go! 

Larry and I are in our last-minute rush of packing for a five-month tour, which will take us through several states.  Like Larry often says, we will be going through the state of confusion, the state of shock, and the state of laughter.  Ha!  We will start our ministry tour on January 26 in Hawaii.  I can just hear you laugh as you are thinking, "Yeah, you'll just have to suffer for Jesus in Hawaii, won't you?"  Larry and I respond, "Someone has to minister over there…it may as well be us!"  Ha!  After the recent South Dakota weather winter weather we've experienced, it will be so nice to go back to the tropical Hawaiian climate.  God has greatly blessed our ministry in Hawaii. 


On the exciting side, Larry and I will fly January 5 to Australia for a few weeks.  Our children planned a trip for our 40 year wedding anniversary.  They gave us money to go!  This trip is coming at just the right time-we are both exhausted.  The doctors told Larry and me that we need to back down our schedule and take a break, due to Larry's minor stroke.  Only God knew in advance that we really need this break!  Our two daughters, LaShawn and LaDawn, will be accompanying us, so we are looking forward to that.

 Packing for the big trip!

Due to distance and schedule, we pondered how to update this weekly page in our absence.  I truly love keeping connected with all of you, my website family.  You are so great!  Anyway, our office staff and children both encouraged us to take a real vacation, leave all the work behind, and just relax.  They said, "Your friends will understand, and be willing to pick up again when you are back from vacation at the end of January."  So that's probably what we'll do!  Thank you for being so faithful to connect with us each week.  On January 26, we will try to share some photos of our trip to Australia.  If you have missed a week or so, you can return to the Article Archives to see family Christmas photos and read older posts. 


God bless you!  Have a wonderful week.  We love you.



The following is a poem that my mother gave me some 40 years ago.  She said, "Missy, there will be times when you need to rest for your soul, spirit, and body."  I have kept this poem with me all these years, and I guess this is the time to share it with you!



Thought for the Week

I Needed the Quiet


I needed the quiet so He drew me aside

Into the shadows where we could confide

Away from the bustle where all the day long

I hurried and worried when active and strong


I needed the quiet though at first I rebelled

But gently, so gently, my cross He upheld

And whispered so sweetly of spiritual things

Though weakened in mind, my spirit took wings

To heights never dreamed of when active all day

He loved me so greatly He drew me away


I needed the quiet, no prison my bed

But a beautiful valley of blessings instead

A place to grow richer in Jesus, to hide

I needed the quiet so He drew me aside


By Alice Hansche Mortenson



Household Tip

To get the most juice out of fresh lemons, bring them to room temperature and roll them under your palm against the kitchen counter before squeezing.

Christmas is but a vapor however the aroma of precious memories made will last forever...

December 28, 2005


Christmas is but a vapor however the aroma of precious memories made will last forever.


This past week was action-packed to say the least!  What a joy it was to have had our three children, LaShawn, LaDawn,  and Donovan along with our grandchildren, Myanna and Dante' home for Christmas.  I love it when the siblings begin telling Larry with his girls, LaDawn and LaShawnstories on each other.  Of course, Mama listens in and pipes up, "Where was I when all this mischief was going on?"  All of the stories, fun and giggles were healing to our bodies, souls, and spirits.


On Christmas Eve, we were privileged to attend our little home church for a special Christmas Eve service.  After the service, 23 of our family went toDante' helping Grandpa chip ice off the driveway...he's a chip off the old block! my mother's house for a potluck dinner.  We also watched her open her gifts and enjoyed every minute.  It has been so special to have Mom for these 90 Myanna helping Grandma make cookies...she's a great helper!years.  We then returned home and opened our gifts.  It was such a delight watching Dante' and Myanna open their presents.  We gave Myanna a doll she had wanted and Dante' a set of Legos that he had wished for.  They were thrilled!  They stayed up until 2 AM playing with their new toys.  Children always add zest and excitement to Christmas…that must be where the phrase, "Christmas is for kids" comes from.

 The entire Lundstrom family on Christmas Eve!

Along with the many good times,  Christmas can also bring with it sadness when we see the empty chairs of our loved ones who have passed away.  We thank God for hope beyond the grave!  We have lost many friends and partners this past year.  It alerts and reminds us that life is fragile, and we need to cherish each moment God has given us handling it with care. 


Donovan sneaking some turkey on Christmas!Larry and I were conversing this morning after devotions about changes.  One of the changes we will see shortly is a change in our eating habits.  While the kids were home, we cooked, ate, cooked, ate and snacked.  Today, I told Larry, "Everyone is gone…Gloria's kitchen is closed for the season!"  He laughed.  I continued, "We are getting back to eating right which means we are back to morning oatmeal to keep your cholesterol down."  He groaned and I assured him "You will be just fine."

 LaDawn's family-Dante', LaDawn and Myanna

Life is all about change and we must be pliable to move with the changes whether they are physical changes, lifestyle changes or spiritual changes.   If we don't change, we will become sick and spiritually stagnant.  It requires God's guidance to move us through the changes we face in life.  As Larry and I look ahead, we know we don't want to sit and rust but we want to be sharing a relevant message that will touch lives for eternity.  Realistically however, we aren't as young as we used to be, but prayerfully, we aren't as old as we hope to become.  We have to make some lifestyle changes enabling us to take better care of ourselves so we can go the long run in ministry.  Evangelism is our calling and our first love.


Perhaps God is speaking to you about change as well.  Maybe you, too, are seeking God's will.  Proverbs 3:5-6 states, "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not on thy own understanding.  In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths."


If, at the end of this year, we will determine to do His will and not our will, we will be blessed and at peace. 


Have a wonderful New Year's Eve and may you be blessed as you also seek Him for guidance for the upcoming year!



Thought for the Week


The Day After Christmas


'Twas the day after Christmas, and all through the house,

Every creature was hurting, even the mouse.

The toys were all broken, their batteries dead,

Santa passed out, with some ice on his head.


Wrappings and ribbons just covered the floor,

While upstairs the family continued to snore.

And I in my T-shirt, new Reeboks and jeans,

Went into the kitchen and started to clean.


When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,

I sprang from the sink to see what was the matter.

Away to the window I flew like a flash,

Tore open the curtains and threw up the sash.


When what to my wondering eyes should appear,

But a little white truck, with an oversized mirror.

The driver was smiling, so lively and grand;

The patch on his jacket said, "U.S. Postman".


With a handful of bills, he grinned like a fox

Then quickly he stuffed them into our mailbox.

Bill after bill after bill they still came.

Whistling and shouting he called them by name:


"Now Dillard's, now Broadway's, now Penney's and Sears

Here's Levitz's and Target's and Mervyn's-all here!

