June has given us two wonderful weekends of ministry so far in Cavalier and Grand Forks, North Dakota. On June 6th, we journeyed up to Cavalier, ND which is just a stone's throw from the Canadian border. Pastor Thomas Simmons and his wife Lynn warmly greeted us. God did some real special things in the lives of many. A great number of prodigals who had fallen away from God had returned home. I love those altar reunions!

June 16, 2010 
Gloria & Clair

Father's Day is here again. I miss my dad. He's been gone for 11 years. He was definitely one of a kind. When God created Him - He broke the mold - HA! I have a lifetime of memories that keeps him alive in my life. All these memories bring laughter and joy, mixed with tears. As you know relationships are fragile. Dad and I had a wonderful relationship, but not without a few bumps at times in our life. Now that I am a parent…and a grandparent, I understand that I too was probably a handful to manage! "Who me?" HA!

The following is a life-changing event that happened in my relationship with my father:

One night in a bus, years ago, I was tossing and turning until it finally dawned upon me that God was trying to wake me up to talk to me. I stumbled up front, propped myself on the couch and still dragging and sleepy I asked, "OK, God, here I am. What do you want me to do-pray? For whom or for what?"

The Lord began to speak, "Gloria, I want you to write a tribute to your father and put it in your hometown paper by June 21."

I was still half asleep. Again, the Lord repeated the same words. Finally I said, "Well, why? For what reason?"

"Gloria, when you were 15 years old, your dad said something to you one night that really hurt you and has left a scar in your relationship. I want you to forgive him. Write a tribute telling your father how much you appreciate him. Let him know you haven't been a perfect daughter, but that you love him. This will release forgiveness and patch up the little crack in your relationship with him."

I was so tired, I said, "OK, Lord, I'll do it another time…"

The Lord said, "NOW!"

I argued, "Why now, Lord? I want to sleep. It's so quiet and the bus is still; I want to sleep!"

The Lord again commanded, "NOW! What's My blessing worth in your life?" So, I took my pen and paper, wrote from my heart a loving tribute and sent it to the Sisseton Courier. It appeared in the weekly newspaper the week of Father's Day. I then realized why God had given me that special date. As soon as I sent the letter, I felt a renewed love for my dad, more than I ever had before.

A week after my article was in the newspaper Larry and I were eating at a local restaurant. When we got up to the cashier, the waitress greeted us, hesitated and placed the food ticket down on the counter. With tear-filled eyes she struggled, "Gloria, I read your article about you and your father. It really touched me. My father and I had a falling out a couple of years ago, and I pulled away from him. I wanted to go back and make things right and apologize, but my pride kept me from doing it. Then, two weeks ago, he died unexpectedly of a heart attack. He was only in his mid 50's. I guess I thought that he would live forever and I would have lots of time to make it right. I was so wrong!" Tearfully she confessed, "I'll have to live with this regret for the rest of my life. I wish your article had been in the Courier two weeks earlier." I quietly encouraged her and said a soft, quiet prayer for her right there before we left.

Life is too short to live with regrets of past hurts and words left unspoken. By choosing to not forgive, we are the ones who live on "Bitterness Boulevard". Anger will soon steal our joy, peace and purpose in life. I know; I was there!

George Herbert, a seventeenth century English poet wrote, "He that cannot forgive others, breaks or burns the bridge over which he himself must pass over if he would ever reach heaven." Satan delights in damaging family relationships. Mark 3:25 states, "If a house be divided against itself it cannot stand." In other words, it's doomed.

Can I encourage and challenge you today? If there is division or unforgiveness in your family or relations, please go make it right. LIFE IS TOO SHORT TO LIVE IN REGRET! Write a note, make a phone call, send an email-whatever you feel is best, but do it…NOW! Like me, you will once again be set free to experience the fullness of joy and peace in your life which the Lord intends for you to have.

"Forgive all those who have offended you, not for them, but for yourself." --Harriet Nelson


Ministry Update: Can it be…two weeks of June is history? The summer is going to fly by.

June has given us two wonderful weekends of ministry so far in Cavalier and Grand Forks, North Dakota. On June 6th, we journeyed up to Cavalier, ND which is just a stone's throw from the Canadian border. Pastor Thomas Simmons and his wife Lynn warmly greeted us. God did some real special things in the lives of many. A great number of prodigals who had fallen away from God had returned home. I love those altar reunions! God's Word says if we call upon Him, He will hear us and answer our prayers. Many of us are praying for our children and we must hold onto God's promises.

Rev. Tom & Lynn Simmons"On the Sunday following the Lundstrom's visit with us I asked the church if they appreciated having the Lundstroms come and minister with us. There were praises and smiles all around! We were blessed by the decisions made for Christ and grateful for a "prodigal" visitor who teared up when we spoke of the Lundstrom's time of ministry showing God ministering to her in a pretty powerful way. They're both fun people and we sure enjoyed having them here!"

Rev. Thomas Simmons
Cavalier Assembly of God
Cavalier, ND
Cavalier, ND altar call
After Cavalier, we zipped back to South Dakota to work at our home office during the week and then drove up to Grand Forks, ND to minister at Freedom Church on June 13th. Freedom Church is a new church planting in down-town Grand Forks that is nestled in the midst of the hustle and bustle of coffee shops, boutiques and a park lending itself to being a meeting area for college students. Freedom Church is drawing in a lot of those college students. They added so much energy to the two morning services. As we sang and ministered we sensed such a hunger and desire for the truth and their search for God and the Word was written all over their faces. The altar call was precious with many young couples, students and others that made decisionsPastor Nathan & Mary 
Johnson for Christ.

"It was a true blessing to have Larry and Gloria minister in each of our morning worship services. I appreciate their faithfulness to the Lord and their unswerving dedication to their evangelistic calling.

Whenever Larry and Gloria minister, you know there are going to be people who will dedicate their lives to the Lord. It was no different at Freedom Church. It was moving to watch a number of people receive Christ. For many of them, it was a first time commitment. Praise the Lord!"

Pastor Nathan Johnson
Freedom Church
Grand Forks, ND
Grand Forks, ND altar call
We're excited for the next couple of weeks as we finish the rest of our tour in North Dakota. Enjoy the rest of June - we'll talk to you soon!


"I talk and talk and talk, and I haven't taught people in 50 years what my father taught by example in one week." -- Mario Cuomo


Cat's in the Cradle

By: Author Unknown


My child arrived just the other day,
He came to the world in the usual way.
But there were planes to catch and bills to pay,
He learned to walk while I was away;
And he was talkin' 'fore I knew it,
And as he grew he'd say, "I'm gonna be like you, Dad,
You know I'm gonna be like you."

And the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon
Little boy blue and the man in the moon.
"When ya comin' home, Dad?" "I don't know when,
But we'll get together then,
You know we'll have a good time then."

My son turned ten just the other day,
He said, "Thanks for the ball, Dad, come on let's play.
Can you teach me to throw? "I said, "Not today, I got a lot to do."
He said, "That s okay." And he walked away, but his smile never dimmed,
It said. "I'm gonna be like him, yeah, You know I'm gonna be like him."

Well, he came from college just the other day,
So much like a man, l just had to say, "
Son, I'm proud of you, can you sit for awhile?"
He shook his head and he said with a smile.
"What I'd really like Dad, is to borrow the car keys.
See you later, can I have them please?"

I've long since retired, my sons moved away.
I called him up just the other day. I said, "I'd like to see you if you don't mind.
"He said, "I'd love to, Dad, if can find the time.
You see, my new jobs a hassle and the kids have the flu,
But it's sure nice talkin' to you, Dad, It's been sure nice talkin' to you."

And as I hung up the phone it occurred to me,
He'd grown up just like me, my boy was just like me.

And the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon,
Little boy blue and the man in the moon. "When you comin' home, Son?"
"I don't know when, But we'll get together then, Dad, We're gonna have a good time then."

"Don't allow this to happen in your lives. These precious moments --each experience and stage of life--can only be lived once."


Russ Burchill with sons Jordan & Jackson
Fathers are special!  Russ and his sons, Jordan and Jackson, attended
our rally in Moorhead, MN.  It was great to see them!

Smoked Chile Cole Slaw
By: Bobby Flay

1/2 cup Mayonnaise
2 Tbsp. chipotle peppers in adobo sauce
2 Tbsp. fresh lime juice
2 tsp. honey
1 tsp. ground cumin
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
1 medium head green cabbage, finely shredded
2 large carrots, finely shredded
1 small onion, halved and thinly sliced
1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro

Combine mayonnaise, chipotle peppers in adobo sauce, lime juice, honey and cumin in large bowl. Season, if desired, with salt and black pepper. Stir in remaining ingredients. Cover and refrigerate at least 20 minutes before serving.



Kabob tips

- Keep all ingredients about the same size so they cook evenly.

- If you're cooking foods with very different cooking times (like pork and cherry tomatoes), keep the same foods on one skewer. Cherry tomatoes, which cook in about 2 minutes, will overcook in the time it takes to cook pork, about 10 minutes.

- Metal skewers are best for foods that take longer than 5 minutes to cook.

- Bamboo skewers should be soaked in water for 30 minutes before adding the food so they don't burn in the intense heat.

It was such a joy to be home for Memorial Day weekend. Most people can't wait to get away for a vacation or to see relatives and friends; we are always thrilled to be able to go home to see them. Of course, the real treat for us was time spent with family since our daughter LaDawn, and grandchildren, Dante and Myanna, drove in from the Minneapolis area. The special event was…our daughter LaShawn from Nashville, TN flew in and totally surprised us…I love surprises!

