Greetings from Florida!

Can it really be January 10th already? I've been so busy that I've actually lost track of time! I just asked Larry, "Honey, what date is it?" He looked up from his computer and said, "It's January 10th." In disbelief I uttered, "It couldn't be." He responded, "Well, it is." If the rest of this month goes as quickly as this first half, January will soon be just a memory!

January 10, 2007


Greetings from Florida!

Can it really be January 10th already?  I've been so busy that I've actually lost track of time!  I just asked Larry, "Honey, what date is it?"  He looked up from his computer and said, "It's January 10th."  In disbelief I uttered, "It couldn't be."  He responded, "Well, it is." If the rest of this month goes as quickly as this first half, January will soon be just a memory!


Gloria working on the update for the On the Road webpageGetting ready to leave on this 4 month tour has literally eaten up any spare time that I might have hoped for. Larry and I diligently sorted through boxes of office mail and papers, and tried to get caught up on some projects that our Sisseton, SD office needed before we embarked on this tour.  In the thick of this, Larry was fighting a horrendous tooth ache- and yes, it was his "Swedish sweet tooth"- Ha!  We had to wait 2 weeks to get into a dentist and by then the tooth was abscessed. The dentist told us he'd have to pull the tooth in order to get rid of the infection. Larry groaned and pleaded, "Isn't there another option?"  But, of course, the answer was no.  A bit disappointed- or should I say a lot- he immediately went through with the extraction of his back molar.  He came out looking like he had just been beaten up. Then the swelling began!  A couple days later when he was feeling better, I asked him if he was hiding walnuts in his cheeks.  He just grinned, which made him look even more comical.  The hardest part of the whole process was that he couldn't eat his treats for a few days. Poor Larry!


After the tooth dilemma was taken care of, we began to pack for the tour.  What a predicament trying to pack all of our personal clothes, computer, and office supplies that we'll need for 4 months into two 50 pound suitcases!  We had planned to leave Sisseton last Saturday and drive to Minneapolis, MN to spend a day with daughter, LaDawn, and the grandkids.  Our plans changed when we had a last minute funeral to attend, so we didn't get out until Sunday night.  Larry called to confirm our Tuesday airline departure on Monday morning.  I heard him say, "Oh no…boy, am I ever glad I called tonight instead of tomorrow morning."  He turned to me and announced, "Honey, we're not leaving tomorrow afternoon."  My heart sunk!  I thought, "Oh no, they messed up our flight schedule!  Now when will we get out of Minneapolis?"  Larry looked at me and continued, "They changed our flight from tomorrow afternoon at 3:30, to tomorrow morning at 9:00.  We need to be at the airport at 7 am."  Boy, we were both thankful we had called that night, rather than in the morning, or we would've missed our flight!  We rushed around and got our suitcases ready again.  Then we weighed them, just holding our breath that we were under the 50 pound limit. Tuesday morning, LaDawn brought us out toWow, in 3 hours we went from snow to palm trees! the airport.  Light snow was falling and the Minnesota temperatures were brisk, only reaching about 12 degrees.  Once we were there, we quickly unloaded and stepped into the ticket line.  Larry grunted as he lifted the big suitcase on the scale.  The female ticket agent watched the scale, looked over her glasses, and chuckled, "Close…49.35 pounds!"  I let out a big sigh of relief.  I was wondering if I was going to have to take clothes out of the suitcase and go for the layered look just to get everything with us- Ha!


Wow, in 3 hours we went from snow to palm trees!We had a smooth flight to Orlando, FL despite the imprint of a small foot on the lower part of my back from a rambunctious 5 year old boy that was sitting behind me.  He kicked the back of my airline seat for the entire 1500 miles.  Oh well, I'm fine now!  On arrival to Orlando, it was nearly 70 degrees.  We took in the beautiful sunshine, baby blue skies and palm tree branches waving in the light breeze.  Yes!  I'm so happy God called us to Florida to minister, how sweet it is!




While we were waiting for our transportation, we were seated next to a huge circular fish aquarium.  For the next hour or so I watched this one fish swim around and around the tank in circles, going as fast as his fins would take him.  It probably thought it had swum a great distance, but it really was just swimming in circles.  I'm sure it was totally oblivious that it wasn't going anywhere.  I thought of how people get caught up in life, just like that fish…rushing, pushing, but not going anywhere, just going in circles.  I thought of what I read years ago, "Christians often confuse business and activities with a personal relationship with God.  They think that if they are busy and on the run, that's what God wants."  But Psalm 46:10 says, "Be still and know that I am God."  Often times we cannot hear the voice of God due to the craziness of life and its demands.  I am preaching to myself on this one.  Almost everything I do is for ministry.  Sometimes, I remind myself of busy Martha in Luke 10, always going and doing rather than being a "Mary".  In Luke 10:41-42, Jesus scolded, or reminded Martha, "You are busy and troubled about many things, but one thing is needful, and Mary hath chosen the good part, (time with Jesus) which will not be taken from her."  Don't we all desperately need that?  There are times I feel like that fish, swimming frantically, around and around, and going nowhere spiritually.  In the beginning of this New Year, I admit I need to slow down and spend more quiet time in His presence.  That's what really matters.  How about you?  Have a great week!






Matt's dad picked him up from school to take him to a dental appointment. Knowing the parts for the school play were supposed to be posted today, he asked his son if he got one.


Matt enthusiastically announced that he had, "I play a man who has been married for 20 years."


His father replied, "That's great, son.  Keep up the good work, and before you know it, they will be giving you a speaking part."





"Lazy housekeepers believe dust protects the furniture." 

R.W. Seamen




Crunchy-Chicken Casserole


1 can mushroom soup                        ¼ lb. salted peanuts

½ cup water                                  1 cup chopped celery

1 can chicken, turkey or tuna                3 oz. Chinese noodles

¼ cup minced onion


Mix all ingredients, except noodles.  Place in baking dish and sprinkle noodles on top.  Bake at 325 for 30 minutes.


To kill bacteria in your kitchen sponge or brush place it in the microwave for 60 seconds. It will kill the bacteria and be ready to use again.


Greetings from "Snow" Dakota! We had a brown Christmas this year which doesn't happen very often, but it was nice not having to fight snow, ice and sleet. Then, December 28th winter arrived! I told Larry, "I know why it snowed. It's because I took down my tree and decorations!" We woke up to a winter wonderland after receiving the aftermath of the big Denver storm.

January 3, 2007

 Greetings from "Snow" Dakota!  We had a brown Christmas this year which doesn't happen very often, but it was nice not having to fight snow, ice and sleet.  Larry and his snowball!Then, December 28th winter arrived!  I told Larry, "I know why it snowed.  It's because I took down my tree and decorations!"  We woke up to a winter wonderland after receiving the aftermath of the big Denver storm.  Like kids, Larry and I couldn't wait to get outside.  It was about 40 degrees and I suggested taking some Making my snowball!photos.  I offered to take his picture first.  After I took a nice one of him and was preparing to snap another one, I saw a mischievous grin form on his face.  Larry had started to make a snowball and I just knew it was for me…not a gift…but, by the gleam in his eye I knew I was going to be the target.  Sure enough!  I said, "Okay, time to get even!"  As I was molding my masterpiece snowball Larry took my picture.  As you can see, a short snowball fight was inevitable.  Isn't life fun?  That "snow time" just made our day and gave us another spark to keep that first love alive. 


On December 29th the snow turned into rain, and then to freezing rain.  I could see the limbs on the trees doubling in diameter from the ice collecting on the branches.  Oooh, I do not like ice!


                               The ice on the trees...slightly reminiscent of last year....


Larry and I will be flying out of Minneapolis, MN on January 9th to Orlando, Florida, where we will pick up our coach.  We look forward to another great year of soul-winning.  Philippians 3:13 says, "But this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before me."  We agree with Paul to reach forward to what lies ahead.  We have so many wonderful opportunities for Christ with many rallies, seminars, camp meetings, and conventions for 2007.  We are anxious to see what God is going to do in the lives of people.  We will, however, look back and rejoice over the hundreds who made decisions for Christ.  That is the encouragement that keeps us pushing on.

I would like to encourage you to live in the NOW as that's all you have.  Don't dwell on the pain of the past.  Have a burial service and bury all thoughts of unkindness and bitterness, your dislikes and resentments, your sense of failure and disappointments in others or yourself, and your gloom and despondency…let's leave them all buried and go forth to a new and risen life.  God will bless you in ways you never even thought attainable. 


Remember, God holds 2007 in His hands, so snuggle up close to Him and hold tight to His arm.  He will guide you one day at a time! 

Happy New Year!






If in the past year you've experienced heart break, rejection, or offense, read this and heed to it.