To the tip of your limit, every store, every mall,

Now charge away, charge away, charge away all!"


He sprang to his truck, and he drove down the road,

Driving much faster with just half a load.

Then I heard him exclaim with great holiday cheer,

"Enjoy what you got--you'll be paying all year!"


Household Tip


Run your hands under cold water before pressing Rice Krispies treats in the pan---the marshmallow won't stick to your fingers.

Christmas is almost here! I'm afraid I'm not quite ready yet. Can any of you identify with me? When I get a bit anxious and overwhelmed, I have to sit down for a few minutes, take a deep breath, and say, "Come on, Gloria-it will all work out." The fact is, Christmas will come and go, whether we are "ready" or not. I keep reminding myself that it is about the Christ Child, so I need to relax!

December 21, 2005


Christmas is almost here!  I'm afraid I'm not quite ready yet.  Can any of you identify with me?  When I get a bit anxious and overwhelmed, I have to sit down for a few minutes, take a deep breath, and say, "Come on, Gloria-it will all work out."  The fact is, Christmas will come and go, whether we are "ready" or not.  I keep reminding myself that it is about the Christ Child, so I need to relax!


Larry cleaning the oven: "I had to vacuum up this one--ha!"Like so many of you, Larry and I work full office days when we are at home.  Other things, like housework, tend to fall behind that.  The other night, I whined, "Larry, my oven looks awful!  I don't want anyone to see that."  I then pleaded, "Larry, would you please clean it for me?"  He obliged.  He scrubbed and scrubbed, and huffed and puffed!  An hour later, he announced that the job was done.  Wow!  It was immaculate.  I complimented him on the awesome job he did.  He responded, "I never knew cleaning an oven was so much work!"  I chuckled, "Yeah, I've known for 40 years…that's why I asked you to do it."  He just grinned!


I finished wrapping gifts late last night.  Now I need to concentrate on meals.  I also need to run to the grocery store to get all stocked up.  I try to fix at least one of each child's favorite meals while they are home.

 Liam and Gloria with the roses he brought her.

Last Thursday, our daughter LaShawn and her boyfriend Liam Birt came home from Nashville and spent the weekend with us.  Liam is such a gentleman!  He brought me a dozen beautiful red and white roses.  He knows how to make the mom happy by bringing flowers!  Ha!  Liam knows how very much I love to receive flowers.  We had such a good time with the two of them.  They left Sunday afternoon for Minneapolis, where Liam flew to Toronto to see his family. 


LaShawn and her special friend, LiamWe had the privilege to go to our own home church on Sunday.  It is always special to be able to attend there, and see friends that we don't often get to visit with.  It is great to sit and "take in," when we are giving spiritually all the rest of the year.  Today, our daughter LaShawn will be coming back home, bringing Dante and Myanna with her.  This will be the beginning of "the gathering" for Christmas.  Donovan will drive in tomorrow from Nashville, and LaDawn will drive in on Friday evening.  We will have the privilege to be all together for about two days.  I wish it could be longer, but I am just thrilled they can all be home at least a little bit!  Dante and Myanna love it when the whole family is together. 


Larry continues to feel better and better.  He is still tired, but is doing well overall.  A few days ago, he had a lot of blood work done, and it looks like the medications are doing their jobs.  I know without a doubt that God has done His work by saving Larry from a massive stroke!  Larry was so blessed to be with people when it happened, because they rushed him immediately to the hospital.  Just for your information, if you or a loved one ever experience a stroke, Mayo Clinic reports that the first three hours are absolutely critical!  They informed us that if a patient can be taken to urgent care within those three hours, there is a good chance of nearly full recovery through therapy and medication.  Well, that's my medical advice for the week!  Ha!  But seriously, we need to know these things.


I know you, too, are busy preparing the final details for Christmas.  Amidst all the hustle and bustle, we pray that you will find the peace that only Jesus gives.  Have a wonderful Christmas with your loved ones!  Most of all, may you feel the presence of the Christ Child, for He truly is the reason for the season.  Merry Christmas!


PS-Next week, we will include some photos of our family Christmas gathering.  Talk to you then!





 Thought for the Week



       Santa lives at the North Pole...

      JESUS is everywhere.


       Santa rides in a sleigh.

       JESUS rides on the wind and walks on the water.


       Santa comes but once a year...

       JESUS is an ever-present help.


       Santa fills your stockings with goodies...

       JESUS supplies all your needs.


       Santa comes down your chimney uninvited...

       JESUS stands at your door and knocks, and then
your heart when invited.


       You have to wait in line to see Santa...

       JESUS is as close as the mention of His name.


       Santa lets you sit on his lap...

       JESUS lets you rest in His arms.


       Santa doesn't know your name, all he can say is

       "Hi little boy or girl, what's your name?"...


       JESUS knew our name before we were born.

       Not only does He know our name,

       He knows our address too.

       He knows our history and future and

       He even knows how many hairs are on our heads.


       Santa has a belly like a bowl full of jelly...

       JESUS has a heart full of love.


       All Santa can offer is HO HO HO.

       JESUS offers health, help and hope.


       Santa says "You better not cry"...

       JESUS says "Cast all your cares on me for I care
       for you."


       Santa's little helpers make toys.

       JESUS makes new life, mends wounded hearts,
broken homes and builds mansions.


       Santa may make you chuckle but,

       JESUS gives you joy that is your strength.


       While Santa puts gifts under your tree...

       JESUS became our gift and died on a tree....
       the cross.


       We need to put Christ back in CHRISTmas--
       Jesus is still
the reason for the season.


       For God so loved the world, that He gave
       His only
Begotten Son, that whosoever
       believeth in Him should not
perish, but have
       everlasting life. John 3:16



Household Tip

Recipe of the Week: Never Fail Fudge

Here's a Christmastime favorite!

3 (6 oz) pkgs milk or semi-sweet chocolate chips
1 can sweetened condensed milk
3/4 cup chopped walnuts
1 tsp vanilla

Melt chips and milk in microwave for approximately 1 minute or so.  Stir in nuts and vanilla.  Pour into greased or buttered 8x8 pan.  Let set for 2-3 hours.

Christmas is almost here! I'm afraid I'm not quite ready yet. Can any of you identify with me? When I get a bit anxious and overwhelmed, I have to sit down for a few minutes, take a deep breath, and say, "Come on, Gloria-it will all work out." The fact is, Christmas will come and go, whether we are "ready" or not. I keep reminding myself that it is about the Christ Child, so I need to relax!

December 21, 2005


Christmas is almost here!  I'm afraid I'm not quite ready yet.  Can any of you identify with me?  When I get a bit anxious and overwhelmed, I have to sit down for a few minutes, take a deep breath, and say, "Come on, Gloria-it will all work out."  The fact is, Christmas will come and go, whether we are "ready" or not.  I keep reminding myself that it is about the Christ Child, so I need to relax!


