You've heard the statement, "It has to get worse before it gets better." Well, we are there - it's worse! No, it's not our health it's a house repair project from a leaky refrigerator (that happened one year ago) that damaged our living room floor, family room ceiling, hallway, carpet, etc. The real good news is that we've had awesome services in the past two weeks.

 { June 20, 2012 }

You've heard the statement, "It has to get worse before it gets better." Well, we are there - it's worse! No, it's not our health it's a house repair project from a leaky refrigerator (that happened one year ago) that damaged our living room floor, family room ceiling, hallway, carpet, etc. Anyway, I feel like I'm living in Sanford & Sons junkyard! The entire house is torn up; we have a little beaten path to our bed surrounded by furniture and stuff from all over the house. Good news - it will be put back together in a few weeks. Until then...mess, mess, mess.
sharing at the Women's Luncheon at Elbow Lake, MN
The real good news is that we've had awesome services in the past two weeks. June 9 and 10 we ministered at Victory in Life church in Elbow Lake, MN. Elbow Lake is nestled among some of Minnesota's beautiful 10,000 lakes. On Saturday, I spoke at a Women's Luncheon and shared about the gift of forgiveness and the importance of forgiving to be able to really live!   
On Sunday morning we sang and ministered and again, God did what He does, the Holy Spirit drew people of all ages to Him. Many of those who responded to the altar call were looking for hope after facing crisis, addictions, fear, loss of loved ones, etc. Many of them also responded because they had no assurance on life beyond the grave. The tears of joy and relief on their faces, again, made the trip worth it.
 altar call at Elbow Lake, MN
Rev. Mike Cieniawski and wife
Pastor Mike Cieniawski was so wonderful to work with; he has such a passion for the hurting and lost. He commented:
"We were so excited to have you come. We've been planning this for over a year. Our heartbeat is to reach people for Christ. We are so excited about all those who made commitments for Christ. We want to become partners with you to reach the lost. As a church we are going to support your ministry financially each month and our women's group also committed to support you monthly so Gloria can continue to minister to other women like she did here and to help set them free through forgiveness."
Rev. Mike Cieniawski
Victory in Life Church
Elbow Lake, MN
Last Sunday, we were so happy to be able to minister in our home state at De Smet, SD. Many of you know that De Smet is a "little town on the prairie", made famous by author Laura Ingalls Wilder. The Ingalls family was lured by the prospect of free land from the Homestead Act of 1862. The Ingalls family traveled over a thousand miles in a covered wagon to claim land (I can't even imagine the journey, I get tired and weary of just riding in a motorhome). Millions have read Laura's Little House book and tourists from literally all over the world flock to this little prairie land to visit, enjoy and relive the Ingalls lives through a pagent, museum, etc.
The church we sang and preached in is the church Pa Ingalls helped build in 1882. The historic church survived the winds of change. It has met the test of droughts and depression for nearly 100 years to leave its own mark on the lives of the faithful in De Smet.
I'm quite sure that Pa Ingalls would have been pleased and would have loved to have been there last Sunday morning to see all those at the altar making decisions for Christ. As Larry presented that altar call, the sun was beaming through the stained-glass windows, I thought to myself, "Yes, this historic church building represents many things and events that have taken place- but nothing is more thrilling than seeing lives changed at the altar."
Pastor Marty Reynhout
"Thank you so much for your ministry to us in De Smet last Sunday. I was overwhelmed by the response to your clear gospel presentation. I honestly expected only a small handful of people to come forward, but thirty came instead! God was clearly at work in our midst, and I thank you for allowing Him to work through you in such a wonderful way. May He continue to bless your ministry."
Rev. Marty Reynhout
De Smet Alliance Church
De Smet, SD

Jack and his wife Alisha"Thank you so much for sharing your ministry with us. It's difficult to put words to the impact your visit to our church had. The service was humorous and the music was engaging, but the best part of your visit was how you made a very simple presentation and then stepped aside to let the Holy Spirit do His work. Larry's simple message cut straight to the heart of so many that were in attendance because it was a message of truth brought by a God-gifted evangelist. Thank you for stirring and challenging DeSmit Christian Alliance Church."

Jack Adkins
Youth Leader
De Smet Alliance Church
Dennis Helder
"When Larry and Gloria Lundstrom came to our church, I enjoyed the music, light hearted humor and message. However, as I looked around the sanctuary I was fairly certain that few, if any, would respond to the altar call. Thank the Lord I was greatly mistaken! We had over 25 people respond and either receive Jesus for the first time or rededicate their life to Him. In a congregation of about 80 attendees, this was a big harvest! What a great day...this is what it is all about!"
Dennis Helder
De Smet, SD
We had a ministry board meeting last week in St. Cloud, MN. Pastor Percy Kallevig, who pastors in Elk River, MN was elected to the board to fill the position of Bruce Schoeman, who had been with us for several years. Here's a great photo of the board members and advisors: Percy Kallevig, Doug & Deb Jones, Carolyn Johnson with Larry and I.
Larry Lundstrom Ministries board and advisors
We were able to sneak into Minneapolis to see our grandson Dante and our daughter LaShawn who made a quick trip from Nashville. We celebrated an early Father's Day, and hadn't seen LaShawn since Christmas so it was a joy to see
both of them.   
Father's Day with Dante and LaShawn

Have a great couple weeks until we chat again!




{ Fun & Fellowship Tour Update }
So many have requested another trip to
the National Quartet Convention in Louisville, Kentucky that we are planning a tour there this fall.  As spots are filling up we want to remind you to check out the brochure and plan to join us!
The Convention dates are September 9-15th. The dates of the tour will be September 10th through September 17th.
 CLICK HERE for more information

{ Quote }

"It is often the failure who is the pioneer in new lands, new undertakings, and new forms of expression."

- Eric Hoffer


{ Chuckle/Reflection } 

Definition of Pioneer:

An early American who was lucky enough to find his way out of the woods.

{ Pic of the Week }
A beautiful arrangement at the Women's Luncheon in Elbow Lake, MN.   

 { Recipe }
Picnic Peach Cobbler
1 box yellow cake mix
1 lg. can peaches
2 T. cornstarch
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup butter
almond extract (optional)
Drain juice from peaches and place them in a buttered 9x13 inch pan. Mix cornstarch and sugar with juice. Cook until thickened; add extract, if desired. Pour over peaches. Mix cake mix and butter. Sprinkle over top of peach mixture. Bake at 350 for 30-35 minutes.

{ Household Hint }

Microwaves can be cleaned easily by putting a sponge soaked in white vinegar or lemon juice in the microwave and cooking it for 1 or 2 minutes. Don't open the microwave for about 5 minutes. The stuck on food should slide right off.




Happy Father's Day!

 { June 13, 2012 }

Happy Father's Day!

As Father's Day is getting closer I am reminded of what a blessing a Father truly is. They are the leaders of our families, homes and ultimately influence the state of our nation.Let us always remember to lift them up and cover them in prayer, as well as determine to show them their importance in our lives, the lives of others and how much they are loved by us.It's not an easy "job", but the rewards are eternal!