Forget It

If you ain't been treated right

Forget it.

Don't go looking for a fight,

Forget it.

There's no need to bear a grudge,

'Twill your happiness besmudge,

Anyway, you ain't the judge,

Forget it!


So you've been misunderstood?

Forget it.

You did the best you could?

Forget it.

There's no need to pout and whine,

Sit around all day and pine.

Cheer up, neighbor, sing and shine.

Forget it.

So somebody slandered you?

Forget it.

Just make sure it wasn't true

Then forget it.

Needless grief will mar your life

If you let it.

No use nagging at your wife.

Forget it!


There's no need to be depressed

Though you've gone through many a test

And you feel that you're oppressed

And by many cares possessed.

Tell the Lord, He knows what's best.

If all your wrongs confessed

And you'll follow His behest

Then your soul will be so blessed

And you'll find such perfect rest

Like a birdie in it's nest,

There's no need to be depressed…

Forget it!

Pics of the Week



Myanna measuring up for the new year!



Our kids and grandkids brought in the new year going sledding!




 "Our main business is not to see what lies dimly at a distance, but to do what is clearly at hand."  - Thomas Carlyle




1 cup sugar

1/2 cup butter

2 egg yolks, beaten

1 cup crushed pineapple, drained

1 cup nuts

2 egg whites, beaten stiff

1 pint whipping cream

60 vanilla wafers


Maraschino cherries


Mix first six ingredients together and put between vanilla wafers, using three cookies for each ball.  Wafers are stacked with filling between.  Let stand in refrigerator overnight.


A few hours before serving, cover with sweetened whipped cream and coconut. Decorate with cherry on top.  Makes 20


Icy outside? When it's icy outside and you have to take a person in a wheelchair somewhere, it's always a problem to get them from the car in the wheelchair without slipping.  Take a rubber-backed rug along, and spread on the ice for them to step on from car to chair.

Greetings...what an exciting Christmas we had! I hardly know where to begin. On December 15th, our daughter, LaShawn, who lives in Nashville, Tennessee, flew into Minneapolis and drove home to Sisseton, along with her boyfriend, Liam Birt. Liam is originally from Toronto, Canada, and now resides in Nashville, Tennessee. They have been dating for about three years. It was so much fun having them with us for four days. Sunday night, while visiting in the living room, Liam asked our blessing and permission to marry LaShawn. We were ecstatic to say the least and of course, granted his request. So...we will be having a wedding coming up in 2007...

December 27, 2006

Greetings...what an exciting Christmas we had! I hardly know where to begin. On December 15th, our daughter, LaShawn, who lives in Nashville, Tennessee, flew LaShawn and Liaminto Minneapolis and drove home to Sisseton, along with her boyfriend, Liam Birt. Liam is originally from Toronto, Canada, and now resides in Nashville, Tennessee. They have been dating for about three years. It was so much fun having them with us for four days. Sunday night, while visiting in the living room, Liam asked our blessing and permission to marry LaShawn. We were ecstatic to say the least and of course, granted his request. So...we will be having a wedding coming up in 2007. They are currently working on scheduling a wedding date. We are so happy for both of them. Liam is a special man and has won the hearts of all our family.

LaDawn with Dante' and MyannaWell, that news sent the remaining Christmas celebrations into motion. We were anxiously awaiting the arrival of the rest of our family. LaDawn, Dante' and Myanna were scheduled to come home on the 23rd. This year, we were disappointed that our son, Donovan, who also lives in Nashville, wouldn't be able to make it home. I tried really hard not to let that bother me realizing that with schedules, work and distance, family get-togethers don't always happen the way Dad and Mom want them to. I had psyched myself to stay upbeat, but on the afternoon of December 23rd, while we were waiting for LaDawn and the kids to drive in, a deep pain arose in my heart as I so desired our whole family to be together.

Shortly before arriving, LaDawn called and reported she was about two miles away. My emotions fluttered with anticipation to see LaDawn and our two grandchildren. We watched for her car to pull into our driveway and when it did, LaShawn, Larry and I ran out to the car to greet them with hugs. We then scurried I was ecstatic to have Donovan home for Christmas!back into the house. Once all of the exhilaration from their arrival died down, LaDawn asked if we could help her carry in some gifts from the back seat of the car right away so, we hastened back outside. When Larry opened the back door of her car, Donovan jumped out from his hiding place under a blanket. Larry squealed and hollered, and I didn't know what was going on at this point. When I peered in and saw Donovan, I just stood there stunned for a few seconds literally in disbelief. I then wrapped my arms around his neck, hugged him and just held him. Needless to say, tears of joy were trickling down my cheeks. Larry hollered out with a big grin on his face, "This is the best Christmas gift I could ever get-to have my whole family home for Christmas!" At that point we were all ambulant We were on kitchen duty most of the weekend!!!  That meant sampling goodies too!with excitement.


We spent the next three days talking, laughing,We all enjoyed the times of laughter and fun! eating, snacking, reminiscing of days gone by, swapping sibling stories, and playing games. It was such a special time, words just cannot fully express! The vacation time together went only too fast but all the memories will last a lifetime.


                               The entire family home for Christmas---a wonderful Christmas gift for us!

On December 25th, LaDawn and Dante' made their way back to Minneapolis but not before I could measure them on the infamous Lundstrom bathroom closet door. It records their height since they were toddlers. It contains our children's measurements and our grandchildren's. The door may look ugly to others, but to us, it represents many milestones. After our measuring extravaganza, we discovered that both Dante' and Myanna had grown over 3 ½ inches this past year.

On December 26th, LaShawn and Donovan took Myanna to Minneapolis to drop her off. They will eventually go on to Nashville. It was sure difficult to say goodbye. We anticipated those few action-packed days all year and now they are a part of our histMyanna's new doll she got for Christmasory.

Today the house is quiet.. There are no giggles and no kids running around the house. What remains are remnants of Christmas wrappings, a few leftovers from Christmas dinner, a smattering of Christmas goodies...and oh yes, an aching heart. I already miss the children and grandchildren as I savor the precious times we shared. From this moment, we will begin looking forward to next Christmas.

Larry and I received so many beautiful Christmas cards, letters and photos. It was fun to catch up on the lives and events of so many of our friends and family. Isn't it wonderful that at this time of year, people take time to connect or reconnect? We all need that.

Now that Christmas is over, people will soon be taking down the tree, the twinkling lights, and Christmas decorations packing them away for another year. With all of the packing away, let's be careful not to pack away the Spirit of Christmas which should be evident in our lives every day of the year. Let's be careful not to pack away the Spirit of giving, forgiveness and love. Ephesians 4 :32 (NIV) says, "Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ, God forgave you." Most importantly, let's not pack away the Babe in the manger...Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Keep Him alive and let Him shine through us unto others we will come in contact with in 2007.

We will talk more next year!






The Day After Christmas


'Twas the day after Christmas, and all through the house,

Every creature was hurting, even the mouse.

The toys were all broken, their batteries dead,

Santa passed out with some ice on his head.


Wrapping and ribbons just covered the floor, while

Upstairs the family continued to snore.

And I in my t-shirt, new Reeboks and jeans,

Went into the kitchen and started to clean.


When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,

I sprang from the sink to see what was the matter.

Away to the window I flew like a flash,

Tore open the curtains and threw up the sash.


When what to my wondering eyes should appear,

But a little white truck, with an oversized mirror.

The driver was smiling, so lively and grand;

The patch on his jacket said, "U. S. Postman."


With a handful of bills, he grinned like a fox

Then quickly he stuffed them into our mailbox.

Bill after bill after bill they still came.

Whistling and shouting he called them by name:


"Now Dillards, now Target, now Penney's and Sears

Here's Macy's, and Kohl's and Mervyn's-all here!

To the tip or your limit, every store, every mall,

Now charge away, charge away, charge away all!"


He sprang to his truck and he drove down the road,

Driving much faster with just half a load.

Then I heard him exclaim with great holiday cheer,

"Enjoy what you got-you'll be paying all year!"



Pics of the Week


Some Family Christmas Pics....Enjoy!



Our family with my mom, Julie Brooks, who is 91 years old.


Time spent together with family is precious...the three brothers and their wives




If you are overweight, you may have a medical problem-your body could be retaining ice cream. -Unknown

HA! HA!...sounds like Larry's problem!



Andy's Amazing Enchiladas

½ pound ground beef

chopped onion

1 yellow pepper, chopped (about 1/4 cup)

1 red pepper, chopped (about 1/4 cup)

1 small can chopped green chiles

1 can refried beans

1 can Old El Paso Mild Enchilada sauce

Shredded cheese of your choice

Salt, pepper

8 tortillas

Brown hamburger with salt, pepper and onion. Add red pepper, yellow pepper, green chiles and refried beans. Stir together and heat through. Place a good sized dab on each tortilla, roll up and place in 9x13 pan. Cover with enchilada sauce and then the shredded cheese to your liking. Bake 1 hour at 350 degrees, covered.