June 2, 2010 




LaDawn, LaShawn, Myanna & Dante

It was such a joy to be home for Memorial Day weekend. Most people can't wait to get away for a vacation or to see relatives and friends; we are always thrilled to be able to go home to see them. Of course, the real treat for us was time spent with family since our daughter LaDawn, and grandchildren, Dante and Myanna, drove in from the Minneapolis area. The special event was…our daughter LaShawn from Nashville, TN flew in and totally surprised us…I love surprises! We had the best time eating, laughing and just being together.




Larry and Dante





We jammed our weekend as full as possible, with graduation open houses, an outing at the State Park, visiting friends and relatives, a visit to the cemetery Memorial Day and of course, lots of cooking, telling stories and laughter. The weekend would've been perfect if our son Donovan and son-in-law Liam could've been here, but both of them are working in Toronto, Canada right now.





Four generations


Another highlight of the weekend was having my mother, Julie Brooks over to our home for a day. To have four generations together- what a gift! Mom will be 95 in November, but we plan to celebrate her birthday at a family reunion in July. That was another reason LaShawn flew home was to see her grandma because she will be unable to make the July reunion. Mom's mind is still sharp, her sense of humor is great and her love for God and family is precious. We cherish every second with her.


We also had a great time with some of Larry's family; his brother, Lowell and Connie and nephew L.J. All in all, it was an absolutely great weekend.



Rev. Ken & Ruth Benson


On May 23rd, we ministered at Eagle Heights Church in Burnsville, MN. What a wonderful morning of soul-winning with Pastor Ken & Ruth Benson. They are such a gracious and sweet couple. The altar was filled with prodigals coming home and those making decisions for Christ.

"Larry and Gloria were such an inspiration to our congregation. The response to their ministry was reflected by the altar being filled with rededications and commitments being made. They are truly wonderful and Godly people and we sure love them!"

Rev. Ken & Ruth Benson

Eagle Heights Church

Burnsville, MN



altar call at Eagle Heights Church



While setting the equipment up on Saturday we met Josh Schjenken. He just found the Lord a few months ago. The love of God and joy of Christ just bubbles out of him. As the equipment was going up, he shared his burden and heart's desire for his mother to be saved. Before we parted Josh Schjenkenwe prayed together that God would give her the desire to come to church on Sunday and that she would feel the presence of God, would be drawn to Him during the service and altar call…and…God did just that! Josh's mother was one who raised her hand and came forward. To see Josh standing there huddled close to his mother and crying tears of joy epitomizes the very reason why we do what we do. That moment was worth the 44 ½ years I've spent on the road. The bible says over and over to "call upon Him, and He will hear and answer our prayers." God is so faithful. Often times we get impatient in the waiting room…but in God's time, through our intense prayer, we trust and believe God for the moment. Josh experienced that moment.

"I really felt God move that day more than any other day. I opened up and really listened to Him and what He wanted me to do. Even better it was amazing to see God work and bring my mother Rebecca Breyer to Him and make a commitment to Him. I couldn't have asked anything more from Him. God is everything!"

Thanks again,
Josh Schjenken


Jennie Hoven & I


In the last couple of weeks we've been able to see friends who in years past were part of our ministry. One is Jennie Hoven, who was a tutor for school as we traveled. She attended the Women's Luncheon in Moorhead, MN and the Sunday morning service May 16th. Jennie was such a hard worker and always went beyond the call of duty. It was great seeing her again!

"It's amazing that it's been 20 years since I traveled with you. I enjoyed be able to attend Gloria's brunch and it was great to hear Gloria speak again. She always has such practical and wise insights into how we can be more Christ like in our daily lives. Her down to earth approach and humor make things interesting and enjoyable. I left challenged and encouraged to keep my joy tank full. Thanks, Gloria for a great morning and thanks for continuing the work God has called you to do. You are a blessing!"


Another friend who worked with the Lundstrom ministry years ago was Sherri Bittner. She alsoSherri Bittner did everything, plus more, that needed to be overseen in the ministry. She and her husband, Rev. Mark Bittner, are living in Fargo, ND.

"It was such a joy to hear Gloria at the Women's Conference! Such a great word she shared . . . worshipping and spending time in the secret place . . . that truly is where the more-than-abundant-life is experienced! I love how she expressed that the Lord always seems to take her through the fire before He opens the door for her to share her heart . . . a heart oozing with compassion because she's been there, not just read it in a book! God has given Gloria an amazing ability to share funny life experiences and difficult passageways in life that He brilliantly uses to tear down walls that so many have erected to protect their hearts from the pain, so He can reinvigorate them once again to dance with joy! We love you . . . God bless you!"


Sherri Bittner



Uff da!







Also, I just had to share this picture of the birthday/Norwegian Independence Day gift my mother gave me.  Too funny!









In closing…I'm still reliving the exhilarating moment when our daughter LaShawn sneaked up the back stairs of our deck, opened the sliding glass doors, and revealed her presence. When I turned and saw her, I was stunned and just stared in disbelief. Then it hit me, she was really here - right here, in my living room! It was mere seconds before I jumped out of my chair and squealed with excitement. I grabbed her and hugged and hugged her. I was so happy to see her.

I can't help but relate my surprise to another. The Bible says Jesus Christ will also come, "For you know quite well that the day of the Lord's return will come unexpectedly, like a theif in the night" (1 Thessalonians 5:2). We don't, and won't, know the day or the moment, but in a twinkling of the eye He'll be here and we'll behold Him. What will be our response when we see Him? Will we shout in excitement, fall at His feet, or lunge forward to embrace Him? It all depends upon our relationship with Him. If we have confessed our sins and are saved, I know we'll be ecstatic to see Him as He embraces us. Are you anxious to see Him? Are you ready? Or will you hear those fateful words, "Depart from Me". Each one of us has the choice…the right to chose…it's my prayer today, as you are reading this that you will ask Jesus to forgive you of any sin in your life, let Him clean you up and restore what satan has taken, so that in that moment when Jesus returns you will shout with joy and experience the unsurpassed, most exhilarating surprise of your life.








"God loves you just the way you are, but He loves you too much to leave you that way."

- Author Unknown






The End is Near



A priest and pastor from the local parishes are standing by the side of the road holding up a sign that reads, "The End is Near! Turn yourself around now before it's too late!"

They planned to hold up the sign to each passing car.

"Leave us alone you religious nuts!" yelled the first driver as he sped by.

From around the curve they heard screeching tires and a big splash. "Do you think," said one clergy to the other, "we should just put up a sign that says 'Bridge Out' instead?"







I love having my own personal dove in our backyard.

It returns each year and is such a delight!




Wade's Ribs



1 c. soy sauce

1 c. olive oil

8 tsp. lemon juice

1 T. garlic powder

Baby back ribs


Mix together the soy sauce, olive oil, lemon juice and garlic poweder. Grill ribs 2-3 hours on low heat, not direct heat. Baste with sauce every 20 minutes while grilling.


** Submitted by Vicki Fenske and featured in our new cookbook Tastes of Friendship.






For a limited time,

with the purchase of Tastes of Friendship ,

you will receive one of

our best selling cookbooks,

Lunchies, Munchies and Household Hints for FREE!



To take advantage of this offer,

click here to go to our online store,


and add Tastes of Friendship to your cart only. 

You will receive your free cookbook in the mail shortly after. 

You may also call the office at 605-698-7007.  Enjoy!







Easy Deviled Eggs

Put cooked egg yolks in a zip lock bag. Seal and mash until they are all broken up. Add the remainder of ingredients, reseal, and keep mashing it up, mixing thoroughly. Cut the tip of the bag, and squeeze the mixture into the eggs. Just throw the bag away when you're finished for easy clean up.

We've had another action-packed two weeks of ministry. On the Saturday before Mother's Day, May 8, I was back in Lakeville, MN at Celebration Church and spoke at the "Mother's and Other's" spring luncheon. Nearly 200 women attended. Kim Serbus did a fantastic job in planning it. It dazzled with a French flair complimented with French pastries and fun decorations. You felt like you were sitting at a little sidewalk café in Paris, France… yes! My topic was "Lighten Up…It Could Be Worse". We laughed, we cried and we encouraged each other. Isn't encouragement what we all need today?

May 19, 2010 



Rejoice in the Lord… always…again I say rejoice!

It's a perfect spring day. Just being able to wake up today is a gift from God that millions across the world did not get to experience. We take so much for granted don't we.






We've had another action-packed two weeks of ministry. On the Saturday before Mother's Day, May 8, I was back in Lakeville, MN at Celebration Church and spoke at the "Mother's and Other's" spring luncheon. Nearly 200 women attended. Kim Serbus did a fantastic job in planning it. It dazzled with a French flair complimented with French pastries and fun decorations. You felt like you were sitting at a little sidewalk café in Paris, France… yes! My topic was "Lighten Up…It Could Be Worse". We laughed, we cried and we encouraged each other. Isn't encouragement what we all need today?




Ladies at Mothers & Others

Lundstrom Girls


Kim Serbus



"Thank you again for sharing at our Mother's and Other's Brunch on Saturday, May 8th. Your stories made the ladies laugh and your message of joy encouraged our hearts! What a treat to have you and Larry with us for Sunday services as well. So many came up to me and were so blessed by your time with us at Celebration. I was most touched by those who responded to the salvation invitation and prayed with you. Thank you for your ministry!"