We wanted to share this touching video called, "Lead Me".  It's a poignant reminder of the calling of a Father:

May God pour out many blessings of strength, faith, compassion, love and favor on our fathers - Happy Father's Day!



{ Quote }

"Blessed indeed is the man who hears many gentle voices call him father."


-Lydia M. Child


{ Chuckle/Reflection }

Penguins...Little Known Fact

Did you ever wonder why there are no dead penguins on the ice in Antarctica?Where do they go?

Wonder no more!
It is a known fact that the penguin is a very ritualistic bird which lives an extremely ordered and complex life.The penguin is very committed to its family and will mate for life, as well as maintain a form of compassionate contact with its offspring throughout its life.

If a penguin is found dead on the ice surface, other members of the family and social circle have been known to dig holes in the ice, using their vestigial wings and beaks, until the hole is deep enough for the dead bird to be rolled into, and buried.

The male penguins then gather in a circle around the fresh grave and sing:

"Freeze a jolly good fellow."
"Freeze a jolly good fellow."

Then, they kick him in the ice hole.

You really didn't believe that I know anything about penguins, did you?


{ Recipe }
Unbaked Caramel Cookies


2 cups sugar

6 T. brown sugar

¾ cup butter

2/3 cup evaporated milk

1 (4 oz.) pkg. instant butterscotch pudding mix

3 ½ cups quick cooking oatmeal


In a large saucepan, combine the first four ingredients.Bring the mixture to a rolling boil, stirring frequently. Remove from heat and add pudding mix and oatmeal.Drop by rounded teaspoons onto waxed paper to cool.

My emotions were teetering between tears and laughter as I tied a birthday balloon to the headstone of my deceased father Clair Brooks. Like a little kid I gleefully chirped, "Happy 100th birthday Dad." I miss him - he passed away at 87 years of age when I had just turned 55 years old...I was officially a senior.

{ June 6, 2012 }
Happy 100th birthday Dad!

My emotions were teetering between tears and laughter as I tied a birthday balloon to the headstone of my deceased father Clair Brooks. Like a little kid I gleefully chirped, "Happy 100th birthday Dad."

I miss him - he passed away at 87 years of age when I had just turned 55 years old...I was officially a senior. Dad always joked, "When you turn 55, we both can go get our McDonald's senior coffee and take advantage of all the 'freebies' for seniors." And then...he up and left me! It wasn't fair...that wasn't the plan.

Dad and I
As I stood there with a balloon swaying freely in the soft breeze, I let my mind race back to a number of childhood memories. I was "Daddy's Girl"... his only girl as I had 10 brothers - 5 older and 5 younger. I cherished being loved, spoiled and protected by him. Dad was born June 6, 1912 in Howard, SD in a family of 13 children. Dad was not prefect...but he was perfectly full of energy, mischief and spunk! For a man who only had an 8th grade education, he definitely was a man ahead of his years. He had extraordinary wisdom, common sense, knowledge and motivation. He could fix, invent or repair anything. As a young teenager it was his dream to have an auto repair shop and a car dealership. In fact, when he was about 16, he built his own car from parts he gathered around the country. His dream came true when he started his own business. The word "Dad" and "work" were synonymous. He believed that everything that breathed should work and make their own way through life. Clair BrooksWhen each of my brothers were about 5 or 6, he started them with sweeping floors at his business. He worked with us kids since we were little on washing cars, teaching mechanics, parts department, paint shop, motorcycle and car sales, wrecker service and salvage yard. I'm sure Dad felt a huge obligation and burden to keep his 10 sons and me out of mischief. With that in mind, he also had a ¼ of a city block that was a huge garden. I've never seen or pulled so many weeds! Well, dad's dream came true. We kids never got bored as he made sure we had more than plenty to do. Of course, I was assigned to babysitting, cleaning, cooking, diapers, dishes, gardening, canning, ironing (yuck) and baking.
Dad also loved fun! He just loved to have fun. He became a kid, just like us. He enjoyed hunting, fishing, sledding, ice skating, hiking, swimming, cookouts, camping, travel...and he loved to eat. He always was a great story teller. It was up to us to decide which ones where truth or made up - ha! When we weren't working, he did anything he could do with us kids that gave him an excuse to be a kid.

One of my most treasured memories is when our family was invited to a church in 1952 and an invitation to receive Christ in our hearts was given. We all stepped forward and prayed. Dad was so at peace. I was mesmerized as I watched him read the bible every spare moment he had, morning, noon and night. He devoured the Word, and I loved to hear him pray.

He was also a great witness to others. Almost every night he took a couple of us younger kids on evening walks and often we'd stop in a home of someone who was hurting or without Christ and he would boldly share the Gospel story, and he would tell them that "Jesus is the answer" to all their problems. As a little girl, this really made an impact on my life. I also loved to watch him in church as he sang the congregational songs (out of tune - ha!) and he drank in every word that was preached. Dad also taught me by example about tithing. On his dresser he kept an old box of tithe envelopes and the last thing he did before he went to bed was to put the tithe money in that little envelope to take to church the next morning. Guess who does the identical thing? Me. I make out my tithe and giving checks just like he did.

Dad and I
This morning as I stood there by his headstone I couldn't help but get a bit tearful thinking about how I miss my dad's "Bear Hugs". After coming home from a long tour on the road, he would greet me, wrap his arms around me and squeeze real tight. I miss it.
Yes, I had mixed emotions and a few tears, but I'm reassured that Dad does not miss me like I miss him - because he is "home" in heaven with all his loved ones who have gone on before. I can't wait to get my bear hug when we are reunited.
Happy 100th birthday Dad, from June 6, 1912 to now, June 6, 2012.
Your Favorite Daughter (okay, I know I'm the only one!)
  *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     * 
Here's a quick update on the last couple weeks of our ministry On the Road:

Associate Pastor Kelly & Krista Kraemer with daughter Alyse
We were thrilled to minister at Oakes, ND...
"What an exciting service! I was so wonderful to see so many get saved that we have been praying for...for a long time! We loved the whole service, singing and all. Hope you can come back again!"

Assoc. Krista & Kelly Kraemer

Nazarene Church
Oakes, ND
Kevin & Shelli Wertz
"What a joy to be a counselor at  your rally at our Nazarene Church here in Oakes and to see the great response to the altar call. Larry's sermon and illustrations made the message so easy to understand. Thanks for coming."

Kevin & Shelli Wertz, altar counselor

altar call in Oakes, ND

Rev. Jeff Lawson
Last Sunday we sang and preached at the Battle Lake Alliance church in Minnesota with Pastor Jeff Lawson. He's another great, motivated pastor.  We were thrilled to see several make decisions for Christ.

" It was refreshing to hear the Old Gospel message put to song in a fresh and relevant way. Come back any time! "


celebrating a son dedicating his life to Christ!

After the altar call, a father of a teenager approached us and tearfully said, "My wife and I have been praying for our teenage son. This morning when Larry gave the invitation for
those to come to Christ, he stood right up. My wife and I just sat there and cried tears of joy. I was a Muslim and my wife led me to the Lord years ago. This new life is so wonderful and now our son made a decision as well. We are overjoyed!"   