Thanks to Andy, our bookkeeper's husband, who made and gave us a pan of these enchiladas. WOW...were they ever delicious!!!


Each year at Christmas, many buy Christmas wreathes and after Christmas they discard them. Don't! After the holidays, take them down, hang them in a dark room and on a nice day, take them to the garage, lay them on paper and remove the ribbons. Cover the cones or other decorations with some plastic and spray the wreath with green enamel household paint. You will be able to use that wreath for several years.

*This was sent in by a friend of the ministry.

Christmas is just a few days away and Larry and I are getting anxious for our family to come home. They will only be able to be here for a short time, but we will savor every moment with them. We look forward to this special time all year long.

With all the joy and excitement of Christmas, there is also a tinge of sadness that there will be empty chairs of loved ones who have passed on. When dealing with grief, there is no doubt that there is a huge void at Christmas.

December 13, 2006

Christmas is just a few days away and Larry and I are getting anxious for our family to come home. They will only be able to be here for a short time, but we will savor every moment with them. We look forward to this special time all year long.

With all the joy and excitement of Christmas, there is also a tinge of sadness that there will be empty chairs of loved ones who have passed on. When dealing with grief, there is no doubt that there is a huge void at Christmas. I will personally miss my dad who has been gone for six years, Larry's parents and my oldest brother. We've also had many friends and partners pass away this past year. We miss their letters and prayers for us. But...we know that they are spending this precious Christmas season in heaven. I know if they were given a choice to come back or stay in heaven it would be a tough choice, yet I know they would not want to leave the splendor of heaven and being in the presence of Jesus.

I'm so thankful that we still have my precious mother, Julie Brooks, who is 91 yearsGloria with her mom, Julie Brooks...91 years old! young. She is still so active and is full of life, humor and zest. Last Sunday she fixed us a full roast beef dinner with mashed potatoes and gravy, baked corn casserole, and pumpkin pie. Like my daughter, LaDawn said the other day after I told her what Grandma had made, she commented, "When I'm 91 years old, I'd be happy just to be able to blow my own nose!" When I'm home I try to spend as much time as possible with Mom amidst our busy schedule. Last Sunday night I took her for a ride around our small town to see all the Christmas lights and displays. We chatted, laughed and reminisced for about three hours. Each moment with her is so precious. I'm amazed that every time we're together I learn something new about her or discover some tidbit that I didn't know. Of course...Mom is a full blood Norwegian. We always try to have lefse with brown sugar and butter on it for a late afternoon lunch and as always, we pray in Norwegian. Ahh, such sweet times together!

This Christmas, take the opportunity to make sweet memories with your loved ones as life is so uncertain and we are never guaranteed another moment or day. Make an effort to make this Christmas special.


Since Larry and I are off the road and we realize that everyone's schedules are filled with Christmas preparations and activities, Larry and I have decided to let the web rest for two weeks. We will plan to reconnect on December 28th. Hopefully we'll have photos from our family Christmas and share some of our holiday happenings. So remember to look us up again on December 28th.


During the holidays we would love to hear from you. If you would like to send a special tax deductible Christmas gift to this ministry to help us continue touching hearts and lives, please do so by clicking on the "Make Donation" link on the side of this page. For each gift of $10.00 or more to this ministry, we would like to send you my Lunches, Munchies and Household Hints cookbook. It's our way of saying thanks to you and will come in handy during the holidays.

Larry and I wish you a very blessed Christmas and may you feel the presence and peace of the Christ of Christmas.

Gloria and Larry

P.S. We want to take this special opportunity to thank you...our family, friends and partners who have been so faithful to support this ministry with your prayers and financial gifts.  In turn, we were able to freely offer and share the gift of salvation to thousands in 2006.  You made it possible! 



If Christ Had Not Come…


Vaughn Shoemaker's famous Christmas cartoon that first appeared in 1934 has an interesting background.  Shoemaker walked into the office of the Chicago Daily News with his rough sketch under his arm, a drawing of a star gleaming down on a manger with the words of John 3:16 penciled across the sky above it.  While praising the sketch, the editors of the paper argued that a scripture reference might offend some readers.  Shoemaker held his ground, however, saying that John 3:16 must be retained or he would not submit the sketch.  Colonel Frank Knox, the publisher, said to his editors, "Let's be sensible.  If it weren't for John 3:16, there wouldn't be any Christmas.  It's a good cartoon.  Run it!  We need more like it in the news."  Thus, it was repeated every Christmas.  Thank God for that!


In the last few years, there has been an increasing effort to try and remove Christ out of Christmas changing "Merry Christmas" to a mere "Happy Holiday" greeting.  I don't think many of the people who are inciting the battle against it have thought everything through adequately.


Life without Christmas is indeed, life unthinkable.  Looking from a material angle, what would our home lives, social lives and commercial lives be like without Christmas?  We are bombarded by commercials and advertisements constantly reminding us, as the month of December approaches, that there are only so many days left before Christmas.  It is the push to spur us to buy gifts, plan for Christmas parties and events, and prepare for family gatherings (which all profit businesses). 


Let me refer back to John 3:16.  What if Christ had not come?  What if He would have stayed in Glory.  Christ, Himself, hinted at the hopelessness of man had He not been born in Bethlehem.  In John 15:22, Jesus said, "If I had not come…"  Christ knew His coming, life, death, and resurrection had a purpose---to save us from our sins.  Think for a moment, if Jesus had not come, what would this world be like?  We cringe at the chaos it is in now and shudder to think of the future.  Imagine what it would be like without the influence of Christ's character and His church.  Just think about it!


Unless the Christ born in Bethlehem is born within our hearts, the event of Christ's coming will avail us nothing.  If Christ had not come, the most frightening fact that I can think of is that man would be forced to face eternity without hope!


While the Old Testament saints knew that the grave did not end all, their conception of the future was dim and partial.  But Christ, having lived before He was born, brought with Him not only the fragrance of heaven but also a broader and more complete revelation of eternal bliss.


Without the New Testament, we could never have the unmistakable understanding which is ours today of the two destinies that await man…..heaven and hell.  Had Christ not come, what gloom, despair and anguish would have been our portion.


BUT….Jesus was born.  He was born our Savior, the Eternal One.  Through His coming, He brought life and immortality made known to us in the Gospel.  That was His gift to all who believe in Him.  I am so thankful that Jesus did come to earth as the Christ child for He has now given us peace, joy, and hope IF we accept Him as our personal Lord and Savior.  We are able to have eternal life with Him for all eternity.


Thank you, Jesus, for coming!  I am eternally grateful!


Merry Christmas!









I am having my first Christmas in Heaven

A glorious, wonderful day!

I am standing with saints of all ages,

Who found Christ, the truth and the way!


I am singing with the heavenly choir

I-who so loved to sing!

And, oh what celestial music,

We bring to our Savior and King!


I am singing the glad song of redemption,

How Jesus to Bethlehem came,

And why they called His name Jesus,

That all may be saved through His Name!


I am singing now with the angels

The song of that first Christmas morn,

When Shepherds first heard the glad story,

That Jesus the Savior was born!


Oh, loved one, I wish you could be here!

No Christmas on earth can compare,

With all of the rapture in glory,

I witness in Heaven so fair!


You know how I always loved Christmas,

It seemed such a wonderful day,

With all of my loved ones around me,

We were so happy and gay.


Yes, now I can see why I loved it,

And, oh what a joy it will be,

When all of my loved ones are with me

To share all the glories I see!


So, dear ones on earth, I send greetings,

Look up! 'Til dawning appears,

And, oh what a Christmas awaits us,

Beyond all our partings and tears!

-Author Unknown

Pic of the Week


Merry Christmas from our family to yours!




From the mouths of babes:


Wrapping up a spirited chorus of her favorite Christmas song, 5 year old Susie commented, "Olive wasn't very nice to Rudolph."

Quizzed on who Olive was, she elaborated, "Olive...the other reindeer."



Cranberry Fluff Salad

2 cups fresh cranberries, ground

3 cups miniature marshmallows

3/4 cup sugar

Combine these ingredients and let chill overnight.

2 cups diced, unpeeled apples

½ cup seedless green grapes, halved

½ cup chopped walnuts

1/4 tsp salt

1 cup cream, whipped

Stir in apples, grapes, walnuts, and salt. Whip 1 cup cream. Fold cream into mixture, cover and chill thoroughly.