Kim Serbus

JOY Women's Ministry Director

Celebration Church

Lakeville, MN






It was also a treat for Larry and me to spend Mother's Day with our daughter LaDawn, grandson Dante and granddaughter Myanna. We ate at a delicious buffet and LaDawn and I spent the afternoon planting flowers - fun!









Larry's Angels

From the Minneapolis area we made a mad dash to Sisseton as we had a list of "urgents" to get done like: get new car tags, renew passports, pay taxes, renew drivers license, etc. Since we were only able to be home for one day before heading out again, we were in the ultimate rush mode. Due to all the legal documents we need for everything we went through the files in a flurry, grabbing what we needed and zipped down to the local armory to get our driver's license renewed. Trying to beat the crowd, we rushed in, sat at a table, and filled out a grueling four page form of questions. I think they ask everything about me except the size and weight of my liver - Ha! Since we were in a time crunch we were anxious to be called next. Finally…"Gloria, Lundstrom, come up." Being all organized, I proudly placed my current driver's license, certified copy of my birth certificate, proof of our residence and passport on the counter. The examiner picked up my documents carefully looked them all over, and lastly, picked up my current driver's license. She wrinkled her nose, squinted, and the look on her face had me confused. I thought, "Oh no, what does that look mean?" Calmly, but assertively, she announced, "You're not due to renew your driver's license until 2011 - you have one more year on this." In disbelief and embarrassment I took it from her hands and looked at the expiration date… sure enough, it read 5-17-2011. Mortified, to say the least, I smiled back, and replied equally assertive, "Oh, I just wanted to get my paperwork done and in early…I'll see you next year." By this time, everyone in the room who had been watching the whole ordeal was breaking out in laughter. I looked back at Larry. His eyes were as big as saucers. He looked at his expiration date and exclaimed, "Oops, I guess it was our passports that are due for renewal." Then we both broke out in laughter. By the time our open conversation was done everyone around us was in hysterics. Not ones to miss a beat, we waved at the examiner and hollered, "See ya next year"!

Okay, so I'm blonde. I admit I hadn't even looked at my expiration date because my efficient husband told me 4 months ago and wrote in our work calendar, "Urgent, Larry and Gloria get Drivers License renewed". I guess this is an example of what they call a "Senior" moment. Well, at least everyone else was entertained but us -Ha!






From Sisseton, we traveled north toward North Dakota/Minnesota to the Fargo/Moorhead area. On Saturday, May 15, I spoke at the Women's Breakfast with a message entitled "Leaning in, in tough times". Boy don't we have to lean in and lean on Jesus in order to sustain us.



On Sunday, May 16th we were back at River Valley Church in Moorhead, MN with Pastor Gregg and wife Debbie Thee. They are another sweet couple in ministry. Many responded to recommit their lives to Christ at the altar call. The tears of repentance and joy were once again like a "life transfusion" for both Larry and I; giving us renewed energy and reminding us of why we do what we do.


Altar call at River Valley Church


* * * * * * * *Amanda Strom





"Dear Larry and Gloria, thank you for coming to Fargo to speak and sing. I think you are very kind and good at singing and speaking. I hope you come back soon."

Love, Amanda Strom

(Amanda stepped forward at the altar call to make a public commitment of her life to Jesus.)







Gloria and Becky Burchill

"I just love you, Lundstroms! You are responsible for my husband and I coming to Christ. What a wonderful difference He made in our marriage and family. My husband passed away a year and a half ago and I can't tell you what your phone calls of comfort and encouragement have meant to me. Thank you, thank you. We loved your service at River Valley and were especially thrilled to see all of those who made fresh commitments for Christ. That's why we love and support your ministry."


Becky Burchill

River Valley Church


Rev. Gregg & Debbie Thee





 "Thanks for coming to River Valley Church again. It is always a joy to have you here. There is always a refreshing receptiveness to your ministry. We rejoice with the several who rededicated their lives to Christ at the conclusion of the service. We appreciate your ministry and the fellowship we share."

Rev. Gregg and Debbie Thee

River Valley Church

Moorhead, MN






* * * * * * * *




Oh yes, Saturday, May 15, Larry completed 49 years of being on the road in full time evangelism. I'm so proud of him! I can truly say as his wife and trenchmate that Larry's heart beats for the Lost. He lives and breathes evangelism.




In closing, I want to encourage you if you're going through a trial, HOLD ON. If you're wall is crumbling, HOLD ON. God will not leave you nor forsake you, and He will see you through.

This past week and a half a wall has crumbled within my own extended family. We have hit some real vicious speed bumps in life that have been devastating. In the natural…you see NO WAY OUT - no sunrise on the horizon, no victory in the "ring" of life. The devil has tried to discourage us and throw fear into the situations. Last Thursday night as I was praying, I was also pleading, "God, how will all this come out for good for all of those going through these life changing trials?" In a sweet moment of silence, God whispered, "I will carry you…I will carry you." An overwhelming peace came over me. Once again I was reminded of what I always knew: He will carry us through all of this maze.

"Do not fear, for I am with you; do not look anxiously about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, surely I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10 (NAS)

Let me encourage you family, friends and partners, HOLD ON. He will carry you. That is His word, and He keeps His promises.







"God promises a safe landing, not a calm passage."  - Author Unknown





Dear God




Dear God,

I didn't think orange went with purple until I saw the sunset you made on Tuesday.  That was cool


Love, Sam


Dear God,

We read Thomas Edison made light.  But in Sunday school they said you did it.  So I bet he stole your idea.


Sincerely, Donna


Dear God,

Thank you for the baby brother, but what I prayed for was a puppy.


Love, Joyce






Larry's favorite... gumballs!




Peach & Pineapple Jam



12 peaches, peeled and chopped                1 pt. crushed pineapple

1 orange, chopped include peel                    8 c. sugar


Boil until thick as desired. Pour into scalded jars, seal and turn the jars over when you have them sealed.


** Submitted by MaryAnn Tschetter and featured in our new cookbook Tastes of Friendship.






For a limited time,

with the purchase of Tastes of Friendship ,

you will receive one of

our best selling cookbooks,

Lunchies, Munchies and Household Hints for FREE!



To take advantage of this offer,

click here to go to our online store,


and add Tastes of Friendship to your cart only. 

You will receive your free cookbook in the mail shortly after. 

You may also call the office at 605-698-7007.  Enjoy!







If you seal an envelope and then realize you forgot to include something inside, just place your sealed envelope in the freezer for an hour or two. Voila! It unseals easily.

Greetings from Minneapolis, Minnesota! Whew - what a whirlwind of events…let's recap the last couple weeks. On Friday, April 23rd, we were in Mullen, NE ministering at Mullen Assembly of God with Pastor Van Berry. That Sunday, April 25th, we were in Gothenburg, NE for two Sunday morning services at the Evangelical Free Church. What a great congregation! We were so warmly greeted by Rev. Rick and Shelli Rehmert . When the altar call was given people flowed to the altar in response to the invitation to give their hearts to Christ or to make recommitments.

May 5, 2010 



Greetings from Minneapolis, Minnesota! Whew - what a whirlwind of events…let's recap the last couple weeks:

On Friday, April 23rd, we were in Mullen, NE ministering at Mullen Pastor Van Berry with his wife, BeckyAssembly of God with Pastor Van Berry.

"It was great having Larry and Gloria with us. Their combination of music, ministry, humor and laughter made for a fun and enjoyable evening. People were blessed and hearts were encouraged and changed."

Pastor Van Berry

Mullen Assembly of God

Mullen, NE


Rev. Rick & Shelli Rehmert



That Sunday, April 25th, we were in Gothenburg, NE for two Sunday morning services at the Evangelical Free Church. What a great congregation! We were so warmly greeted by Rev. Rick and Shelli Rehmert . When the altar call was given people flowed to the altar in response to the invitation to give their hearts to Christ or to make recommitments. We praise the Lord for the 41 recorded decisions for Christ. It was so sweet to see families and people of all ages making decisions.


Gothenburg altar call











Larry with Larry Beckwith


"It was a joy working with Larry and Gloria and having a part in bringing them in to minister at Gothenburg Evangelical Free Church. I so appreciate their ministry and they presented the truth of the Gospel in a very tasteful and appropriate manner."


Larry Beckwith

Gothenburg, NE




After being gone for over 4 months we came sliding into Sisseton on April 26th. Actually, I think it was the 45-50 mph wind gusts that blew us in. It was great to see the green, green grass of home. When we left in Jan it was 6-7 foot snow drifts. I love Spring, I love this time of year - spring flowers, new life, etc. Outside of our home the birds were busy gathering twigs, and materials to build nests to lay their eggs. It was wonderful to wake up to birds singing the next morning.

We were only home for a day, just long enough to see my precious mother, Julie Brooks, who is 94 ½ years old and then we were on our way to the Minneapolis, MN area. Arriving in Apple Valley, MN, we were so happy to see our daughter, LaDawn and Dante and Myanna for a few hours. We miss them so much when we are on tour.


The next stop was Lakeville, MN where we were going to spend the weekend to minister. Larry was invited by Pastor Blane Huston of Celebration Church to speak Friday, May 1st at their Men's PrayerBlane & Darlene Huston Breakfast. Praise the Lord, over forty responded to the invitation to accept Christ.