Larry cleaning the oven: "I had to vacuum up this one--ha!"Like so many of you, Larry and I work full office days when we are at home.  Other things, like housework, tend to fall behind that.  The other night, I whined, "Larry, my oven looks awful!  I don't want anyone to see that."  I then pleaded, "Larry, would you please clean it for me?"  He obliged.  He scrubbed and scrubbed, and huffed and puffed!  An hour later, he announced that the job was done.  Wow!  It was immaculate.  I complimented him on the awesome job he did.  He responded, "I never knew cleaning an oven was so much work!"  I chuckled, "Yeah, I've known for 40 years…that's why I asked you to do it."  He just grinned!


I finished wrapping gifts late last night.  Now I need to concentrate on meals.  I also need to run to the grocery store to get all stocked up.  I try to fix at least one of each child's favorite meals while they are home.

 Liam and Gloria with the roses he brought her.

Last Thursday, our daughter LaShawn and her boyfriend Liam Birt came home from Nashville and spent the weekend with us.  Liam is such a gentleman!  He brought me a dozen beautiful red and white roses.  He knows how to make the mom happy by bringing flowers!  Ha!  Liam knows how very much I love to receive flowers.  We had such a good time with the two of them.  They left Sunday afternoon for Minneapolis, where Liam flew to Toronto to see his family. 


LaShawn and her special friend, LiamWe had the privilege to go to our own home church on Sunday.  It is always special to be able to attend there, and see friends that we don't often get to visit with.  It is great to sit and "take in," when we are giving spiritually all the rest of the year.  Today, our daughter LaShawn will be coming back home, bringing Dante and Myanna with her.  This will be the beginning of "the gathering" for Christmas.  Donovan will drive in tomorrow from Nashville, and LaDawn will drive in on Friday evening.  We will have the privilege to be all together for about two days.  I wish it could be longer, but I am just thrilled they can all be home at least a little bit!  Dante and Myanna love it when the whole family is together. 


Larry continues to feel better and better.  He is still tired, but is doing well overall.  A few days ago, he had a lot of blood work done, and it looks like the medications are doing their jobs.  I know without a doubt that God has done His work by saving Larry from a massive stroke!  Larry was so blessed to be with people when it happened, because they rushed him immediately to the hospital.  Just for your information, if you or a loved one ever experience a stroke, Mayo Clinic reports that the first three hours are absolutely critical!  They informed us that if a patient can be taken to urgent care within those three hours, there is a good chance of nearly full recovery through therapy and medication.  Well, that's my medical advice for the week!  Ha!  But seriously, we need to know these things.


I know you, too, are busy preparing the final details for Christmas.  Amidst all the hustle and bustle, we pray that you will find the peace that only Jesus gives.  Have a wonderful Christmas with your loved ones!  Most of all, may you feel the presence of the Christ Child, for He truly is the reason for the season.  Merry Christmas!


PS-Next week, we will include some photos of our family Christmas gathering.  Talk to you then!





 Thought for the Week



       Santa lives at the North Pole...

      JESUS is everywhere.


       Santa rides in a sleigh.

       JESUS rides on the wind and walks on the water.


       Santa comes but once a year...

       JESUS is an ever-present help.


       Santa fills your stockings with goodies...

       JESUS supplies all your needs.


       Santa comes down your chimney uninvited...

       JESUS stands at your door and knocks, and then
your heart when invited.


       You have to wait in line to see Santa...

       JESUS is as close as the mention of His name.


       Santa lets you sit on his lap...

       JESUS lets you rest in His arms.


       Santa doesn't know your name, all he can say is

       "Hi little boy or girl, what's your name?"...


       JESUS knew our name before we were born.

       Not only does He know our name,

       He knows our address too.

       He knows our history and future and

       He even knows how many hairs are on our heads.


       Santa has a belly like a bowl full of jelly...

       JESUS has a heart full of love.


       All Santa can offer is HO HO HO.

       JESUS offers health, help and hope.


       Santa says "You better not cry"...

       JESUS says "Cast all your cares on me for I care
       for you."


       Santa's little helpers make toys.

       JESUS makes new life, mends wounded hearts,
broken homes and builds mansions.


       Santa may make you chuckle but,

       JESUS gives you joy that is your strength.


       While Santa puts gifts under your tree...

       JESUS became our gift and died on a tree....
       the cross.


       We need to put Christ back in CHRISTmas--
       Jesus is still
the reason for the season.


       For God so loved the world, that He gave
       His only
Begotten Son, that whosoever
       believeth in Him should not
perish, but have
       everlasting life. John 3:16



Household Tip

Recipe of the Week: Never Fail Fudge

Here's a Christmastime favorite!

3 (6 oz) pkgs milk or semi-sweet chocolate chips
1 can sweetened condensed milk
3/4 cup chopped walnuts
1 tsp vanilla

Melt chips and milk in microwave for approximately 1 minute or so.  Stir in nuts and vanilla.  Pour into greased or buttered 8x8 pan.  Let set for 2-3 hours.

This is the day that the Lord hath made; let us rejoice and be glad in it! I love that verse...

December 14, 2005


This is the day that the Lord hath made; let us rejoice and be glad in it!  I love that verse.  As I look out the window, I can tell it is definitely going to be a white Christmas.  Growing up in South Dakota, we anticipate snow-and as I speak, another storm front is moving through Dakota country.  Nickel-sized snowflakes are softly falling.  I like that!  But, a few short miles away in Minnesota (and into the Minneapolis area), they are expecting up to a foot of snow!  I will rejoice-if we don't get that big snowfall!  Ha! 

 We praise the Lord that Larry is doing well!

Larry is doing well, praise God!  I still have to "police" him, though.  He's so used to the "push and shove" lifestyle that it is hard for him to slow down his speed.  I try to make him take some short breaks to rest a few minutes at a time.  He will have some blood tests taken tomorrow, to see how effective his medications have been so far.  Larry still experiences some pressure in his head, which is a concern for us. 


I just came back from an appointment with my orthopedic doctor.  I had an update x-ray taken concerning my broken leg.  The good news continues to be that I have my foot, and I'm still walking.  Bad news-the doctor tells me that the nerves that were severed will not reconnect, so I have to live with the pain and the feeling that my foot is in a 220-volt socket…if you know what I mean!  The x-ray showed where there is a space in my ankle at the site of the actual break.  There is bone on bone contact, which causes me much pain.  They may have to do a fusion or further surgery down the road if the pain becomes truly unbearable!  You know what, though?  I told Larry in the doctor's office, "God can take care of that.  I'm going to believe that He will undertake for what the doctor says is bad news." 