Whipped Cream the easy way!

Putting a dollop of homemade whipped cream on dessert? Skip the mixer and shake it up in a clean jar!

Praise the Lord! We are back home in Sisseton, South Dakota! We were greeted by zero degree, snowy, blustery winds rolling off the South Dakota prairie. Believe me, it didn't take long to unload the car in those frigid conditions. I sighed and told Larry, "Honey, I am so glad to be home! I just want to crank up the heat, put on my pajamas, housecoat, and some warm socks, crawl into my favorite chair and relax." And that is exactly what I did!

When we left home in September, the weather was toasty warm and the flowers were still blooming. Wow! What a switch! Again, I am reminded of how quickly the seasons change.

December 6, 2006

Praise the Lord! We are back home in Sisseton, South Dakota! We were greeted by zero degree, snowy, blustery winds rolling off the South Dakota prairie. Believe me, it didn't take long to unload the car in those frigid conditions. I sighed and told Larry, "Honey, I am so glad to be home! I just want to crank up the heat, put on my pajamas, housecoat, and some warm socks, crawl into my favorite chair and relax." And that is exactly what I did!

When we left home in September, the weather was toasty warm and the flowers were still blooming. Wow! What a switch! Again, I am reminded of how quickly the seasons change.

I peered out the living room window and gazed at the neighbor's Christmas lights twinkling and flickering. Hopefully, I can find the zeal and energy amidst my office duties so I can get my house cleaned and do some decorating. I will probably be the last one in town to get it together but that's okay. My mom used to say, "Missy, Christmas will come whether you are ready or not." How true!

Dante' with Gloria....he's sure growing up!Last week, I flew in from Nashville to Minneapolis. Larry and I stayed with Dante', Myanna and LaDawn for a couple of days. We wanted to celebrate Dante's 14th birthday with him. He wanted to go to Godfather's Pizza and the ice cream parlor. We had fun! I can hardly believe he is 14 already. My little Myanna in the Country Christmas productiongrandson is growing up!

Myanna truly enjoyed herself!Saturday night, we were pleased to be able to attend the Country Christmas at Celebration Church in Lakeville, MN. Larry's brother, Lowell, pastors the church and they put on this production each year. Our grandaughter, Myanna, was in the production for the first time this year and she loved it! Every time she saw us, she would grin from ear to ear. She was so happy we could be there. The three brothers and their wives...together again!

While there, we were able to get a quick photo of the three Lundstrom brothers and wives. With everyone's busy schedules throughout the year, it is a rare moment we are all together. Our daughter, LaDawn, with her cousin, Londa, at Celebration ChurchHere is a photo of Larry's brothers, Lowell and his wife, Connie, and Leon and his wife, Ronda. Amidst the busyness of it all, we were able to visit for a few short moments.

At this time, I would like to say how much I have personally enjoyed connecting with you through this website every week. Our website family continues to grow. You truly are family to us. We have been able to minister to thousands through the avenue of our website. If you have enjoyed this "On the Road" ministry, I would love to hear from you this Christmas. Please send a photo or tell us about your family. Also, if you could send an extra special Christmas gift to help enable us to keep this outreach going, it would mean so much. Here is our address: Larry & Gloria Lundstrom, PO Box 300, Sisseton, SD 57262, or you can give online via the "Make A Donation" link on the menu.

In this wonderful Christmas season amidst all the festivities and activities, I pray that we won't forget the real reason for the season. The story is told of a first birthday party that was to be given for an only child. Many guests were invited to the home and as they arrived, their coats were carried to a bedroom and laid upon the bed. After the usual excited conversations and commotions, they were ready to open the gifts when someone asked, "Where's the baby?"

The baby was nowhere to be found. After several minutes of frantic searching, someone remembered that the baby had been laid down to nap on one of the beds. Rushing into the bedroom, the mother found the baby lying on the bed under the coats of the guests. The chief reason why they had come had been forgotten, neglected and almost destroyed.

This Christmas many will forget and neglect the Christ child. He will be forgotten under tinsel, wrapping paper, ribbon, and even programs and events which reminds us of the words of Luke, "There was no room for them in the inn." Let me encourage you, as I also encourage myself, to make room for Jesus this season.

God Bless!


***For anyone sending a gift of $10.00 or more, we would like to send you our favorite holiday cookbook, Lunches, Munchies and Household Hints. It contains 223 pages of delightful recipes that will surely be enjoyed. It is a great cookbook for the holidays.




Quiet My Heart, Lord

Quiet my heart, Lord,

And show me a Christmas

As peaceful and calm as

An old cattle shed...


Slow down my pace, Lord,

And help me seek Jesus,

The Son of Your love,

In a humble straw bed.


Steady my spirit, Lord,

Call me from chaos,

In simple surrender

To pray and rejoice...


Break through the busy,

Too-bright celebration,

And whisper your message,

"Be still...hear my voice..."


"Be still, and know I am God." Ps 46:10

-Author Unknown

Pic of the Week

My brother, Leon, with his grandson, Luke...our cowboys! 

Look at those blue eyes!



My wife hung up my socks on the fireplace for Christmas, and boy, did I have a headache. How could hanging up your socks give you a headache? She forgot to take me out of them!



The Cheery Cherry Freeze Dessert


1can sweetened condensed milk

1 can cherry pie filling

1 9 oz can crushed pineapple

1/4 cup real lemon juice

2 cups whipped topping

Mix together all ingredients except the whipped topping. When well mixed, fold in whipped topping. Place in 9 x 13 pan and refrigerate. Cut into squares to serve.


With all the extra baking during this Christmas season, you may be concerned about your fat intake. This tip can help a may substitute up to 50% applesauce or fruit puree in place of oil when you bake to reduce fat content...for example...1 c. oil called for in recipe, use 1/2 c. applesauce.

Greetings from Minneapolis, Minnesota! We have covered a lot of miles since last week. Our last service of this tour was in Smithfield, North Carolina. We then drove to Orlando, Florida, where we parked our coach until mid-January when we will start our 2007 tour in Florida. Squeezed for time and with much to do, Larry and I quickly packed our suitcases and went our separate ways! Hold on...don't get shook...let me explain!

All of our family was unable be together for Thanksgiving. Since we were flying back to South Dakota anyway, we decided that I would fly to Nashville, TN, to be with our son, Donovan, and daughter, LaShawn, while Larry would fly on to Minneapolis so he could spend the holiday with our daughter, LaDawn, and our grandchildren, Dante' and Myanna. This way....everybody could be happy! HA

November 29, 2006

Greetings from Minneapolis, Minnesota! We have covered a lot of miles since last week. Our last service of this tour was in Smithfield, North Carolina. We then drove to Orlando, Florida, where we parked our coach until mid-January when we will start our 2007 tour in Florida. Squeezed for time and with much to do, Larry and I quickly packed our suitcases and went our separate ways! Hold on...don't get shook...let me explain!

All of our family was unable be together for Thanksgiving. Since we were flying back to South Dakota anyway, we decided that I would fly to Nashville, TN, to be with our son, Donovan, and daughter, LaShawn, while Larry would fly on to Minneapolis so he could spend the holiday with our daughter, LaDawn, and our grandchildren, Dante' and Myanna. This way....everybody could be happy! HA!

For the next six days in Nashville, Donovan and LaShawn pampered their mother. I was really ready for it after this year's full tour. They spoiled me by taking me to some local Southern cookin' restaurants. Mmmmmm! I sampled and tasted southern specialities such as barbecued watermelon ribs, fried okra, cornbread, grits, and baking powder biscuits just to name a few. They then escorted me to downtown Nashville where we toured the Country Music Hall of Fame. What an experience! The next day was Thanksgiving. Our son bought a smoked turkey which was a real Southern treat. I prepared a multitude of their favorite side dishes to accompany it. On Saturday, they took me to Nashville's unbelievable flea market that fills the fairgrounds. There was a little bit of everything there...trinkets, antiques, furniture and even puppies. We really had a lot of fun! Of course...I couldn't buy a thing as my suitcase was already maxing its 50 pound limit. This fact removed the temptation to buy while shopping but I sure loved looking! During those few days in Nashville, I simply rested and enjoyed my time with Donovan and LaShawn. It was just what the doctor ordered me to do a couple weeks prior to this. It truly was a pleasurable few days.

Myanna is growing so fast!Meanwhile, Larry was in Minneapolis with LaDawn and the kids. He ended thePicking out the tree...a fun experience! tour exhausted as well and was definitely ready for a short weekend break. Larry, LaDawn and the kids celebrated Thanksgiving with his brother, Lowell and family in Lakeville, MN. They had a great time with family and friends. The grandkids loved having Grandpa around as they know where Grandpa is, there is bound to be some excitement. They did many fun things together over the Thanksgiving weekend including picking out a Christmas tree, bringing it home and decorating it. A fun time was had by all!