"Evangelist Larry Lundstrom ministered to over 120 men at our Steak & Egg Breakfast at Celebration Church. Over 40 men responded to receive Christ as Savior & Lord. Larry Lundstrom's Ministry is Eternity Driven. People are prepared for the rest of their life to face eternity. Our Men's Ministry was impacted in a powerful way. Many people also responded to receive Christ in both Sunday services. We had an awesome weekend with Larry & Gloria Lundstrom."

Pastor Blane Huston

Celebration Church

Lakeville, MN


Our niece, Londa Lundstrom-Ramsey, is now Senior Pastor of Celebration, along with Pastors Lowell and Connie Lundstrom. Last Sunday morning, May 2nd, Larry and I sang and preached at the two morning services. Celebration is experiencing a fresh anointing! About Londa Lundstrom-Ramsey1,200-1,400 were there from the two services. The worship time was exhilarating and soul-searching. Truly, there was an air of excitement and anticipation of what God was going to do that was definitely evident. There were 27 decisions - nine first time - that responded to the altar call. Their tears of joy and repentance made all the road miles and weariness of the past couple weeks worth it. We say it all the time and it's still true, seeing people come to Christ is a "transfusion" of joy and much needed energy.




"We had a wonderful day at Celebration Church recently when my brother Larry and his wife, Gloria, were with us. Our congregation enjoyed their music and the message that Larry shared. It was a strong clear call to commitment. Over twenty stepped forward at the invitation to receive Christ or to renew their relationship with the Lord.

Larry and Gloria are true evangelists who love the lost and haven't compromised the salvation message. We are proud of them and want to thank you, their faithful partners, for supporting them with your prayers and finances. Their ministry is making a difference in the lives of thousands."

Rev. Lowell & Connie Lundstrom

Celebration Church

Lakeville, MN



Altar call at Celebration Church in Lakeville, MN



Lundstrom Brothers and their wives



Our niece, Lisa



It was great being back with family and friends. We enjoyed seeing them again after being gone these past four months.  Here is our niece, Lisa, who also serves at Celebration Church.  It was a joy to reconnect!



Some other dear friends we saw while at Celebration were  Chet and Karen Priewe. Chet is a long time friend and former ministry partnerChet & Larry who is currently working with Celebration Church.

"We loved the new renditions of some of the old favorite songs! Larry's preaching was very effective, as usual, and the altar was filled with people needing the Lord. Chet has beenfollowing yourministry from the beginning andit's been consistent in preaching the Word and sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ. Keep up the good work for His glory!"

Chet and Karen Priewe




This coming Saturday I will be ministering at Celebration's annual "Mothers and Others" spring banquet. I will be speaking on the subject entitled, "Lighten up…the Joy of the Lord is your Strength." Today, our lives are laced with worries about finances, relationships, broken hearts, loss of health, jobs or homes, and it all tends to alarm us and disarm us and drain us of our joy. (Note: I am also preaching to me…the one who is writing this.) Funny thing…whatever I chose a theme to speak on, I am usually the first one to be tested - to see if I really believe what I'm preaching to others. God sure has a way of using life to teach us lessons, right? On the brighter side, I'm so thankful that I have an upbeat husband with a great positive outlook on life, along with his wacky sense of humor. He always helps to brighten my day.

I just received news from my daughter, LaShawn and husband Liam, and son Donovan who live in Nashville that the state is experiencing a disaster that is similar to Katrina, but with flooding. Over a foot of rain fell in just a few hours and 40% of Nashville is flooded. Thankfully, LaShawn and Liam's house is kind of up on a hill, so they are safe, but there is a "lake" of flood water near their home.

Where our son works, a semi filled with steel barricades that was parked at the loading dock, was pushed nearly a mile down the road, along with dozens of other semis. The flood stage for Nashville is 40 feet and is now up to 58 feet. Our daughter LaShawn drove a coach to San Antonio, TX on Friday and was returning home early Sunday morning. She got 35 miles out of Nashville and has been sitting on the interstate along with hundreds of other vehicles, for nearly two days. Interstate and roads are washed out and people cannot get in or out of the city. There are growing fears of the contaminated water and the damage of all the homes, etc.

To me all of these events are definitely a loud hint of the End Times. I really believe Jesus Christ is coming soon - and we really need to realize how we need to be ready to meet Christ. The scriptures say, "For you yourselves know perfectly well that the day of the [return of the] Lord will come [as unexpectedly and suddenly] as a thief in the night." (1 Thessalonians 5:2, Amplified Bible)

Will you be one of those who will be ready and looking for His return? If not you can pray a simple prayer right now and ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins, come into your heart and give you peace in these troubling times. Then when everything breaks loose, you will have Christ to walk with you. You'll be happy you made the right choice.




Please take the time to honor the Mother's in your life as Mother's Day approaches. Give them a call, send them a card, or if at all possible, spend time with them.





"Mother - that was the bank where we deposited all our hurts and worries."

- T. DeWitt Talmage





Baking a Cake with your Child's Help

Preheat oven.

Check to be certain that there are no rubber balls or plastic soldiers on the oven shelves.

Remove blocks and toy autos from table.

Grease pan.

Crack nuts.

Measure 2 cups flour; remove Johnny's hands from flour; wash flour off him.

Re-measure flour.

Crack more nuts to replace those Johnny ate.

Put flour, baking powder and salt in sifter. Get dustpan and brush up pieces of bowl Johnny knocked on floor.

Get another bowl.

Answer doorbell.

Return to kitchen.

Remove Johnny's hands from bowl. Wash Johnny. Answer telephone. Return.

Remove 1/4 inch salt from greased pan.

Look for Johnny. Grease another pan. Answer telephone.

Return to kitchen and find Johnny.

Remove his hands from bowl.

Take up greased pan and remove layer of nut shells in it.

Head for Johnny, who runs, knocking bowl off table.

Wash kitchen floor, table, walls, dishes.

Call bakery, place order. Take two aspirin. Lie down.








"Honoring all Mothers":  It sure is hard to fill your shoes!




Double Quick Dinner Rolls

1 pkg. dry yeast                                                   1 tsp. salt

1 c. warm water, 105 to 115 degrees          2 T. shortening

1 egg 2 ¼ c. flour

2 T. sugar

Dissolve yeast in water. Add sugar, salt, egg and shortening along with 1 cup of flour. Beat until smooth. Stir in remaining flour and mix again until smooth. Cover and let rise in warm place until double in size; about 30 minutes. Knead down and spoon into greased large muffin cups. Makes 12 rolls. Let rise for 20-30 minutes. Bake at 400 degrees for 10 minutes.


** Submitted by Marie Dutton and featured in our new cookbook Tastes of Friendship.






For a limited time,

with the purchase of Tastes of Friendship ,

you will receive one of

our best selling cookbooks,

Lunchies, Munchies and Household Hints for FREE!



To take advantage of this offer,

click here to go to our online store,


and add Tastes of Friendship to your cart only. 

You will receive your free cookbook in the mail shortly after. 

You may also call the office at 605-698-7007.  Enjoy!







A clever way to use coffee filters is to put a few on a plate and put your fried bacon, French fries, chicken fingers, etc. on them. They soak out all the grease!

We've recently arrived in Nebraska and have covered a lot of ground since the last "On the Road" report. We left the Phoenix area on April 9th and had the opportunity to follow the infamous Route 66 up into Albuquerque, NM. On April 11th we had a service with Pastor Jerry Barnard and his wife Jeannetta at Trinity Family Church in Albuquerque, NM. Our time together was precious. Larry always has a saying before going in for a service "I wonder what the 'gold' will be in this service"?

April 21, 2010 



Greetings from the Cornhusker state of Nebraska! Driving down any residential district of these rural America Nebraska communities you'll see big "Husker" banners and signs in the windows of their homes and on their lawns. Needless to say, they are definitely proud of their sports team.   We've recently arrived in Nebraska and have covered a lot of ground since the last "On the Road" report.

We left the Phoenix area on April 9th and had the opportunity to follow the infamous Route 66 up into Albuquerque, NM.


On April 11th we had a service with Pastor Jerry Barnard and his wife Jeannetta at Trinity Family Church in Albuquerque, NM. Our time together was precious. Larry always has a saying before going in for a service "I wonder what the 'gold' will be in this service"? There is always an anticipation of what God will do. There were some who rededicated their lives to Christ and among them was Allen, who is a Freshmen in high school. We met him before the service started. What a sharp, focused young man! I asked him what plans he has after high school. He smiled and quickly informed me that he planned on joining the Navy to serve his country. I commended him on his love for America and his desire to serve and protect us. We had a nice chat and went into the service. When the altar call was given-he was among those who had responded to commit to a deeper walk with Christ. It was so touching to see how God touched his heart. You just knew God had done something special in his life at the altar. Two days later we received the following email:


Hello Larry and Gloria this is Allen from trinity family church I'm the 14 yr old that went up to the alter call but I just wanted to thank you guys soo much for coming to our church I really felt the presence god. I hope u guys don't stop what you're doing because it is really helpful. I hope god will bless u guys and I will pray for you every nite because you guys have done a great thing in my life and I appreciate that. Well God bless you and I'll be praying for you.



Trinity Family Church

Albuquerque, NM

Rev. Jerry & Jennetta  Barnard


Yes…that was truly the "gold" in that service. Pastor Jerry Bernard and his wife, Jeannetta are such a precious couple with a special gift of love and hospitality.