It was great to have family at our rally in Battle Lake as well.. My brother Cleon and his wife Marlys along with their daughter, Paula, and her husband Jeff ...thanks Paula and Jeff for your kind hospitality to us...the bed and breakfast in your home and lunch. It was greatly appreciated!
Cleon & Marlys and Paula & Jeff

This coming weekend we'll be in Elbow Lake, MN for a women's event on Saturday and sharing at the Sunday morning service at Victory in Life church. Then, next week, we'll be off to De Smet, SD for a Father's Day service. Have a blessed couple of weeks until we chat again!



{ Quote }

"Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional."

- Chili Davis


{ Chuckle/Reflection }

Extreme Workout

I may be a spry Senior, but I feel like my body has gotten totally out of shape, so I got my doctors permission to join a fitness club and start exercising. I decided to take an aerobics class for seniors. I bent, twisted, jumped up and down, and perspired for an hour. But, by the time I got my leotards on, the class was over!



{ Pic of the Week }
We saw this on the way home from Oakes, ND...we wonder what stories it has to tell. 

{ Recipe }
Cherry Crunch Cake


2 cans cherry pie filling

1 dry cake mix (yellow- do not add eggs or water)

½ to 1 cup melted butter

½ to 1 cup nuts (any kind)

Put cherry pie filling in 9x13 pan. Sift dry cake mix over filling. Melt butter and drizzle over mix, then sprinkle nuts. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour.



{ Household Hint }

A sack of lumpy sugar won't be if you place it in the refrigerator for 24 hours.




It has been an amazing May...definitely not boring or dull by any means. Mother's Day is always special and this year was no exception. I was invited to speak the Mother's Day message at Aberdeen, SD at First Assembly of God. As always, it was a delight to be back with pastor friends, Rev. Gary and Joni Wileman and their wonderful congregation. They are another exceptional pastor and wife team, who lead their church by example: vision, love, zeal and motivation. The most precious part of the service was when I invited the Mother's to form a complete circle around the sanctuary.

{May 23, 2012 }

It has been an amazing May...definitely not boring or dull by any means.
Mother's Day is always special and this year was no exception. I was invited to speak the Mother's Day message at Aberdeen, SD at First Assembly of God. As always, it was a delight to be back with pastor friends, Rev. Gary and Joni Wileman and their wonderful congregation. They are another exceptional pastor and wife team, who lead their church by sharing for Mother's Day in Aberdeen, SDexample: vision, love, zeal and motivation.
The most precious part of the service was when I invited the Mother's to form a complete circle around the sanctuary. What an awesome sight. Then I invited the spouses, children and friends to come up, take their hand and pray with and over their mom, wife or grandmother. What an emotional time it was to see families praying, crying, hugging and others giggling. It was truly a precious healing time.
altar call at Aberdeen, SD

Of course, this moving event took me down as I missed my own children so much on Mother's Day...but Nashville, Tennessee (where all my family is except our grandson, Dante, in Minneapolis) is too far for them to run home to celebrate Mother's Day. I really cherish their cards, phone calls and flowers from my children. But, as any mother can relate, it is not the same without that physical hug and physical presence.

On the photo along with Pastor Gary and Joni Wileman are Joni's parents, Ken and Marcie Dahlager, who are missionaries to Costa Rica. We work with them when they pastored in Minnesota and headed up Lundstrom city-wide crusades. They are an inspiring missionary couple.
Rev. Wileman & his wife, along with her parents
Bud Morris and Larry
We also met Bud Morris, who shared this wonderful testimony:
"My life was changed in November 1989 when Larry and Gloria had a service here in Aberdeen, SD. When the altar call was given, I responded and my life changed and transformed. Up to that point, I had an addiction to cigarettes for 52 years and had tried several programs to quit smoking and it never worked, but when I gave my heart to Christ that night, God took the desire away and I haven't had a cigarette since!"
Bud Morris
Usher, First Assembly of God
Aberdeen, SD
On May 17th - I hit the big 6-8. I don't mind growing older if I don't have to grow up - ha! My family would readily agree, "Mom, hasn't and won't grow up!" Our daughter LaDawn's birthday is the same day as mine so we sang Happy Birthday to each other over the phone.
I had a special unexpected event happen a couple of days before my birthday. Three of my brothers drove in from Minnesota to visit my mother and when I heard that we quickly gathered my four other brothers who live here and we met for a quick coffee and chat time with Mom. What a gift it was to me to have 7 of my 9 brothers, along with my mother, all together for an action-packed hour of sibling stories (many of them exaggerated) and many laughs. Sometimes the unplanned get-togethers are the most precious (even though they all picked on me - ha!).
a bunch of Brooks's!
Rev. Gerry & Kathy Bass
Last weekend we motored over to Brookings, SD where we had a wonderful service with Rev. Gerry and Kathy Bass. Pastor's wife, Kathy, accepted Christ as her personal savior as a teenager at one of the Lundstrom crusades in Baker, MT in the late 70s. How exciting it was to see her dynamic personality and leadership that compliments the ministry of her husband so well.
altar call in Brookings, SD
Ernie & Gloria Hutchins
It was also great to see Ernie and Gloria Hutchins, who has been the office manager and secretary in our home church in Sisseton for several years. We have always been blessed with wonderful office staff that God has brought our way.
This weekend we celebrate Memorial Day. I am waiting for the annual phone call from my mother (96 ½), "Missy, we need to get to the cemetery to get the flowers on the graves." This has been our mother-daughter tradition since I was a little girl. I still remember winding through the maze of tombstones, dragging bags of plastic flowers to put on the graves of my grandparents, my only sister, relatives, a baby sitter, etc. Mom always looked and observed the graves that had no flowers, and with her compassionate heart, she'd comment, "Missy, we need to put a flower on this grave." Now the yearshonoring my sister have rolled by, and we have many more loved ones graves added to our mission - dad, sister in law, aunts, uncles, mom's friend that died at 103, and more of the "forgotten" ones. For many years, mom has always walked with us, but now she sits in the car as I follow her commands, along with a brother or two as we open the trunk that is jammed full of flowers. She carefully watches to make sure I put the flowers in the right place here and there. I will usually hear a voice coming from the car, "Missy did we remember flowers for so-and-so...we need more flowers." Often I make a quick run to the store for a few more to make sure no one is forgotten.

Some years I wonder how I will get it all done...and then, I stop and appreciate and admire my Mother's example of remembering those who left the memories of their presence here on earth and who are now in Heaven! Her compassion and determination has left a great impact on my life - and as long as Larry and I live in Sisseton, we will continue to carry on the tradition of remembering Larry's family and ours and those who have gone on before us.


The longer I live, the more loved ones we have on the other side. The great truth and joy is that the grave is just the encasement and as we visit it, it reminds us of heaven and eternity. If know Christ as our personal Savior, we will never fear death - for the grave is not the is the beginning. What a reunion heaven will be.

Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die;
and whoever lives by believing in me will never die..." - John 11:25-26

Be sure this Memorial Day to take time to remember those who have gone on before us, and please visit the military section of the cemetery to honor those who fought and sacrificed their lives for our freedom.


{ Quote }

"The legacy of heroes is the memory of a great name and the inheritance of a great example."