Dr. Johnson asked if I had any questions.  I expressed to him that I am anxious to get into a walking regimen again.  He looked at me sternly and said, "No jogging.  No running.  No pounding of the feet.  No jumping.  And, very limited walking."  I was devastated.  He suggested getting an exercise bike.  Yuck!  I had my heart set on getting into my long walks again.  Dr. Johnson looked at me and could tell that I was a bit disappointed.  He encouraged me, "Gloria, be thankful you still have your foot, and that you can be up and around."  Soberly he added, "You are lucky that you didn't have to have your foot amputated."  (I don't believe in luck, but I do believe in the power of the Great Physician.)  I smiled back at the doctor and said, "God is good!"

 Our office staff with their spouses (L to R)....Barb Schiltz, Jen Knox & Marne Snaza

Christmas is coming so quickly, I can hardly believe it!  Last night, we had our office staff Christmas party.  Larry and I are so blessed to have an awesome, efficient office staff.  They do a great job with everything!  They make it possible for us to stay on the road for months at a time, without worrying about a thing.  We deeply appreciate them!


Our family will be coming and going in shifts to celebrate Christmas, beginning this weekend.  With Donovan and LaShawn living about 18 hours away (in Nashville TN), it is sometimes hard for them to synchronize their work schedules for the family gathering. 


When we were in Minneapolis a few weeks ago, I asked Dante and Myanna to mark four or five things that they really liked in a  sales flyer.  I told Myanna that I would pick one or two of the things she liked the most.  Myanna bounced back into the living room and handed me the sales flyer.  I looked at it, and there were only four or five things she didn't mark!  So, Grandma had to re-explain the plan. 


Before we left for Sisseton, she handed us the cutest packages.  She said, "Grandma, take these home and put them under your tree.  I made these gifts for you and Grandpa in church…all by myself!  I wrapped them, too."  She was so pleased that she could make us a gift.  Larry and I were pleased, too!  Grandchildren sure are special, aren't they?


As I think about Christmas, my mind and heart go out in prayer for all our military personnel who are fighting the war for Iraq's freedom.  There has been a high cost for this conflict already.  Over 2,000 families will have empty chairs (and the accompanying heartbreak) at the dinner table this Christmas.  I cannot fathom losing a son or daughter; nor can I imagine how painful the holidays will be for those families.  We should pray for all the families, not just military families, who have lost loved ones through accidents and illnesses.  They desperately need our prayers to help sustain them, especially at this time of year!  The Bible tells us to "pray ye one for another."  That ye refers to me and you! 


Below, you will find a bit of a different Christmas story in the Thought for the Week.  I felt I wanted to share it with you, so you can pass it on to your military families and friends.  Have a great week!  Enjoy the season!




 Thought for the Week

The embers glowed softly, and in their dim light,
I gazed round the room and I cherished the sight.
My wife was asleep, her head on my chest,
My daughter beside me, angelic in rest.
 Outside the snow fell, a blanket of white, 
Transforming the yard to a winter delight.
The sparkling lights in the tree I believe,
Completed the magic that was Christmas Eve.
 My eyelids were heavy, my breathing was deep, 
Secure and surrounded by love I would sleep.
In perfect contentment, or so it would seem,
I slumbered, perhaps I started to dream.
 The sound wasn't loud, and it wasn't too near, 
But I opened my eyes when it tickled my ear.
Perhaps just a cough, I didn't quite know,
Then the sure sound of footsteps outside in the snow.
 My soul gave a tremble, I struggled to hear, 
And I crept to the door just to see who was near.
Standing out in the cold and the dark of the night,
A lone figure stood, his face weary and tight.
 A soldier, I puzzled, some twenty years old, 
Perhaps a Marine, huddled here in the cold.
Alone in the dark, he looked up and smiled,
Standing watch over me, my wife and my child.
 "What are you doing?" I asked without fear, 
"Come in this moment, it's freezing out here!
Put down your pack; brush the snow from your sleeve,
You should be at home on a cold Christmas Eve!"
 For barely a moment I saw his eyes shift,
Away from the cold and the snow blown in drifts...
To the window that danced with a warm fire's light.
Then he sighed and he said "It's really all right,
 I'm out here by choice. I'm here every night."
"It's my duty to stand at the front of the line,
That separates you from the darkest of times.
No one had to ask or beg or implore me,
I'm proud to stand here like my fathers before me.
 My Gramps died at 'Pearl on a day in December,"
Then he sighed, "That's a Christmas 'Gram always remembers."
My dad stood his watch in the jungles of 'Nam',
And now it is my turn and so, here I am.
 I've not seen my own son in more than a while, 
But my wife sends me pictures; he's sure got her smile.
Then he bent and he carefully pulled from his bag,
The red, white, and American flag.
 "I can live through the cold and the being alone, 
Away from my family, my house and my home.
I can stand at my post through the rain and the sleet,
I can sleep in a foxhole with little to eat.
 I can carry the weight of killing another, 
Or lay down my life with my sister and brother.
Who stand at the front against any and all,
To ensure for all time that this flag will not fall."
 "So go back inside," he said, "harbor no fright, 
Your family is waiting and I'll be all right."
 "But isn't there something I can do, at the least, 
"Give you money," I asked, "or prepare you a feast.
It seems all too little for all that you've done,
For being away from your wife and your son."
 Then his eye welled a tear that held no regret, 
"Just tell us you love us, and never forget
To fight for our rights back at home while we're gone,
To stand your own watch, no matter how long.
 For when we come home, either standing or dead, 
To know you remember we fought and we bled.
Is payment enough, and with that we will trust,
That we mattered to you as you mattered to us.


Household Tip

Recipe of the Week: Puppy Chow

Here's a Christmastime favorite!

1 box Crisipix cereal
1 (12 oz) pkg chocolate chips
1 stick margarine
1 cup peanut butter
3 cups powdered sugar

Melt chocolate chips, butter and peanut butter in microwave.  Pour over the Crispix in a large bowl.  Put the powdered sugar in a large bowl, add coated Crispix, and shake well.  Enjoy!!

Brrr! Last night the temperature got down to 5 below, with a wind chill factor of -20 degrees! Hawaii sounds might good right about now!

December 7, 2005


Doesn't the sight of this just make you shudder...brrrr!Brrr!  Last night the temperature got down to 5 below, with a wind chill factor of -20 degrees!  Hawaii sounds might good right about now!  Ha!  A couple of years ago, someone made a comment:  "Why do you live in South Dakota with those ugly, cold winters?"  I informed the questioner, "Anyone can live in Florida, Arizona, or Hawaii-but it takes a strong-willed, determined person to live in and survive the Midwestern winters."  The older I get, the more I believe that!  I heard Larry on the phone the other day, talking to someone about the weather.  He said, "It's so cold here in South Dakota, we saw a dog putting jumper cables on a rabbit to get him started!" 