"As usual, the Lundstroms did a great job! It was a wonderful time of ministry in the Word, in music and during the altar call. We enjoyed them immensely and we always do!"

Rev. Jerry & Jeannetta Barnard

Trinity Family Church

Albuquerque, NM


Gloria with Daisy and Paul Grewell






From Albuquerque, NM we crossed over the corner of Oklahoma, Texas and into Kansas. Along the way we stopped and saw a friend of ours, Paul Grewell and his new wife, Daisy. Then it was on toward Nebraska!








We were amazed to see the landscape change the further we drove-from the Arizona desert cactus to New Mexico mountains, sand and wind to the flat dusty lands of Texas, then into the plush green winter wheat, in Kansas, that led us into Nebraska with its' green land covered with spring flowers. Larry especially enjoyed seeing the cattle and new baby calves running through the fields. There is nothing like spring and seeing new life!





We drove into McCook, NE where we were greeted by Leroy and Sharon Stevens who have joined us on a couple of our Fun & Fellowship tours. They were instrumental in inviting us to the A/G church LeRoy & Sharon Stevensonin McCook. We held a Saturday night, Sunday morning and Sunday evening service while we were there. The crowds weren't huge, but God's loving presence was and again God touched lives.

It was wonderful to have Larry & Gloria at our church here in McCook, NE. We had people at the altar for salvation and rededication at every service. We enjoyed the singing and the preaching, especially appreciated Larry challenging us to put soul-winning as a number one priority in our lives. We've also been on Fun & Fellowship tours with them and we enjoy being ministered to and the fun & fellowship. We are always uplifted by their ministry.

- Leroy & Sharon Stevenson

WOW!! The Lord is so good. We say great things while the Lundstrom's were here with us. We sawPastor Jamie Mockry & Larry many new dedications to Christ and many rededications to Christ, from young children to mature adults. The way that they tie everything together is so powerful and the Holy Spirit flows throughout the service. The services went smoothly and were just AWSOME!! Anyone would be blessed to have them come be a part of their services. Thank You Larry and Gloria!!

C. Jamie Mockry

Youth & Childrens Pastor

Mc Cook Assembly of God

Mc Cook, NE




Altar call in Mc Cook, NE


All in all, it was a wonderful weekend and we met a lot of new friends and had several of our partners drive in for the service. We'll be heading to Mullen and Gothenburg, NE this week for services.

heading home from ArizonaI am always amazed at the lessons that God teaches us along the journey of life. On April 9th while we were preparing our motor home for the trip to Nebraska, I made one more walk around the parking lot to see this intriguing ant hill. I had been observing the ant hill for several days. The first time I saw it I was determined to stomp it out when I saw a line of hundreds of ants, like an army marching back and forth in two lines across the gravel parking lot. They looked so organized and intense I decided to withhold my urge to stomp them out and have mercy on them, really just so I could watch to see what they were doing. For days I watched this army of ants that had its troops traveling about 50 feet or more over to a fence line where there were sparse patches of green weeds amidst the gravel and sand. They were carrying little bitty pieces of grass and minute pieces of twigs taking them to their ant fortress and using all of that to build a barricade around the ant hill. I stood there that day totally amazed at the detail and design, the work ethic and effort, those hundreds and hundreds of ants went through to achieve their quest and build their fort. I guess my thought was, "Isn't it great and amazing how much we can actually get done if we all pull together, put our own whims, wishes and whines aside and work for 'one purpose'." It's kind of a sermon on its own isn't it? Ants can teach us a lot. The scripture says, "Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel". If we, the church, would stop bickering and fighting, catch the vision of the burden to reach the lost, pull together, take orders, and carry the load, we can and will see more people come to Christ. Thank God for many churches who are doing just that. There are still so many that need to catch the vision! If there is ever a time to work for the kingdom - it's now. Jesus is coming soon-are we quickly going out? Let's fulfill the great commission God has given.







"Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results."

- Andrew Carnegie





The story goes: upon completing a highly dangerous tightrope walk over Niagara Falls in appalling wind and rain, 'The Great Zumbrati' was met by an enthusiastic supporter, who urged him to make a return trip, this time pushing a wheelbarrow, which the spectator had thoughtfully brought along.

The Great Zumbrati was reluctant, given the terrible conditions, but the supporter pressed him, "You can do it - I know you can," he urged.

"You really believe I can do it?" asked Zumbrati.

"Yes - definitely - you can do it." the supporter gushed.

"Okay," said Zumbrati, "Get in the wheelbarrow..."







Love that Southwest pottery!





3 c. butterscotch chips

3 T. peanut butter

Melt these together, then pour the following over and mix well.

1 (7 oz) can shoe string potatoes

1 (12 oz) pkg. salted peanuts

Drop by teaspoonfuls on cookie sheet with wax paper on it. Place in the refrigerator for 5-10 minutes to set. Store in airtight container.


** Submitted by Brenda Corwin and featured in our new cookbook Tastes of Friendship.






For a limited time,

with the purchase of Tastes of Friendship ,

you will receive one of

our best selling cookbooks,

Lunchies, Munchies and Household Hints for FREE!



To take advantage of this offer,

click here to go to our online store,


and add Tastes of Friendship to your cart only. 

You will receive your free cookbook in the mail shortly after. 

You may also call the office at 605-698-7007.  Enjoy!







Consider using wet newspapers instead of gardening plastic. Wet newspapers and put layers around the plants, overlapping the layers, and then covering with mulch. The weeds will not be able to penetrate the wet newspaper.

Easter week…what a special time. It's a double celebration for Larry and I as we both committed our lives to Christ during this season many years ago. We are forever grateful. Being raised in a family with 10 brothers - five older and five younger - there was always an overabundance of excitement at any holiday, but especially at Easter.

March 31, 2010 




Easter week…what a special time. It's a double celebration for Larry and I as we both committed our lives to Christ during this season many years ago. We are forever grateful.

Being raised in a family with 10 brothers - five older and five younger - there was always an overabundance of excitement at any holiday, but especially at Easter. One of our traditions was to color Easter eggs. Picture this: With 11 kids, plus mom and dad, we wisely calculated that each of us would probably eat 1 dozen eggs within the week. With that in mind, Dad ordered a crate of 12-13 dozen fresh eggs from a local farmer. The day before Good Friday I anxiously awaited that knock on the door announcing the eggs had arrived. Then the process started! Mom put the big old kettle on the stove. She boiled the eggs and cooled them while I set out and prepared about 15 cups of boiling water, put the color dye tablet in and a touch of vinegar (don't ask me why, I just did it because I was told -ha!). Then, about 6 of us kids began dipping the eggs in the variety of color dyes and decorating them. It all started out fun, but believe me, I was happy when we got to the last dozen eggs. Going through the first 100 eggs was alright, but after that it became more of a chore. With all the eggs colored, it was time to pull the Easter baskets out of storage. It was my delight to be able to fill them with eggs, candies and chocolates. Early on Easter morning, I would get up before anyone else and place a basket by each of my brother's pillows. Thinking back, I should've been a little smarter as more often than not, they would roll over, knocking the Easter basket off the bed creating all the grass, candies and chocolates to go flying all over the floor. But hey, it was fun!

Easter…early on it was all about coloring eggs, Easter baskets, a new dress and shoes. Then, when I was 8 years old, our family was invited to church and heard the Easter story during the message. I was so touched and amazed that this man named Jesus, as I was told, loved me so much that he was willing to die for me and to pay the penalty for my sins that I had committed. The preacher encouraged us that if we would pray and ask Jesus to come in to live in our hearts that he would always live in and with us. They told us he would be our friend forever. Then the preacher told of the promise that if we live for Jesus, when we died he would take us to live with Him in heaven for all eternity. Wow, what a deal! That's one we didn't want to refuse.



Since that Easter, my life and my family's life changed forever. Our destiny changed and we found joy, peace and purpose. What a gift! That was nearly 58 years ago and I can truly say that Jesus has become sweeter and more dearer every day.

This special Easter week, may you be reminded of your encounter with Christ and experience the joy of the resurrection story that has give you life and life abundantly. Have a blessed Easter!









Gloria with LaDawn and the kids

LaDawn, Dante and Myanna flew out to Arizona for spring break. Even though we've been a bit under the weather, they have enjoyed getting out of the Minnesota cold and seeing palm trees and cactus versus snow banks.

Thank you for your prayers this has been a slow process of getting over this bout of pneumonia. Larry has been a bit under the weather also. 








Larry & Gloria with Bill & Linda Lowder


It was great being back with Pastor Bill and Linda Lowder at Foothills Assembly of God in Apache Junction. Back in 1983, when Larry and I started our family ministry, Pastor Bill and Linda were such encouragements to us and they have continued to be all through the years.  It was also a joy to hear from some other Arizona friends:






Foothills A/G in Apache Junction, AZ altar call





Greg & Tawnya Schafer

"Larry and Gloria's ministry has been such a blessing to us over the years. I remember them when they came here in the 80's with their children and we now enjoy hearing about their grandchildren. We really feel like we are part of their family and ministry."


- Greg & Tawnya Schafer

Foothills Assembly of God

Apache Junction, AZ




Dwaine & Christine Claxton



"It was so nice to see Larry and Gloria again. They are always a blessing to us. Thank you for your faithfulness in touching so many lives."