On Tuesday, I bid LaShawn and Donovan good-bye. It was difficult to do as I miss them so very much. I boarded the plane and flew into Minneapolis on Tuesday afternoon. I was anxious to get back to my sweetheart, Larry. I pulled my luggage from the baggage claim to the curb and when I saw Larry drive up, my heart went pitter-patter! He wrapped his big arms around me embracing me. We both chimed, "Oh how I missed you! It's so good to be back together again!" We drove back to LaDawn's and it was a treat to see Dante' and Myanna as I hadn't seen them since September. They looked like they had each grown Dante' with his new boot!about 4 inches. I couldn't believe Dante' was getting so tall. I stood next to him and he said, "Grandma, you are getting shorter." I quickly corrected him, " are just growing faster than a weed!" Dante' just had his cast cut off his foot the day before from his foot injury six weeks ago. Instead of his cast, he now wears one of those big boots which enables him to walk some without his crutches. Needless to say, he is anxious to get walking and running once again. It's hard for a teenager to be inactive when he's used to much activity.

Larry and I are busy trying to catch up on a week's pile-up of mail and office duties. We are able to accomplish this while LaDawn and the kids are gone during the day. We will head home to Sisseton this coming Sunday.

This year has gone by so quickly. On Thanksgiving Day in Nashville, we observed many of the families gathering in the neighborhood. The front door and yard were decorated with pumpkins and autumn accouterments. By sunset, many of the neighbors were already hanging their Christmas lights and dressing their trees with an array of ornaments and decorations. Wow..I observed two seasons in one day! Up until about 4 PM, everyone enjoyed Thanksgiving and then...boom...the Christmas surge had begun. The streetlights bearing their new festive lights shone brightly and Christmas music wafted through the streets. Again, I was reminded, how quickly the seasons come and go. With the arrival of each Christmas season, there also comes a multitude of parties, church programs, family and friend get-together and the list goes on and on. I don't know about you, but sometimes I feel like I am thrust into Christmas and its rush rather than taking the time to experience the true-meaning of Christmas. I know that as soon as I enter the front door of my home in South Dakota, like everyone else, I will face many tasks to be accomplished such as cleaning a house covered with dust, decorating the house, and trying to prepare for Christmas sandwiched in between our full ministry office duties. I know I will need to make choices and I pray that God will help me to make the right choices as I realize I cannot do it all. I desire to do what it important so I can experience the peace of Christmas rather than the crisis of Christmas.

May you have a wonderful week! Be blessed, enjoy each moment and I will talk to you from home next week.






"Thanksgiving and Christmas should be a continuous attitude of the heart rather than simply one day of the year."

-Charles Stanley

Pic of the Week

We love our grandkids so's hard to be away from them!



A couple had been debating buying a new vehicle for weeks. He wanted a truck. She wanted a fast little sports car to zip through traffic around town. He would have settled on any old beat up truck, but everything she like was way out of their price range.

"Look!" she said. "I want something that goes from 0 to 200 in just a few seconds. Nothing else with do. Christmas is coming up, so surprise me!"

He did just that. For Christmas, he bought her a brand new bathroom scale.


Here is a recipe for those hunters that got their limit!

Venison Pot Roast with Vegetables

3 lb venison roast

1/3 cup flour

1 tsp salt

1 tsp pepper

2 cups broth

5 carrots, sliced

3 stalks celery, sliced

Potatoes, as many as you desire in chunks

2 onions, cut

salt and pepper to taste

Heat oven to 350 degrees. Mix together, flour, salt and pepper. Coat the venison roast with flour mixture. Slowly heat a small amount of oil in a sturdy dutch oven; add the meat browning it on all sides. Add the broth to the meat and stir. Bake the roast, covered in a 350 oven for 2 1/2-3 hours or until meat is tender. Add the vegetables and bake for one more hour.


It is not wise to grip and gripe

Because you will find it's true

That those inclined to BEEF too much

Are always in a STEW!

Hi! Wow! We just had another bustling week. As I mentioned last week, we had a great time at Woodbridge, VA. We left there, stopped in Richmond, VA, and had planned to nest for a day, but the television news broadcasts forewarned us of storms that were racing our way. They warned that the severe weather was to include high winds, flash floods and the possibility of tornadoes. When I heard these storms were drenching Washington D.C., where we had just come from, I prodded Larry to travel onward to our next destination, Smithfield, NC, located about 30 miles south of Raleigh. We quickly pressed on watching as the storm clouds in the distance propelled our way.

November 22, 2006

Hi! Wow! We just had another bustling week. As I mentioned last week, we had a great time at Woodbridge, VA. We left there, stopped in Richmond, VA, and had planned to nest for a day, but the television news broadcasts forewarned us of storms that were racing our way. They warned that the severe weather was to include high winds, flash floods and the possibility of tornadoes. When I heard these storms were drenching Washington D.C., where we had just come from, I prodded Larry to travel onward to our next destination, Smithfield, NC, located about 30 miles south of Raleigh. We quickly pressed on watching as the storm clouds in the distance propelled our way.

Wearily, finally reaching our destination, we parked our coach in the church parking lot at First Assembly of God in Smithfield, NC. Relieved that we beat the storm, we pulled the shades on the coach and I announced to Larry, "Tomorrow morning I'm resting in, and I am staying in my pajamas until noon! " He just smiled and agreed. Well, that plan was not going to happen.

In the middle of the night, we were awakened to rain pounding on the roof of the coach. I pulled up the shade to peer outside, and it looked like someone had turned on a water faucet full blast. It rained over an inch in just a little while. Little did we know at that time that this storm had hastened across the US and left a deadly trail of high winds, heavy rains and tornadoes in its wake. It was now making its way towards North Carolina. An F-3 tornado ravaged the little community of Riegelwood, NC, killing 8 and injuring 20. I tuned into the local news and the weatherman announced, "There is a funnel cloud moving towards Smithfield." I hollered, "Larry, there is a tornado funnel 10 miles away and they are instructing everyone in Smithfield to take cover immediately." Just then, the cell phone rang, and it was Pastor Steve Smith calling from the church across the parking lot, "Gloria, I don't mean to scare or bother you, but there is a tornado funnel headed this way. It will be here in about 10 better get out of your coach and take refuge in the church with us until it blows over." Talk about a startling wake-up call! We threw on our clothes, fled across the parking lot through a wall of rain and took refuge in the church where they had all the school children sitting against the interior brick wall praying the storm would pass by. The sky appeared a dark grayish black color. The wind raged, the rain pelted, but thank God the storm traveled on by without bringing harm to us. I told Larry, "That's as close as I ever want to get to a tornado!" The news reported that over 25 tornadoes were created out of that violent thunderstorm. My heart breaks for the small community of Riegelwood where all of those people were killed and injured.

The next day, the sun once again shone brightly, and it was a picture perfect fall day in North Carolina. We truly thank the Lord for His protection these past 40 plus years on the road in all types of weather and situations.

The altars were filled at First Assembly of God in Smithfield, NCYesterday, Larry and I were reminiscing about this tour. We commented on how blessed we were to minister in so many wonderful churches with the greatest pastors. Every one of them was so special.

It's not too often that we minister in a church with a pastor who has been an evangelist and lived on the road as well. Last weekend, we had the unique pleasure to be with our pastor friends, Steve and Becky Smith. Becky grew up in Steve and Becky Smith with their family, Nate and Sarahthe state of Wisconsin and had followed the Lundstrom Ministry through weekly television programs and our rallies. She met Steve, they married and then spent 16 years on the road ministering like we do. This couple is so multi-talented and musical. When their daughter, Sarah, was six years old, she was diagnosed with cancer. They halted their traveling ministry and began a pastorate where they could be close to doctors and clinics for treatments. She is now 11 years old and we were so happy to see Sarah looking so well. Her big brother, Nate, is a senior in high school and is also an extra-special young man. Pastor Steve and Becky are doing a wonderful job of pastoring and their congregation loves them dearly. They shared the following comments with us"

"When I was growing up, the Lundstroms would come to our area several times a year. I looked forward to each visit with great anticipation because when I watched them minister I always said, "That's what I want to do when I grow up." They were my heroes and my inspiration.

Gloria with Becky Smith...Becky said, "Growing  up I wanted to be like Gloria.  She was my role model."And sure enough, when I grew up, my husband and children and I did "The Lundstrom Thing" for fifteen years, living on the road full time and singing and preaching around the country.