Now that I've told you that, you can see that the "TIA" stroke Larry experienced did not affect his humor!  Thank God Larry is doing better day by day.  He is still tired and feels a bit of pressure in his head, but overall he is doing extremely well.  I just have to "bridle" him to keep him slowed down a bit! 


Last weekend, we made a quick trip to Apple Valley, MN (where LaDawn and her children live) to celebrate our grandson Dante's 13th birthday.  I can hardly believe that he is a teenager already!  I sneaked into his bedroom early on the morning of December 4 (Dante's actual birthday), and leaned down to kiss him on his cheek.  He opened his eyes as if to say, "What on earth is that all about?  Please let me sleep!"  With a big grin, I announced, "I just wanted to be the first girl to kiss you, now that you are a teenager!"  I continued, "So when someone asks you years later, 'Who the first girl was who gave you a kiss as a teenager?' you would have to honestly answer, 'My grandma!'"  He grinned and said, "Sorry, Gram…but my mom came in here right after midnight and kissed me first."  Oh well!  Grandma sure tried.

 Celebrating Dante's birthday at a pizza place!

I asked Dante what he wanted to do for his birthday, and he said he'd like to go to Godfather's for taco pizza.  Then I asked him if I could fix him a special meal of anything he wanted.  He said, "Cool, Grandma!"  He requested goulash.  Boy, was I surprised!  That was so simple to prepare.  He was happy to get that special meal.  Then, we played games and fixed root beer floats-he preferred floats instead of a traditional birthday cake.


We made a quick run to the Christmas tree lot, and helped the kids pick out a Christmas tree.  That was fun!  The man who sold us the tree promptly tied the tree to the top of LaDawn's car.  I was impressed, until Myanna and I went to get in the backseat, and he had tied the back doors shut!  The man had to untie the tree again, just so we could get in.  The kids just giggled and giggled.  They said, "Grandma, you could've gone on top of the car and laid on the tree, and rode home like that!"  After all the stress Larry and I have been through lately, it was so good to giggle and just play with the grandkids. 


Larry and I have been very busy here at home, sorting through office papers that have piled up over the course of this past year while we were on the road.  There are boxes and boxes of papers to sort, file, dispose of, and answer.  That's the tough part of being gone most of the year.  "Real life" hits us when we get home, and would rather just relax! 


Larry has been continually working at completing our 2006 schedule.  The whole year is scheduled, but we have allowed for a bit more relaxed schedule to accommodate our health needs.  One friend called last week and said, "My, the devil sure hates you!  He's tried to wipe both of you out!"  Larry replied, "Well, he didn't win, did he?  God has been good to us."  Larry and I both agree that after this past year, we need to re-vamp our lives and take better care of ourselves so that we can stay on the road, doing what God has called us to do.  We love ministry, and want to continue reaching the lost. 

 Decorating the tree...making lasting memories!

Christmas is approaching so quickly!  I put up decorations a couple of days ago.  I should do some baking, but I'll wait and find out what my children would like me to make.  They have encouraged me the past few years to just prepare a couple favorites, rather than lots of stuff they don't need or won't eat.  So, that helps me keep things simple!


Speaking of Christmas…the secular world is trying desperately to take Christ out of Christmas.  They are trying to change "Merry Christmas" into the generic greeting "Happy Holidays."  I encourage you to use the actual phrase "Merry Christmas" as often as you can.  Let people around you know the real meaning of Christmas.  It's the birth of the Christ child!  I received an email that I want to share with you this week.  It should cause us all to think hard about the purpose of this holiday.  Enjoy pondering the wonders of the season! 


Have a wonderful week, and enjoy this Christmas season. 




 Thought for the Week

A Letter from Jesus

 As you well know, we are getting closer to my birthday. Every year there is a celebration in my honor and I think that this year the celebration will be repeated. During this time there are many people shopping for gifts, there are many radio announcements, TV commercials, and in every part of the world everyone is talking that my birthday is getting closer and closer. It is really very nice to know, that at least once a year, some people think of me. As you know, the celebration of my birthday began many years ago. At first people seemed to understand and be thankful of all that I did for them, but in these times, no one seems to know the reason for the celebration.


Family and friends get together and have a lot of fun, but they don't know the meaning of the celebration. I remember that last year there was a great feast in my honor. The dinner table was full of delicious foods, pastries, fruits, assorted nuts and chocolates.  The decorations were exquisite and there were many, many beautifully wrapped gifts. But, do you want to know something? I wasn't invited. I was the guest of honor and they didn't remember to send me an invitation. The party was for me, but when that great day came, I was left outside, they closed the door in my face......... and I wanted to be with them and share their table. In truth, that didn't surprise me because in the last few years all close their doors to me.


Since I was not invited, I decided to enter the party without making any noise. I went in and stood in a corner. They were all drinking; there were some who were drunk and telling jokes and laughing at everything. They were having a great time. To top it all, this big fat man all dressed in red wearing a long white beard entered the room yelling Ho-Ho-Ho!  He seemed drunk. He sat on the sofa and all the children ran to him, saying : "Santa Claus, Santa Claus"… as if the party were in his honor ! At midnight all the people began to hug each other; I extended my arms waiting for someone to hug me you know ... no one hugged me.


Suddenly they all began to share gifts. They opened them one by one with great expectation. When all had been opened, I looked to see if, maybe, there was one for me. What would you feel if on your birthday everybody shared gifts and you did not get one ? I then understood that I was unwanted at that party and quietly left. Every year it gets worse.  People only remember to eat and drink, the gifts, the parties and nobody remembers me.


I would like this Christmas that you allow me to enter into your life. I would like that you recognize the fact that almost two thousand years ago I came to this world to give my life for you, on the cross, to save you. Today, I only want that you believe this with all you heart. I want to share something with you. As many didn't invite me to their party, I will have my own celebration, a grandiose party that no one has ever imagined, a spectacular party. I'm still making the final arrangements. 


Today I am sending out many invitations and there is an invitation for you. I want to know if you wish to attend and I will make a reservation for you and write your name with golden letters in my great guest book. Only those on the guest list will be invited to the party. Those who don't answer the invitation will be left outside. Do you know how you can answer this invitation? It is by extending it to others whom you care for... I'll be waiting for all of you to attend my party this year.


See you soon....I love you !



Household Tip

Recipe of the Week: Cranberry Sorbet

Cook 1 quart cranberries in 2 cups boiling water until skins break (about 10 minutes).  Drain and pulverize in food processor until smooth.  Stir 1 package plain gelatin into 14 cup cold water and then dissolve in hot cranberry mixture.  Add 2 cups water, 2 cups sugar or Splenda, the juice from a large lemon, and 1 teaspoon grated orange rind.  Freeze in electric ice cream maker or put in trays, stirring often until frozen.