- Dwaine & Christine Claxton

(Christine is a respiratory therapist at Gateway Medical Center)





"What a pleasure for our family to visit with Gloria and Larry in Arizona. It was over thirty years ago when our ten year old son came home from attending an Iowa crusade with a friend and told usJensvolds we 'had to go listen to those people'.  He could not tell us what they said, just that we had to hear them. The next night we went and they really made believers out of us.  We marvel how they have endured the miles over the years and are still ready to energize us with their music, messages and their love. There is no question that God is in control of their lives."

Pat and Bruce Jensvold








Someone asked little Jonny, "What does easter mean to you?".


He responded, "Two and half weeks of egg salad sandwiches."



Why Did Jesus Fold the Napkin?

Why did Jesus fold the linen burial cloth after His resurrection?

The Gospel of John (20:7) tells us that the napkin, which was placed over the face of Jesus, was not just thrown aside like the grave clothes.

The Bible takes an entire verse to tell us that the napkin was neatly folded, and was placed at the head of that stony coffin.

Early Sunday morning, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene came to the tomb and found that the stone had been rolled away from the entrance.

She ran and found Simon Peter and the other disciple, the one whom Jesus loved. She said, 'They have taken the Lord's body out of the tomb, and I don't know where they have put him!'

Peter and the other disciple ran to the tomb to see. The other disciple out ran Peter and got there first. He stopped and looked in and saw the linen cloth lying there, but he didn't go in.

Then Simon Peter arrived and went inside. He also noticed the linen wrappings lying there, while the cloth that had covered Jesus' head was folded up and lying to the side.

Was that important? Absolutely!
Is it really significant? Yes!

In order to understand the significance of the folded napkin, you have to understand a little bit about Hebrew tradition of that day.

The folded napkin had to do with the Master and Servant, and every

Jewish boy knew this tradition.

When the servant set the dinner table for the master, he made sure that it was exactly the way the master wanted it.

The table was furnished perfectly, and then the servant would wait, just out of sight, until the master had finished eating, and the servant would not dare touch that table, until the master was finished..

Now if the master were done eating, he would rise from the table, wipe his fingers, his mouth, and clean his beard, and would wad up that napkin and toss it onto the table.

The servant would then know to clear the table. For in those days, the wadded napkin meant, "I'm finished.."

But if the master got up from the table, and folded his napkin, and laid it beside his plate, the servant would not dare touch the table, because...........

The folded napkin meant,

"I'm coming back!"








Blooming cactus...a sure sign that spring is here (and so are the allergies - HA!).





Gertrude's Cherry Salad

1 (3 oz.) pkg. cherry gelatin                     1 can crushed pineapple, undrained

1 (3 oz.) pkg. lemon gelatin                    1 can cherry pie filling

2 c. boiling water


Mix gelatin and boiling water. Add undrained pineapple and cherry pie filling. Pour into a 9x13 glass dish. Chill until firm and set.


** Submitted by Gertrude Thorn and featured in our new cookbook Tastes of Friendship.






For a limited time,

with the purchase of Tastes of Friendship ,

you will receive one of

our best selling cookbooks,

Lunchies, Munchies and Household Hints for FREE!



To take advantage of this offer,

click here to go to our online store,


and add Tastes of Friendship to your cart only. 

You will receive your free cookbook in the mail shortly after. 

You may also call the office at 605-698-7007.  Enjoy!







By using vinegar when coloring your eggs for Easter, you will ensure a better "hold" for the paint or dye. The acid in vinegar bind with the paint and removes any fat that would hinder a good bond. (Good to know!)

There's nothing better than sunshine and laughter! Larry takes care of that department… and does it willingly -ha! I'm thankful I have a wonderfully happy husband. Every day we wake up together, we thank God for that gift of life. We've had wonderful services here in Arizona. On Sunday, March 7th, we were back at Celebration Church in Mesa, AZ with Pastor Randy Visconti. We always have fun there. The church name described our time of ministry - Celebration!

March 17, 2010 




What a beautiful day here in Arizona…the weather finally decided to act like it should. It's almost 80 degrees today. As a whole, USA has experienced unusual weather and Arizona has not been the exception. We have had lower than usual temperatures, wind, and a lot of rain. When you see a huge cactus topped over from too much rain…you know there's been way too much rain!







There's nothing better than sunshine and laughter! Larry takes care of that department… and does it willingly -ha! I'm thankful I have a wonderfully happy husband. Every day we wake up together, we thank God for that gift of life.






We've had wonderful services here in Arizona. On Sunday, March 7th, we were back at Celebration Church in Mesa, AZ with Pastor Randy Visconti. We always have fun there. The church name described our time of ministry - Celebration! When the nearly 500 gathered in, they came hungry and expecting something from God. As worship began, God again kept His promise, "If I be lifted up I will draw all men unto me." There was a beautiful freedom to sing and minister. Larry preached on The Inheritance and when he gave the invitation for those who wanted to commit their lives to Christ, or draw closer to Him, the people quickly flowed to the altar.

Altar call at Mesa, AZ



Rev. Randy Visconti and his family


"Larry and Gloria Lundstrom continue to 'fight the good fight'as they minister with warmth and humor. They evangelize with passion, sing with hope, and feel like family. I highly recommend opening your church and letting your people experience the Lundstroms."


-Senior Pastor Randy Visconti

Celebration Christian Church

Mesa, AZ



Gloria and Connie Thomas



During the morning service I asked how many of the congregation had ever attended one of our services and about 200 raised their hands. Being snow birds they were from all over the U.S. It's always fun to renew acquaintances. One guest was Connie Thomas, who now lives in Mesa and traveled with the Lundstrom ministries years ago. Her husband Mack Thomas was our guitarist. He passed away nearly 5 years ago from cancer. We cherish her!




Last Saturday morning Larry had the privilege of speaking at a Men's Prayer Breakfast at Apache Junction Assembly of God church. He encouraged them to use their talents and gifts in the church and in reaching the Lost (like he would share anything else - ha!). Larry loves to share his heart for the Lost and to spur others on in their calling for the Kingdom.

Men's Breakfast at Apache Junction A/G



A few days ago, Larry and I were invited to my brother's, Larry and his wife Terry, for dinner. We parked near their towering palms and snugged up next to a familiar huge cactus that spiraled 25-30 feet towards the beautiful blue Arizona sky. I've always admired this cactus and as I stood there this time, letting my eyes take it all in, I saw something I'd never seen before. There in the center of that cactus, surrounded by prickly needles, was a perfect heart shape. The heart shaped hole had been constructed and hollowed out by birds. I directed my brother and his wife to look at it. They too had never noticed it before.

We stood there amused that we hadn't caught it before, and amazed at how perfect the shape of the heart/hole appeared. I was mesmerized. (But then again it doesn't take much to amuse or amaze me…especially after living with Larry for 44 years!)

Later that night Larry was viewing the photo of the cactus on the computer was magnifying it to analyze it further. Barely recognizable to anyone who took a quick glance, the heart made me think… "Wow! Isn't that a true view of some people that we meet or know?" They appear to be big and prickly, void of personality, sometimes even heartless. They've been through some hurt or life situation and their hearts' seem hidden. Until, through an up close encounter with them the prickly needles appear to fade away, and we notice their heart. When we get to know them, and the trials they are going through, we are privileged to really see their heart and appreciate them in a new way. I just stood there and prayed, "God, help us to look for the heart in all that we come in contact with so we can encourage them. Let us never miss that moment to touch a life of someone who is hurting."

Well, another 2 weeks have flown by. We pray that you'll have a great week and feel the presence of God. Keep your eyes open for opportunities to uncover hurting hearts!




P.S. I do have a special prayer request: I have been struggling with respiratory problems. Last Saturday, Larry took me to urgent care and I'm being treated for Pneumonia. I'm sure all of my friends in the Midwest would chuckle and think, "How on earth do you get pneumonia in Arizona?" Well…I did. I appreciate your prayers for God's healing touch and I know I can count on you.





"God can heal a broken heart, but He has to have all the pieces." - Author Unknown





Paddy was tooling along the road one fine day when the local policeman, a friend of his, pulled him over.


"What's wrong, Seamus?" Paddy asked.


"Well didn't ya know, Paddy, that your wife fell out of the car about five miles back?" said Seamus.


"Ah, praise the Almighty!" Paddy replied with relief. "I thought I'd gone deaf!"








An interesting advertising method...





Refrigerator Dills

1 ½ gal. cucumbers                     ½ tsp. alum

1 qt. white vinegar                      8 heads fresh dill

3 qt. water                                     2 onions

¼ c. sugar                                       5 garlic cloves

2/3 c. canning salt


Bring to a boil, vinegar, water, sugar, salt and alum - let cool. In a gallon jar layer dill, onions, garlic and cukes. Pour cooled brine over. Makes about 1 ½ gal. Keeps several months in fridge, can also cut larger cucumbers into spears.


** Submitted by LaVonne Hellwig and featured in our new cookbook Tastes of Friendship.






For a limited time,

with the purchase of Tastes of Friendship ,

you will receive one of

our best selling cookbooks,

Lunchies, Munchies and Household Hints for FREE!



To take advantage of this offer,

click here to go to our online store,


and add Tastes of Friendship to your cart only. 

You will receive your free cookbook in the mail shortly after. 

You may also call the office at 605-698-7007.  Enjoy!







To get the most juice out of fresh lemons, bring them to room temperature, and roll them under your palm against the kitchen counter before cutting and squeezing.