- Benjamin Disraeli

{ Chuckle/Reflection }

As we see the many flags at the cemetaries this weekend, remember:

Our Flag

There are many flags in many lands,
There are flags of every hue;
But there is no flag, however grand,
Like our own Red, White, and Blue.

- Mary Howliston

{ Pic of the Week }
The beautiful roses I got on my birthday from my husband Larry.

{ Recipe }

Lime Cream Fluff

1 (3 oz.) pkg. lime flavored gelatin
2/3 cup boiling water
1/2 pint vanilla ice cream


In a small mixing bowl, pour boiling water over gelatin. Stir until dissolved. Beat in vanilla ice cream until well blended. Turn into a 1 ¾ cup mold. Chill until firm. Serves 4. You may also add fruit of your choice to this.

{ Household Hint }

Candles will burn longer if you place them in the freezer about two hours prior to lighting them.

Hello from Sisseton, South Dakota! We are enjoying some time at home right now as we pull in off the road after a five month tour and prepare to minister in churches around the Midwest area. We are energized as we reflect on the ways God moved through commitments made to Him and being able to witness the miracle of a changed life, over and over, these past months.

 {May 9, 2012 }

Hello from Sisseton, South Dakota! We are enjoying some time at home right now as we pull in off the road after a five month tour and prepare to minister in churches around the Midwest area. We are energized as we reflect on the ways God moved through commitments made to Him and being able to witness the miracle of a changed life, over and over, these past months. Please feel free to view our updates from the past months and rejoice with us over the Heart of God for His people.

In light of the upcoming Mother's Day holiday I wanted to share this message with you:

There was a book published years ago called "Where Does A Mother Go To Hide?" No, I I didn't write it, but I can honestly say that I have often yearned to run somewhere... anywhere to hide. Some days I reminisce a bit and think to myself, "How did I survive raising three children on the road in the small cramped space of a bus?" Now, if it had been just the five of us, well maybe that would have been a snap, but no...there were usually no less than 9 or 10 of us living in one bus, 300 or more days a year. There were many times I desperately longed for a "quiet" place....a place of solitude to hide or run away to. In a 40 foot long x7 1/2 foot wide bus, with ten people making it their home, the probability of finding such a space...NOT A CHANCEI

When LaShawn was about 10, LaDawn 6, and Donovan a toddler, I had "one of those days" where nothing went as planned. The kids were being highly normal which equals FULL OF LIFE! They were a true picture of "sights and sounds" and I desired no more sight of them or sounds from them at that particular moment. My jar of motherly patience was empty! Inside I was screaming "Please let me off, let me out, get me out of this crazy place!" Knowing full well that was not in the realm of possibility, I veered quickly to plan #2.

I sneakily disappeared to the back of the bus. I closed the door to our compartment, crawled under a big comforter and pulled it over my head. was so quiet and dark under there. I had found a refuge...finally. I hoped (in my zany way) that no one would find me and I would be allowed some ----- moments in my hiding place.

Literally two minutes later, LaDawn pounced on the bed...and me...hollering, "Mom! Mom!" She began to tug at the comforter. I pulled it in closer trying to maintain my hiding place. She persevered, "Mom...let me get under the blanket with you." In desperation I cried, "No! This is my world! Go play!" Those words faded away as she insisted, "No, Mom. Let me in your world." Emphatically and with a slight desperation in my voice I begged again, "Please, please...go and play." She tugged and pulled and --- until she entered my world---then giggled uncontrollably. I eventually came to grips with the fact that mothers don't have their own world so I gave in and we snuggled and talked. Now there were two in my world under the comforter.

Through the years since then LaDawn would joke about how she "persevered" and wiggled her way into "my world." Now as a parent of her own children,she has a new perspective and doesn't quite see it in the same way anymore as she did when she was a child. Now, she is looking for "her own world." After a full day of work, errands, and chores, she'll call me and say, "Mom, remember when I'd tease you about how I broke into your world? I now understand why you were under that comforter finding a hiding place. But...just like you did, Mom, I have given in and those moments become some of the best memories."

For all you young moms, I'd love to "make your day'' and tell you that you can hide. . .for can't. As you know, motherhood is a 24 hour a day job! But, let me encourage you. The time you spend with your children will be imprinted into their memory banks. Those moments, or hours, which may be at times inconvenient to you or your schedule will now prayerfully become building blocks to your relationships forever. As parents in this busy often chaotic world, we don't have time to connect---we have to make time to connect. Children need to know and hear that they are just as, or more important in your lives than anything else. I heard a comment years ago that said, "Talk to your children when they are little. . .and prayerfully they will listen to you when they are big."

Psalm 127:3 says, "Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord." Often times, how we handle that gift determines the worth of it later. Oooh...l'm preaching to myself again.

This Mother's Day, amidst the craziness, the tiredness, the busyness, the demands....may you be reminded of what a privilege it is to be a mother. Let your children know how much you love them!

If you're in the Aberdeen area, I (Gloria) will be ministering at First Assembly of God with a Mother's Day message that starts at 10:30 a.m. We'd love to see you there!



{ Quote }

"If you have a mom, there is nowhere you are likely to go where a prayer has not already been."

~Robert Brault


{ Chuckle/Reflection }

Brittany (age 4) had an ear ache and wanted some medicine... She tried in vain to take the lid off the bottle. Seeing her frustration, her Mom explained it was a child-proof cap and she'd have to open it for her. Eyes wide with wonder, the little girl asked: 'How does it know it's me?'


 { Recipe }
Fanny Farmer Candy


3 (6 oz.) pkg. chocolate chips

2 tsps. Vanilla

½ lb. soft butter or margarine

2 cups nuts

4 ½ cups sugar

1 can Carnation milk

Put the first four ingredients in mixing bowl. Place sugar and milk in a heavy saucepan. Bring to a boil for 9 minutes. Stir constantly. Pour over bowl of chocolate chips mixture. Put in a 9x13 buttered pan.


{ Household Hint }



For a fresh-smelling fridge, keep one of the following in it:

A box of baking soda

A can filled with charcoal

Dried coffee grounds

A cotton ball soaked in vanilla extract


Here we are in the great windy state of Kansas. I feel like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz! In fact, we are just about 30 miles from Woodrow Kansas where the story took place. The wind literally pushed us in here. We drove in the night before the 100+ tornados hit the state, but praise God we are in the very northern part, in the panhandle, in Hugoton where we escaped the wrath of the weather. God is so good. I am really a chicken when it comes to dodging storms in a 45 foot motor home, pulling our car. Larry knows that when we hit the road, I live by the weather channel and prayer!