Optional: Shape into balls when frozen and store in serving bowl or 3-ounce covered cups.  Serve with turkey, goose, or chicken entrees.

Good morning! First of all, I'd like to apologize for not getting an update to you on Monday, as promised. We had an unexpected ice storm and blizzard causing widespread power outages...

November 30, 2005The beauty of ice...


Good morning!  First of all, I'd like to apologize for not getting an update to you on Monday, as promised.  We had an unexpected ice storm and blizzard causing widespread power outages and slippery roads, and none of us were able to get to the office for two days.  That's South Dakota weather for you!  We'll tell you more about it later.


Now, about Larry!  Thank God we are back home in Sisseton again, after a roller coaster of events and emotions.  First of all, I'm so grateful to tell you that Larry is doing well following his minor stroke (more info can be found below).  He sure scared us!  In almost every service we hold, I always encourage people to appreciate every good moment, savor each precious memory, and laugh while they can…because in just one split second, your world can change.  It may come in the form of a phone call, letter, knock at the door, or word from a doctor or police officer.  We never know what tomorrow holds, but thank God, we do know the One who holds tomorrow!  He walks ahead of us through each and every valley.


On November 12-13, we celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary as well as 40 years in ministry together in Lakeville, MN (a suburb of Minneapolis).  For photos of the event, you can check the "On the Road" archives from that week.  It was such a wonderful time of celebration with our children, family, and friends.  Through the weekend, though, I was concerned about Larry.  He looked especially tired and his complexion was kind of ashen and gray.  I expressed my concern to him, but he assured me that he was just tired and would be fine!  To be honest, we were both exhausted from the year on the road filled with rallies, plus all my physical problems with the broken leg, and so on.  But…I was ecstatic to realize that I had completed the year!  I was physically able to meet all of my commitments for 2005.  There were only four more rallies to go, ending in Phoenix, AZ in late November.  I told Larry months ago that I just couldn't physically make that last run, and he agreed that I should stay home and he would do those last four services by himself.  After his last rally, which was to be held in Gallup, New Mexico on Sunday, November 27, he had planned to leave our coach there and fly back home.  We couldn't chance leaving our coach in the South Dakota winter weather, with the certainty of freezing pipes.  We'd experienced that before, and didn't want that to happen again. 


After the great weekend of our 40th celebration, we drove back to Sisseton and Larry unloaded the coach and suburban while reloading equipment he needed for those last four rallies.  We hauled stuff back and forth for a long time!  Larry came upstairs huffing and puffing, and I asked him if he was okay.  He answered, "Yeah, I'm okay.  Just a little tired."  He went into the bedroom and was so exhausted; he just literally fell on the bed.  Again I pleaded for him to reschedule those last four rallies, as I was concerned for his health.  He said again, "I'll be okay.  I'll make it."  He left on Thursday, November 17, drove to Lyons NE for a rally there, and then drove to Nebraska City NE on Saturday the 19th.  He set up all the equipment. 


On Sunday morning, November 20, I called him at about 8 am and said, "Honey, I miss you.  Let's have our morning coffee date before you go in to church."  We visited for about a half hour.  After our coffee, Larry went to the rally, sang four songs, and later told me he began to forget portions of the songs.  He then began to preach, and he said that suddenly, he knew what he wanted to say, but he couldn't communicate it!  Thank the Lord, there was a nurse and an EMT in the congregation, and they recognized the symptoms Larry was having.  They immediately walked up, knowing it was a stroke, and they took him right to the hospital.  I'm so thankful this did not happen while he was alone in the coach.  I know Larry well enough-he would've thought, Larry in the hospital."Oh, this will just go away."  I'm especially thankful he wasn't driving the coach down the highway by himself!  Anyway, he was rushed to the ER, where a blood thinner was administered immediately.  They did a CT scan to make sure there was no bleeding on the brain.  They then monitored him for the next 26 hours.  When they called me to tell me what had happened, I was not surprised, but I was shocked. 


Immediately, I called our children.  Our son, Donovan, immediately flew from Nashville to Omaha on Monday.  I felt so badly, as Larry and I are so rarely physically apart, and now he was all alone with no family.  My mind refused to believe this all really happened.  I had a horrible time trying to make decisions on Sunday, as to what I needed to do next.  Thank God our children helped me make the decisions!  On Monday, when Donovan flew in, he had hoped to see his dad.  In the meantime, though, we had doctor's order to get Larry into a larger clinic for further testing as soon as we could.  So, before Donovan arrived, some dear friends from Iowa picked Larry up and drove him to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN (about eight hours away).  Thank God the Sporrer family from Manning, Iowa was there to help us out!  Meanwhile, I jumped in our car and drove seven hours to meet him at Mayo on Monday evening.


Tuesday morning, we were sitting in Mayo Clinic and began a two-day battery of tests.  They did an EKG, which showed there was no brain damage resulting from this "TIA" stroke (transient ischemic attack).  They surmised that a small piece of plaque broke off from the aorta, formed a blood clot, and made its way up near the part of the brain which deals with communication.  Praise God the clot reversed direction and then dissolved!  The MRI showed there was no brain damage. What a miracle!


The real concern we were facing was that, as the doctors explained, a TIA is usually the forerunner to a more massive type of stroke.  They did another test where they put a small camera down the throat, nudge it next to the heart, and take pictures.  They found that a part of his heart was enlarged, which had never showed up in the past.  They don't know why the heart was enlarged, so they put a 48 hour heart monitor on him to track heart rhythm, blood flow, and so on.  They are still trying to figure out why this episode happened, so we can prevent it from happening again!  They found plaque in the aorta, but they can't surgically do anything for that.  They put him on the drug Zocar, which is a statin, to prevent another blood clot.


Larry resuming office work at home.Larry underwent tests all day Tuesday and Wednesday.  Larry was, and still is, extremely tired at times.  For the first couple days, he had a hard time explaining what he was thinking.  On Thursday (Thanksgiving Day), we drove about 90 miles to Minneapolis, and rested at our daughter, LaDawn's home.  Dante and Myanna were so worried about Grandpa!  By Friday, Larry was joking, feeling more like himself, and his mind was sharp.  Day by day, he is getting better.  He's just so tired!  The doctors said it would take a few weeks to recuperate, and told him he then needs to revamp his lifestyle and priorities a bit.  When the doctor said that, I told Larry, "NOW, I'm the boss!  Now I'll tell you what to do, or what not to do."  He chuckled, "So what's changed?"  Ha!  I was happy to see and hear him laugh and joke, even though his jokes are wacky. 