Here we are in sunny Arizona! Two weeks ago we left the palm trees and tropics of Hawaii and arrived in the palm trees, deserts and cactuses of Arizona. I am amazed at Gods beauty. Over thousands of miles the scenery and culture may change but the hunger for the lost to come to Christ….ever increases. The troubled times we live in, the economy, wars, earthquakes etc. all point to the soon return of Jesus Christ. People are desperately searching for hope in a hopeless world and are finally turning to God.


March 3, 2010 




Here we are in sunny Arizona! Two weeks ago we left the palm trees and tropics of Hawaii and arrived in the palm trees, deserts and cactuses of Arizona. I am amazed at Gods beauty. Over thousands of miles the scenery and culture may change but the hunger for the lost to come to Christ….ever increases. The troubled times we live in, the economy, wars, earthquakes etc. all point to the soon return of Jesus Christ. People are desperately searching for hope in a hopeless world and are finally turning to God.


Pastor Ron & Sue Rockwell


Our first service here in Arizona was at Harvest Church in Glendale, with our friends, Pastor Ron and Sue Rockwell. Many years ago they were youth pastors in our home church in Sisseton, SD. The impact of their ministry goes on in the lives of many who were teenagers at that time, and are now parents and have children of their own. They too are now making an impact on lives. Once again, God showed up and many lives were changed and won for the Kingdom.


"We had a wonderful service with Larry and Gloria this past Sunday morning. They not only share their music and ministry with us, but they share their heart. Larry delivered a powerful message on the plan of salvation and our altars were filled with first time decisions, as well as many re-commitments. Spending time with Larry and Gloria is a treat! We feel valued, loved, and appreciated as pastors."

God bless YOU!!!
Ron & Sue Rockwell
Harvest Church - Glendale, AZ

Glendale, AZ altar call


Gloria with Connie Dawson


"Hi Larry and Gloria, Bruce and I just want to tell you how much we enjoyed your ministry and time of fellowship at Harvest in Glendale. May God continue to bless His ministry of love through you. "


- Rev. Connie Dawson

"Banner of Love Ministry"




We also had some time to sneak in a visit with some RVers while we were in Glendale, Arizona. They are currently helping at Harvest Church. Jan & Dennis Duff, along with Arvin Smith and friends invited us over for a delicious meal - we sure appreciated it!

Fun and Fellowship in Glendale, AZ


Last Sunday we ministered at First Assembly in Apache Junction, Arizona, with Pastor James Brown.Pastor James & Kathy Brown It was interesting to find out that his father came to Christ under Lundstrom Ministries many years ago in Bangor, Maine. Now his son pastors here. Hearing stories like that always makes the hard work on the road worthwhile. Pastor Brown along, with his evangelism pastor, Kelly Bashore and associate Pastor Bob Roche, are doing a great job rebuilding the congregation. Great things are happening!



The staff was thrilled at the first time decisions for Christ.



Larry with Kelly Bashore
"I have been teaching evangelism explosion to a class in this church and this was a great opportunity for them to put this into practice. We will be following up immediately on those that responded to the altar call. You guys have an awesome ministry."


- Pastor Kelly Bashore

Apache Junction Assembly of God

Bob & Gloria Roche




"We were greatly blessed by your ministry.  We loved your enthusiasm, the message was great and impacting, and the music was inspiring.  Most of all,the altar call was thrilling to see those people come to Christ." 

 - Pastor Bob Roche

Apache Junction Assembly of God




Altar call at Apache Junction, AZ



Larry and I had a special treat on Monday. I got to see two of my brothers and sister in laws, Larry and Terry Brooks of Seattle, who are winter visitors in Arizona and Pastor Jerry and Sherry Brooks from Gathering with familyOak Creek, Wisconsin. In those few hours we had so much fun and even squeezed in a pizza party. When we are on the road so much we seldom get to see family, so I cherish every moment we can see any of them.



Last night Larry and I stood outside looking up into the sky…..the moon was full…..the stars sparkled like gigantic diamonds. The moon accented the surrounding mountains, cactus and palm trees. We just stood there mesmerized enjoying Gods creation. I was amazed at how much light the moon and stars shed forth. Of course if it had been daylight we would not have seen that. As it is the darkness that allows them to shine and give forth light. Being a Christian in the world today can often times be discouraging when we look at how dark our surroundings are becoming. So just as stars shine brightest when enveloped by pitch black night sky, the light of Christ should be most radiant in our lives when we are surrounded by the darkness of this day and age. Jesus said "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven (Matthew 5:16)." Family and friends, don't be disheartened by the increase of evil in the world, it is simply our cue to take center stage and shine with all our might for the glory of our Savior.

This week…….ask God to allow and let you be a light to those you come in contact with. Be blessed, we will talk to you in a couple weeks!








"Remember, a small light, will do a great deal when it is in a very dark place. Put one little tallow candle in the middle of a large hall, and it will give a good deal of light."

- Dwight L. Moody




God Is Watching

Up at the head table in the cafeteria, one of the nuns had placed a big bowl of bright-red, fresh, juicy apples. Beside the bowl she placed a note that read,

"Take only one. Remember, God is watching."

At the other end of the table was a bowl full of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies, still warm from the oven. Beside the bowl there was a little note, scrawled in a child's handwriting, which read,

"Take all you want. God's watching the apples."







The beauty of creation!




Potato Puffs

1 c. mashed potatoes                   2 eggs

1/3 c. milk                                          2 tsp. baking powder

1 c. flour                                             ½ tsp. salt


Mix all ingredients together. Drop by tablespoonfuls into hot grease. Fry until golden brown.


** Submitted by Mrs. Norbert Novak and featured in our new cookbook Tastes of Friendship.






For a limited time,

with the purchase of Tastes of Friendship ,

you will receive one of

our best selling cookbooks,

Lunchies, Munchies and Household Hints for FREE!



To take advantage of this offer,

click here to go to our online store,


and add Tastes of Friendship to your cart only. 

You will receive your free cookbook in the mail shortly after. 

You may also call the office at 605-698-7007.  Enjoy!







To get something out of a heat register or under the fridge add an empty paper towel roll or empty gift wrap roll to your vacuum. It can be bent or flattened to get into narrow openings.

As you read this "On the Road", Larry and I will be flying over the ocean at 3000 feet, en route to Phoenix, Arizona. It is with mixed emotions that we bid Hawaii "Mahalo" and leave hundreds of new friends. We are so grateful to God for all the decisions for Christ that were made. The testimonies are simply thrilling.

February 17, 2010





As you read this "On the Road", Larry and I will be flying over the ocean at 3000 feet, en route to Phoenix, Arizona. It is with mixed emotions that we bid Hawaii "Mahalo" and leave hundreds of new friends. We are so grateful to God for all the decisions for Christ that were made. The testimonies are simply thrilling.



A week ago, on Sunday, February 7th, we were invited to minister at the filipino Full Gospel Fellowship in Waipahu to be with Associate Pastor Bernard and Clarita Nuesca. It was a small church, tucked away, almost hidden in a residential district. It was packed with loving young families, lots Pastor Bernard & Clarita Enuescaof young people and beautiful children.


"We really enjoyed and were blessed by your ministry at Full Gospel Fellowship. We appreciated the anointed singing and preaching and most important is when you gave an altar call and several people receive the Lord as their personal Savior."


- Associate Pastor Bernard & Clarita Nuesca

Full Gospel Fellowship

Waipahu, HI



The day before, we drove to the church to meet with the sound man and were greeted by a work crew as it was their church cleaning day. Children were running here and there while we were rehearsing. You've got to understand that our music is totally different than what they are used to. They love this new style that we bring to their church. Anyway, these twin girls, about 8 years old ran up the isle, stood and stared and listened to us and emphatically asked, "Are you pop stars - are you famous?!" We broke out in laughter. I suppose they were taken back by my 6'3" Swedish husband and the 5'8" blonde Norwegian singing to a Nashville soundtrack and wondering what is this? That was our chuckle of the day!

The next morning we had a precious service. Worship time was truly an experience. We stood there in an hour and a half worship encounter. As I looked around at these people, many who have nothing, are struggling with the economy, etc., I was touched by the depths of their desperation to connect with God. God really showed me that worship for them was oxygen to their spirit, soul and body. Their desperation brought them into the presence of God. The more they sang and connected with Him, their faces glowed with the love of God. When Larry gave the altar call, many flowed to the front to give their hearts to Christ for the first time.

Full Gospel Chapel altar call


Pastor Chris  Bartolome playing at a home bible study


Then into the last week of our 5 week tour. We were part of another home bible study and times of worship. Then we took a few hours here and there to smell the flowers and watched a few Hawaiian sunsets. We were also thrilled that week to receive a phone call from our pastor friends John and Naomi Brady from Minot, ND who were on Oahu and contacted us to meet for dinner. What a refreshing time! We've ministered with them at two of their churches. John and Naomi are a special couple who do an exceptional job of pasturing at Minot. It'll be a joy to be back with them in Minot on Father's day weekend this coming June.

Us with Pastor John and Naomi Brady


Pastor Gloria and I


Then, our last Sunday of ministry here in Hawaii was this past Sunday, February 14th. We ministered at the filipino Jesus Cares Ministry center which is also located in Waipahu. It was so nice to be back with pastor Gloria Manera…such a sweetheart, a loving church and sweet congregation. Sunday was what they call Happy "Love Day" (instead of Valentine's). So Larry ministered on the heart of God and again there was a precious altar call.