When we left the road due to our daughter's cancer diagnosis, Larry and Gloria stood with us through it all by means of prayers, financial help, and phone calls of encouragement.

After all that history, what a special joy it was to have them minister in the church that my husband now pastors; their ministry blessed our congregation in great ways. I am so thankful that Larry and Gloria have been an important part of my life for thirty-five years!"

We are soon coming to the end of our 2006 road tour. It has been an exciting year of soulwinning. Hundreds have made decisions for Christ. In a few days, Larry and I will journey home to Sisseton where our home office is located. We will take off our evangelist hat and put on our office hat for the next month. We will also be preparing for our 2007 tour.

Right now, as you are reading this, you are probably suffering from turkey overload due to your Thanksgiving dinner. We hope you had a wonderful time with your loved ones! Hopefully next week, we will put in a couple photos of our Thanksgiving celebrations.

Before I close, I would like to leave a couple of thoughts with you about prayer. You and I both know you can't separate prayer from Thanksgiving.

"Prayer isn't something that we do, and then stop doing. If we are really praying, we carry our prayers with us wherever we go; it is a discipline. It is an art that can be learned. Whenever a thought comes to you, that thought can immediately be translated into prayer."

-William Fitch

"Our prayers must mean something to us if they are to mean anything to God."

-Maltbie Babcock

"It's not the body's posture but the heart's attitude that counts when we pray."

-Billy Graham



Our Thanksgiving Prayer

Lord, we come to You with hearts filled with gratitude.

How wonderful You are to take care of all our needs.

You calm our fears, fill us with hope, and bless us with your abiding love.

We are humbled to think how very much You care for us.

Accept our thanks and know that our hearts are filled with love for You.

Please keep us always mindful of Your bountiful provision.

Help us to be more like You, so that we too can live in

gracious obedience to Your Will.

We ask you, Lord to watch over us and bless our loved ones who could not be with us this Thanksgiving Day.

Bless them and keep them, now and forevermore.


Pic of the Week



Thanksgiving Thoughts

Author: Unknown

If you woke up this morning with more health than illness, you are more blessed than the million who will not survive this week.

If you have never experienced the danger of battle, the loneliness of imprisonment, the agony of torture, or the pangs of starvation, you are ahead of 500 million people in the world.

If you can attend a church meeting without fear of harassment, arrest, torture, or death, you are more blessed than three billion people in the world.

If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof overhead and a place to sleep, you are richer than 75% of this world.

If you have money in the bank, in your wallet, and spare change in a dish someplace, you are among the top 8% of the world's wealthy.

If you hold up your head with a smile on your face and are truly thankful, you are blessed because the majority can, but most do not.

If you can hold someone's hand, hug them or even touch them on the shoulder, you are blessed because you can offer healing touch.

If you can read this message, you just received a double blessing in that someone was thinking of you, and you are more blessed than over two billion people in the world that cannot read at all.

Have a good day, count your blessings!


***A tasty recipe to use up some of those turkey leftovers!

Turkey Enchiladas

1 can cream of mushroom soup

1 can cream of chicken soup

1 can green chiles

1 cup sour cream

1 cup shredded cheddar cheese

2 cups chopped turkey

1 pkg flour or corn tortillas

Little milk to thin...not more than a ½ cup

Combine all ingredients, except for cheese and tortillas, in a bowl. Put a small amount in a 9 x 13 pan that has been greased. Spread over pan. In each tortilla, put a dab and spread over entire tortilla. Sprinkle cheese over it and roll up the tortilla. Put in pan. Continue with rest of package or until most of the mixture is used. Save some to spread over the top of the rolled tortillas. Sprinkle more cheese on top. Put in oven at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.


If grease floats on top of gravy, add a pinch of baking powder and grease will disappear.

Greetings from the East Coast! We have had an exciting weekend in the Washington D.C. area. The traffic here is quite different than the Midwest! HA! Larry had a significant challenge maneuvering our coach and suburban through all the traffic. With all of the weaving in and out of speeding cars, I was glad Larry had 45 years of bus driving under his belt. Also, it has become more clear to me why cases of road rage take place as there is definitely much hustle and bustle as everyone scrambles to and from work on the congested roads combined with a lack of patience amongst many drivers.

It was a special joy to be back at Christ Chapel in Woodbridge, Virginia, with our pastor friends, Bill and Lynna Roberts. We first ministered at Christ Chapel 18 years ago when the church was meeting in a gymnasium. This was now our fourth return trip. A lot has happened in that span of 18 years.

November 15, 2006

Greetings from the East Coast! We have had an exciting weekend in the Washington D.C. area. The traffic here is quite different than the Midwest! HA! Larry had a significant challenge maneuvering our coach and suburban through all the traffic. With all of the weaving in and out of speeding cars, I was glad Larry had 45 years of bus driving under his belt. Also, it has become more clear to me why cases of road rage take place as there is definitely much hustle and bustle as everyone scrambles to and from work on the congested roads combined with a lack of patience amongst many drivers.

The congregation at Christ ChapelIt was a special joy to be back at Christ Chapel in Woodbridge, Virginia, with our pastor friends, Bill and Lynna Roberts. We first ministered at Christ Chapel 18 years ago when the church was meeting in a gymnasium. This was now our fourth return trip. A lot has happened in that span of 18 years. They have built a beautiful sanctuary for their congregation of 1800-2000 people. They have also added a daycare, a Christian school for grades 1-9, a Masters Commission school to train young people for ministry, an extension of Valley Forge Christian College, mothering two new churches, and their own Hispanic church just to name a few of the ministries and outreaches. It is an exciting and active church!

Pastor Bill and Lynna, along with their wonderful staff, are reaching the nations through these many diversified ministry outreaches. We are really proud of them. Pastor Bill and Lynna shared the following comments with us:

"We had Larry and Gloria minister at Christ Chapel 18 years ago. In that service, Pastor Bill and Lynna Robertsthe altars were packed with people coming to Christ. We have had them minister here three times since, and without exception, as it was last Sunday, dozens made commitments to Christ. Larry and Gloria are true evangelists with a burning passion for the Lost. Their message in music, testimony and word touches the hearts of all ages and nationalities. We appreciate their down to earth ministry and like I told my congregation last Sunday when they were here, 'They are the same on the platform as they are off. What you see is what you get!' Larry's evangelistic heart reaches beyond the pulpit to wherever he is. Whether he is in a restaurant or on the street, he's leading people to Christ. We appreciate having true evangelists minister in Christ Chapel."

We also have these comments to share from Jeff Nordin, a special young man dear to our hearts:

Larry and Gloria with Jeff Nordin"I am no stranger to Larry and Gloria Lundstrom as I am originally from Willmar, MN, just 90 miles from Sisseton where they live and base their ministry. I have followed the Lundstrom Ministries since I was a little kid watching them on weekly television and was always inspired by their music.

In 1988, Larry and Gloria invited me to be their pianist for their ministry on the road. I was thrilled! I traveled coast to coast with them from 1988-1990. Night after night and rally after rally, I personally saw altars filled with hundreds coming to Christ.

Six years ago, Gloria suggested I submit my resume to Christ Chapel in Woodbridge, VA. I was hired on as the Minister of Music and Fine Arts and I continue to serve in that capacity. I love my ministry here.

Larry and Gloria are like family to me. It was great having them minister here. Christ Chapel is known as a church of all nations because of its diversity of The altar call at Christ Chapelnationalities due to its close proximity to Washington D.C. What I have always loved about their ministry is that is crosses all cultural barriers. I especially appreciated them speaking momentarily on marriage as it really impacted the hearts and homes of our people. Our congregation enjoyed their music and message. Gloria's sharing and Larry's message were simple and straightforward. They spoke to the non-Christians as well as the Christians, which was evident when Larry gave the altar call as dozens stepped forward to make decisions for Christ.

I am personally touched to see the consistency of Larry and Gloria's genuine anointed ministry all through the years. Their heartbeat for the Lost and ministry today is as great or greater than it was way back when I traveled with them."

Jeff Nordin

Christ Chapel, Woodbridge, VA

Jeff has continued to be involved in our ministry by helping with the song arrangements for our music CD's. Thanks, Jeff!Gloria with Audrey Lipsomb

One last testimony we would like to share with you that touched our hearts is from Audrey Lipsomb. Audrey came up to us before the service and said, "I met you when you were here 18 years ago and have been here every time you have ministered. I am now pastoring a small church and hurried over here to attend your early service before my church service begins. I have really appreciated your ministry all through the years."