Meanwhile, as all this was going on, our son Donovan (bless his heart!) stepped in the gap by driving our coach from Omaha, NE to Phoenix, AZ.  He drove almost nonstop, parked the coach at a church in Apache Junction AZ, making sure it would be okay for the next four months until we return to Arizona.  Thanks, Donovan, for taking time off work and driving the coach out!  You took so much pressure off your dad and mom. 


When going through an experience like this, it's wonderful to have the Lord, family, and friends to help carry the load.  Thank you to all of you who have been praying.  We are trying to get Larry scheduled for further heart tests.  Please continue to hold him up in prayer! 


Ice hanging from the stop sign.As you can see by some of these photos, we have just experienced one of the worst ice storms we've had in years.  Out my living room window, I can see several of our trees that look like a tornado hit them!  Last Sunday, it rained and rained and rained.  Then, freezing rain and The disaster of ice...broken branches.sleet fell, until finally we had blowing snow and blizzard-like 45 mph winds.  People who have driven around our little community tell us there are many tree branches down, and it looks like a sort of "Ice Katrina" hit.  All three of our office staff members and their families have been without power, and two of them remain without power today.  In some places, there were three inches of pure ice surrounding power lines.  Also out my window, I can see that we have a Our car covered by snow..."No, Larry, you are not going to shovel it out!"few five-foot snow banks that have drifted up.  A couple of minutes ago, I heard the sound of boots being put on and the front door opening, and I quizzed Larry as to where he was going.  He informed me that he was going to shovel around the car so we could get it out.  So I, the BOSS, said, "No, you're not.  The doctors said you can't!"  We'll get it out somehow, though.  We're safe and warm right now, which we are thankful for.


Through it all, every situation, God is good.  Again, we have felt God's presence with us.  This past week, when my heart was overwhelmed with concerns, God covered me through His word: "I will never leave you nor forsake you."  I really needed to know and feel that at the time.  I pray that you have a wonderful week, and again, I'm so sorry about the delay in this update!  I have no control over ice storms and blizzards!  We will continue to update you as we know more about Larry's situation.  God bless you-





 Thought for the Week

Mary's Song: Luke 1

 46 Mary said,
    "My soul gives glory to the Lord.
    47 My spirit delights in God my Savior.
 48 He has taken note of me
       even though I am not important.
    From now on all people will call me blessed.
    49 The Mighty One has done great things for me.
       His name is holy.
 50 He shows his mercy to those who have respect for him,
       from parent to child down through the years.
 51 He has done mighty things with his arm.
       He has scattered those who are proud in their deepest thoughts.
 52 He has brought down rulers from their thrones.
       But he has lifted up people who are not important.
 53 He has filled those who are hungry with good things.
       But he has sent those who are rich away empty.
 54 He has helped the people of Israel, who serve him.
       He has always remembered to be kind
 55 to Abraham and his children down through the years.
       He has done it just as he said to our people of long ago." 

Household Tip

Run your hands under cold water before pressing Rice Krispies treats in the pan--the sticky marshmallows won't adhere to your hands!

The following letter is, in essence, a huge prayer request, as well as praise report, from Gloria to all of you! It was written on Monday, November 21. As more information becomes available, we will be sure to update you. We hope to have more understanding of the situation by next week, when Gloria updates once again. In the meantime, have a blessed Thanksgiving, and please be in prayer for Larry & Gloria!

November 23, 2005


Dear Partners and Friends,


The following letter is, in essence, a huge prayer request, as well as praise report, from Gloria to all of you!  It was written on Monday, November 21.  As more information becomes available, we will be sure to update you.  We hope to have more understanding of the situation by next week, when Gloria updates once again.  In the meantime, have a blessed Thanksgiving, and please be in prayer for Larry & Gloria!  Thank you.


"Greetings from Sisseton.  I just wanted to let you know that we had a wonderful 40th wedding anniversary celebration last weekend in Lakeville MN at Celebration Church.  It was filled with fun, laughter, and wonderful friends, and included a program and video montage of our lives.  It was a precious time!  You can see some of the photos from the big weekend on our website at 


We came back to Sisseton extremely exhausted, and unpacked the coach and equipment.  We then repacked so that Larry could drive the coach out to Phoenix AZ, to get it out of the cold and freezing weather.  He had scheduled four "Larry only" rallies on the way out to Arizona, as I felt I just physically couldn't make it.  I knew he was also tired, and tried to convince him to reschedule the dates, but in his persistence, he said "I will be fine."  I could tell he was tired and not feeling quite up to par. 


He left Thursday evening, drove to Sioux Falls SD, worked part of the night on the coach, and drove on to Lyons NE.  He had a Friday night rally there.  From there he drove on to Nebraska City on Saturday.  He set up all the equipment Larry preaching last weekend at Celebration Churchand went in for the Sunday morning service.  He had sung five songs, and then went into his message.  He felt a pressure in his head, at which time he suffered a minor stroke.  There were two nurses in the crowd that recognized the symptoms, which Larry later described as "I went blank and couldn't talk."  They rushed him to the Nebraska City hospital to care for him.  The CT scan showed that everything was okay, and that his blood pressure was high. 


As of now, Monday morning, the blood pressure is pretty well back down to normal.  I talked with his doctor a few minutes ago, and he said that the blood clot went near to his brain and reversed, which was a "real blessing."  The fear is now that the clot might try to return and lodge there in the brain.  So, I'm asking you to please join us in prayer for Jesus' blood covering over Larry.  I've just completed arrangements for him to be taken to the Rochester, MN Mayo Clinic as the doctor in Nebraska is calling for an immediate follow-up.  He said that ultrasounds should be done on the neck, heart, and so on.  We are so thankful that there appears to be no lasting damage done, and that Larry is already functioning normally in speech, movement, and so on.  I would deeply appreciate your prayers for both of us at this time, as we strive to determine possible causes for this stroke, as well as look at how to prevent future strokes.  God has been faithful, He is faithful, and He will continue to be faithful.  God bless you!  --Gloria"

Greetings from Mayo Clinic.  This is Wednesday, November 23.  The last three days have been a whirlwind of events.  The doctors in Nebraska City, NE, urged us to get Larry in for further testing immediately.  Some dear friends from Iowa drove Larry 400 miles to Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN.  Meanwhile, I scurried around and drove from Sisseton to Rochester (370 miles) meeting him there.  I sure was happy to see "my man" when we finally got together. 


The diagnosis of what happened to Larry is that he had a TIA which is a blood clot that traveled to the brain but quickly reversed leaving little damage for which we are so thankful.  However, the doctor told us that a TIA is usually a warning sign of something larger on the way that could cause a massive stroke.  They put him on a blood thinner immediately to dissolve any blood clots that might still be around. 