{April 18, 2012 }
Here we are in the great windy state of Kansas. I feel like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz! In fact, we are just about 30 miles from Woodrow Kansas where the story took place. The wind literally pushed us in here. We drove in the night before the 100+ tornados hit the state, but praise God we are in the very northern part, in the panhandle, in Hugoton where we escaped the wrath of the weather. God is so good. I am really a chicken when it comes to dodging storms in a 45 foot motor home, pulling our car. Larry knows that when we hit the road, I live by the weather channel and prayer!
Rev. Bill & Linda Lowder
We've had an exciting, action-packed two weeks again. We did Easter Sunday at Apache Junction, Arizona with Pastor Bill and Linda Lowder.
Foothills A/G altar call

Dub & Pam Wiedeman with Larry

In the morning service, a gentleman named Dub walked up to us with his eyes filled with tears, smiled and said, "Larry, thank you for praying for me a few days ago. I have been suffering for years with a disease and I haven't been able to go anywhere and haven't been in church in 5 years.When you prayed for me, I felt God definitely touch me and I'm healed. I'm so happy to be in church this morning.Your Easter service was just wonderful."
Rev. Mack & Jennetta Barnard
From Arizona we drove into Albuquerque, New Mexico. It was good to be back with Pastor Mack and Jennetta Barnard. Their hospitality is so refreshing and we are so thankful as they take time to mentor us.
"Thank you Larry and Gloria for your music and your message on witnessing to the Lost. We needed and appreciated that. Thank you for your faithfulness all these many years."
Rev. J. Mack Barnard
Trinity Family Church
Albuquerque, NM
Pastor Pam Peachey
After New Mexico we make the trek to Kansas. Last Sunday, we were at My Father's House in Hugoton, KS. It was a joy and privilege to work with Pastor Pam Peachey for the first time, and hopefully, it won't be the last. She totally radiates joy and is a spark plug for Christ.
In 1971, the Lundstroms held a city-wide crusade in Hugoton where hundreds came to Christ, thus beginning a continued revival where several adult and teen Bible Studies began. So many people told us that Hugoton has never been the same.
Hugoton, KS altar call
altar call counselor, Glenda
On Sunday, at My Father's House, the altar was lined with several making decision for Christ. Glenda, who was in charge of counseling and follow up, came forward to receive Christ in 1971 as a teenager. She then got plugged in and has been a missionary and has worked for several ministries since. We thank God for her and the many who still faithfully serve the Lord they came to know at that outreach in 1971.
Gloria and Janet Stutz
Thank you to Janet Stutz who is responsible for bringing us back into Hugoton. Because of your efforts, many lined the altar last Sunday to give their hearts to Christ or make a rededication of their life.
Paul & Daisy Grewell
We would also like to give a special thanks to Paul and Daisy Grewell for helping to bring us in Hugoton and allowing us to park our motor home at their farm where it was safe from the storms. Thank you for your wonderful hospitality for all these years.
We just have to share this story of true determination:
Carol Widman
Carol Widman, from Wichita Kansas, who came to the Lord under the Lundstrom ministry years ago was determined to come and see us...
Saturday night, April 14th, a massive tornado moved through Wichita, Kansas where she lives. She was in her basement until the tornados passed, which was about 2:00 am. Carol got up at 5 am and drove 5 hours to Hugoton, Kansas for our 10:30 am service. When I saw her walk in, I just wept because I knew the sacrifice it was for her to be there. Carol wept with tears of joy, "I just had to come and see you. I love you so much and you've been such an inspiration to me and also to my husband who passed away a couple years ago. Your newsletters and personal notes have kept me going and encouraged me. Your service this morning was so precious. I loved your music, humor and your ministry together. It was worth the effort to come all this way to see you."
Larry's Angels:
We love young people and children. Here are 3 that stole our hearts in Hugoton, among the many who were there. Here is a note from Marissa, Madison and Mariana Shuck, "We really like your music and you two singing together and we really like it when Larry told us funny jokes.Thanks for coming."
Marissa, Madison & Mariana
We have a service in Hill City, KS tonight and then it's off to Nebraska for a service in St. Paul. We'll be ending the month in Wagner, SD. I can hardly believe it's almost May! Have a great couple of weeks until we chat again!

{ Quote }

"Storms make the oak grow deeper roots.

- George Herbert

{ Chuckle/Reflection }
Spotted in Seattle: a motorhome towing a small car with this sign on its back window:
"I'm a good car. I go where I'm towed to go."
Seattle Times

{ Pic of the Week }
The Century Cactus...
While in Arizona - I noticed this unusual breathtaking, beautiful blooming cactus in my brother, Larry's, yard. It literally stopped me in my tracks as I said, "It is so beautiful." He responded, "Yes it is. That spike with all the flowers literally sprung up over night, and you can see how tall it is. It grows in a few hours up to heights of 28 feet and then blossoms." He continued, "When you see the blossom Gloria, it's a sign of impending death for the cactus. The century cactus can live up to 30-50 years, but it will bloom only once, then dies. You never know when the cactus will bloom between 1 and 30-50 years. But if you are patient, and looking, you may be blessed to experience that event. He told me that the cactus blooms, then it dies and leans over because it's filled with seeds.
The winds carry the seeds away and new cactus will grow.

After I saw and heard that, I prayed, "Lord, it's my prayer that I will continue to grow strong and when that day comes for me to come home to heaven, I pray that during that time my life and testimony will zoom and bloom that when I die, the legacy and seeds of my life will scatter and bring forth much spiritual fruit, especially in my children and grandchildren's lives. I was so happy I got to experience the event of seeing the blossoms that only last a few hours of the plants lifetime.

{ Recipe }

Candy Meltaway Bars
1 roll (16.5 oz) refrigerated chocolate chip cookies

13 bars (fun-size) milk chocolate-covered nougat and caramel candy, unwrapped, cut into 1/4-inch-thick slices

½ cup crushed Golden Grahams type cereal

½ cup chopped walnuts, pecans or peanuts

Heat oven to 375°F. In ungreased 13x9-inch pan, break up cookie dough. With floured fingers, press dough evenly in bottom of pan to form crust. Bake 12 to 15 minutes or until golden brown.

Arrange candy evenly over crust. Bake 3 to 4 minutes longer or until candy softens. Meanwhile, in small bowl, mix cereal and walnuts. With spatula or knife, quickly spread candy evenly over crust. Sprinkle evenly with cereal mixture; press in slightly. Cool completely, about 30 minutes.

{ Household Hint }

Before you pour sticky substances into a measuring cup, fill with hot water. Dump out the hot water, but don't dry cup. Next, add your ingredient, such as peanut butter, and watch how easily it comes right out.

Sunday, March 18th we were invited and very excited to sing and preach at the Cowboy Church in Wickenburg, Arizona. From the minute we hit the city limits of the historical Old West town, we felt an air of excitement come over us. Early Sunday morning we set up our equipment at the local movie theatre where services are held- people began to flow in from the streets filling the theatre seats.

{March 28, 2012 }

"How sweet it is!" That one-liner from an old sitcom, the Honeymooners, that played many years ago best describes the last two services we've ministered at.