Jesus Cares Ministry altar call



As I said before…it was very emotional to leave our loving island people. We take memories and blessings of what God did with us and pray that God will continue to mature and bless them. Lord willing, we look forward to returning back to the Hawaiian islands in 2012. It seems a long ways off, but it will come quickly. Thanks for letting us share our island travels with you and we'll connect with you in two weeks when we're back ministering in Arizona!











Another soldier gone home…

Curt Long, our friend and fellow evangelist passed away February 7th in Huston, TX.  Our condolences go out to his wife, Linda Long, and their sons, Grayson, Grady, Greg and their families.





"To love another person is to see the face of God."

-Les Miserables




Meaning of Dreams
A young woman was taking an afternoon nap. After she woke up, she told her husband, "I just dreamt that you gave me a pearl necklace for Valentine's Day.
What do you think it means?"
"You shall know tonight", he said.
That evening, the man came home with a small package and gave it to his wife. Delighted, she opened it. She found a book entitled "The Meaning of Dreams".


"An archeologist is the best husband any woman can have; the older she gets, the more interested he is in her." - Agatha Christie

"I was nauseous and tingly all over. I was either in love or I had smallpox!" - Woody Allen







Some talkative parrots.... and my Valentine!




Frozen Pina Coladas (Non-Alcoholic)

1 bottle Pina Colada Mix

1 (12 oz.) can frozen lemonade

1 (46 oz.) can pineapple juice


Freeze ingredients together in an ice cream pail. When ready to serve, scoop into a glass and add 7-up, Squirt or Ginger Ale to make one serving at a time.


** Submitted by Barb Schiltz and featured in our new cookbook Tastes of Friendship.






For a limited time,

with the purchase of Tastes of Friendship ,

you will receive one of

our best selling cookbooks,

Lunchies, Munchies and Household Hints for FREE!



To take advantage of this offer,

click here to go to our online store,


and add Tastes of Friendship to your cart only. 

You will receive your free cookbook in the mail shortly after. 

You may also call the office at 605-698-7007.  Enjoy!







Ice cubes will help sharpen garbage disposal blades. Put a couple in and run it to get your blades at peak performance again.

Aloha! Larry and I are sitting here, having a cup of coffee (Hawaiian Kona coffee may I add) chatting, regrouping and preparing for another busy week. Mostly we've been rejoicing over what God has done in the past two weeks here in Oahu since our last on the road update. On Sunday January 24th, we were so happy to be back at Ewa Beach Assembly of God ministering with pastor friends, Bob and Kathy Stalcup. Kathy was responsible for bringing me over to the islands in 1990 to speak at a Women's conference for all the Hawaiian islands. It was held at the big island in Kona. Since that conference we've been privileged to return every 2 years to minister.

February 3, 2010




Aloha! Larry and I are sitting here, having a cup of coffee (Hawaiian Kona coffee may I add) chatting, regrouping and preparing for another busy week. Mostly we've been rejoicing over what God has done in the past two weeks here in Oahu since our last on the road update.


On Sunday January 24th, we were so happyUs with the Stalcups to be back at Ewa Beach Assembly of God ministering with pastor friends, Bob and Kathy Stalcup. Kathy was responsible for bringing me over to the islands in 1990 to speak at a Women's conference for all the Hawaiian islands. It was held at the big island in Kona. Since that conference we've been privileged to return every 2 years to minister. We've met many friends through the years that have remained true friends and that would definitely describe pastor Bob and Kathy.


We always feel like we are "welcomed back home" when we come back to Hawaii and Ewa Beach. Sunday morning we had a wonderful soul-winning service and were thrilled to see the altars filled with people hungry for God. Sunday night I spoke and entitled my message "So you're having a bad day!" It focused on encouraging hurting people how to walk through the dark valleys and trials. I figure of all the trials Larry and I have gone through as a couple and family by now I should've gained some insight to help others- HA!





It was good to see Debbie and Eric Pagan, once again, at Ewa Beach. We first met them in theEwa Beach, HI altar call mid-nineties. God has blessed them with great personalities and the joy of the Lord and is using them in ministry in the local church. After a lunch with them Debbie emailed,

"Thank you Larry and Gloria for coming back to Ewa Beach. I felt so renewed in my spirit hearing you two share the basics of salvation and to see the precious altar call. I appreciated Gloria sharing about trials and being transparent to say that trials do come our way and how she expressed that 'how we handle them portrays our character'. I know Larry and Gloria and their family have gone through some very difficult trails in their lives, but they always encourage us how to get through ours also. One thing Deb Pagan & GloriaLarry and Gloria always say is, 'Laughter is a good medicine.' And believe me, they laugh and the make us laugh. We love them.

God bless you - Deb and Eric

PS. We so enjoyed our lunch with you. My face was practically stuck in the smiling position because you made us laugh so much!"



Larry at a home fellowship meeting- my "giant"



Monday night we attended a home bible study fellowship. What a precious time we had sharing with them and with each other. Of course there was lots of delicious food again and Larry was happy! I just had to show you this photo of how this big Swede towers over our Filipino friends - he looks like a giant next to our 4'11 -5 foot friends. Friday we were invited to another home fellowship time at DeGracia's - another feast! Oh boy was it yummy. Baked fish, grilled shrimp, chicken, lasagna, salads, vegetable dishes and desserts.


Sister Janet Cordeiro and Gloria




Sunday we drove to the other side of the island to Waimanalo to minister at Pastor Janet Cordeiro's church. What a precious woman of God. We've also ministered there every 2 years since the late nineties. Again when the invitation of Christ was given many flooded the altars making rededications of their lives. There were 3 teenagers who made first time commitments as well as first time decisions for John and Raynette Solto's parents. They have prayed for them for many, many John & Raynette with their parentsyears and invited them to our morning service. When I asked John's father if he and his wife had ever prayed a prayer like this before to ask Jesus in to his heart he said, "I prayed through the years, but never like this…" with a big grin he added, "this is good!" For the last 10-12 years when we've come to Waimanalo, John and his wife Raynette, who were the worship leaders, always went out of their way to help us set-up, run sound, or whatever we needed, and had us to their home for meals. After all these years - God rewarded their prayers - how thrilling!
Waimanalo, HI altar call












Mother and Daughter
We were also able to visit with some friends of ours who returned to Waimanalo to see us.



During ministry time I was encouraging those who were going through trials to reach out of their hurt and minister to others. Sitting in the front of the church was a man in a wheelchair who had had part of his right leg amputated and his left leg and foot in bandages. We had seen him about 2 hours earlier in a McDonald's. Of course we didn't know him, but we saw all these young children run up and hug him. He would give them a high-five, a hug and a smile; it was so touching. Now here he was in the front row in church. We were told he had leprosy as a child, thus destroying some face and body muscles. In the natural he had nothing to rejoice about, but this man chose to be a grandpa to all of the children he'd meet. During the service I addressed him and said, "Your wheelchair isn't your prison - it's your pulpit to love and reach children that need encouragement." I was challenged by his example…to reach out of my own physical pain and trails… to reach out and encourage others. Many years ago God gave me the words in Matthew 20:28 to challenge me, "Even as the Son of Man came not to be ministered on to, but to minister, and to give His life a ransom for many." I have to keep remembering and challenging myself to be diligent in ministering out of my need and hurts and He will minister back to me. And He does! If you are hurting, facing a trial or suffering, find someone else who is hurting and love and encourage them. Believe it or not, you will be just as blessed as the person you are ministering to. Not to mention that you will feel much better and be happier. Blessings on you!









"The true measure of a man is not how he behaves in moments of comfort and convenience but how he stands at times of controversy and challenges."

-Martin Luther King, Jr.





Winter in North Dakota


It's winter in North Dakota

And the gentle breezes blow

Seventy miles an hour

At thirty-five below


Oh, how I love North Dakota

When the snow's up to your butt

You take a breath of winter

And your nose gets frozen shut


Yes, the weather here is wonderful

So I guess I'll hang around

I could never leave North Dakota

I'm frozen to the ground.


- Anonymous

(sent to us by Ray Unterseher)






Just another beautiful island flower.





 Glazed Fruited Chicken

1 jar fruits for salads ½ tsp. salt

2/3 c. mayonnaise dash of pepper

1 (7 oz.) pkg. herb stuffing 1 (12 oz.) jar orange marmalade

1 chicken, cut up in parts


Drain fruits and set aside. Reserve 2/3 cup of liquid. Stir reserved liquid into mayonnaise. Stir constantly over medium heat until mixture boils. Add the stuffing. Spread in a 13x9x2 pan. Add chicken. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Brush with additional mayo. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour. Melt marmalade. Arrange fruit around chicken, brush on marmalade. Bake an additional 15 minutes. Garnish with parsley.


** Submitted by MaryAnn Tschetter and featured in our new cookbook Tastes of Friendship.






For a limited time,

with the purchase of Tastes of Friendship ,

you will receive one of

our best selling cookbooks,

Lunchies, Munchies and Household Hintsfor FREE!



To take advantage of this offer,

click hereto go to our online store,


and add Tastes of Friendship to your cart only. 

You will receive your free cookbook in the mail shortly after. 

You may also call the office at 605-698-7007.  Enjoy!







Marinating is a cinch if you use a plastic bag. The meat stays in the marinade and it's easy to turn. Cleanup is easy; just toss the bag.

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