I am very relieved and happy that we are here at Mayo Clinic in Rochester where I know he is in the care of some of the best doctors in the US.  For the past two days he has been in testing.  He has had an MRI, CT scan, and intense testing of his motor skills (which went great… I was happy to hear that).   This morning they did an echocardiogram, a battery of  blood tests, an ultrasound of the arteries in his neck, and a test called a TEE in which they put a scope with a camera down your throat nesting it near the heart to take pictures of the arteries.  At this moment, he is undergoing another ultrasound.  We will meet with the doctors at 4:15 p.m. to get the results.  We are believing God for the best. 


Next Monday, we will do a quick update to give you a medical update.  Until then, again, we count on your prayers to carry us through this…another valley.  We can feel your prayers lifting us up.


God Bless You!




 Thought for the Week

    You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing.
    You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy,

       that I might sing praises to you and not be silent.
       O LORD my God, I will give you thanks forever!

Psalm 30:11-13 (New Living Translation)

Household Tip

To prevent egg shells from cracking, add a pinch of salt to the water before hard-boiling.

Greetings from Sisseton! We just arrived home from an action-packed 40th anniversary celebration weekend. Words can't explain how wonderful it was!

November 16, 2005


Greetings from Sisseton!  We just arrived home from an action-packed 40th anniversary celebration weekend.  Words can't explain how wonderful it was!  We spent nine months planning for this event, and now it is history-but it will never be forgotten.  We made "miles of memories!"  Guests drove in from eight different states.  There were friends and partners in attendance whom we hadn't seen in years.  We were so flooded by their love for us, and by their appreciation for the ministry.  Our children Donovan and LaShawn, and Larry and Gloria going over some last minute details.her boyfriend Liam, drove in from Nashville, TN a few days in advance.  We started out on Thursday with a belated birthday party for LaShawn.  Wow-our babies are really growing up!  When our oldest daughter turns 38, you know that Larry and I are not getting any younger.  I just had to tell you that-ha!  From that point on, we scurried through all the preparations for the big celebration.  We were so blessed to have our office staff, my sister-in-law Ronda Lundstrom, and so many others help us with the last-minute details.  We really appreciated all their help!

Our office staff with their husbands and some extra help they tagged to come help! 

Our emcee and dear friend, Bruce SchoemanFriday afternoon, we decorated the reception hall.  Then on Friday evening, our family members, as well as our dear friend Bruce Schoeman, met with us to finalize the program and the series of weekend events. 


Saturday noon, Larry and I arrived at Celebration Church just a few minutes before the guests began to arrive.  Everything looked so beautiful.  My wedding dress, though a bit aged, was on display, along with my veil.  Photo boards were also displayed throughout the area.  The reception hall was beautiful!  The three-tiered cake with a fountain was breathtaking.  I almost felt like I was getting married all over again! 


Julie, Gloria's mother, Gloria and Larry are all enjoying a few laughs!At 1 pm, we had a punch reception.  Then from 1:30 until 3 pm, our children put on a program for us.  We laughed until our sides hurt!  There is nothing like joy and laughter.  Of course, our children told stories on us.  Many "family secrets" were revealed, leaving everyone in hysterics.  We should have known, with all the jokes and pranks Larry and I have pulled through the years, that they would return to us like a boomerang! 


At 3 pm, we went into the reception hall for a delicious catered lunch.  Just Donovanbefore we ate, our son Donovan entertained the guests with a video montage that he and his cousin Lance had edited.  It contained priceless footage taken from home movies from the 60s and 70s.  It was absolutely packed with emotion!  He had found footage of Larry and me right after we were married, and of the children when they were babies and toddlers.  I laughed and laughed-and at the same time, I wanted to cry, realizing how quickly those precious moments of life flee away.


During the reception, many family and friends gave tribute to Larry and me.  Many of them had either come to Christ or had been drawn closer to God as a result of our ministry.  Each testimony was like a blood transfusion to our bodies, souls, spirits and minds.  Again, Larry and I were reminded of why we've spent 40 years on the road: to reach the lost, and touch lives for eternity. 


At 5 pm, everyone left the reception hall and gathered in the main sanctuary Our daughter, LaDawnOur daughter, LaShawnof Celebration Church, where Larry and I held a family and friends celebration service.  Larry's brother Lowell and his wife Connie pastor Celebration Church in Lakeville MN, where the event was held.  In the 60s, 70s, and early 80s, Lowell, Connie, Larry and I, as well as their brother Leon and his wife Ronda, traveled together in evangelism.  Back then, we were known as the "Message for America" team.  During this service, we all got back together and sang some old favorites from our days together on the road.  Our daughter LaDawn, and Larry's brother Leon, accompanied us on the drums.  Our daughter LaShawn and niece Londa were on the keyboards.  Our grandson Dante' played percussion.  Lowell Junior played guitar, and two grand-nephews, Chase and Connor, accompanied on guitar and percussion.  There were three generations of Lundstroms on stage!  It truly was a special, special time. 


Larry and Gloria renewing their vows with Lowell officiatingAfter the music portion of the service, Larry and I Lowell joining in on guitarrenewed our vows, officiated again by Lowell, who performed our ceremony 40 years ago.  That truly was a precious part of the evening.  Larry and I sang the same song to each other that we sang at our wedding on October 16, 1965.  Yes, it all was very emotional!  We ended the service with Lowell praying a family blessing over all of us. 


It was truly a day to remember!  Those memories will dance in our hearts and minds forever.  We wish that all of you could have joined us; that would have Larry in action!been so special.  So, with that in mind, wThe grandkids, Dante' and Myanna, enjoying the festivitiese wanted to give you this capsulated version of our celebration, and include several photos. 


Next week, we will tell you more about the event, plus we will have a new assortment of photos taken by our friends Brian Knox and Kirk Snaza.  We thank them for blessing us with all those great photos! 


We look forward to visiting with you again next week.  If you don't check us out again until after Thanksgiving, we pray you will have a wonderful time with your family and friends.  Remember to give thanks to God for His faithfulness, goodness, provision, protection, and most of all the joy of salvation.  Happy Thanksgiving! 




 Thought for the Week

Love Me Now


If you're ever going to love me,

Love me now, while I can know

All the sweet and tender feelings

Which from real affection flow.


Love me now, while I am living;

Do not wait till I am gone

And then chisel it in marble

Warm love words on ice-cold stone.


I won't need your kind caresses

When the grass grows o'er my face;

I won't crave your love or kisses

In my last, low resting place.


So, then if you love me any

If it's but a little bit

Let me know it now while living;

I can own and treasure it.


--Author Unknown

Household Tip

Stuff a miniature marshmallow in the bottom of a sugar cone to prevent ice cream drips.

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