Sunday, March 18th we were invited and very excited to sing and preach at the Cowboy Church in Wickenburg, Arizona. From the minute we hit the city limits of the historical Old West town, we felt an air of excitement come over us. Early Sunday morning we set up our equipment at the local movie theatre where services are held- people began to flow in from the streets filling the theatre seats. Pastor Wes Walton stood up on the stage, totally fit and dressed in his sharp Western attire - hat, boots and personality plus as he exuberantly introduced us... and away we went. "What a ride!"
When Larry presented the altar call for those "who don't know when they die if they would go to heaven" the response was wonderful. Over 50 stepped forward to make a decision for Christ. Pastor Wes approached us afterwards as we were packing up the equipment. With all the excitement in his voice of someone who had just won the rodeo championship, he declared, "People got saved here today!"
Altar call at Wickenburg, AZ
Pastor Wes, Sid and Larry
 Pastor Wes Walton
Pastor Wes called us this afternoon and shared this:

"Larry and Gloria, we have been praying for revival and we believe God brought you here to start it in Wickenburg. So many lives were changed. A dear lady called me and said, 'Oh pastor, I've prayed all my life for my husband to get saved. When Larry had the altar call, my husband gave his heart to Christ. God finally answered my prayers." Then she added, "A couple days after the service, it was 6:30 am, and I couldn't figure out where my husband went. There he was in the living room reading the Bible. I'd never seen him read the Bible before. He had started in the New Testament and was already in chapter 28 of Matthew.'"

 That's what you call, being changed by the power of God. It's always thrilling for Larry and I to just stand back and watch what God does and have a small part in people committing their lives to Him.

 Penny & Sid Arthur

We would like to mention Penny and Sid, as they were responsible for our opportunity in Wickenburg, AZ. We met Penny and Sid in Montana last October and they said, "You've just got to come to our Cowboy Church in Wickenburg, Arizona". We want to thank them for making that possible.


It was also "sweet" to see the same excitement at the altar call at Harvest Church in Glendale last Sunday, March 25th. Our pastor friends, Ron and Sue Rockwell pastor this exciting and growing church. The worship team of singers and musicians fill the stage. What a sight - then the anointed worship began. You literally felt you were going to have to ministering at Harvest Churchhold onto your chair because the worship was so awesome as it drew us in to the presence of God. If you live in the Glendale/Peoria, Arizona area, don't miss a chance to visit there and to experience this dynamic church. I guarantee you will be challenged, blessed and changed before you walk out of the church doors.  We were so thrilled to feel a multicultural spirit at Harvest Church as they embrace friends from other countries who are attending there. We respect Pastor Ron and Sue so much and we love their compassion for the hurting and lost.

we love our friends who represent other countries!

Altar call at Glendale, AZ
Pastor Ron & Sue Rockwell
"What a joy it was to have Larry and Gloria in service with us here at Harvest Church. What a tremendous impact their life, their music, their genuine love for people, and their desire for souls has on our church family. We praise God for the number of new births in Christ! We're so grateful to be called friends of this ministry."
Rev. Ron & Sue Rockwell
Harvest Church
Glendale, AZ
Gloria with the Dethmers
"It was such a delight to have the opportunity to attend Harvest Church in Glendale, AZ on Sunday, March 25th and hear you minister once again. We have followed your ministry since 1979 when the entire Lundstrom Team visited our community of Dauphin, Manitoba Canada and 1000 people came to Christ, many of whom are still serving the Lord, and we attend church together. Thanks for never changing the message while always remaining relevant and current in your presentation."

Love in Jesus,
Hessel & Rhoda Dethmers
We will be here in Arizona for just over a week and we'll be heading into New Mexico...and on and on. We pray that you'll have a wonderful week, sense the presence of God, and remember that God loves you and says that He will never leave you nor forsake you.   





 {Fun & Fellowship Tour Update }
We have had many inquiries about our next Fun & Fellowship Tour. 
So many have requested another trip to
the National Quartet Convention in Louisville, Kentucky that we are planning a tour there this fall. 
The Convention dates are September 9-15th. The dates of the tour will be September 10th through September 17th.
We will be be sending out details later in our newsletter, but
for now, plan to join us this September!

{ Quote }

"The duty of helping one's self in the highest sense involves the helping of one's neighbors."

- Samuel Smiles

 { Chuckle/Reflection }

Puns for Educated Minds

1. No matter how much you push the envelope, it'll still be stationery.

2. A dog gave birth to puppies near the road and was cited for littering.

3. Two silk worms had a race. They ended up in a tie.

4.Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.

5. Atheism is a non-prophet organization.

6. Two hats were hanging on a hat rack in the hallway. One hat said to the other: 'You stay here; I'll go on a head.'

7. I wondered why the baseball kept getting bigger. Then it hit me.

8. Two hydrogen atoms meet. One says, 'I've lost my electron.' The other says 'Are you sure?' The first replies, 'Yes, I'm positive.'

9. A rubber band pistol was confiscated from algebra class, because it was a weapon of math disruption.

10. There was the person who sent ten puns to friends, with the hope that at least one of the puns would make them laugh. No pun in ten did.


{ Pic of the Week  }
 Another day, another cactus! 

{ Recipe }


Chicken Enchiladas

1 chicken, boiled and cut up in small pieces

½ cup milk

2 cans cream of chicken soup

1 (4 oz.) can chopped green chilies

1 cup sour cream

2 ½ cups grated cheddar cheese

Mix soup, sour cream, milk and chilies together. Use 1/3 of soup mixture and mix with chicken. Also use 1 cup grated cheddar cheese. Fill 12 tortillas with meat mixture and roll up. Place in 9x13 inch pan. Add 1 cup of grated cheddar cheese to remaining soup mixture and pour over tortillas. Sprinkle with ½ cup cheddar cheese. Bake, uncovered, at 350 degrees for 40-45 minutes.


{ Household Hint }

Did you know that WD-40 has many household applications?

- restores and cleans chalkboards

- removes lipstick stains

- untangles jewelry chains

- keeps glass shower doors free of water spots

- removes all traces of duct tape


The basic ingredient is fish oil!


Over a year ago our pastor friend, John Brady from First Assembly of God in Minot, North Dakota invited Larry to join him and 8 of his church men on their mission trip to Zimbabwe, Africa. Little did he know how much of a "mission accomplished" would take place.

{March 14, 2012 }
Larry's back! What a delight to see him sauntering through the baggage claim toward me at the Phoenix airport. We hugged and I thanked God for bringing Larry safely back from his 20,000 miles and 44 hours of flight time, which were seated in a middle seat (ouch, I hurt just thinking about it).
Larry and Pastor John Brady
Over a year ago our pastor friend, John Brady from First Assembly of God in Minot, North Dakota invited Larry to join him and 8 of his church men on their mission trip to Zimbabwe, Africa. Little did he know how much of a "mission accomplished" would take place.