Thanks giving is almost here. It is representative of a time to thank God for His many blessings in our the way this a good habit not just for Thanksgiving but every day! Many of you will be gathering with your families on Thanksgiving Day. Unfortunately, holidays can be awkward for families due to past offenses, hurts or misgivings. For some reason, those differences tend to surface and are the most painful on holidays. Oh, how the devil loves to attack the family and cause division. I would like to encourage you to not only be thankful but to be thoughtful as you meet with your family. Entreat God to direct what you say and how you say it. Ask God to fill you with His love so that it may spill out of you onto your entire family. These times of gatherings can be times of great healing in families.

I was in a grocery store checkout line last week. The customer ahead of me knew the cashier and asked if she would come be with her family on Thanksgiving. The cashier snarled, "I don't do anything with my family. We don't talk or communicate. I haven't talked to my younger brother in years. I don't know where he is and I don't care." She continued, "I have had nothing to do with my dad for years and years. In fact, I didn't even know his whereabouts until someone sent me his obituary." She snapped again, "And that's fine with me!" The customer chimed in and spoke about how she, too, is alienated from her family. She said, "That's the way I want it and that's the way I like it." She grabbed her groceries and trotted out of the store. I walked up next and placed my groceries on the conveyor belt. The cashier hesitated slightly knowing that I had heard their conversation. She put her hand on her hip and asked, "And, how are you today?" I smiled and responded, "Great! Isn't it a wonderful day? Every day I wake up is a great day, and how about you?" She just muttered something, bagged my groceries and I got the feeling she wanted me out of there. I smiled and said as I was leaving, "Have a great day! Every day is a gift from God." She looked stunned!

I thought to myself how sad it is that these families have been so fragmented by some misunderstanding or misgiving. Life isn't worth the pain of unforgiveness and the resulting anguish and misery it causes. This Thanksgiving, take the challenge and make amends with your family. Forget the past and build the present so that you can have a family relationship for the future.

Ephesians 4:31-32, "Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice; and be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you."

Have a blessed Thanksgiving!

Larry & Gloria


If you ain't been treated right.....forget it.

Don't go looking for a fight....forget it.

There's no need to bear a grudge,

'Twill your happiness besmudge.....forget it!

Anyway, you ain't the judge.....forget it!

So you've been misunderstood?....forget it!

You did the best you could?.....forget it.

There's no need to pout and whine,

Sit around all day and pine.

Cheer up, neighbor, sing and shine.....forget it.

So somebody slandered you?....forget it.

Just make sure it wasn't true, then....forget it.

Needless grief will mar your life

If you let it.

No use nagging at your wife.....forget it!

There's no need to be depressed

Though you've gone through many a test

And you feel that you're oppressed

And by many care possessed.

Tell the Lord, He knows what's best.

If you all your wrongs confessed

And you'll follow His behest

Then your soul will be so blessed

And you'll find such perfect rest

Like a birdie in its nest,

There's no need to be depressed....forget it!


Pic of the Week



"My New Friends"

-the children of Edward Kelly Jr.


Thanksgiving has two parts: gratitude and generosity. Gratitude for the blessings of God, generosity for others. That is the way it was on the first Thanksgiving day. Thanksgiving is a holy day as well, when properly celebrated. Thanks....and giving. Thanks to God...and giving to others.


When our son, Lee Donovan, was about 4 years old, he intently watched me prepare the turkey, put it in a pan, place a basting cloth over the turkey and put it in the oven. His eyes were big as he said, "Mommy, why did you cover the turkey when you put it in the oven? To keep it warm?"


Turkey Dressing....something different and fast

2 bags of stuffing mix-sage flavored

2 tubes cooked sausage

4 cups chicken broth

1 1/4 sticks butter

1 large onion chopped

3/4 stalk celery chopped

Cook celery and onion in chicken broth until tender. Add additional chicken flavoring if desired. Add butter until melted. Combine all ingredients, bake at 325 degrees for 45 minutes.


Instant Air Freshener


Simply boil a handful of whole cloves in a small saucepan with 2-3 cups of water, then let simmer.  It will fill your home with a pleasing holiday scent!

Hi...another week is history already. We've been in Pennsylvania this past week. Our friends, Walter, Joan and Roger Clutter invited us to park our motorcoach at their farm outside of Clarion, PA. Their place is transfixed by a beautiful pond. The landscape is so serene. When I open the shades in the morning, I'm almost convinced I'm in a park somewhere. They even have a picnic table right outside our door, but it's much too cold for a picnic these days. A couple of nights ago the temperature dropped to 18 degrees. That chilliness would definitely put a damper on a picnic. Ha!

November 8, 2006

Hi...another week is history already. We've been in Pennsylvania this past week. Our friends, Walter, Joan and Roger Clutter invited us to park our motorcoach at their farm outside of Clarion, PA. Their place is transfixed by a beautiful pond. The landscape is so serene. When I open the shades in the morning, I'm almost convinced I'm in a park somewhere. They even have a picnic table right outside our door, but it's much too cWalter, Joan & Roger Clutter....dear friends!old for a picnic these days. A couple of nights ago the temperature dropped to 18 degrees. That chilliness would definitely put a damper on a picnic. Ha! We come through this area about every two years to minister. It's been great because we are able to set up office and Larry is able to take a couple of days to do some much needed repairs on the coach. It seems it always needs some tweeking between trips. We are so blessed by the hospitality and fellowship of the Clutters, and we are so thankful as well to Walt for helping Larry with the repairs.

Also, about every two years we are in the area of one of our favoriteLarry and Gloria with photographer, Aaron Weeter photographers which is the Weeter Photography Studio in Knox, PA. The first time we had photos taken, the owner, Mark Weeter, took them which dates back to the early 80's. Wow! Now, for the past three trips to this area and the studio, his son, Aaron Weeter, has been taking them. We consider him a great friend, and he's so great to work with. We have been very blessed and are extremely appreciative to Weeter Photography for providing our ministry with photos.

Larry with Pastor Terry Jacobs of Riverhill Evangelical Church in Shippenville, PAOn Sunday, we ministered at Riverhill Evangelical Church in Shippenville, PA. We were greeted by a loving congregation and many visitors. Pastor Terry Jacobs is another action-packed, on-the-go pastor that makes things happen. He encouraged his congregation to invite visitors and fill the pews...and they did. Last Sunday happened to be their Fall Festival Outreach. Here's what Pastor Terry had to say...

"Larry and Gloria Lundstom were with us at The altar call at Riverhill Evangelical ChurchRiverhill Evangelical Church on Nov. 5, 2006. They have an excellent spirit about them and ministered in a non-threatening, under the radar kind of way to the families of our church. A couple that I invited, that live across the street, made first time decisions for Christ. Another couple, who we were getting close to losing in the church due to falling away, rededicated their lives to the Lord, and two teenagers made decisions for Christ as well. I would strongly recommend the ministry of Larry and Gloria. They will minister to your entire church no matter what your musical preference."

I had a somewhat humorous experience a couple of days ago. Each year at this time I suffer what I call, "the end of the year tour syndrome". By this time of year, I'm tired and just holding on. Anyway, I was huffin' and puffin' finding it difficult to breathe. Finally I told Larry, "I really need to stop and have my blood pressure checked." We pulled up to a nearby hospital entered the hospital pharmacy. I asked if I could have my blood pressure checked and the employee informed me they didn't have a way to check blood pressure there. (This blew my mind!.) I suggested going over to the hospital wing, and the same employee also tried to convince me it couldn't be done there. I asked her where I could go to have it taken and she said, "I suggest you run down to the Super Walmart and have it taken there as they have a blood pressure machine." I informed her that I had thought of that, but I wanted to be sure the machine and reading was accurate. Then I prodded, "Do you think that machine is accurate?" Her response to me was, "Close enough!" I was dumb-founded. I walked out of the hospital pharmacy with the words, "close enough" ringing in my ears. When I got to the car, I couldn't help but chuckle...close enough! Close enough to what!

Anyway, Larry and I drove to Walmart. I sat in the chair, cuffed up and took a minute to relax so it would give me a resting rate reading. I noticed a middle-aged lady peering over my shoulder. When I looked up at her she piped up, "I just want to see what your blood pressure is." I just smiled and thought to myself, "Whatever makes you happy, go for it!" I pushed the button to start the blood pressure machine and in about a minute the numbers rolled up. The lady watching put her head right next to mine and barked, "Holy're dead. You're a walking dead." It read 166 over 95. I thought again, "Is this accurate or close enough?" Larry and I weren't sure about this being close enough to accurate so we proceeded onto a clinic. Sure enough, the reading wasn't close enough. It was actually much higher. I am now on medication and thankfully, it is gradually lowering.

The two words close enough will forever linger in my mind. In fact close enough can kill you.

