As Election Day nears, I thought it was fitting to share our thoughts from our current newsletter:
I know, I know—I share much of the same feeling you do about the upcoming election! I'm tired of the rhetoric, name calling, slander, lies, accusations and screaming between the candidates, news media and supporters. I often feel like I am watching a boxing match or ugly court case. To be perfectly honest, I'm not 100% sold on either candidate—BUT—we have to understand and realize that America is at the most dangerous crossroads of its existence. I've encountered too many people who have shrugged their shoulders and announced, "I don't like or trust either one so I'm not going to vote!"
In all honesty that, too, is dangerous! I certainly don't completely agree with Trump nor Clinton, but we still have to seriously look at the issues at hand. We know how we feel personally and are sure that there are millions who feel the same way…uneasy, frustrated, troubled. Yet, if those same people choose to NOT go to the polls to vote, we will have CHOSEN to "throw America under the bus." We have too much to lose to not care and to not vote.
Here is the bottom line—we are in an intense battle between good and evil. There is, as you know, a ferocious battle waging. One front of the battle is for the protection of religious rights. I'm weary of Bible-believing Christians being mocked and belittled in the public square. We are loudly accused as being "hateful, mean, bigoted, narrow-minded" plus a myriad of other terms. The secularists in our society seek to redefine the First Amendment, which guarantees that none shall impede the free exercise of religion, as a mere right of worship. In plain speaking, what is being argued is, "If you are going to be single-minded in your pro-life views, your views that marriage is between a man and woman and that fornication (both heterosexual and homosexual) is morally wrong, than you must confine them between the four walls of your sanctuary." Then we are warned, "Don't bring your intolerance into the public square."
Let's take a closer look at that. The society that adopts such a view may be setting the stage for a future day when we, as pastors, evangelists and missionaries, address those issues or other biblical issues, we can be banned from the pulpit and/or risk the punishment (which by the way has already happened in Canada).
Another front of the battle is the future of the Supreme Court? Do you realize there are currently no evangelicals residing on the Supreme Court? We are thankful that evangelicals are one of the largest minorities in the United States, but the fact is our pro-life position and our views on things like marriage are not currently socially acceptable and thus would tend to prevent an appointment to the Supreme Court, appellate courts and district courts. On this issue, among the dozen other issues on the plate, we must consider would our choice of candidate be more likely to appoint those who will uphold the protection of free exercise of religion or erode it further? Here's the truth one must really ponder—the next president will most likely shape the Supreme Court, lower court and resulting culture of America should the Lord tarry.
"First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth." 1 Timothy 2:1-4
Gloria and I are not endorsing either candidate. We just ask you to carefully read and study what each candidate believes, as well as, what their plans are and consider what destination or destruction those plans will take us to. Please go to the polls and vote. Neither one has all the answers to solve all the issues America faces, but a "no vote" can and will affect the future of America for us, our children, grandchildren and generations to come. Pray, pray, pray! Your vote can help turn the tide of our future. America needs Christians to bombard heaven with prayer. What happens in this next election will deeply affect your church and evangelists like us who want to keep spreading the truth of the Gospel.
"And seek the peace of the city where I have caused you to be carried away captive, and pray to the Lord for it; for in its peace you will have peace." Jeremiah 29:7
Blessings to you as we end October!
{ Reflection }
October is Pastor Appreciation Month – so as we are showing the clergy in our life thanks, don't forget those behind the scenes who support them every day:
There is one person in our church
Who knows our pastor's life,
Who weeps and smiles and prays with him –
And that's the pastor's wife.
The crowd has seen him in his strength
When wielding God's sharp sword,
As underneath God's banner's fold
He faced the devil's horde.
But deep within her heart she knows
That scarce the hour before,
She helped him pray the glory down
Behind the closet door.
She's hear him groaning in his soul
When bitter raged the strife,
As, hand in hand, she knelt with him –
For she's the pastor's wife!
You tell your tales of prophets brave
Who marched across the world
And changed the course of history
By burning words they hurled.
And I will tell how back of each
Some woman lived her life;
Who wept with him and smiled with him-
She was the pastor's wife!
- Author Unknown