After much planning, the trip became a reality on February 28th as Pastor John, evangelist Larry, and eight laymen boarded the plane. The next 10 days were action packed: They erected two tabernacles at two different locations, drilled for water, did major important repair projects, and any other miscellaneous tasks that were needed. Then, on the third day, the team dedicated the two tabernacles. Next, they began a full swing on evangelism and outreach. For the following three days they took time to teach at a bible college, held afternoon street meetings and held three evening services in one of the new tabernacles... plus visiting rural pastors and missionaries. The only thing I can figure that they missed out on is...sleep. Ha!
Minot Zimbabwe team
The marvelous team from Minot Assembly of God that took part in the Zimbabwe Mission, not listed in photo order: Pastor John Brady, Ryan Storro, Tom Hoff, Drew Wierson, Robbie Perlichek, Jon Squires, Kyle Johnson, Eric Wanner, David Novodvorsky.
Larry doing some street ministry

When Larry got back, he and I sat for 5 hours viewing and sifting through 1,200+ photos on his computer. I was overcome with a flood of emotions as the photos brought me right to Africa. I looked, studied, asked questions, laughed and cried - I was an emotional mess - ha! I was so impressed and challenged by the excitement and joy expressed in the faces of those nine men from Minot who were using their God-given talents to make a difference in the lives of many, 10,000 miles away. I wept when I saw the excitement of the rural African people as they squealed while watching the beams going up for a place to worship - - out of the hot sun and weather. My heart was wrenched to see all the needy, hungry children and I couldn't help but marvel at what difference this missions trip would make in their lives and destiny. I was so encouraged looking at the altar calls, watching all those people make decisions for Christ - looking for hope in a lost and hopeless world.
raising the framework for one of the tabernacles
One of the services Larry ministered at

I was moved and challenged by a group of children sitting under the hot sun in the grass for Sunday school (I almost felt guilty and wondered if our U.S. children would do that). I was touched by the dedication of this teacher (in the yellow dress) as she slipped away while the children were in church to bring back a 5 gallon bucket of water for the children to drink. I was told that it's normal for some of those children to walk miles to get water in a 5 gallon bucket to bring back to their home.

Sunday school class


sunday school teacher carrying wateralways the jokster (note: his pail is actually empty!)
a lady carrying a microwave to...somewhere with electricity!
Yes, every emotion of mine was spent; I could go on and on. I wish I could share the 1,200 photos and you could see and experience what occurred during this amazing mission.

Jesus commanded, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation (Mark 16:15)". Larry and I call it a privilege to go and preach. Each one of us has the right and should feel that same privilege every time we can share Christ with someone else.

As you look at the photos, please pray for these people as well as those who live next to you, and that you come in contact with that need the Lord. Have a great week!


P.S. We were blessed to recieve some feedback from our recent rally with Pastor James Brown at Apache Junction First Assembly in Arizona:
Rev. James Brown
"Once again, we were delighted to have Larry and Gloria minister at Apache Junction First Assembly. The music was uplifting and the Word was true. Larry's heart remains focused on winning souls. May the Lord give them many more years of fruitful ministry."

Pastor James Brown
Apache Junction First A/G
Apache Junction, AZ

{Fun & Fellowship Tour Update }
We have had many inquiries about our next Fun & Fellowship Tour.
So many have requested another trip to
the National Quartet Convention in Louisville, Kentucky that we are planning a tour there this fall.
The Convention dates are September 9-15th. The dates of the tour will be September 10th through September 17th.
We will be be sending out details later in our newsletter, but
for now, plan to join us this September!

{ Quote }

"He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often and loved much;
who has gained the respect of intelligent men and the love of little children;
who has filled his niche and accomplished his task;
who has left the world better than he found it, whether by an improved poppy, a perfect poem, or a rescued soul;
who has never lacked appreciation of earth's beauty or failed to express it;
who has always looked for the best in others and given them the best he had..."

- Bessie Stanley




{ Chuckle/Reflection }
Things God won't ask on THAT day
1. God won't ask what kind of car you drove.
He'll ask how many people you drove who didn't have transportation.
2. God won't ask the square footage of your house.
He'll ask how many people you welcomed into your home.
3. God won't ask about the clothes you had in your closet.
He'll ask how many you helped to clothe.
4. God won't ask what your highest salary was.
He'll ask if you compromised your character to obtain it.
5. God won't ask what your job title was.
He'll ask if you performed your job to the best of your ability.
6. God won't ask how many friends you had.
He'll ask how many people to whom you were a friend.
7. God won't ask in what neighborhood you lived.
He'll ask how you treated your neighbors.

8. God won't ask about the color of your skin.
He'll ask about the content of your character.



{ Pic of the Week }
Larry got a kick out of this view at "the end" of a tour...

{ Recipe }

Frosted Trail Mix

4 c. Buy-N-Save sugar frosted flakes cereal
2 c. dry roasted peanuts
2 c. plain chocolate candies
1 c. chopped dried apricots
1 c. raisins

In large bowl combine all ingredients. Store in tightly covered container or plastic bag. Makes about 10 cups.




{ Household Hint }
Sticky iron? Get a piece of wax paper, then sprinkle some table salt on the paper. Heat your iron (without steam) run the iron back and forth on the salt and wax paper. Should take all the build up off. I'm a wimp! Larry's only been gone for 24 hours and I'm already stir crazy without him. We truly are joined at the hip - ha! We took Larry to the Phoenix airport Tuesday morning at 5:15 to catch the first leg of his missions trip to Africa. He arrived in Atlanta, Georgia where he was to meet up with Pastor John Brady and 8 of his men from the Minot First Assembly of God church in North Dakota.

{February 29, 2012 } I'm a wimp! Larry's only been gone for 24 hours and I'm already stir crazy without him. We truly are joined at the hip - ha!

We took Larry to the Phoenix airport Tuesday morning at 5:15 to catch the first leg of his missions trip to Africa. He arrived in Atlanta, Georgia where he was to meet up with Pastor John Brady and 8 of his men from the Minot First Assembly of God church in North Dakota. They all met just minutes before the 15 hour flight. Coming from North Dakota, Pastor John and his group had to deal with travel conditions, which caused plane delays. The whole group was scheduled to leave Atlanta at 7:40 pm. In Larry's last call to me at 7:20 pm, there was a bit of distress in his voice as he said, "Hi honey - Pastor John and his men are frantically running through the Atlanta airport hoping not to miss the flight to Africa." Just the thought of that made myblood pressure rush. Well...I didn't hear anymore from them, so I assumed they got in the plane by a squeak. Their first flight is 15 hours to Johannesburg, Africa and then onto Zimbabwe. Larry has looked forward to this trip for two years.
Yes, honestly, it was a bit hard for me to let him go knowing that he's only 6 months off from his major surgery, but he's been doing well and was geared up and ready to go. I finally had to release him and said, "God, I give Larry to you...he's Yours - all 240 pounds - you've kept him this long and I know You'll protect him." I'll update you more about his trip in the next On the Road update.
Last weekend we were thrilled to have two wonderful services at Apache Junction, Arizona (by Mesa). Dozens of our friends from over 15 states: Alaska, California, New York, Florida, Michigan, Texas and several Midwest states in between, attended. It's amazing and thrilling how many friends we have met and made through the 46 years on the Rev. James Brown and familyroad. So last Sunday was like a big family reunion.
It was a joy to be back with Pastor James Brown and his wife and daughter and the staff at Apache Junction Assembly of God. Pastor James in an upbeat and motivated young pastor that God is using mightily to grow and bless his church and the surrounding area.
With the pressures of life, finances, health problems, relationship issues the altars were lined with those who needed a fresh assurance that God will be with them to live a victorious life.