Spiritually speaking, churches, preachers and even friends will pamper the unsaved when asked about their commitment to Christ. Not wanting to push or offend their friends or parishioners, they will pat them on the back and reassure them that they are good enough or should we say close enough? Well, you simply can't be good enough to get to heaven or close enough to get to heaven. The Bible says in Rev. 3:15-16, where John is speaking to the churches, "I know thy works, that though art neither cold nor hot; I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth." (KJV)

When making a decision for Christ, friend, there is no close enough decision. Either you are safe or lost. Which are you today? The good news is you can pray right now and ask God to forgive your sins and invite Him into your heart. He will come in and abide with you. You'll be glad you did.



Pic of the Week


Heaven is a bargain, whatever the cost. (Unknown)


A little boy climbed up on his grandpa's knee and said, "Grandpa, make a sound like a frog." Grandpa asked, "Why do you want me to make a sound like a frog?" The little boy said, "Because I heard mama and daddy talking, and they said as soon as you croak, we're going to Disney World."


One Dish Meal

1 onion, chopped

1 lb ground beef

1 can cream of chicken soup

1 can cream of mushroom soup

1 can milk

1 cup celery, cut

6 oz uncooked noodles

1 can peas


Brown onion and ground beef. Add the rest of the ingredients. Can be garnished with potato chips, nuts or cheese. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 ½ hours. Serves 6.


With all the baking that accompanies the holiday season, we thought this hint might be helpful...

Measure dry ingredients, such as flour, over wax paper. If any is spilled, fold up the paper and pour it back into the container. No waste!

Greetings from Pennsylvania! I can hardly believe it is November already. This past month just flew by.

Last Saturday, we drove from Western Maryland to Lancaster, Pennsylvania. I am sure that as you read the word, Lancaster, your mind like most immediately recalled the October tragedy that took place in the Amish community where senseless shootings of ten children occurred at the Nickel Mine schoolhouse. Lancaster County is still reeling over this tragedy.

November 1, 2006

Greetings from Pennsylvania! I can hardly believe it is November already. This past month just flew by.

Last Saturday, we drove from Western Maryland to Lancaster, Pennsylvania. I am sure that as you read the word, Lancaster, your mind like most immediately recalled the October tragedy that took place in the Amish community where senseless shootings of ten children occurred at the Nickel Mine schoolhouse. Lancaster County is still reeling over this tragedy. While conversing with some pastors, they assured us that out of this horrible tragedy, a barrier has been broken between the English and the Amish. (I was told that according to the Amish if you aren't Amish, you are considered English.) There is now an enormous river of forgiveness and charity being shared between the Amish and the English. We were thankful to hear that bit of good news firsthand.

On Sunday morning, we ministered at Lancaster First Assembly of God. We were here two years ago, and as always, enjoyed being back with our pastor friends, Kris and Darleen Newman. They have followed our ministry since they were young adults. They are doing a great job at First Assembly. The altar call at Lancaster First Assembly of God

From the minute we began the morning worship in the service, we felt a sweet anointing and freedom. Again, God blessed the altar call with many making decisions for Christ.

Pastor Kris and Darleen shared this about the service:

Pastor Kris & Darleen Newman of Lancaster First Assembly of God"It was so wonderful to have Larry and Gloria minister at Lancaster First Assembly of God on Sunday. They were such a blessing to the church and to us. Larry made a statement that really touched our hearts. He said that a pastor prepares the soil of the soul, plants seeds and waters them making it possible for the evangelist to come in and harvest. The Great Harvest touches souls and draws them to Himself. We were blessed to have many come to Christ at the altar that morning. To God be all the glory!

Thank you, dear friends, for your ministry! We love you!"

After the Sunday morning service, I was packing up the ministry CD's, books, and various other materials when a precious senior saint came to me and asked if she could pray for me. My heart melted as at that moment I really just needed someone to hug me and pray for me. Her love, compassion and prayer lifted me. Later that afternoon, when I was looking at Larry's photos that he was preparing for the website, I saw this one of her praying for me. Larry observed my expression as I studied it and said, "Honey, I just had to take this photo as her compassion for you was so precious."

Paul & Brenda Secord...dear friends and partners!We had the opportunity to stop and see our friends, Paul and Brenda Secord in Waynesboro, Virginia. Paul and Brenda own the Virginia House of Music through which they sell pianos. Paul was the pianist for the Lundstrom's years ago. They graciously hosted us in their home. I prodded Paul to sit down at his grand piano to play and sing for us. He did! I can't tell you how soul-refreshing it was. Had I the opportunity, I could have sat there for hours and soaked it in. Not only are they our dear friends but they also partner with our ministry. They shared the following with us:


"Having personally worked with and known Larry and Gloria for 36 years, two defining constants have come to describe their ministry. Their uncompromising high level of personal integrity and their unwavering passion for winning the lost to Christ. What a joy to share and partner in their vision with our prayers and financial support!"

The other night, Larry and I stopped at SuperWalmart to pick up a few groceries. While searching for a parking spot, we noticed a great deal of activity in a roped off area about 1/4 block away. From where we were, we could see the whirling lights of a huge red fire engine and a monstrous state patrol helicopter with it lights flashing. Our curiosity prompted us to exit our car quickly. Larry, with camera in hand (of course, and I scurried over to see what all the commotion was about. The entire area was sectioned off with yellow tape. We inched our way through the crowd and discovered what was actually an event about safety that was put on for families. The families could inspect the fire engine, walk through a Bloodmobile, acquire literature on First Aid and take a quick peek inside a 6 million dollar patrol helicopter. Larry was, as much or even more, mesmerized than the children by all the activity.

I sauntered through the exhibits and saw a guy who looked similar to the late Steve Irwin (from the Crocodile Hunter program) presenting exotic animals. Nearby, I heard a parrot holler out, " are you?" I chuckled a bit and responded back to it. The parrot cocked his head sideways as if to say, "Why don't you talk like a human and not like a bird?" I further inspected the exhibit and to the right of the parrot was a lady holding a four foot crocodile that was harnessed and its mouth was confined with duct tape. With all the little children scampering around, I thought that was a good idea. I glanced in the other direction and saw a man holding something huge, long, yellow and white blotched. From a distance, I thought he was holding a prize-winning zucchini. I inched closer to get a better look, peered over his shoulder and was preparing to converse with the man, when to my shock, I realized the zucchini was a 5-6 Gloria peeking at the snake!foot boa constrictor. The snake brought its head around and scared me silly. The snake handler saw me jump back and exclaimed, "It's's a boa constrictor; he won't hurt you." It took me a few seconds to get my heart back into my chest, and the man continuing to try and ease my fear encouraged me, "Go ahead. Touch him. It's okay." Not wanting to appear like the 5'8 wimp that I am, I chuckled, "Oh well, I may as well." I bravely took the challenge and touched the massive reptile. I began to relax and told the handler, "Oh, it doesn't feel like scales, it's so soft." Just then, the snake's head lurched from underneath the guy's arm, lashed its tongue out at me, and I announced, "Okay, that's enough! I'm done!" The handler just chuckled along with my husband who insisted that he needed to get a photo of me with the here it is!

The incident above reminds me of how satan works. At first, we are drawn in from a distance into sin just so we can look at it. It is interesting, enticing and frankly doesn't look so bad. We begin to inch in a little closer and satan whispers, "It's okay. Don't be scared. Touch it... just this once." Then the once entraps you. Sin, like a boa constrictor, quickly lurches and takes you captive squeezing the spiritual and physical life out of you, and ultimately devouring you. The bible plainly says in 1 Peter 5:8, "...the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour." We have to be alert, wise and smart! Ephesians 4:27 says, "Neither give place to the devil..." That plainly means that satan waits for an opportunity to get his foot in the door. It is a lesson to all of us to keep the doors of our heart, eye and mind shut tightly so he can't get in.


Have a great week!




Pic of the Week


Tom Skinner, the gifted black evangelist, penned a book a few years ago with a title that won't let me go...

"If Christ is the Answer....What are the Questions?"



Grandma and Grandpa went to see a marriage counselor. Grandma told him that Grandpa never paid attention to her anymore. The marriage counselor came around the desk, leaned over, and gave Grandma a big kiss right on the mouth. The counselor said, "Now, Grandpa, she needs that about twice a week." Grandpa said, "Well, I will try and bring her in on Tuesdays and Thursdays."


*This would make a great recipe for holiday gatherings!

Double Lemon Salad

2 packages lemon gelatin

2 cups boiling water

½ cup cold water

1 cup lemon pie filling

1 can (1 lb 4 oz) crushed pineapple with juice

Dissolve gelatin in water; stir in remaining ingredients and pour into a 9 x 13 inch pan. Refrigerate overnight.


Chill an onion before cutting it, it will slow the release of the chemical that causes you to tear.

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