Altar call at Apache Junction, AZ
On February 10th, while we were in HI Larry and I received this following email:

"Gloria & Sara DimasHi! Hope all is well with you and all that you are doing in the name of the Lord. I just wanted to send my appreciation and thanks. Coming up in about two weeks is my 2 year anniversary for giving my life over to Jesus and accepting Him as my Savior. This all happened during a Sunday morning altar call at Apache Junction First A/G. You spoke the gospel with such a loving heart that I will never forget the feeling of wanting to know "that Jesus" they are talking about. Since then, I have been baptized in water and am now attending a ministry school. Through your obedience, Larry and Gloria, the Lord was able to touch and change my life. I pray the Lord's hands upon your ministry and the anointing of your lips will continue to change the lives of many. God bless you both."


Sara Dimas

Last Sunday, what a joy it was to see Sara seated four rows back along with her mother who prayed so intensely for her daughter.

I read her letter to the congregation and presented her with two roses to celebrate her second spiritual birthday. Sara just overflows with the love of Jesus and is involved in church activities and programs. She has been greatly used of God. It is testimonies like Sara's that keeps us "going and telling" the good news!
I also wanted to share that we've had great feedback on Larry's tract, "The Missing Piece":
Associate Pastor Bob & Gloria Roche
"I really enjoyed Larry's tract, "The Missing Piece". I am not really a tract person, but this one was more of a teaching and explaining the condition of man and how to be saved. I really like it."
Bob Roche
Associate Pastor
Apache Junction A/G
If you would like this tract to share with others we have it available in our Ministry Store, click here:
For smaller quantities please contact our office:

It is our prayer that you will have a great week, blessed by the Lord - peace unto you!


{ Fun & Fellowship Tour Update }
We have had many inquiries about our next Fun & Fellowship Tour.
So many have requested another trip to
the National Quartet Convention in Louisville, Kentucky that we are planning a tour there this fall.
The Convention dates are September 9-15th. The dates of the tour will be September 10th through September 17th.
We will be be sending out details later in our newsletter, but
for now, plan to join us this September!

{ Quote }
A friend knows the song in my heart and sings it to me when my memory fails. ~Donna Roberts

{ Chuckle/Reflection }
Two elderly ladies had been friends for many decades. Over the years they had shared all kinds of activities and adventures. Lately, their activities had been limited to meeting a few times a week to play cards. One day they were playing cards when one looked at the other and said, "Now don't get mad at me ... I know we've been friends for a long time, but I just can't think of your name! I've thought and thought, but I can't remember it. Please tell me what your name is."

Her friend glared at her. For at least three minutes she just stared and glared at her. Finally, she said, "How soon do you need to know?"


{ Pic of the Week }
A view of the snow that's coming into the Midwest...

{ Recipe }

Lazy Man's Caramel Rolls

1 doz. Frozen rolls

1 (3 5/8 oz.) box butterscotch pudding mix

½ cup brown sugar

½ cup butter

Grease a bundt pan and lay the frozen rolls around the bottom. Over this, sprinkle the dry butterscotch pudding mix. Combine melted butter and brown sugar thoroughly; drizzle over the pudding mix. Let rise 7-8 hours or set in evening and bake in morning. Bake at 350 degrees for 30-35 minutes.

{ Household Hint }
Brilliant space-saver: install a tension rod to hang your spray bottles.

Years ago a friend of ours who was struggling with his marriage came to the conclusion and told us, "I found out it's easier to maintain a marriage than restore it." If you've been married one year or fifty years you will know that fact to be true. Of course the best chance of your marriage ever making it is that you are both committed to Christ.

{ February 14, 2012 }
Happy Valentine's Day!
I wanted to send out a special update in honor of Valentine's day and felt that our recent newsletter article was just the thing for it; whether it's to read it for the first time or to have a good read through it again - enjoy!
Larry and I have had an ongoing love affair now going on 46½ years.

Not bad, huh? As you already know, my husband has a sense of humor! After dating for about a year and a half, Larry finally popped the question, in his own fashion, "If you marry me, I'll take you out for lunch!" Of course I accepted, with a chuckle.

Little did I know or could imagine how many lunches would be included in 46½ years on the road. It has been his constant love and confidence in me that has kept me holding tight to the "Red Flyer" wagon of life since we vowed, "I do." I had the flutters thinking about leaving home, parting from my family, getting married and moving into an old 1948 Flex bus, which we bought in 1965. It was an old bus parked at a disaster scene for the state of California. Lundstrom's bought it, and soon it became our disaster and nightmare!

Larry worked under it trying to keep it going about as much as he did behind the wheel driving it! He could have entered the Guinness Book of World Records for removing, tweaking, repairing, and putting the transmission back in the old bucket of bolts while Lowell was preaching. Quickly he would change back into his suit and run back on stage in time for the altar call! I saw Larry live in his work clothes during those years more than in every day attire.

When I was reminiscing about all of this I was reminded that love and marriage is much like that old Flex bus. Marriage requires a lot of tweaking, upkeep, consistent diagnosing of problems, facing them and solving them. I have found out that problems don't just go away.

They have to prayerfully and carefully be dealt with and fixed or you will blow the marital engine in your marriage. I kind of chuckle thinking back that any time our children or I have taken the car somewhere, Larry firmly instructs, "Don't forget to check the oil. Be sure there's enough oil in it or you will burn the engine." That statement resonates to everyone in our family.

Years ago a friend of ours who was struggling with his marriage came to the conclusion and told us, "I found out it's easier to maintain a marriage than restore it." If you've been married one year or fifty years you will know that fact to be true. Of course the best chance of your marriage ever making it is that you are both committed to Christ. The marriage maintenance manual requires honesty, integrity, true forgiveness, open communication, and gifts of encouragement, just to name a few. You also need to share the words "I love you" daily, have a good work ethic, share the work load, throw in a huge dose of humor and a ten minute daily date. I guarantee if you follow some and/or all of these M & Ms (Marriage Menders) your marriage engine will run much more smoothly, it will go a longer distance and it truly will be meaningful. This is what I believe...and I'm sticking to it! HA!

P.S. If you are a "snowbird" {travel south for winter months} and would like to continue to receive our mailed monthly newsletter while you are away from your home, please contact the office at: 605-698-7007. We need your temporary address as the Post Office will not forward our newsletters to you.
{ Quote }

"Love is an act of endless forgiveness, a tender look which becomes a habit."

~Peter Ustinov

{ Chuckle/Reflection }
Infatuation is when you think he's as sexy as Robert Redford, as smart as Henry Kissinger, as noble as Ralph Nader, as funny as Woody Allen, and as athletic as Jimmy Conners. Love is when you realize that he's as sexy as Woody Allen, as smart as Jimmy Connors, as funny as Ralph Nader, as athletic as Henry Kissinger and nothing like Robert Redford - but you'll take him anyway.

{ Recipe }
Fluffy Angel Dessert - from a dear friend, Fern

¼ cup lemon juice

1 can Eagle brand sweetened condensed milk

1 pint cream, whipped

1 angel food cake

1 can cherry pie filling

Add lemon juice and milk to whipped cream. Mix well. Tear angel food cake into pieces. Place ¼ of cake in bottom of trifle bowl. Then ¼ cream mixture. Repeat these layers. Spoon cherry pie filling (1/2 can) after the 2nd layer. Repeat layers. Top with the other half can of cherry pie filling.

© 2004 - 2025 Larry Lundstrom Ministries - All Rights Reserved.